Displaying 1 - 50 of 76

1981 Elders' Conference 2/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss: loss of values; loss of language; the role of the old ceremonies; the responsibility of the elders to teach the young people.
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1982 Elders Conference 4/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing comparison of Indian and Christian religions and religious ceremonies, traditional songs and dances, and history of Europeans in North America from the Indian viewpoint.
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Aboriginal Music in Contemporary Canada: Echoes and Exchanges

Alternate Title
McGill-Queen's Native and Northern Series ; 66
Anna Hoefnagels
Beverly Diamond
Amber Ridington
Garry Oker
Janice Esther Tulk
Gabriel Desrosiers ...
Sadie Buck ...
Annette Chrétien
Beverly Souliere
Jimmy Dick
Russell Wallace
Dylan Robinson
Marie Clements
Sophie Merasty
Columpa Bobb ...
Florent Vollant
Gilles Sioui
Donna Larivière
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Antoine Lonesinger 15 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Baptiste
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories about a Cree band who avenged the killing of a young boy by the Blackfoot. He tells of his grandfather who helped a Cree raiding party find food.
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Beaver Bundle Origin Myth of the Blood Indians

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
John Hellson
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview on the origin of the Beaver Bundle and its transferal.
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Blue Wolf Says Goodbye for the Last Time

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carolyn Bereznak Kenny
Nang Jaada Sa-Ets
American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 45, no. 8, April 2002, pp. 1214-1222
Author studies the role of the arts in the rebirth of Aboriginal societies.
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Charlie Chief 1 Interviewer

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Charlie Chief
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview of Charlie Chief who discusses the a Grass Dance, Round Dance and Sioux Dance (including songs). Also included are songs. The discusses the difference between old and new ways. Alphonse Littlepoplar is the intterpreter
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Charlie Chief 2 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Charlie Chief
Mary Mountain
Indian History Film Project
An interview that describes some boyhood memories. The interviewee also describes two dances, the Give Away and Wolf Feast ceremonies.
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Chinook Hymns, 4th Edition

Documents & Presentations
First pages features alphabet from a-z with corresponding Chinook shorthand. Hymns composed of Chinook shorthand text with longhand Chinook headings as follows: I. O Tloos St. Joseph; II. Naika chako wawa; III. O Maika Hoos J.-C.; IV. Iakwa alta; V. Sahale-Taye Tanaz; VI. Sahale Taye iaka mamook; VII. Kopet iht Sahale Taye; VIII. O J.-C. Nawitka; IX. Tloos alta nsaika; X. O Tloos Muri nsaika wawa; XI. O Salutaris; XI[repeated] Ankate Okook J.C. Chinook Alphabet is printed upside down on 2nd to last page (appears that pages 2 and 15 have been reversed).

Historical note:

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Chinook Hymns, 5th Edition

Documents & Presentations
Chinook text with headings in Chinook longhand with some English. Chinook Alphabet. Chinook Hymns: 1. O Tloos St. Joseph; 2. Naiko chako wawa; 3. O Maika tloos J.-C.; 4. Iakwa alta; 5. Sahale Taye Tanoz; 6. O J.-C. Nawitka; 7. Ankaate Ookook J.-C.; 7[repeated]. Naiko O J.-C.; 8. Tloosatta nsaika; 9. O Tloos Maric; 10. Kanawe Son O.I.M.; 11. Oookook Son ilep tloos; 12. Wek Saia J.-C.; 13. Na Jesus Tanas etc. 14. Dtet nsaika mamook. Refrain; 15. Sahale Taay iaka monmod; 16. Koper iht S. Taye; 17. o Salutaris Hostia; 18. Tantum Ergo. Last page identifies Father LeJeune as the author.
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Chinook Hymns, 6th Edition

Documents & Presentations
Chinook text with headings in Chinook longhand with some English. Chinook Hymns: 1. O Tloos St. Joseph; 2. Naika chako wawa; 3. O Maika Hoos J.C.; 4. Iakwa alta; 5. S.T. Tanoiz; 6. O.J.C. Nawitka; 7. Ankate Okook J.C.; 7[repeated]. Naika O.J.C.; 8. Tloos alta nsaika; 9. O Tloos Marie; 10. Kanawason O T. Mali; 11. Ookook Son Hep Tloos; 12. Na Jesus...; 13. Dret Nsaika mam este[?]; 14. S.T. iaka mamook; 15. Kopet iht S.T.; 16. namich[?] kata; 17. O Salutaris; 18. Tantum ergo; 19 and 20 titles and text entirely in Chinook shorthand.

Historical note:

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Cree (Elders) Workshop 9

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Pius Dustyhorn
John Cappo
Jim Kanipitetew
Indian History Film Project
Discussion of Indian ceremonies: how these are passed on from generation to generation; the role of women. Tipis: particular kinds of tipis; decorated tipis; tipis inrelation to death customs. No date given but probably January 1974, same as the others in this series.
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Dancers and a Drum Circle at Ceremony for Prince Albert Totem Pole

Images » Photographs
A photograph of First Nations dancers (adults and children), in traditional garb,and a drum circle, at a ceremony to celebrate the giving of a totem pole to the City of Prince Albert, 1975. The pole was carved by a First Nations man originally from British Columbia, and currently stands along the North Saskatchewan River near the Prince Albert Historical Museum.
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Debwewin (The Sound of the Heart)

Articles » General
Isabella Griffin
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 26, no. 1, Celebrating 25 Years, Fall, 2014, p. 55
Explores meaning, significance, and making of the drum, and looks at one made for the White Earth Tribal and Community College.
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Elders Visit & Homemakers with Alfred Mishibinijima (Mish)

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alfred (Albert) Mishibinijima
Eddie Benton
Indian History Film Project
Side A of this tape has not been translated into English. Side B is a conference about Ojibway legends of creation, flood and migration and how these compare to the legends of other peoples. Also talks about the origins of the clans and Midewiwin lodge.
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Eli Pooyak 5 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Eli Pooyak
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories about the origin of the Sioux Dance and tales about the Sliding and Drumming hills.
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The First Salmon Ceremony of the Karuk Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Helen H. Roberts
American Anthropologist, vol. 34, no. 3, New Series, July-September 1932, pp. 426-440
Provides description and editorial comments on various aspects of the ceremony; based on information collected in 1926 by Earna Gunther.
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Friendship Centre Pow Wow Dancers

Images » Photographs
File contains 12 negatives showing traditional dancers at a pow wow on November 14, 2008. The dancers range from adults to children and are clothed in traditional garb. The pow wow was held at the Prince Albert Indian and Metis Friendship Centre from November 14, 1990.
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Friendship Centre Pow Wow Dancers

Images » Photographs
File contains 12 negatives showing traditional dancers at a pow wow on November 14, 2008. The dancers range from adults to children and are clothed in traditional garb. The pow wow was held at the Prince Albert Indian and Metis Friendship Centre from November 14, 1990.
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Holy Lodge of the Blood Indians

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
Dave Melting Tallow
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview on the origins of the Holy Lodge; the story of the Holy Turnip (same story as IH-AA.020); the story of the elk woman and her jealous husband; the story of the widows who offered themselves to the sun and how these events led to the offering ceremony and then to the Holy Lodge (This account continues on IH-AA.112)
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Horn Society 7 - Initiation (Informants-Participants)

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
John Hellson
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider giving an account of his initiation into the Horn Society.
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How the Holy Woman Got One of Each All That Belongs to Each Different Society

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
Dave Melting Tallow
Joanne Greenwood
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he gives an account of the original Holy Lodge. (It is a follow-up to IH-AA.112)Note: Dave Melting Tallow, interpreter. Joanne Greenwood, transcriber.
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Iglulik Inuit Drum Dance: Past, Present, and Future

Alternate Title
Images, Imaginations, and Beyond: Proceedings of the Eighth Native American Symposium
Native American Symposium ; 8th, 2009
E-Books » Chapters
Paula Conlon
Briefly discusses aspects of dances composed and performed by the Inuit and based on hunting or landscapes.
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An Indian Music Curriculum

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas F. Johnston
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 14, no. 1, October 1974, pp. [18-25]
Discussion of Alaskan music and its connection to ceremony has been a significant hindrance to its preservation.
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"Indians dancing on a street in Yorkton."

Images » Photographs
A large group of Aboriginal men and women standing in a circle with a drum group inside the circle. They are on a street in Yorkton Sask., and there is a large building in the background. A group of non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal people look on.
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Living Sacrifices

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
Dave Melting Tallow
Joanne Greenwood
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he gives a description of the Dog Feast and Group Smoking ceremonies. He also tells about self-mutilation as a form of offering.
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A Monograph of a Peyote Singer: Asa Primeaux, Sr.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 7, no. 1, Spring, 1991, pp. 1-15
Brief profile and interview with a sacred pipe carrier and singer of the Lakota/Dakota and the historical and cultural sacred traditions of Peyotism.
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Native Drums Website Teacher Resource Kit "The Spirit of the Drum"

Alternate Title
Lesson 1: The Significanace of the Drum
Lesson 2: Interview with MorningStar River Singers
Lesson 3: Indigenous Music and Physics
Lesson 4: Connecting through Music
Lesson 5: Oral Traditions
Documents & Presentations
Native Drums

Other Modules: Lesson 2:  Interview with MorningStar River Singers; Lesson 3: Indigenous Music and Physics; Lesson 4: Connecting through Music; Lesson 5:  

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Native Drums Website: The Spirit of the Drum: Teacher Resource Kit

Alternate Title
[The Significance of the Drum]
[Interview with MorningStar River Singers]
[Respecting the Drum]
[Native Drums Teacher' Resource Kits]
Documents & Presentations
Native Drums

Includes lesson plans, handouts and questions/activities. Suitable for secondary history, social studies, Native studies and music.

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Northern Haida Songs

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sandra Lambertus
Michael Asch
International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 64, no. 4, 1998, pp. 409-410
Book Review of Northern Haida Songs by John Enrico and Wendy Bross Stuart.
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Okiskinotahewewin: His Guidance

Alternate Title
First Stories
Media » Film and Video
Duane Linklater
Short film about the power of the drum and its connection to one's roots. Duration: 6:39.
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On the Variability of Traditional Singing and Incantation Practice of the Chukchi

Alternate Title
On the Variability of Traditional Singing and Incantation Practice of the Chukchi (Research Note)
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zoia Weinstein-Tagrina
Etudes Inuit Stuides, vol. 45, no. 1/2, Chukotka: Understanding the Past, Contemporary Practices, and Perceptions of the Present, pp. 507-518

Looks at the traditional Chukchi personal songs and its use in ceremonies and rituals.

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Passamaquoddy Ceremonial Songs: Aesthetics Survival

Book Reviews
Andrea Bear Nicholas
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, 2012, pp. 216-219
Book review of: Passamaquoddy Ceremonial Songs by Anne Morrison Spinney. Review located by scrolling to page 216.
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