Preserving Inuit Cultural Traditions Through Tourism in Arviat, Nunavut, Canada

Alternate Title
International Travelers’ Philanthropy Conference ; 3rd, 2011
Documents & Presentations
Mike Robbins
Describes development and key components of the Arviat Community Ecotourism initiative, which is designed to sustain culture and traditions while providing economic opportunities and building community capacity.
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Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia Duodenalis in Diarrhoeic Patients in the Qikiqtani Region, Nunavut, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Asma Iqbal
David M. Goldfarb
Robert Slinger
Brent R. Dixon
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, 2015, p. article no. 27713
Looks at two protozoan parasites in diarrhoeic patients to better understand the burden of illness and the potential mechanisms of transmission.
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Prevalence of Asthma and Risk Factors for Asthma-like Symptoms in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Children in the Northern Territories of Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zhiwei Gao
Brian H. Rowe
Carina Majaesic
Cindy O'Hara
A. Senthilselvan
Canadian Respiratory Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, April 2008, pp. 139-145
When compared to non-Aboriginal children, results show Aboriginal children have a lower occurrence of diagnosis by a health professional but similar instances of asthma like symptoms.
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A Primer on Nunavut

Documents & Presentations
Office of the Senior Judge
Designed to acquaint visiting Deputy Judges with information on prevailing socio-economic conditions. 5th edition.
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Principal Leadership for Indigenous Student Success in Canada: Student, Parent, and Community Relationships

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jane Preston
Tim Claypool
William Rowbuck
Brenda Green
International Studies in Educational Administration, vol. 46, no. 3, 2018, pp. 3-23
Analyzes of the internal and external educational relationships between educators and students can lead to Indigenous students success in Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Nunavut.
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Profile of Homelessness in Nunavut: Full Report

Documents & Presentations
Cassandra Vink
Study consisted of point-in-time homeless count, survey of those experiencing homelessness, consultations with key stakeholders, and information-gathering in gateway communities outside the territory.
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Project Naming

Web Sites » Governmental
Libary and Archives Canada
Project seeks help to identify the Inuit people whose photographs were taken by various photographers from the late 1800s to 1950. Includes canned photos, some explanatory audio and video material. Users are invited to submit names of individuals recognized.
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Promising Practices in Suicide Prevention across Inuit Nunangat

Alternate Title
NISPS Research and Data Collection Project
Documents & Presentations
Firelight Research
Study includes results of literature review, working group and key informant interviews, and an environmental scan of actions and interventions. Focus is on Inuit youth and report is organized around six topic areas: links between childhood adversity and suicide, and promising practices with respect to addressing child sexual abuse, social emotional development, safe shelters, current supports within the justice system, and parenting and family support programs.
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Promising Practices in Suicide Prevention across Inuit Nunangat: NIPSPS Research and Data Collection Project

Documents & Presentations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Reports results of environmental scan which involved a literature review of both grey and academic publications, a series of key informant interviews with 20 individuals working in the field. Six topic areas are covered: links between childhood adversity and suicide and promising practices for addressing child sexual abuse, social emotional development, safe shelters focusing on children and youth, current supports in the justice system, and parenting and family support programs.
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Protecting Embers to Light the Qulliit of Inuit Learning in Nunavut Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joanne Tompkins
Alexander McAuley
Fiona Walton
Études/Inuit/Studies, vol. 33, no. 1-2, Education and Transmission of Inuit Knowledge in Canada, 2009, pp. 95-113
Reports on the first Inuit women to graduate from Nunavut's graduate degree program, Master of Education in Leadership and Learning.
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Protecting Embers to Light the qulliit of Inuit Learning in Nunavut Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joanne Tompkins
Alexander McAuley
Fiona Walton
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 33, no. 1-2, Éducation et Transmission des Savoirs Inuit au Canada / Education and Transmission of Inuit , 2009, pp. 95-113
Discusses program delivered in Nunavut from 2006-2009 which produced 21 graduates. Summarizes history, development, and evaluation of program.
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A Psychological Autopsy Study of Suicide among Inuit in Nunavut: Methodological and Ethical Considerations, Feasibility and Acceptability

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eduardo Chachamovich
Jack Haggarty
Margaret Cargo
Jack Hicks
Laurence J. Kirmayer
Gustavo Turecki
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, 2013, p. article no. 20078
Study findings conducted on 498 individuals in 22 communities suggest that the psychological autopsy method can be correctly employed in Inuit populations.
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Putting Co-operative Principles into Practice: Lessons Learned from Canada's North

Alternate Title
Putting Cooperative Principles into Practice: Lessons Learned from Canada's North
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Isobel Findlay
Review of International Co-operation, vol. 99, no. 1/2, 2006, pp. 44-52
Looks at how co-operative principles can impact northern Indigenous communities. Article in issue PDF scroll down to page 44.
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Qallunaat Crossing: The Southern-Northern Divide and Promising Practices for Canada's Inuit Young People

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shannon Moore
Wende Tulk
Richard Mitchell
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 2, no. 1, 2005, pp. 117-129
Describes the challenges faced by non-Inuit teachers and communities in a cross-cultural educational setting and suggests that teachers would benefit from learning about Inuit culture before beginning to teach.
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Qapirangajuq: Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change

Media » Film and Video
Igloolik Isuma Productions
Kunuk Cohn Productions
Zacharias Kunuk
Ian Mauro
Norman Cohn
Stéphane Rituit ... [et al.]
Leaders, Elders and hunters speak about the social and ecological impact of warming in the Arctic. In Inuktitut with English subtitles. Duration: 54:07.
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Qikiqtamiut Cookbook

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 51
[Lisi Kavik
Miriam Fleming]
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(Re)settlement, Displacement, and Family Separation: Contributors to Health Inequality in Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gwen Healey
The Northern Review, no. 42, Northern Inequalities - Global Processes, Local Legacies, 2016, pp. 47-68
Looks at effects on health of Inuit families caused by intergenerational trauma of settlement relocation, required attendance in residential school, and the evacuation during the tuberculosis epidemic during the 1950s and 1960s.
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[Recensions/Book Reviews]

Book Reviews
Frédéric Laugrand
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, The Influence of Marcel Mauss, 2006, pp. 228-230
Review of: Inuit Qaujimaningit Nanurnut: Inuit Knowledge of Polar Bears : A Project of the Gjoa Haven Hunters' and Trappers' Organization by Darren Keith, with Jerry Arqviq, Louie Kamookak, Jackie Ameralik and the Gjoa Haven Hunters' and Trappers' Organization. Review in French.
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Recensions / Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Thibault Martin
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, Le Tourisme dans l Artique / Tourism in the Arctic, 2012, pp. [227]-230
Review of Géopolitique d’une Ambition Inuite: Le Québec Face à son Destin Nordique by Éric Canobbio. Review in French.
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[Recensions/Books Reviews]

Book Reviews
Benoit Ethier
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 30, no. 1, Problématiques des Sexes / Gender issues, 2006, pp. 187-189
Review of CD-ROM: When the Weather is Uggianaqtuq: Inuit Observations of Environmental Change by Shari Fox. Review in French.
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Reciprocal Inuit and Western Research Training: Facilitating Research Capacity and Community Agency in Arctic Research Partnerships

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Priscilla Ferrazzi
Peter Christie
Djenana Jalovcic
Shirley Tagalik
Alanna Grogan
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 77, 2018, p. article no. 1425581
Discusses two three-day cross-cultural research training workshops held in the Nunavut communities of Arviat and Iqaluit.
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