Displaying 2001 - 2050 of 3517

A Political Economy of Oral Health Services in Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carlos R. Quiñonez
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 324-329
Study results based on ethnographic case study, discusses factors that led to a lower level of oral health for the residents of Nunavut.
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Political Protest, Conflict, and Tribal Nationalism: The Oklahoma Choctaws and the Termination Crisis of 1959-1970.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Valerie Lambert
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 2, Spring, 2007, pp. 283-309
Argues that contrary to accepted wisdom, there was a movement to resist the process of assimilation advocated by Harry J. W. Belvin and that this resistance began with the Choctaw youth movement.
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The Politics of Authenticity: Aboriginal Tasmanians and Liberal Governmentality

Alternate Title
Culture and the State ; v. 2
Disability Studies & Indigenous Studies
E-Books » Chapters
Terry Moore
pp. 31-48
Presents two case studies illustrating identity politics in which Aboriginal Tasmanians are routinely immersed and then explains why and how the politics have developed. Excerpt from Disability Studies & Indigenous Studies. Entire book on one pdf. To access paper, scroll to p. 31.
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Polygone de Tir Aérien de Primrose Lake II - Rapport D'Enquête: Joseph Bighead, Buffalo River, Waterhen Lake, Flying Dust

Alternate Title
Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range Report II: Joseph Bighead First Nation Inquiry, Buffalo River First Nation Inquiry, Waterhen Lake First Nation Inquiry, Flying Dust First Nation Inquiry (French Version)
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Final Report examines historical background and submission to Indian Claims Commission (ICC) regarding loss of traditional land use when Canada created the bombing range; breach of Treaty by the Crown and failure to provide economic compensation. ICC recommended the claim be negotiated under the Specific Claims Policy except for the Joseph Bighead First Nation whose claim had been properly rejected by the Minister. (French language version) Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde and P.E.
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Position Paper on Aboriginal Literacy

Documents & Presentations
The National Aboriginal Design Committee
Looks at the National Aboriginal Design Committee's (NADC) role in establishing a national organization to address issues raised in the report Knowledge Matters.
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A Positive Approach to Addressing Indigenous Male Suicide in Australia

Articles » General
Mick Adams
Billy Danks
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 31, no. 4, July/August 2007, pp. 28-31
Comments on enormous burden change has placed on Aboriginal and Torres Strait people resulting in displacement of traditional male role as main family provider.
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Possessing Meares Island

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Barry Gough
Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 33, no. 2, Summer, 1998, pp. 177-185
Discussion of how the island went from Indigenous occupancy to Indian Reserve status and subject to Timber License 44.
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"Poundmaker's Old Stamping Ground" - By Mrs. John Douglas, Rockhaven. - Paper. - [193-?].

Documents & Presentations
Mrs. John Douglas
A paper apparently written by [Jennie] Moore, sister of Mrs. John Douglas, briefly describing pre-contact life and the arrival of European settlers in the Cut Knife, SK area. The paper focuses on Poundmaker and the Battle of Cut Knife Hill in March 1885. It ends with glowing descriptions of productive farm land and of the growth of the town of Cut Knife.
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Poverty and Indigenous Peoples With Special Reference to India

Articles » General
Tiplut Nongbri
Indigenous Affairs, no. 1, Indigenous Poverty: An Issue of Rights and Needs, 2003, pp. 18-25
Chronicles the history of poverty reduction promises made by successive Indian governments. To access this article scroll down to page 18.
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Poverty in Canada

Articles » General
Arthur Milner
Inroads, vol. 11, May 2002, pp. 170-185
Round table talk held with Rick August, Ken Battle, Harvey Bostrom, Louis Grignon, Carol Laprairie, Kevin Little, Sharon Manson Singer, Marie-France Raynault and Arthur Milner.
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The Power of a Single Feather: Meech Lake, Indigenous Resistance and the Evolution of Indigenous Politics in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ian Peach
Review of Constitutional Studies, vol. 16, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-29
Examines how the Meech Lake Accord resulted in increased activism and the implications for national politics and Aboriginal policy. Also explores how the momentum of that period has been lost and what could be done to renew it.
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The Powerful History of Native Women

Articles » General
Kim Anderson
Herizons, vol. 14, no. 1, Summer, 2000, pp. 15-[?]
Deals with the political power Aboriginal women traditionally exercised and how Western political systems have excluded these women from decision-making, thereby undermining Indigenous cultures.
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Preliminary Notes on the Iroquoian family - Paul Weer. - July 1937.

Archival » Archival Items
Paul Weer
Booklet on the Iroquois from their discovery in 1534 by Jacques Cartier of France. Division into three groups, all located in Ontario, Quebec and in eastern parts of the United States, is noted, with emphasis on the United States group.

Historical note:

The French explorer Jacques Cartier observed in 1535 and 1536 several Iroquoian villages north of Île d'Orléans, including the village of Stadacona on the site of modern-day Quebec City, as well as the village of Hochelaga in the vicinity of modern-day Montreal.
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Première Nation Anishinabée de Roseau River Enquête sur la Cession de 1903

Alternate Title
Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation 1903 Surrender Inquiry (French Version)
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Final Report concludes that Canada (the Crown) did not breach Treaty 1 when it permitted a surrender of the Band's reserve land. (French language version). Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, Alan C. Holman, and Sheila G. Purdy. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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Première Nation de Paul Enquête sur le Lotissement Urbain de Kapasiwin

Alternate Title
Paul First Nation Kapasiwin Townsite Inquiry (French Version)
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Final Report examines the Paul First Nation's alleging mismanagement of the sales of surrendered lands. (French language version) Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, Alan C. Holman, and Sheila G. Purdy. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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Première Nation de Saulteau Enquête Relative aux Droits Fonciers Issus de Traité et aux Terres Individuelles

Alternate Title
Saulteau First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement and Lands in Severality Inquiry (French Version)
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Final report examines an alleged shortfall of land and a claim for land under the provisions of Treaty 8. (French language version) Commissioners include: Renée Dupuis, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Jane Dickson-Gilmore. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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Première Nation Ojibway de Sandy Bay Enquête sur les Droits Fonciers Issus de Traité

Alternate Title
Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry (French Version)
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Focuses on the outstanding treaty land entitlement claim and examines the history including the 1913 and 1930 Order in Councils and problems regarding historical population counts. (French language version) Commissioners include: Renée Dupuis, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Alan C. Holman. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
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Presentation by Alex Christmas, President of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Alex Christmas
File contains a presentation by Alex Christmas, President of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians. Christmas discusses federal Indian policy, the Constitution, and the need for Aboriginal self-government. Following the presentation is a discussion between Christmas and Commissioner George Erasmus regarding the self-governance for the Micmac people.
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Presentation by Alex Denny, Grand Captain of Micmac Grand Council

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Alex Denny
File contains a presentation by Alex Denny, Grand Captain of Micmac Grand Council. Denny discusses the Simon case, Education policy, the Indian Act, and his people's desire for self-government. Following the presentation is a discussion between Denny and Georges Erasmus on the possibilities for Micmac self-government.
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Presentation by Blair Paul, Membertou Reserve

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Blair Paul
File contains a presentation by Blair Paul of the Membertou First Nation. Paul, a social worker from Sydney, Nova Scotia, addresses what he sees as the roots of Aboriginal social problems in Canada. In his report Paul discusses intergenerational failed policies by the government of Canada which have disenfranchised and alienated Aboriginal peoples.
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Presentation by Rita Joe

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Rita Joe
File contains a presentation by Rita Joe regarding her experiences as an author and educator. Joe discusses history, culture, and the need for Micmac curriculum to be developed.
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Primer on Practice Shifts Required with Canada's Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families Act

Documents & Presentations
M. E. Turpel-Lafond
The Act provides support for First Nations' authority over child and family services. Document discusses national legal principles, positive principles, standards and norms, restricting or constraining provisions, the interplay between elected Indian Act Band Councils and traditional governance structures, and the applicability of First Nations laws.
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"The Primitive Has Escaped Control": Narrating the Nation in The Heartsong of Charging Elk

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrea Opitz
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 18, no. 3, Fall, 2006, pp. 98-106
Describes how Blackfeet author James Welch contributed to decolonization by questioning the relationship between government policies of removal, extinction and assimilation and stereotypical representations of Native American identity. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 98.
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