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Aboriginal Policing Update 2007, Volume 1, No. 1

Documents & Presentations
Monique Cooper
Christy Hitchcock
Christopher J. Rastin
Savvas Lithopoulos
Jennifer Campbell ... [et al.]
Report focuses on initiatives undertaken to increase Aboriginal recruitment in various levels of policing.
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Almighty Voice

Articles » General
Reginald Bird Beatty
An article written by Reginald Beatty describing the events leading to the death of Almighty Voice, a member in One Arrow's Band at the Duck Lake agency.
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Almighty Voice Siege

Images » Photographs
A photograph of the siege which pitted the NWMP against Almighty Voice and his two companions. The bluff where Almighty Voice dug in is visible in this panoramic shot from across the prairies, as is artillery fire on the left.
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Almighty Voice Siege Camp

Images » Photographs
A photograph of the encampment near Kinistino, SK erected by the North West Mounted Police and associated volunteers during the standoff with Almighty Voice and his two Cree companions.
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Anti-terrorist Unit Raids Native Activist's Home

Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 20, no. 7, November 2002, pp. 1-2

Focuses on a tactical RCMP unit, that was created under the Anti-Terrorism Act unit, who evacuated a neighbourhood and then kicked down the door of John Rampanen's home, a member of West Coast Warrior Society.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.1.

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Are the R.C.M.P. Above the Law?

Articles » General
Lloyd Brass
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 6, no. 5, May 1976, p. 42
Investigation into the Kamsack R.C.M.P. raid on Peter Badger's house requested by Cote and White Bear First Nations.
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Articles by Z.M. Hamilton on Life in the 19th Century North-West

Documents & Presentations
Z.M. Hamilton
A series of articles by Z.M. Hamilton published in such Saskatchewan newspapers as the Rouleau Enterprise, Pense Herald, Broadview Express, and Milestone Mail in early 1922. Includes information on buffalo hunting parties,the NWMP and early Prince Albert.
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Batoche Cairn Dedication Ceremony, mid 1920s

Images » Photographs
Image of unidentified Roman Catholic priest addressing the crowd at the Batoche National Historic Site cairn ceremony. Spectators and RCMP members in foreground; cars and spectators in background.
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Battleford during the Rebellion of 1885

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Saskatchewan History, vol. 38, no. 3, Autumn, 1985, pp. 108-117

Excerpts from the journal kept in the Sergeant Major’s office at the Battleford NWMP detachment in 1885. Entries selected from May 10 to May 24 and edited for publication. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 108.

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The Battleford Post - Pamphlet. - 1949.

Archival » Archival Items
Pamphlet outlining the history of Fort Battleford, Saskatchewan. Five original buildings remain as the nucleus of this national historic site.

Historical note:

Fort Battleford, built in 1876 and in use until 1924, was the sixth Northwest Mounted Police fort to be established in the Northwest Territories of Canada, and played a central role in the events of the Northwest Resistance of 1885.
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Battleford Remembers Stockade Days

Articles » General
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Mrs. C. Wetton
Articles in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix relating to the 50th anniversary of the Northwest Resistance, with articles on Charles Parker, NWMP member,; Ben Prince, Chief Fine Day, and sketches of the Battleford Stockade.
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Big Bear

Articles » General
R. S. Allen
Saskatchewan History, vol. 25, no. 1, Winter , 1972, pp. 1-17

In addition to biographical information on the Cree leader (also known as Misto-Ha-A-Musqua) , article provides historical information on the fur and whiskey trade in the Cypress Hills and Southwestern Alberta. Discusses Cypress Hills Massacre, the arrival of the North West Mounted Police, the flight of the Sioux into Canada and the North-West Resistance. Entire issue on one PDF file, scroll to page 1.

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“Blazing a Saga that Saved a Nation”: The Making of The Canadians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brock Silversides
Saskatchewan History, vol. 55, no. 2, Fall, 2003, pp. 5-26

Describes the filming and production of the 20th Century Fox film The Canadians, and American-style western about the Cypress Hills Massacre and the deployment of the NWMP. Notes several conflicts that occurred during production and at the premiers, as well a number of stereotypes and misrepresentations in the script itself. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 5.

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A Brief History of Federal Inuit Policy Development: Lessons in Consultation and Cultural Competence

Alternate Title
A History of Treaties and Policies
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 7
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 3rd, 2009
E-Books » Chapters
Erik Anderson
Sarah Bonesteel
Looks at shortcomings in consultation and introduction of social policies and programs designed for the south. Chapter from A History of Treaties and Policies, which is vol. 7 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.
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Cameron Lineage a Proud History of Service

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, July 21, 2006, p. A11
Family history of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable, the late Robin Cameron, the Constable who was killed in the line of duty in Saskatchewan in 2006.
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Canada's Subjugation of the Plains Cree, 1879- 1885

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John L. Tobias
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 64, no. 4, 1983, pp. 519-548
Argues that contrary to accepted wisdom, the Canadian government did not have honourable and just intentions, but violated treaties by refusing to grant the reserve lands that had been chosen and failing to supply the promised provisions. Instead Commissioner Dewdney used the courts, military and police to bring about political goals.
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Chairperson-Initiated Complaint and Public Interest Investigation Regarding Policing in Northern British Columbia: Chairperson's Final Report after Commissioner's Response

Documents & Presentations
Ian McPhail
Investigation examined RCMP members' conduct in six areas: public intoxication, cross-gender searches, missing persons reports, domestic violence reports, use of force, and handling of files involving youth. Appendices include interim report and RCMP Commissioner's preliminary review and response.
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Chapter XI -- "Sargent-Major Spicer on the Indian"

Alternate Title
The Story of a Great Battle as Told by Little Bear
The Story of Saskatchewan and its People
E-Books » Chapters
John Hawkes
Frank Wyman Spicer
Chapter XI from "The Story of Saskatchewan and its People." The chapter is entitled "Sergeant-Major Spicer on the Indian". The introductory paragraph is followed by a section entitled: "The Story of a Great Battle as Told by Little Bear". Hawkes herein publishes Spicer's introduction to the story, a story which Spicer recorded and translated into English during his time with the Blackfeet. Various illustrations included.

Historical note:

Sergeant-Major Frank Wyman Spicer, born in New York State, was a member of the NWMP and, subsequently, an ordained Methodist Minister.
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Chapter XXI -- "Rebellion"

John Hawkes
Chapter XII, "Rebellion". A summary of the events concerning the 1885 Resistance. Hawkes separates the sections into "The Fighting", "Fish Creek", "Batcoche", "Captain Howard and his Gatling Gun", "Cut Knife", "The Alberta Field Force: Frenchman's Butte", "The Ballad of the Near-Battle of Cussed Creek". The chapter includes images of the North West Mounted Police guard room, Regina Barracks, Tourand's Home, the stone house at Warman Ferry, an old house in Duck Lake, Old Mill at Duck Lake, Store at Duck Lake, the remains of the old convent at St. Laurent, "Riel's Councillors".
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Charcoal's World

Book Reviews
R.C. Macleod
Prairie Forum, vol. 3, no. 2, Fall, 1978, pp. 204-206
Book review of: Charcoal's World by Hugh A. Dempsey.
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Commission's Final Report: Chairperson-Initiated Complaint and Public Interest Investigation of the Death of Colten Boushie and the Events That Followed: Final Report

Alternate Title
Chairperson-Initiated Complaint and Public Interest Investigation of the Death of Colten Boushie and the Events That Followed: Final Report
Final Report: Chairperson-Initiated Complaint and Public Interest Investigation of the Death of Colten Boushie and the Events That Followed
Documents & Presentations
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Examines the case in which a young man from the Red Pheasant Reserve was shot and killed on a farm property near Biggar, Saskatchewan by Gerald Stanley, the property owner. The Commission inquired into the conduct of the RCMP investigation and interactions with the Bousie family.
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Confronting Canada’s Indigenous Female Disposability

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kara Jo Wilson
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 38, no. 1, 2018, pp. 153-163
This article contains descriptions of extreme sexual and systemic violence. Author describes the social and institutional discourses that render Aboriginal women disposable in the Canadian consciousness; addresses the stereotypical “Indian squaw” – “Indian princess” dichotomy, and examines RCMP approaches to investigating missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) cases.
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Crime in Aboriginal Communities: Saskatchewan, 1989

Documents & Presentations
Lee Wolff
Summarizes findings from a prototype study of the feasibility of obtaining crime statistics for reserves policed by the RCMP and converting those statistics into Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) format and discusses the difficulty in studying crime within the context of socio-economic conditions.
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Cut Knife Plaque

Images » Photographs
Close-up image of plaques at Cut Knife Hill. Plaque reads: "Cut Knife Battlefield. Named after Chief Cut Knife of the Sarcee in an historic battle with the Cree. On 2nd May, 1885, Lt. Col. W.D. Otter led 325 troops composed of North West Mounted Police, "B" Battery, "C" Company, Foot Guards, Queen's Own and Battleford Rifles, against the Cree and Assiniboine under Poundmaker and Fine Day. After an engagement of six hours, the troops retreated to Battleford."
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The Cypress Hills: An Island by Itself

Book Reviews
Sterling Evan
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 28, no. 1, 2008, pp. 209-210
Book review of: The Cypress Hills by Walter Hildebrandt and Brian Hubner. Scroll to page 209 to read review.
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A Dark History: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ramandeep Sahdev
Voices of Forensic Science, vol. 1, no. 2, The Forensic Science Alternate Universe , 2021, pp. 39-44
Using the murder of Inuit Deidre Michelin to discuss the unequal access to law enforcement in Indigenous communities.
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Dead Dogs and Living History

Articles » General
Tina Loo
Canada's History, vol. 90, no. 2, 2010, pp. 49-50
Comments on the alleged slaughter of Inuit sled dogs by the RCMP, in the 1950s to the 1970s, and the Qikiqtani Truth Commissions' investigation of the allegations.
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Diary of Francis Dickens - Vernon LaChance. - May 1930.

Archival » Archival Items
Vernon LaChance
Francis Dickens
Diary of Inspector Francis Dickens of the Fort Pitt NWMP from 1885; entries from 4 March 1885 - 15 April 1885. Includes a historical introduction and commentary by Vernon LaChance.

Historical note:

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Empty Hills: Aboriginal Land Usage and the Cypress Hills Problem

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean-Pierre Morin
Saskatchewan History, vol. 55, no. 1, Spring, 2003, pp. 5-20

Examines the Indigenous use of land in the Cypress Hills, the decline of the bison (buffalo) herds and the resulting migrations and conflicts, the process of making Treaty 4 and the subsequent imposition and enforcement of Canadian law on Indigenous communities. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 5.

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