Displaying 251 - 300 of 473

Northern Flood Agreement Case Study in a Treaty Area: Phase II Report: Contemporary Aboriginal Land, Resource and Environmental Regimes Origins, Problems and Prospects: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
P.M. Larcombe
Discusses rights and benefits under the agreement, compares intended to actual implementation, identifies key issues, and makes recommendations for future agreements. Agreement between Canada, Province of Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, and Northern Flood Committee reached as a result of hydro-electric mega project.
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Northern Rivers Ecosystem Iniative: Context and Prevailing Legacy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
William D. Gummer
F. Malcolm Conly
Frederick J. Wrona
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 113, February 2006, pp. 71-85
Goals include watershed initiatives aimed at achieving sustainability and providing reliable drinking water quality.
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On Public Appropriation of Indian Water Rights

Articles » General
Colin J. Gillespie
Resources (Canadian Institute of Resources Law), vol. 18, Special Issue: Legal Issues in Aboriginal Water Rights, Spring, 1987, pp. [4-6]
Discusses the Northern Flood Agreement ("NFA"). Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 4.
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On Saami Claims to Land and Water

Alternate Title
On Sami Claims to Land and Water
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andreas Føllesdal
International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, vol. 8, no. 2/3, Special Issue on Sami Rights in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, 2001, pp. 103-106
Looks at the importance of handling claims politically, the challenges of developing appropriate legislation, historical injustices, and the impact of partial self-governance.
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One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: Province Found to Have Breached Aboriginal Consultation Obligations for Second Time

Alternate Title
[Insights (McMillan LLP)]
Articles » General
Joan M. Young
Melanie J. Harmer
[McMillan Aboriginal Law Bulletin], March 2015, pp. [1]-6
Discusses three key points where the Province failed in the case of Da’naxda’xw/Awaetlala First Nation v. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 2015 BCSC 16.
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Operation Water Spirit

Web Sites » Organizations
Safe Drinking Water Foundation
Collection of K-12 thematic units and lesson plans which focus on Aboriginal culture and perspectives on water and water quality issues faced by reserves.
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Options for Commercial Enterprises in First Nations

Documents & Presentations
John Graham
Heather Edwards
Looks at the framework for developing and evaluating options for First Nations to take charge of economic development in the commercial fishing industry. This article also examines five commercial operations to ascertain how some of the principal concepts and ideas actually ‘work’ in practice.
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Our Place at the Table: First Nations in the B.C. Fishery

Documents & Presentations
The First Nation Panel on Fisheries
Examines a vision for British Columbia fisheries that focuses on healthy ecosystems and species and equitable sharing of fisheries resources for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people alike.
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Our Roots: A History of La Ronge - 1981.

The history of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, is detailed from pre-contact to the arrival of Jean Etienne Waden, first European in the La Ronge area, to present-day businesses, schools and churches in the town; numerous photographs.
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Out of the Rhetoric and Into the Reality of Local Women's Lives

Documents & Presentations
Vicki Hallett
Gail Baikie
Submission presented on the development of the Muskrat Falls Hydro-Electric Development project voices concerns about the socio-economic impacts, inferior Environmental Impact Assessment by NALCOR, and provides suggestions for preventing negative social impacts on women and communities in the Upper Lake Melville region.
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People of a Feather

Alternate Title
People of a Feather: Educational Package
Media » Film and Video
The Arctic Eider Society
Sanikiluaq Running Pictures
Joel Heath
Community of Sanikiluaq

Documentary about the unique relationship between the Inuit of Sanikiluaq, Nunavut and the Hudson Bay Common Eider and how changing sea ice and ocean currents caused by massive hydroelectric dams are threatening both the bird and the traditional way of life. Duration: 

Related material: Educational Package by Global Environmental Justice Documentaries.

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Philosophy of Law in the Arctic

Documents & Presentations
Dawid Bunikowski
Jaakko Husa
Diana Ginn
Ko Husegawa
Karol Dobrzeniecki ... [et al.]
Articles cover five themes: Arctic cosmologies, beliefs, art and shamanism; Arctic lands, waters, and environment; Indigenous rights and customary law; topics for future teaching.
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The Place of Falling Water

Alternate Title
Video Reviews
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christopher Paci
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 17, no. 1, 1997, pp. 159-161
Video review of: The Place of Falling Water produced by Roy Bigcrane and Thompson Smith about the experiences of the Salish and Kootenai peoples on the Flathead Reservation.
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Political Inclusion of the Saami as Indigenous People in Norway

Alternate Title
Political Inclusion of the Sami as Indigenous People in Norway
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nils Oskal
International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, vol. 8, no. 2/3, Special Issue on Sami Rights in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, 2001, pp. 235-261
Discusses Sami rights to land and water in Norway.
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A Powerful Partnership

Articles » General
Michael Bell
Eagle Feather News, vol. 13, no. 9, September 2010, p. 18
Looks at job creation for three First Nations due to the Pehonan Hydroelectric Project. Article found by scrolling to page 18.
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Prior and Paramount Aboriginal Water Rights in Canada

Articles » General
Richard H. Bartlett
Resources , no. 18, Special Issue: Legal Issues in Aboriginal Water Rights, Spring, 1987, pp. [1]-[2]
Suggests that decisions made in the United States may point to the general direction in which Canadian courts may move.
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Proceedings at Hearing: Topic-Specific Session: Asserted or Established Aboriginal Rights and Treaty Rights, January 17, 2014, Volume 23

Documents & Presentations
Canada Environmental Assessment Agency
British Columbia Environmental Assessment Agency
In the Matter of the Joint Review Panel ("Joint Panel" ) Established to Review the Site C Clean Energy Project ("Project") Proposed by British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority ("BC Hydro").
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Prophecies and Power

Articles » General
Joseph Boyden
Maclean's, vol. 121, no. 35/36, September 8, 2008, pp. 72-75
Discusses plans to erect dams on the Moose River basin in Ontario and the environmental protection goals of the Waterkeeper Alliance.
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[Quebec Shelves Major Power Project]

Alternate Title
The World at Six ; November 18, 1994
Media » Sound Recordings
Bernard St. Laurent
Bill Namagoose
Jacques Parizeau
Discusses the cancellation of the Great Whale Project by Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau and why the Cree and many others are pleased about the decision. Duration: 2:26.
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Red Earth Cree Nation Close-Knit Community

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, April 21, 2006, p. A11
Comments on the flooding at Red Earth, Saskatchewan and how the media said people were evacuated to Prince Albert and Saskatoon, but many stayed with relatives at the Opaskwayak First Nation at The Pas, or Shoal Lake, Cumberland House and James Smith First Nations.
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Resilient Communities? Collapse and Recovery of a Social-Ecological System in Arctic Norway

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Else Grete Broaderstad
Einar Eythórsson
Ecology and Society, vol. 19, no. 3, Rebuilding Fisheries and Threatened Communities: The Social-Ecology of a Particular Wicked Problem, September 2014, pp. 39-48
Examines the history of two fjords and the fisheries-dependent Sámi coastal settlements facing a decline in local fish stocks.
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Results of an Arctic Council Survey on Water and Sanitation Services in the Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jonathan M. Bressler
Thomas W. Hennessy
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 77, 2018, p. article no. 1421368
One hundred and forty-two participants from seven Arctic nations described the current status of water, sanitation and hygiene services (WASH), including access to services, notification requirements for water-related infectious diseases, and examples of environmental-change events which impacted provision of services.
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