Displaying 1 - 50 of 487

Aboriginal Community-Based Criteria & Indicators: A Localised Approach

Alternate Title
SFM Network Research Note Series ; no. 28
Documents & Presentations
Kristin Kopra
Marc Stevenson
Looks at a project that developed a set of criteria and indicators (C&I) that were specific to a land base subject to a cooperative management planning agreement between the Province of Alberta and the Little Red River Cree Nation in northern Alberta.
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Aboriginal Empowerment

Articles » General
Ronald L. Trosper
Discusses the impact of aboriginal empowerment on forestry activities and how it derives from differences between dominant values in Canadian society and those of most aboriginal peoples.
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Aboriginal Entrepreneurship in Forestry: Proceedings of a Conference Held January 27-29, 1998 in Edmonton, Alberta

Documents & Presentations
Bruce Wendel
George Ferrand
Harold Baram
Lloyd Bisson
Steve Price ... [et al.]
Topics include overview of First Nation Forestry Program, basics of starting a business, sources of capital, Fort Apache Timber Company, Silviculture Contracting company, ecotourism, and natural resource-based negotiations with industry and governments.
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Aboriginal Expectations and Forest Tenures in Northern British Columbia

Alternate Title
SFM Network Research Note Series ; no. 62
Documents & Presentations
Natalie Swaak
Shashi Kant
David Natcher
Summarizes a study that examined Aboriginal expectations for sustainable forest management and current forest tenures in the Kaska traditional territory of British Columbia.
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Aboriginal Expectations and Perceived Effectiveness of Forest Management Practices and Forest Certification in Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shashi Kant
Doug Brubacher
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 84, no. 3, May/June 2008, pp. 378-391
Aims to develop a better understanding of Aboriginal peoples’ expectations of the forest environment, and their perceptions of forest planning and management operations on Crown forestlands.
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Aboriginal Experiences in Canada: Parks and Protected Areas

Documents & Presentations
Jean Paul Gladu
Examines three case studies, Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan, Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, and Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve in British Columbia, to address the costs and benefits of protected areas to Aboriginal Peoples, and highlight management practices.
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Aboriginal Forestry: Community Management as Opportunity and Imperative

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deborah Curran
Michael M'Gonigle
Osgoode Hall Law Journal, vol. 37, no. 4, 1999, pp. 712-774
Looks at the legal and regulatory basis of forest management, and assess how new tenure systems might be developed that would uphold traditional values while providing economic and employment opportunities.
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Aboriginal Forestry Entrepreneurship: A Cast Study in Mashteuiatsh Ilnu Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean-Michel Beaudoin
Luc LeBel
Luc Bouthillier
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 85, no. 5, September/October 2009, pp. 783-788
Presents a case study that draws a portrait of forestry entrepreneurs, within the Ilnu community of Mashteuiatsh, and reveals the role played by the band council in developing forestry entrepreneurship in the community.
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Aboriginal Forestry in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Reginald Parsons
Gordon Prest
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 79, no. 4, July/August 2003, pp. 785-789
Looks at Aboriginal forestry in Canada and the driving forces behind advancement.
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Aboriginal Forestry in New Brunswick: Conflicting Paradigms

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sherrie Blakney
Environments, vol. 31, no. 1, 2003, pp. 61-78
Looks at strategies of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal loggers; examines the historical context behind the confusion and conflict seen in the Aboriginal forestry practices of one First Nation community; and offers recommendations for Aboriginal forestry policy in New Brunswick.
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Aboriginal-Held Forest Tenures In Canada: 2002-2003

Documents & Presentations
Looks at the results of research undertaken to assess forest tenure as one indicator of Aboriginal participation in the management and economic aspects of forestry. The document also assess the progress made in achieving increased Aboriginal participation in the forest sector.
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Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal Relations and Sustainable Forest Management in Canada: The Influence of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deborah McGregor
Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 92, no. 2, 2011, p. 300–310
Examines the extent to which advances in Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relationships and Aboriginal forestry have been made over the past decade; and looks at the co-existence as a framework for Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relations in sustainable forest management.
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Aboriginal People, Science and Innovation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lorraine Rekmans
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 78, no. 1, January/February 2002, pp. 101-102
Looks at Aboriginal ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge regarding forest management planning, and discusses how Aboriginal communities need to understand the language that planners use and the objectives they hope to achieve.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada

Book Reviews
Andrew Egan
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 34, no. 1, 2014, pp. 229-231
Book review of Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada edited by D.B. Tindall, Ronald L. Trosper, and Pamela Perreault.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada

Book Reviews
Brian Egan
BC Studies, no. 186, Summer, 2015, pp. 184-185
Book review of Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada edited by D.B. Tindall, Ronald L. Trosper, and Pamela Perrault. Entire book review section on one PDF. To access this review scroll to p. 184.
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Aboriginal Peoples and Issues in Forestry Education in Canada: Breaking New Ground

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peggy Smith
The Forestry Chronicle, vol. 78, no. 2, March/April 2002, pp. 250-254
Discusses various post-secondary institutions in Canada that develop innovative programming solutions to attract more Aboriginal students and to address the complex problems surrounding Aboriginal involvement in forest management.
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Aboriginal Title and Mining in Canada: More Questions Than Answers

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute
E-Books » Chapters
Robin M. Junger
Discussion of the ramifications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia. Chapter 17A from Proceedings of the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute published by the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.
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Access to Forest Lands and Resources: The Case of Aboriginal Peoples in Alberta

Alternate Title
CIRL Occasional Paper ; no. 23
Documents & Presentations
Monique Passelac-Ross
CIRL Occasional Paper
Looks at the critical analysis and legal context pertaining to Aboriginal rights over lands and resources; and implications of these findings for the forest tenure system and for cooperative management arrangements in Alberta.
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American Indians and National Forests

Book Reviews
Karl Jacoby
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 4, no. 2, 2017, pp. 85-86
Book review of: American Indians and National Forests by Theodore Catton.
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The Annanacks

Media » Film and Video
René Bonnière
Documentary about the formation of the first cooperative venture in the Inuit community of George River in Northern Quebec. Duration: 29.15.
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