Discovering Lewis & Clark

Web Sites » Virtual Exhibits
VIAs Inc
A "hyperhistory in progress," with at least one interpretive episode added each month. Includes journal excerpts, First Nations history, natural history and geography. Includes Journal excerpts from The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
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Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters & Social Imagination

Alternate Title
Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters and Social Imagination
Book Reviews
Nelson H. H. Graburn
American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, Summer, 2006, pp. 365-368
Book review of: Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters & Social Imagination by Julie Cruikshank.
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Documenting Historic Métis in Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gwen Reimer
Jean-Philippe Chartrand
Ethnohistory, vol. 51, no. 3, Summer, 2004, pp. 567-607
Identifies sources and methods for documenting Métis during the fur trade period in Ontario in order to investigate legal and historical questions related to contemporary rights of Métis in that province.
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Don McLean Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Don McLean
Christine Welsh
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with non-Indian employed at the Gabriel Dumont Institute in Regina. At the time of the interview he was writing a book on the history of the Metis nation.
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Donald Thomson in Arnhem Land

Book Reviews
Nancy M. Williams
Aboriginal History , vol. 29, 2005, pp. 150-156
Book review of: Donald Thomson in Arnhem Land, Revised edition by Donald Thomson. Review located by scrolling to page 150.
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Dr. Alice Kehoe at Francois-Finlay Post Excavation

Images » Photographs
Dr. Alice Kehoe drawing a soil profile from beside a chimney at the Francois-Finlay Post excavation near Nipawin, SK in 1964.

Historical note:

The Francois-Finlay Post was the first "pedlar" post on the Saskatchewan River was a combined effort of François Le Blanc, a veteran of the La Vérendrye family's 1740's expeditions, and James Finlay, a Scottish-born businessman. Located just about 150 kilometres east of Prince Albert, below Finlay's Falls near present-day Nipawin, Saskatchewan, the stockaded post was the focus of 20th century archeological excavations.
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[Dr. Russell's A Report on the Sites of Various Forts]

Archival » Archival Items
[Ralph Russell]

A series of field notes on several historical fur trade forts (mainly from Manitoba and southern Saskatchewan), and the Thunder Bird Stone at Kamsack, SK. Included are Glasgow (Albany) House, Alexandria Fort, Carlton House (original), Marlboro House, Fort Hibernia, Fort Alexandria.

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Dr. Russell's Carlton Trail

Documents & Presentations
Ralph Russell
Various historical notes on the Carlton Trail composed by Dr. Ralph Russell. Includes discussion of the trail itself, posts along it, and prominent persons connected with it (such as John Palliser and Gabriel Dumont).
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Drawing the Western Frontier: The James E. Taylor Album

Web Sites » Organizations
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Website includes discussion and links to exhibit of 748 gallery items from American illustrator James E. Taylor, a professional artist known for his newspaper illustrations created during the post-Civil War years in the United States.
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The Drum as Map: Western Knowledge Systems and Northern Indigenous Map Making

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jouko Keski-Säntti
Ulla Lehtonen
Pauli Sivonen
Ville Vuolanto
Imago Mundi, vol. 55, 2003, pp. 120-125
Discusses differences between Western and Indigenous understandings of what maps are, how they are made, how they look and what they do using two examples: one a drawing of north-eastern Siberia by a Chukchi man, the other by Sami of Lapland using marks on a drum in conjunction with Shamanistic performances as a means of mapping physical, spiritual and temporal elements of the environment.
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The Early West

Alternate Title
A Mountie's Diary, 1875
Crowfoot, Great Chief of the Blackfeet
Fort Whoop-Up and the Whiskey Traders
Massacre at Frog Lake
George Stanley
A. E. Peterson
Hugh A. Dempsey
Albert Lacombe
Gerald L. Berry
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Eastern Cree Indians

Articles » General
J. W. Anderson
Transactions of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, no. 11, Series 3, 1954-1955, p. [?]
Argues that the "optimum period" for the Cree of James Bay was when limited contact kept their way of life intact and that this period ended in 1914 when the area become less isolated because of the railway and other economic interests.
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Economic Dysfunction or Land Grab?: Assaults on the 19th-Century Māori Economy and Their Native North American Parallels

Alternate Title
Economic Dysfunction or Land Grab?: Assaults on the 19th-Century Maori Economy and Their Native North American Parallels
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hazel Petrie
AlterNative, vol. 11, no. 3, 2015, pp. 283-298
Investigates several prominent themes advanced by European settlers about New Zealand Māori.
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Editorial: The Indigenous Peoples of Indochina

Articles » General
Christian Erni
Indigenous Affairs, no. 4, Indochina, October/November/December 2000, pp. 2-5
Commentary gives a report on the past and current social and political situations for the Indigenous peoples in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. To access this article scroll down to page 2.
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Education Program: The Fur Trade

Alternate Title
Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre Education Program: The Fur Trade
Web Sites
Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre

Web page includes brief information about the fur trade and two games: Fur Trade Timeline Game and The Fur Trade Game.

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Eighteenth Century Labrador Inuit in England

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marianne P. Stopp
Arctic, vol. 62, no. 1, March 2009, pp. 45-64
Presents the lives and journeys of Mikak and her son Tutauk, Attuiock, Ickongoque, Ickeuna, Tooklavinia and Caubvick, and looks at the roles they played in Britain’s expansion along the northeastern seaboard of Canada.
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Eighteenth-Century Western Cree and Their Neighbours

Alternate Title
18th Century Western Cree and their Neighbours
Eighteenth-Century Western Cree and Their Neighbors
Book Reviews
David Reed Miller
Praire Forum, vol. 19, no. 2, Fall, 1994, pp. 274-276
Book review of: Eighteenth-Century Western Cree and Their Neighbours by Dale R. Russell.
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Eliza Kneller Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jamie Lee
Eliza Kneller
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where she tells of a frightening trip through the woods as a child.
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Eliza Kneller Interview #2A

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jamie Lee
Eliza Kneller
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with Eliza Kneller where she describes the smallpox epidemic following World War I. She gives a description of basket making, an account of life in a Catholic school in Chicago and an account of New Year's celebrations amongst children.
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