Mavis J. Adams Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Mavis J. Adams
Mick Burrs
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Adams is a retired white schoolteacher and was 69 years old at the time of the interview. She tells of her induction as an honorary chief of the Blackfoot reserve and shares her experiences among the Blackfoot.
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Max Ireland Interview #2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Max Ireland
Alex Cywink
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he gives accounts of storytelling amongst the Oneida; accounts of the educational system and its abuses.
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Mederic McDougall Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Mederic McDougall
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Mr. McDougall is descended from French and Scottish halfbreeds and is active in the Metis Society of Saskatchewan. He gives an account of the Metis way of life and philosophy, the Riel Rebellion, shares memories of WWI, WWII and the Depression. He also talks about the discrimination against native people.
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Media Reviews

Book Reviews
Michael W. Simpson
Tina Deschenie
Michael Thompson
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 20, no. 2, Native Green, Winter, 2008, p. 57
Book reviews of 5 books: Does People Do It?: A Memoir by Fred Harris. People of the Whate by Linda Hogan. Dorm Rooms to Boardrooms by Victoria Pilate. Tribal Libraries in the United States: A Directory of American Indian and Alaska Native Facilities by Elizabeth Peterson. Fertilizers, Pills, and Magnetic Strips: The Fate of Public Education in America by Gene V. Glass.
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Medicine Bags & Dog Tags: American Indian Veterans From Colonial Times to the Second Iraq War

Alternate Title
Medicine Bags and Dog Tags: American Indian Veterans From Colonial Times to the Second Iraq War
Book Reviews
Gretchen Healy
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 20, no. 4, Tribal College Leadership and Vision, Summer, 2009
Book review of: Medicine Bags & Dog Tags: American Indian Veterans From Colonial Times to the Second Iraq War by Al Carrol.
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Memento inscribed North West 1885 Canada

Images » Photographs
An image of a memento that resembles a military medal. The inscription reads: North West 1885 CANADA, and is encircled with a branch of maple leaves. It presumably commemorates the 1885 Riel Rebellion.
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Metal Armor from St. Lawrence Island

Alternate Title
Metal Armour from St. Lawrence Island
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
H. Kory Cooper
Gabriel J. Bowen
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 50, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1-19
Describes three examples housed in the University of Alaska Museum of the North, discusses when and how they were produced, and provides overview of regional use of armour.
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The Métis

Alternate Title
[Voices and Visions: A Story of Canada]
E-Books » Chapters
[Daniel Francis]

Chapter 8 in Voices and Visions: A Story of Canada, a Grade 7 Social Studies textbook.

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The Metis

Alternate Title
Canadian Issues Series
Donald Purich
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The Metis and the Spirit of Resistance

Documents & Presentations
Darren R. Préfontaine
Leah Dorion
Presents an educational module for students learning about the 1869-70 and 1885 Metis Resistance.
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Métis as Treaty Parties

Alternate Title
Reconciliation and the Métis Conference [Session Four]
Media » Film and Video
Adam Gaudry
Brenda Gunn
Darren O'Toole
Gaudry discusses the concept of Wicihitowin as used to resolve a 19th century conflict between the Métis and the Dakota. Gunn discusses how international law relates to treaties signed with Indigenous peoples in Canada. O'Toole discusses whether Section 31 of The Manitoba Act constituted a treaty. Duration: 1:52:03.
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Metis casualty

Images » Photographs
James Peters
Metis casualty, identified as John Ross shown lying dead on the ground. He was the Metis who shot and killed General Strange, commander of platoon of scouts at Batoche. The scouts lassoed this man and dragged him behind horses until his body was mutilated as shown. He was believed to be 18 years old. [Source: Wes Fineday. Another source says he shot Capt. French.
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Métis Elders and Veterans

Web Sites » Organizations
Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
Highlights Métis historical resistance, communities, Elders and veterans through a various types of media.
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Métis Killed During the 1885 Resistance

Documents & Presentations
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
List based on names taken from monument at Batoche National Historic Park, with further information from Lawrence J. Barkwell of the Manitoba Métis Federation.
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Métis Played Key Role in War of 1812

Articles » General
Darren R. Prefontaine
Eagle Feather News, vol. 15, no. 6, June 2012, pp. A-14
Discusses Métis participation in the War of 1812 and lists some direct descendants of the Métis warriors. Article located by scrolling to page A-14.
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Metis Settlement in the North-West Territories

Alternate Title
Le Métis Canadien
Métis Settlement in the North-West Territories
Articles » General
Marcel Giraud
Saskatchewan History, vol. 7, no. 1, Winter, 1954, pp. 1-16
Describes the movement of Métis from the Red River Settlement following the Red River Resistance to western Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Translation of a portion of Le Métis Canadien. Entire issue on one pdf file, scroll to page 1.
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Metis “Soldiers”

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gwain Hamilton
Manitoba Pageant, vol. 11, no. 1, Autumn, 1965, p. [?]
Discusses military reputation of Métis attained during battles with the Sioux and James Dickson's interest in recruiting them.
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Metis Timeline Game

Documents & Presentations
Learning Bird

Students participate in game involving the events leading up to and following the Red River Resistance, with special attention to Louis Riel.

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Métis Veterans Launch Class Action Lawsuit

Media » Film and Video
David Common
CBC reports on the lawsuit initiated by veterans after the Federal government excluded them from compensation offered to Status Indians. Broadcast date: August 12, 2002. Duration: 2:18.
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Metis Veterans Ready for Battle

Articles » General
Cheryl Petten
Windspeaker, vol. 20, no. 5, September 2002, p. 8

Contends that after World War II ended, Metis veterans have seen no federally funded compensation, unlike non-Aboriginal veterans, and are ready to deal with the issue at a political level.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.5.

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Métis Veterans: Remembrances

Articles » General
Darren Prefontaine
Eagle Feather News, vol. 13, no. 11, November 2010, p. 12
Comments on the important role Métis people played in Canada's war efforts, the impact on families, and how we must all remember their sacrifice. Article found by scrolling to page 12.
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Mexican Indigenismo, Choctaw Self-Determination, and Todd Downing's Detective Novels

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James H. Cox
American Quarterly, vol. 62, no. 3, September 2010, pp. 639-661
Looks at how Todd Downing appropriates and refigures Mexico's Indigenous history and culture to reveal evidence of the modern Indigenous people obscured by Indigenismo discourse. The article also anticipates the anticolonial discourses of the American Indian civil rights movement.
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[The Mikmaw Concordat]

Book Reviews
Laurie Meijer Drees
Native Studies Review, vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal Women and Decolonization, 1999, pp. 147-152
Book review of: The Mikmaw Concordat by James (Sakej) Youngblood Henderson.
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Militant AIM Activist Led Wounded Knee Uprising

Articles » General
Dianne Meili
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 9, December 2012, p. 26

Looks at the life of American Indian Movement activist and actor, Russell Mean.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.34.

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Militarization and the Chittagong Hill Tracts

Articles » General
Chandra Roy
Indigenous Affairs, no. 2, Militarization, 2001, pp. 14-19
Article chronicles the military occupation of the mountainous area of Bangladesh. To access this article scroll down to page 14.
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