[Nunavut Population Estimates by Sex, Age Group, Region and Community, 2018 (3 tables)]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Female Population Estimates by Age Group, Region and Community, 2018, as of July 1
Nunavut Total Population Estimates by Age Group, Region and Community, 2018, as of July 1
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Based on 2011 Census counts adjusted for net census undercoverage. Source: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, Special Tabulations.
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Nunavut Population Estimates by Sex and Marital Status, 2001 to 2017 (3 tables)

Alternate Title
Nunavut Female Population Estimates by Marital Status, 2001 to 2017, as of July 1
Nunavut Male Population Estimates by Marital Status, 2001 to 2017, as of July 1
Nunavut Total Population Estimates by Marital Status, 2001 to 2017, as of July 1
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Based on 2011 Census counts adjusted for net census undercoverage. Source: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, CANSIM (Canadian Socio-economic Information Management System) table #051-0042.
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Nunavut Population Estimates by Sex and Single Years of Age, 1996 to 2017 (3 tables)

Alternate Title
Nunavut Female Population Estimates by Single Years of Age, 1996 to 2017, as of July 1
Nunavut Male Population Estimates by Single Years of Age, 1996 to 2017, as of July 1
Nunavut Total Population Estimates by Single Years of Age, 1996 to 2017, as of July 1
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Based on 2011 Census counts adjusted for census net undercoverage. Source: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, CANSIM ( Canadian Socio-economic Information Management System) table #051-0001.
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[Nunavut Population Estimates by Sex, Region and Community, 2001to 2018 (3 tables)]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Female Population Estimates by Region and Community, 2001 to 2017, as of July 1
Nunavut Male Population Estimates by Region and Community, 2001 to 2017, as of July 1
Nunavut Population Estimates by Region and Community, 2001 to 2017, as of July 1
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, Special Tabulations.
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[Nunavut] Population Estimates July 1, 2014

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Nunavut Population by Age Groups and Sex, July 1, 2006 to 2014
Nunavut Population by Age Groups and Sex, July 1, 2014
Nunavut Population, July 1, 2006 to 2014
[Nunavut] Community Populations by Age Groups, July 1, 2014
[Nunavut] Historical Population Estimates
[Nunavut] Males and Females by Age Groups, July 1, 2014
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical tables.
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Nunavut Private and Public Investment, 1999 to 2012 [2 tables]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Private and Public Investment, 1999 to 2012
Nunavut Private and Public Investment, 1999 to 2012: Annual Percent Change
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical tables. Source: Statistics Canada, Capital and Repair Expenditure, CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) table 029-0005. Data for 2011 is preliminary actual and 2014 data are intentions.
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Nunavut Public and Private Sector Health Expenditures by Use of Funds, 1999 to 2017 (4 tables)

Alternate Title
Nunavut Percent of Total Health Expenditures by Use of Funds and Sector 1999 to 2017
Nunavut Private Sector Health Expenditures by Use of Funds 1999 to 2017
Nunavut Public Sector Health Expenditures by Use of Funds, 1999 to 2017
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
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[Nunavut Public School Attendance Rate, 2001-2002 to 2013-2014 (5 tables)]

Alternate Title
Kitikmeot Public School Attendance Rate by Sex and Grade, 2001/2002 to 2013/2014
Kivalliq Public School Attendance Rate by Sex and Grade, 2001/2002 to 2013/2014
Nunavut Public School Attendance Rate by District, Region and Territory, 2001/2002 to 2013/2014
Nunavut Public School Attendance Rate by Sex and Grade, 2001/2002 to 2013/2014
Qikiqtani Public School Attendance Rate by Sex and Grade, 2001/2002 to 2013/2014
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Attendance rate is the percentage of total school days for which students attended school. Source: Nunavut Department of Education's Student Information System.
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Nunavut Public School Enrolment by Community, Region and Territory, 2003-2017 (4 tables)

Alternate Title
Nunavut Public School Enrolment as of September 30, 2003 to 2015
Nunavut Public School Enrolment as of September 30, 2003 to 2017: Annual Percentage Change
Nunavut Public School Full-Time Equivalent Enrolment as of September 30, 2003 to 2017
Nunavut Public School Full-Time Equivalent Enrolment as of September 30, 2003 to 2017: Annual Percentage Change
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Department of Education, Government of Nunavut.
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[Nunavut Public School Enrolment by Grade, 2003 to 2017 (6 tables)]

Alternate Title
Iqaluit Public School Enrolment by Grade as of September 30, 2003 to 2017
Kitikmeot Public School Enrolment by Grade as of September 30, 2003 to 2017
Kivalliq Public School Enrolment by Grade as of September 30, 2003 to 2017
Nunavut Public School Enrolment by Grade as of September 30, 2003 to 2017
Qikiqtani Public School Enrolment by Grade as of September 30, 2003 to 2017 (excluding Iqaluit)
Qikiqtani Public School Enrolment by Grade as of September 30, 2003 to 2017 (including Iqaluit)
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistics. Enrolment is the number of full-time and part-time students registered in school as of September 30th except for 2013 when enrolment was taken on October 31st.
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[Nunavut Public School Truancy Rate, 2001-2002 to 2010-2011 (5 tables)]

Alternate Title
Kitikmeot Public School Truancy Rate by Grade, 2001/2002 to 2010/2011
Kivalliq Public School Truancy Rate by Grade, 2001/2002 to 2010/2011
Nunavut Public School Truancy Rate (%) by District, Region and Territory, 2001/2002 to 2010/2011
Nunavut Public School Truancy Rate by Sex and Grade, 2001/2002 to 2010/2011
Qikiqtaaluk Public School Truancy Rate by Grade, 2001/2002 to 2010/2011
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical tables.
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Nunavut Real GDP by Industry, 2011 to 2018

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Nunavut Real Gross Domestic Product by Industry, 2011 to 2018
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Statistics Canada, System of National Accounts, Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM) table #379-0030.
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Nunavut Residential Construction Investment, 1999 to 2016

Alternate Title
Nunavut Investment in Residential Construction, 1999 to 2016
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Statistics Canada, Residential Construction Investment, CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) Table 026-0013.
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[Nunavut: Rethinking Political Culture]

Book Reviews
Natalia Loukacheva
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 32, no. 2, Franz Boas et les Inuit / Franz Boas and the Inuit, 2008, pp. 190-192
Book review of: Nunavut: Rethinking Political Culture by Ailsa Henderson.
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Nunavut's Child Welfare System

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CECW Information Sheet ; no. 55E
Documents & Presentations
Pamela Gough
Looks at child welfare statistics, the role of the child protection worker and how the system works for Aboriginal children.
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Nunavut's New Suicide Prevention Strategy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 188, no. 7, April 19, 2016, p. E116
Comments on the release of the plan after the minister responsible for suicide prevention resigns.
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Nunavut Secondary School Graduates, 1999 to 2016 (2 tables)

Alternate Title
Nunavut Secondary School Graduates, 1998/99 to 2015/16
Nunavut Secondary School Gross Graduation by Region, 1998/99 to 2015/16
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Department of Education, Government of Nunavut and Statistics Canada, Demography Division, CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) table #051-0001.
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Nunavut Secondary School Graduates by Community, 1999 to 2017

Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Graduates includes students who completed secondary school but excludes those in equivalency or upgrading programs. Number of graduates totaled at end of each calendar year. Source: Department of Education, Government of Nunavut.
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Nunavut Senior Citizen Supplementary Benefit, 2001 to 2017 [2 tables]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Senior Citizen Supplementary Benefit by Community, Region and Territory, 2001 to 2017 [Expenditures]
Nunavut Senior Citizen Supplementary Benefit by Community, Region and Territory, 2001 to 2017 [Recipients]
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Monthly payment made to low-income seniors 60 years of age or older.
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The Nunavut Settlement: A Critical Appraisal

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
William Hamley
International Journal of Canadian Studies, no. 12, Aboriginal Peoples and Canada, Fall, 1995, pp. [221]-234
Reviews opportunities, challenges and difficulties that could arise from implementation of northern land claims. Scroll down to page 221 to read article.
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Nunavut Small Craft Harbours Report

Documents & Presentations
Nunavut Department of Community Development and Transportation
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Findings indicate that seven commercial fishing harbours should be constructed to support Nunavut's emerging commercial fishery.
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Nunavut Social Assistance Expenditures, 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 [2 tables]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Social Assistance Expenditures by Community, Region and Territory, 2004-2005 to 2012-2013
Nunavut Social Assistance Expenditures by Community, Region and Territory, 2004-2005 to 2013-2014: Annual Percentage Change
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical tables. Social assistance expenditures are recorded and presented by fiscal year.
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Nunavut Social Assistance Expenditures 2007-2008 to 2017-2018 [2 tables]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Social Assistance Expenditures by Community, Region and Territory, 2007-2008 to 2017-2018
Nunavut Social Assistance Expenditures by Community, Region and Territory, 2007-2008 to 2017-2018: Annual Percentage Change
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Gives expenditures and annual percentage change.
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Nunavut Social Assistance Recipients, 2005 to 2013 [3 tables]

Alternate Title
Nunavut Social Assistance Recipients by Community, Region and Territory, 2005 to 2013: Number of Recipients
Nunavut Social Assistance Recipients by Community, Region and Territory, 2005 to 2013: Percentage of Total Population
Nunavut Social Assistance Recipients by Community, Region and Territory, 2005-2006 to 2012-2013: Annual Percentage Change
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical table of assistance to meet minimum standard of living. Source: Income Support Division, Department of Family Services, Government of Nunavut.
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Nunavut Social Assistance Recipients, 2009 to 2018

Alternate Title
Nunavut Social Assistance Recipients by Community, Region and Territory, 2009 to 2018
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Statistical table of assistance to meet minimum standard of living. Source: Income Support Division, Department of Family Services, Government of Nunavut.
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Nunavut, Sovereignty, and the Future for Arctic Peoples’ Involvement in Regional Self-Determination

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Heather N. Nicol
Northern Review, no. 37, Special Collection: The Arctic Council, the EU and Polar Politics: Canada, France, Germany, Russia &, Fall, 2013, pp. 127-142
Discusses how global warming has resulted in move from concept of "global north" to focus on nation states' control of resources and economic development. Examines how this change may impact non-state actors involved in Arctic governance.
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Nunavut Suicides a "Public Health Emergency"

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 187, no. 16, November 03, 2015, p. E462
Reports on government and public reaction to a corner's jury report repeating a call for urgent help to combat Nunavut's suicide rate which is 9.8 times that of Canada.
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Nunavut Teachers' Association

Web Sites » Organizations
Nunavut Teachers' Association
Provides links to Information on professional improvement, educator certificate and lesson plan bank.
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Nunavut Territory Established: Inuit Gain New Homeland April 1

Articles » General
Galit Alcalay Sarfaty
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 1, Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination in Mexico, Spring, 1999
Reports on the April 1, 1999 division of the Northwest Territories into two parts, signifying the beginning of the territory of Nunavut.
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