Displaying 801 - 830 of 830

Volunteers Played Key Role at TRC Event in Saskatoon

Articles » General
Andréa Ledding
Eagle Feather News, vol. 15, no. 7, July 2012, p. 15
Highlights a volunteer of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's national event. Article located by scrolling to page 15.
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Wagon to Pion-Era

Images » Photographs
Thomas R. Melville-Ness
Horse drawn wagon carrying Aboriginal people in traditional dress to Pion-Era, Saskatoon, SK, 1957.
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Wagon Train of Red River Carts

Images » Photographs
A photograph, probably taken in Saskatoon in early 20th century, of a train of Red River Carts and other wagons.
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Wanuskewin Heritage Park Connects to School Curriculum

Articles » General
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 9, September 2011, p. 2
Comments on the educational programs available at the park which include Tipi Raising, Bison Jump and guided trail walks that tie into school curriculums. Article found by scrolling to page 2.
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Wanuskewin Oct 8th 2000. - Slide.

Images » Photographs
Hans S. Dommasch (photographer)
Scenic view of Wanuskewin in winter with bulrushes and water in background.

Historical note:

The Wanuskewin Heritage Park is located northeast of the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It opened in June 1992, after three years of planning for a park that would not only preserve centuries of cultural heritage, but also help build a bridge between First Nations and non-First Nations people of the province.
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Wanuskewin Welcomed Thousands for National Aboriginal Day

Articles » General
Creeson Agecoutay
Eagle Feather News, vol. 15, no. 7, July 2012, p. 12
Profile of a mother and daughter jingle bell dancing team who performed at National Aboriginal Day. Article located by scrolling to page 12.
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Wanuskewin Welcomes TRC National Gathering in Saskatoon From June 20-21

Alternate Title
Wanuskewin Welcomes Truth and Reconciliation Commission National Gathering
Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 15, no. 6, June 2012, pp. A-3
Looks at the plans for the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Wanuskewin Heritage Park in conjunction with National Aboriginal Day. Article located by scrolling to page A-3.
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Was Half-Naked Indian Inspiration for Act of Elusion?

Articles » General
Mike Gosselin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 10, October 2009, p. 24
Comments on the character in the movie Wayne's World 2 as spurring an idea for the Saskatchewan playwright to finish an earlier version of his script Act of Elusion. Article located by scrolling to page 24.
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WAYES Works to Connect Youth and the Business Sector

Alternate Title
Women and Youth Entrepreneurship Symposium Works to Connect Youth and the Business Sector
Articles » General
Mike Gosselin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 5, May 2008, p. 17
Looks at the first annual symposium designed to match skilled workers with employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Article located by scrolling to page 17.
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We Are All Treaty People

Articles » General
Becky Sasakamoose Kuffner
Smita Garg
Canadian Issues, Aboriginal Immigrant Relations Today, Summer, 2012, pp. 26-29

Comments on initiatives in the City of Saskatoon to bring together Aboriginal people, newcomers and the mainstream population through recreation, culture and business. To access article scroll to p. 26.

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We Need to Return to the Principles of Wahkotowin

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Articles » General
Maria Campbell
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 11, November 2007, p. 5
Looks at the importance of honoring and respecting relationships with humans and animals and the good that will come of this. Article located by scrolling to page 5.
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The West Coast (Nootka) People

Book Reviews
Alan D. McMillan
BC Studies, no. 62, 1984, pp. 68-71
Book review of: The West Coast (Nootka) People by E. Y. Arima. Scroll down to page 68 to read review.
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William Bleasdell Cameron

Images » Photographs
Reg Taylor
A portrait photograph of William Bleasdell Cameron at the age of 82.

Historical note:

This photograph is part of a collection of images used by Reg Taylor of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix in an article he wrote which featured William Bleasdell Cameron, a survivor of the so-called Frog Lake Massacre, 2 April 1885.
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Winter Games a Cool Experience

Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 13, no. 4, April 2010, p. 1,27,28
Comments on the opening ceremonies of the 2010 First Nation Winter Games, and the logistics of hosting such a large event. Article found on page 1 and by scrolling to pages 27-28.
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Women dressed in traditional attire

Images » Photographs
Leonard A. Hillyard
A photograph of nine Kinsmen with two Native women dressed in traditional attire on April 26, 1950. First of series B 4014-19.

Historical note:

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Working Together to Improve Health Care

Articles » General
Darla Read
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 5, May 2008, p. 10
Looks at a partnership developed to help Aboriginal people, both on and off-reserve, have healthier lifestyles. Article located by scrolling to page 10.
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Young Dr. J. H. C. Willoughby

Images » Photographs
Thompson and Son
A vignette portrait of young Dr. J. H. C. Willoughby, prominent early Saskatoon doctor, realtor and community worker, who came here in 1883. He testified at Riel's trial 28 July 1885.
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Youth Co-op Meeting Needs

Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 2, February 2008, p. 12
Looks at the Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op program in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and its success. Article located by scrolling to page 12.
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Youths Find Jobs in Urban Art Program

Articles » General
Blue Pelletier
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 12, December 2009, p. 15
Comments on a program aimed at helping youth find employment and build personal development through art. Article located by scrolling to page 15.
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Zenon Pohorecky and an unidentified Native? Man

Images » Photographs
CFQC Staff
Zenon Pohorecky and an unidentified man in CFQC studio. Unidentified man is possibly Native. Part of a series of 7 photographs that also show Greg Barnsley. Television cameras and sound equipment can be seen in other photographs.

Historical note:

Prof. Zenon Pohorecky was an anthropologist and head of the University of Saskatchewan's Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology. He became an expert on North American Indian Rock Art and worked on behalf of Saskatchewan's Aboriginal causes.
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The Zepp/Varga Collection of Inuit Art

Media » Film and Video
University Archives and Special Collections
University of Saskatchewan
Norman Zepp narrates introduction to unique collection of 250 works of art from the Historic, Classic and Contemporary periods. The collection includes archival material of Inuit art and artists with photographs, slides, interviews, correspondence and exhibition catalogues. Collection has been certified as Canadian cultural property recognizing the collection for its outstanding significance and national importance. Duration:18:22.
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