Alternate Names
Osoyoos Indian Band
British Columbia
British Columbia
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27

8th Fire: Whose Land Is It Anyway?

Alternate Title
Doc Zone ; season 6, episode 15
Eighth Fire: Whose Land is It Anyway?
Media » Film and Video
Michel Philibert
Marie-Claude Pednault
Alfonse Mondello
Hélène Morin
Looks at how the issue of land has effected relationships with Aboriginal people across Canada, citing the James Bay Agreement as an example. Duration: 45:15.
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Addressing the Barriers to Economic Development on Reserve

Documents & Presentations
National Aboriginal Economic Development Board
Three case studies: Community of Membertou in Nova Scotia, Chippewas of Rama First Nation in Ontario, and the Osoyoos Indian Band in British Columbia. Each one reviews a specific project; identifies barriers encountered during development; and where possible, assesses specific transaction costs incurred in overcoming barriers.
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Artful Destination

Articles » General
Lauren Kramer
Canada's History, vol. 93, no. 2, April/May 2013, pp. 62-63
Discusses paintings and drawings created by Aboriginal students during the 1930s and 40s which are held in the Nk'Mip Desert Cultural Centre.
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Chief's Blunt Talk Welcome in Indian Country

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, May 15, 2009, p. A9
Contends that all people should work for a living and that any individual has the capability for success by following a few simple rules. Chief Clarence Louie of the Osoyoos Indian Band in the South Okanagan presents his band as an illustration of this success.
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Corporate Aboriginal Alliances: A Case Study of the Osoyoos Indian Band

Alternate Title
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005
[AGSE International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Exchange ; 32nd, 2005]
Documents & Presentations
Bob Kayseas
Kevin Hindle
Robert B. Anderson
Ronald D. Camp
Looks at the success of the Osoyoos Indian Band Development Corporation (OIBDC).
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Depicting Canada's Children

Alternate Title
Iconography of the Child in Early Quebec Art
Shaping Modern Boyhood: Indian Lore, Child Psychology, and the Cultural Landscape of Camp Ahmek
Haunted: First Nations Children in Residential School Photography
Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada
Healthy Bodies, Strong Citizens: Okanagan Children’s Drawings and the Canadian Junior Red Cross
François-Marc Gagnon
Abigail A. Van Slyck
Sherry Farrell Racette
Carol Payne
Jaqueline Reid-Walsh ... [et al.]

See: Iconography of the Child in Early Quebec Art (p. 3); Shaping Modern Boyhood: Indian Lore, Child Psychology, and the Cultural Landscape of Camp Ahmek (p. 27); Haunted: First Nations Children in Residential School Photography (p. 49); and Healthy Bodies, Strong Citizens: Okanagan Children’s Drawings and the Canadian Junior Red Cross (p. 279).

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Dissecting Internal Community Barriers and Subsequent Devaluation of Indigenous Graduates

Alternate Title
Dissecting Internal Community Barriers and Subsequent Devaluation of Indigenous Graduates: A Discussion on Stereotypes, Knowledge, Power and Social Space Based on an
Articles » General
Ethan Baptiste
Indigenous Policy Journal , vol. 21, no. 4, Winter, 2010
Looks at the issue of recently graduated Indigenous students not returning to their community after degree completion.
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An Empirically Justified Theory of Successful Indigenous Entrepreneurship: Case Study of the Osoyoos Indian Band

Alternate Title
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: Proceedings of the Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange
[AGSE International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Exchange ; 3rd, 2006]
E-Books » Chapters
Bob Kayseas
Kevin Hindle
Robert B. Anderson

Focuses on the Band's approach to governance, land use and cultural development. 

Paper from Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: Proceedings of the Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange.

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Indian Record (Vol. 33, No. 7-8, July-August, 1970)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Indigenous Communities and Social Enterprise in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ushnish Sengupta
Marcelo Vieta
J. J. McMurtry
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 104-123
Looks at Indigenous social enterprise in its current state and historical context, gender leadership, and the importance of culture as an element in the “quadruple bottom line”. Also provides three case studies: Membertou Band, Osoyoos Indian Band, and Native Canadian Centre of Toronto.
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Interview with Chief Louie, Osoyoos First Nation, British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Clarence Louie
Sherry Baxter
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 6, no. 1, Fall , 2008, pp. 3-7
Discusses past and current economic development projects and importance of partnerships, business relationships, financing, checks and balances, and feasibility studies.
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Journey to Economic Independence: BC First Nations' Perspectives

Documents & Presentations
Ted Williams
Terry Bootsman
Examines the successes and struggles of First Nations communities in economic development and summarizes the key findings identified by participant First Nations that are making progress toward building and attaining sustainable economies in their communities.
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Just Deserts

Articles » General
Cinda Chavich
Canadian Geographic, vol. 122, no. 1, January/February 2002, p. 22
Discussed the Inkameep Vineyard in Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, operated by the Osoyoos Indian Band.
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Many Hands ... One Spirit: Promising Practices in First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care: Mental Health Services

Documents & Presentations
Canadian Home Care Association
Case studies listed under three themes: collaboration, integration / linkages, and awareness. Programs from eight communities are highlighted: Osoyoos Indian Band, Kainai Home Care, Indian Brook, Battlefords Tribal Council Indian Health Services Inc., Sagkeeng First Nation, Walpole Island, Kitigan Zibi, and Kwanlin Dun.
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The Nk’Mip Cellars: Wine and Wine Tourism with an Indigenous Flavour

Documents & Presentations
Robert B. Anderson
Scott McGillivray
Robert J. Giberson
Explores the Osoyoos Indian Band Aboriginal alliances with non-Aboriginal companies and their approach to economic development; and looks at the Nk’Mip Project including an overview and potential of the wine, cultural and eco tourism industries.
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Osoyoos Indian Band v. Oliver (Town), [2001] 3 S.C.R. 746, 2001 SCC 85

Alternate Title
Osoyoos Indian Band Appellant v. The Town of Oliver and Her Majesty The Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia Respondents [...]
Documents & Presentations
Supreme Court of Canada
Dispute involving reserve land taken for the public purpose of an irrigation canal.
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Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations

Alternate Title
Policy Paper (Atlantic Institute for Market Studies)
[Policy Series (Frontier Centre for Public Policy) ; no. 189]
Documents & Presentations
Tom Flanagan
Lee Harding
Examines practices of 21 First Nations who scored highly on Department of Indian and Northern Affairs' 2011 Community Well-being Index. Used data related to incomes, labour market participation, educational achievement and housing quality.
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