Alternate Names
Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 50 of 95

Activity Implementation as a Reflection of Living in Balance: The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project

Articles » General
Treena Delormier
Margaret Cargo
Rhonda Kirby
Alex McComber
Joyce Rice
Louise Potvin
Pimatziwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, vol. 1, no. 1, Spring, 2003, pp. 145-163
Study aimed at developing a theoretical framework for implementation of a program of intervention activities.
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Borderlands, Primary Sources, and the Longue Durée: Contextualizing Colonial Schooling at Odanak, Lorette, and Kahnawake, 1600-1850

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas Peace
Historical Studies in Education, vol. 29, no. 1, Revisiting the Histories of Indigenous Schooling and Literacies, Spring, 2017, pp. 8-31
Looks at the deployment of colonial schooling over an Indigenous landscape during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
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Club Native

Media » Film and Video
Rezolution Pictures

Documentary looks at the politics of identity and membership through the lens of the Mohawks of Kahnawake.

Duration: 1:18:13.

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Community Governance of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project, Kahnawake Territory, Mohawk Nation, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Margaret Cargo
Ludie Lévesque
Ann C. Macaulay
Alex McComber
Serge Desrosiers ... [et al.]
Health Promotion International, vol. 18, no. 3, 2003, pp. 177-187
Study examined perceptions of community ownership among project partners taking responsibility for decision-making related to the prevention project.
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Community Governance of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project, Kahnawake Territory, Mohawk Nation, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Margaret Cargo
Lucie Lévesque
Ann C. Macaulay
Alex McComber
Serge Desrosiers
Treena Delormier
Louise Potvin
Health Promotion International, vol. 18, no. 3, September 2003, pp. 177-187
Examines perceptions of community ownership among partners making decisions on behalf of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Project (KSDPP).
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Comparison of the Dietary Intakes of Two Different Groups of Children (Grades 4 to 6) Before and After the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
M. Michelle Jimenez
Olivier Receveur
Mary Trifonopoulos
Harriet Kuhnlein
Gilles Paradis
Ann C. Macaulay
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, vol. 103, no. 9, September 2003, pp. 1191-1194
Survey findings indicated a marked increase in the intake of beverages with white-sugar; overall food intake is a complex matter, but the need for more nutrition education about newly available food items is evident.
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Completing the Circle

Alternate Title
Digital Stories of Caregiving from Kahnawake
Web Sites » Organizations
[University of Ottawa
Canadian Partnership for Cancer
Kateri Memorial Hospital
First Nations University
Centre for Research on Aging & Health
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
Chiefs of Ontario]
Contains links to a series of 24 videos in which Elders, family members and health professions discuss death and end of life care from an Indigenous perspective.
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Complications of Type 2 Diabetes among Aboriginal Canadians: Increasing the Understanding of Prevalence and Risk Factors

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anthony J.G. Hanley
Stewart B. Harris
Mary Mamakeesick
Ken Goodwin
Edith Fiddler
Robert A. Hegele
John R. McLaughlin
Bernard Zinman
Canadian Journal of Diabetes, vol. 27, no. 4, December 2003, pp. 455-463
Expands existing knowledge regarding metabolic and lifestyle risk factors.
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Consumption of Freshwater Fish in Kahnawake: Risks and Benefits

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hing Man Chan
Mary Trifonopoulos
Amy Ing
Olivier Reseveur
Eva Johnson
Environmental Research, vol. 80, no. 2, February 1999, pp. S213-S222
Discusses a 1996-1997 study to research the health risks of contaminant exposure and the correlation to freshwater fish consumption in the Mohawk community of Kahnawake.
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Critical Survival Lessons For Small Business: What Kahnawake Based Entrepreneurs Have Learned

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert J. Oppheimer
Tom O'Connell
Ron Abraira
The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 3, no. 1, Special Issue on Sustainability, Summer, 2002, pp. 89-93
Presents the experiences of five small businesses, all in operation for at least three years, which highlight the need for contingency planning.
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Le Dépistage des Retards de Développement Chez les Jeunes Enfants d’une Communauté des Premières Nations

Alternate Title
[Detecting Developmental Delays in Young Children of a North American Indian Community]
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carmen Dionne
Suzie McKinnon
Jane Squires
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 5, no. 2, 2010, pp. 117-123
Study used a sample of 12 teachers involved with 213 Mohawk children between the ages of 29-60 months who attended the Step by Step Child and Family Center of Kahnawake, Quebec. Goal was to assess the Ages and Stages questionnaire as a culturally appropriate tool to recognize young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties. Article in French.
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Echoes of a Proud Nation: Reading Kahnawake's Powwow as a Post-Oka Text

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Valda Blundell
Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 18, no. 3, [Crossing Borders: Issues in Native Communications], Summer, 1993, pp. [333-350]
Argues that powwows provide the opportunity to display a rich legacy of signifying materials, that can be modified for the changing political winds in Canada.
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Fatal Bridge Collapse Still Resonates in Kahnawake

Alternate Title
Fatal Bridge Collapse Still Resonates in Kahnawá:ke
Fatal Bridge Collapse Still Resonates in Kanawake
Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, August 24, 2007, p. A11
Recounts, on the 100th anniversary of the tragedy, the deaths of 33 people during construction of a bridge across the St. Lawrence River.
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"He Was Neither a Soldier nor a Slave: He Was Under the Control of No Man": Kahnawake Mohawks in the Northwest Fur Trade, 1790-1850

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nicole St-Onge
Canadian Journal of History, vol. 51, no. 1, Spring-Summer, 2016, pp. 1-32
"This article argues that both these long-standing perceptions of Mohawks as men possessing superior skills as woodsmen and imbued with a fierce character informed the Montreal-area hiring practices of large fur trade concerns."
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How Did Adoption Become a Dirty Word? Indigenous Citizenship Orders as Irreconcilable Spaces of Aboriginality

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kahente Horn-Miller
AlterNative, vol. 14, no. 4, Special Issue: Adoption and Indigenous Citizenship Orders, December 2018, pp. 354-364
Examines the complexity of identity and community belonging in the context of the Indian Act, colonial influence, Indigenous kinship systems, contemporary spaces, and the 2016 revision of Kahnawà:ke Law on Membership regarding adoption.
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Impact of a Diabetes Prevention Program On Body Size, Physical Activity, and Diet Among Kanien'keha':ka (Mohawk) Children 6 to 11 Years Old: 8-Year Results From the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gilles Paradis
Lucie Lévesque
Ann C. Macaulay
Margaret Cargo
Alex McComber
et al.
Pediatrics, vol. 115, no. 2, February 2005, pp. 333-339
Results showed positive effects on skinfold thickness, but not on body mass index (BMI), physical activity or diet over the study period.
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Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project

Web Sites » Organizations
Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project
Website contains links to: scholarly information, information on the elderly, a children's corner, the code of ethics for the organization and information on a training program, with diabetes prevention workshops.
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The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project: Intervention, Evaluation, and Baseline Results of a Diabetes Primary Prevention Program with a Native Community in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ann C. Macaulay
Gilles Paradis
Louise Potvin
Edward J. Cross
Chantal Saad-Haddad ... [et al.]
Preventive Medicine, vol. 26, 1997, p. 779–790
Three-year participatory research project involving program taking place in a Mohawk community near Montreal. Program focused on elementary school children, with supporting programs for teachers, families and the community.
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The Land Claim Dispute at Oka

Alternate Title
Background Paper (Library of Parliament, Research Branch) ; BP-235E
Documents & Presentations
Patricia Begin
Wendy Moss
Peter Niemczak
Brief overview of the issues involved and the facts of the 1990 clash between Mohawks from Kanesatake and Kahnawake and the Sûreté du Québec and ultimately the Canadian Armed Forces. Revised version. Originally published September 1990.
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Legitimizing Diabetes as a Community Health Issue: A Case Analysis of an Aboriginal Community in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sherri Bisset
Margaret Cargo
Treena Delormier
Ann C. Macaulay
Louise Potvin
Health Promotion International, vol. 19, no. 3, September 2004, pp. 317-326
Examines how various conditions in Kahnawake gave rise to a prevention program for diabetes which became known as The Kahnawake School Diabetes Prevention Project (KSDPP).
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Mohawk Girls

Media » Film and Video
Tracey Deer
Documentary about the lives of three girls from Kahnawake Reserve and the issues they face. Duration: 62:48. Educational Resource.
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The Native American Entrepreneur and the Mohawk Civil War

Alternate Title
America Haus Munich, April 11-13, 2005, 26th American Indian Workshop
Documents & Presentations
Sandra Busatta
Discusses how the concept of sovereignty, with its accompanying refusal to recognize the international border between Canada and the United States, has led to the illegal activities of groups, such as the Warrior Society, on the St. Regis reservation and the Kahnawake and Kanesatake reserves.
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Our Blood is Sweet: The Wampum Belt Journey

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joe Jacobs
Nancy Gibson
Pimatziwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health, vol. 1, no. 2, Winter, 2003, pp. 59-72
Discussion of the Teiakonekwenhsatsikhe:tare wampum belt, and how it is walked from place to place, to teach the message of living a healthier life style.
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