Displaying 151 - 200 of 3517

Along The Line. British Columbia

Archival » Archival Items
A. E. Green
Letter from Rev. A.E. Green, 1 November 1887, relating to the exodus of Aboriginals from Metlakhatla [Metlakatla], BC, to Alaska, because of the Canadian Government's refusal to provide larger reserves and a treaty for payment for land surrendered. Letter in The Missionary Outlook newsletter.
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American Indian/Alaska Native Health Policy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonnie M. Duran
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 95, no. 5, May 2005, p. 758
Argues that the AIAN health policy hasn't kept pace with the demographic and social changes of the last 50 years, resulting in the needless suffering of people.
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American Indians in High Education: A History of Cultural Conflict

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bobby Wright
William G. Tierney
Change, vol. 23, no. 2, March/April 1991, pp. 11-18
Explores Indian higher education beginning with early colonial efforts to the federal control focused on assimilation efforts and finally the move to self controlled Tribal colleges.
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Angie Debo: Pioneering Historian

Book Reviews
Douglas A. Hurt
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 3, Summer, 2001, pp. 480-481
Book review of: Angie Debo: Pioneering Historian by Shirley A. Leckie.
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[Apartheid in Canada? Babb to Visit Peguis Indian Reserve]

Alternate Title
Midday ; March 9, 1987
Media » Film and Video
Yusuf Saloojee
Louis Stevenson
Valerie Pringle
CBC report concerning an invitation issued by Chief Louis Stevenson to South African Ambassador Babb to visit the Reserve; invitation meant to highlight parallels between Apartheid and living conditions of Aboriginal Canadians. Duration: 6:39.
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Applying Lessons from the U.S. Indian Child Welfare Act to Recently Passed Federal Child Protection Legislation in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hayley Hahn
Johanna Caldwell
Vandna Sinha
International Indigenous Policy Studies, vol. 11, no. 3, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Indigenous Peoples, 2020, pp. 1-32

Looks at the passing of Canada's Bill C-92 and what it could learn from the United States' Indian Child Welfare Act in regards to the well-being and care of Indigenous children.

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Approaches to Settlement of Indian Title Claims: The Alaskan Model - Kenneth Lysyk. - Reprint. - 1973.

Articles » General
Kenneth Lysyk
The author, a member of the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, examines the Alaskan model of settlement claims and suggests that this model would be useful with Yukon and Northwest Territories claims, but not with southern Canadian claims, because of the dense population and existence of a reserve system. Item found within folder 'XXXII-39'.
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Approaching a Collaborative Research Agenda for Health Systems Performance in Circumpolar Regions

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Susan Chatwood
Jessica Bytautas
Anthea Darychuk
Peter Bjerregaard
Adalsteinn Brown
Donald Cole
Howard Hu
Michael Jong
Malcolm King
Siv Kvernmo
Jeremy Veillard
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, 2013, p. article no. 21474
Workshop discussion focused on broad health system issues and recommended further collaboration.
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Arctic Energy Development and Best Practices on Consultation With Indigenous Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dwight Newman
Michelle Biddulph
Lorelle Binnion
Boston University International Law Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, Summer, 2014, pp. 101-160
Looks at some of the challenges associated with energy development in the Arctic which include environment, underdeveloped infrastructure and legal issues surrounding consultation.
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Arctic Governance

Alternate Title
Inside the Issues (Centre for International Governance Innovation) ; [4.25]
Inside the Issues: A Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Online Podcast
Media » Film and Video
John Higginbotham
Andrew Thompson
Topics include consequences of polar icecap melting, devolution of responsibilities to territorial governments, significance of Russian actions, and importance of the Northwest Passage as an international seaway. Argues that federal government should be treating Arctic as maritime economy. Duration: 25:34.
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The Arctic Human Health Initiative: A Legacy of the International Polar Year 2007-2009

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alan J. Parkinson
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 21655
Reports on the lasting benefits of the initiative focus on coordination and cooperation of Arctic health research.
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Arctic Insecurity and Indigenous Peoples: Comparing Inuit in Canada and Sámi in Norway

Alternate Title
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference ; 2015
Documents & Presentations
Wilfrid Greaves
Compares how organizations representing the two peoples have characterized security in the North. The Inuit have emphasized environmental protection, preservation of cultural identity and maintenance of political autonomy. The Sami, when dealing with the same sorts of issues, tend not to frame arguments in terms of security.
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Arctic Security: Different Threats and Different Responses: A Discussion Paper

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum ; 2004
The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change
Documents & Presentations
Rob Huebert
Looks at historical understandings of security and the Arctic: traditional, environmental, and human. Presentation from: Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum: The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change, Yellowknife, NWT, 2004.
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Are Indigenous Peoples and Governments on the Same Page? Canadian Government Lauds Advances in Indigenous Rights

Alternate Title
Canadian Government Lauds Advances in Indigenous Rights
Articles » General
John Sinclair
Canadian Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3, The International Decade of the Worlds Indigenous People, Fall, 2004
Presents a review of succcessful negotiations on land claims and self-government agreements, in Canada, to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations.
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Are Indigenous Peoples and Governments on the Same Page? The Dene People in Northern Saskatchewan: An Interview with Ade

Alternate Title
The Dene People in Northern Saskatchewan
Articles » General
Ellen Lutz
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3, The International Decade of the Worlds Indigenous People, Fall, 2004
Interview with Adelard Blackman, special emissary for Chief Elmer Campbell and the people of Buffalo River Dene Nations, regarding the International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples.
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Are Indigenous Peoples and Governments on the Same Page? The Innu of the Labrador-Quebec Peninsula

Alternate Title
The Innu of the Labrador-Quebec Peninsula
Articles » General
Colin Samson
Innu Council of Nitassinan
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3, The International Decade of the Worlds Indigenous People, Fall, 2004
Discussion of cultural, legal and political extinguishment with regard to the Innu and also other aboriginal peoples in Canada.
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Are We Really Sorry? Some Reflections on Canadian Indigenous Policies in the Early Twenty-First Century

E-Books » Chapters
David T. McNab
Paul-Emile McNab
Aboriginal Policy Research, vol. 7

Looks at the First Nations Governance Act, the Ipperwash Inquiry and final report, Caledonia and specific claims policies, and the Kelowna Accord. Chapter from A History of Treaties and Policies edited by Jerry P. White, Erik Anderson, Jean-Pierre Morin, and Dan Beavon, which is vol. 7 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the third annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.

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Are We Seeking Pimatisiwin or Creating Pomewin? Implications for Water Policy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Patti LaBoucane-Benson
Ginger Gibson
Allen Benson
Greg Miller
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Water and Indigenous Peoples, 2012, pp. 1-22
Describes how colonial policy has created a disconnect in the relationship between Cree people in Alberta and water.
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Areas of Initiation in the Political Geography of Aboriginal Minorities - Stewart Raby. - Article. - [1974?].

Articles » General
Stewart Raby
Abstract: The territorial aspirations and achievements of Aboriginal minorities in the common-law jurisdictions of North America, Australia and New Zealand can be divided according to three varieties of political-legal situations; those in areas of initiation, enhancement and omission. In the first of these, to which attention is here confined, there has been no legally defined and protected land-base, and Aboriginal land claims are or have been the subject of recent litigation, negotiation and settlement.
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