Displaying 51 - 100 of 798

Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Agency

Alternate Title
Office of the Auditor General Manitoba Annual Report to the Legislature
E-Books » Chapters
Carol Bellringer
Jack Buckwold
Brian Wirth
John Donnelly
Jacqueline Ngai
Discusses audit objectives, scope and recommendations. Chapter 3 from Office of the Auditor General Manitoba Annual Report to the Legislature.
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Anti-oppressive Social Work Practice in Child Welfare: Journeys of Reconciliation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrea Cowie
Critical Social Work, vol. 11, no. 1, Special Indigenous Issue, 2010, pp. 46-51
Explores the historic and contemporary relationship with Aboriginal peoples in child welfare and discusses how social workers can adopt culturally appropriate service models that integrates core Aboriginal values, beliefs, and healing practices.
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Antoine Lonesinger 10 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
The interview includes the story of a Cree boy who becomes a Blackfoot Chief.
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Antoine Lonesinger 12 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Archie Baptiste
Indian History Film Project
Antoine Lonesinger discusses different methods of earning a living that included making charcoal and lime. Also included is the story of a boy saved a camp from starvation with the help of the raven spirit.
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Appendix D: Overview of Other Process Recommendations

Alternate Title
Families First: A Manitoba Indigenous Approach to Addressing the Issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Documents & Presentations
[Joëlle Pastora Sala
Byron Williams]
Compilation of recommendations from reports of inquiries, committees, and nongovernmental organizations about the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Appendix to Families First: A Manitoba Indigenous Approach to Addressing the Issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
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B.C. Adoption & Permanency Options Update [2019]

Alternate Title
B.C. Adoption Update
Documents & Presentations
Jennifer Charlesworth
Contains disaggregated data for Indigenous children in six categories: transfer of custody, reunification with family, continuing custody order, rescindments, adoption, and adoptive families. Fifth and final update to initial 2014 report Finding Forever Homes: A Review of the Provincial Adoption System.
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The "Baby Andy" Report: Examination of Services Provided to Baby Andy and His Family

Alternate Title
[Baby Andy Review]
Documents & Presentations
Edadeen Bird
Raymond Shingoose
Gail Hartsook
Dorothea Warren
Child was 20-month-old who sustained severe and permanent injuries due to child abuse while under the supervision of the Montreal Lake Child and Family Agency. Panel made findings and recommendations in six areas: information sharing, staffing, case management, coordination of services, and government support.
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'Baby Andy' Tragic Case, But Sadly Not Unique

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, September 13, 2002, p. A13
Examines the issues that surround Aboriginal child care in Canada and advocates the creation of a First Nations children's advocate in Saskatchewan.
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Baby Annie

Documents & Presentations
Del Graff
Investigate review into the circumstances surrounding the death of a two-week-old infant whose family was involved with Alberta's child intervention system.
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Benefits of Cultural Matching in Foster Care

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jason D. Brown
Natalie George
Jennifer Sintzel
David St. Arnault
Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 31, no. 9, 2009, pp. 1019-1024
Results based on interviews with 61 foster parents in Manitoba to examine value-based and practical benefits of having a shared cultural background with foster children.
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Betraying the Victims: The 'Stolen Generations' Report

Articles » General
Ron Brunton
IPA Backgrounder, vol. 10, no. 1, February 1998, pp. 1-24
Disputes issues discussed in the 1997 national inquiry report, Bringing Them Home, such as specific cases, comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal child removal and the claim of genocide.
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Beyond 94: Truth and Reconciliation in Canada

Web Sites » Organizations
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
CBC website tracks progress on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action in child welfare, education, language and culture, health, justice and reconciliation.
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Birth of a Family

Media » Film and Video
Tasha Hubbard
Betty Ann Adam
Bonnie Thompson
David Christensen
National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Documentary about three sisters and a brother meeting for the first time after being taken from their mother and adopted out as part of the "Sixties Scoop". Duration: 1:19:21.
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Birth of a Family [Educational Version]

Media » Film and Video
National Film Board (NFB)
Tasha Hubbard
Betty Ann Adam
Bonnie Thompson
David Christensen
Documentary about three sisters and a brother meeting for the first time after being taken from their mother and adopted out as part of the "Sixties Scoop". Edited version of the original. Duration: 45:00. Related material: Mini-Lesson.
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Olive Patricia Dickason
Rae Ryan
John David Nichols
Barnett Richling
S. Nagata
A. Blair Stonechild
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 1984, pp. 165-177
Book reviews of 6 books: As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows edited by Ian Getty and Antoine S. Lussier. Native Children and the Child Welfare System by Patrick Johnston. A Bibliography of Algonquian Syllabic Texts in Canada Repositories by John Murdoch. Heritage of the North American Indian People: Some Suggestions Emphasizing the Eastern Woodlands by Daniel H. Page and Victor M.P. da Rosa. Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 10 by W.C. Sturtevant and A.
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Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, 2003, pp. 195-205
Book review of 6 books: Our Son, A Stranger by Marie Adams. Aboriginal People and Colonizers of Western Canada to 1900 by Sarah Carter. Trusteeship in Change: Toward Tribal Autonomy in Research Management by R. Clow and I. Sutton (Editors). In the Shadow of Evil by Beatrice Culleton Mosionier. Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump by Gordon Reid. Blessing For a Long Time: The Sacred Pole of the Omaha Tribe by Robin Ridington.
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Brief on COVID-Response and Recovery Issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families in Contact with Child Protection Services

Documents & Presentations
Secretariat of National Aboriginal & Islander Child Care Inc. (SNAICC)
Brief discussion of issues as well as recommendations in seven key areas: access to technology; service workforce and funding arrangements; mental health; family violence; prevention and early intervention; support for kinship carers; and family and cultural contact, reunification and permanent care.
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Bringing Home the Kids

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ralph Bodor
Rochelle Lamourex
Holly Biggs
Rural Social Work and Community Practice, vol. 14, no. 2, December 2009, pp. 12-17
Comments on an event that reconnected 150 children with their community.
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Bringing Them Home

Media » Film and Video
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Documentary from the report, Bringing Them Home: Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children From Their Families. Survivors speak about their experiences. Duration: 32:29.
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Broken Promises: Alex's Story

Documents & Presentations
Bernard Richard
Report of investigation into factors that may have led to the suicide of an 18-year-old Métis youth who was under the care of the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development.
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