Displaying 251 - 300 of 437

The Long Hunt

Book Reviews
Richard Finnie
Arctic, vol. 23, no. 4, December 1970, pp. 290-291
Book review of: The Long Hunt by Fred Bruemmer.
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Media » Film and Video
Shelagh Mackenzie
Sharon Van Raalte
Profiles Inuit hunter and artist Lypa Pitsiulak. Duration: 29:25.
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Making Sense of Contaminants: A Case Study of Arviat, Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Martina Tyrrell
Arctic, vol. 59, no. 4, December 2006, pp. 370-380
Studies the presence of contaminants in the Arctic food web and discusses how the contaminants pose a threat to human and environmental health and well-being.
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Malamuk - A (West) Frisian Loanword in Greenlandic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Bakker
Hein van der Voort
Études/Inuit/Studies, vol. 35, no. 1-2, Propiété Intellectuelle et Éthique / Intellectual Property and Ethics, 2011, pp. 265-273
Reports on the interaction that took place between the Frisian, Dutch whalers and Greenlanders in the 17th and 18th centuries.
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Markoosie's "Harpoon of the Hunter": A Story of Cultural Survival

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Seth Bovey
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 2, 1991, pp. 217-223
Literary Criticism article in which the author considers different aspects of the novel Harpoon of the Hunter and attempts to classify the text using contemporary Western literary labels. Argues that the novel focuses on community well-being over individuality.
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Methylmercury Poisoning: Another Gift From Hydro-Quebec?

Articles » General
Carrie Furman
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 2, Rethinking Childhood: Perspectives on Childrens Rights, Summer, 2000
Comments on the loss of traditional fishery to the Innu due to high levels of organic methylmercury found in some species of fish.
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Mining, Harvesting and Decision Making in Nunavut: A Case Study of Uranium Mining in Baker Lake

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Warren Bernauer
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 7, no. 1, Fall, 2010, pp. 11-18
Case study based on 25 interviews revealed social, economic and political factors effecting Inuit perspective of uranium mining, problems with consultation meetings, and some recommendations for improving Inuit participation in discussions.
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Monitoring the Domestic Harvest of Migratory Birds in Nunatsiavut, Labrador

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David C. Natcher
Larry Felt
Keith Chaulk
Andrea Procter
The Nunatsiavut Government
Arctic, vol. 64, no. 3, 2011, pp. 362-366
Looks at the results of a 2007 Nunatsiavut Inuit Migratory Bird Harvest Study and how it documents the contemporary uses of migratory birds by Nunatsiavut communities.
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Nametau Innu: Memory and Knowledge of Nitassinan

Web Sites » Organizations
Nametau Innu
Website about the Innu nation containing links to information on skills and knowledge passed on by the Elders. Site split into four sections: First Steps, Innu Daily Life, Innu World, and Glossary.
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Narwhal Hunters

Alternate Title
Riding the Floe Edge, Dining on Caribou Eyeballs, Waiting for Narwhals.
Articles » General
Margo Pfeiff
Canadian Geographic, vol. 126, no. 5, September-October 2006, pp. 78-86
Personal account of a week spent observing the hunt.
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The Nature of Thule Eskimo Whale Use

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Allen P. McCartney
Arctic, vol. 33, no. 3, September 1980, pp. 517-541
Study shows bowhead whales were hunted during A.D. 1000-1300 in the Canadian Arctic.
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Neo-Eskimo Occupations of the Northern Labrador Coast

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Susan A. Kaplan
Arctic, vol. 33, no. 3, September 1980, pp. 646-658
Results from the Torngat Archaeological Project that looks at changing subsistence and settlement practices.
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New Isotope Evidence for Diachronic and Site-Spatial Variation in Precontact Diet during the Little Ice Age at Nunalleq, Southwest Alaska

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kate Britton
Etudes Inuit Studies, vol. 43, no. 1/2, The Past in the Yup’ik Present: Archaeologies of Climate Change in Western Alaska, 2019, pp. 223-242

Using archeological data to examine the changes of the Yup'ik diet during different time periods and what those changes can tell about Yup'ik history.

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Northern Exposure

Articles » General
Chris Nikkei
The Beaver, vol. 90, no. 1, February/March 2010, p. 13
Description of two movies made in the early 1900s portraying the North, Nanook of the North and Romance of the Far Fur Country.
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Notes on the Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland

Alternate Title
Annual Report of the National Museum of Canada 1927
Documents & Presentations
Diamond Jenness
A summary of Diamond Jenness's 1927 trip to Newfoundland, where he studied the existence of Inuit features in Beothuk culture, the apparent absence of very ancient Beothuk remains in Newfoundland, and aspects of the Dorset-Eskimo culture.
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Ntapueu: I am Telling the Truth

Media » Film and Video
Innu Nation
Marjorie Beaucage
Comments from 8 Innu community members from Davis Inlet and Sheshashit discussing social, environmental, economic and cultural impact of resource development in Labrador. Duration: 40:33.
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Nunavut Country Foods...Our Way of Survival

Articles » General
Inuktitut, no. 94, 2004, p. Insert
Describes the interaction between researchers and local hunters that assists in determining the risks and benefits of eating country foods.
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Nunavut: Our Land

Alternate Title
Aiviaq (Walrus Hunt) ; Episode 9
Angiraq (Home) ; Episode 5
Auriaq (Stalking) ; Episode 6
Avaja ; Episode 2
Avamuktulik (Fish Swimming) ; Episode 8
Qaisut ; Episode 10
Qarmaq (Stone House) ; Episode 3
Qimuksik (Dog Team) ; Episode 1
Qulangisi (Seal Pups) ; Episode 7
Quviasaukvik (Happy Day) ; Episode 13
Tugaliaq (Ice Blocks) ; Episode 4
Tuktuliaq (Caribou Hunt) ; Episode 11
Unaaq ( Harpoon) ; Episode 12
Media » Film and Video
Zacharias Kunuk
Norman Cohn
Thirteen part TV series follows five fictional Inuit families through an Arctic year. Episodes feature whale and polar bear hunting, Elder's advice, and suicide prevention strategies for youth. Each episode is approximately 30 minutes. English subtitles.
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Old Hunting Camp

Images » Photographs
"Site of an old Eskimo hunting camp. Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, N.W.T." [NU]
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Old Hunting Camp

Images » Photographs
"Site of an old Eskimo hunting camp. Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, N.W.T." [NU]
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Our World - Our Way of Life

Web Sites » Virtual Exhibits
Simeonie Kunnuk
Scot Nickels
Eric Loring
Brian Higgins
Lucille Bell
Nathalie Macfarlane ... [et al.]
Features two cultures, the Inuit and the Haida, and their history, language, community life, self-government, and their relationship with the land, hunting and the sea.
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