17imesh: Following in the Steps of our Ancestors

Alternate Title
Pressure Point
Media » Film and Video
Carla Robinson
Ian Campbell
Delhia Nahanee
Interview with two members of the musical group '"Spakwus Slulum" who dress in traditional regalia but have a more contemporary approach to song and dance. Duration: 27:41.
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1981 Elders' Conference 2/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss: loss of values; loss of language; the role of the old ceremonies; the responsibility of the elders to teach the young people.
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1982 Elders Conference 4/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing comparison of Indian and Christian religions and religious ceremonies, traditional songs and dances, and history of Europeans in North America from the Indian viewpoint.
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1982 Elders Conference 5/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angust Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A discussion of Cree funeral songs. Includes a story of a woman's vision of the afterlife.
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8th Fire: Indigenous in the City

Alternate Title
Doc Zone ; season 6, episode 13
Eighth Fire: Indigenous in the City
Media » Film and Video
Ryszard Hunka
Charlotte Odele
Coleen Rajotte
Michael Sweeney
Al Lawrence ... [et al.]
Looks at "Concrete Indians" living in urban communities. Duration: 45:10.
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Aboriginal Music Festival Seemed Out of Tune

Alternate Title
Arts & Entertainment
Articles » General
Mike Gosselin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 10, October 2009, p. 25
Author compares past University of Saskatchewan Indigenous Peoples Program's Annual Music Festivals to the 6th annual and comes to the conclusion that the choice of venue is of utmost importance for the festivals' success. Article located by scrolling by to page 25.
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Aboriginal Music in Contemporary Canada: Echoes and Exchanges

Alternate Title
McGill-Queen's Native and Northern Series ; 66
Anna Hoefnagels
Beverly Diamond
Amber Ridington
Garry Oker
Janice Esther Tulk
Gabriel Desrosiers ...
Sadie Buck ...
Annette Chrétien
Beverly Souliere
Jimmy Dick
Russell Wallace
Dylan Robinson
Marie Clements
Sophie Merasty
Columpa Bobb ...
Florent Vollant
Gilles Sioui
Donna Larivière
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Aboriginal Research Resources

Web Sites » Organizations
Portal "brings together inter-disciplinary sources and information relating to Indigenous Studies and Native-newcomer relations at the University of Saskatchewan". Contains links to library & archive holdings, other collections, scholarly output, etc.
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Agnes Fox and Maria Sinclair Interviews

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Agnes Fox
Maria Sinclair
Mary Mountain
Iris Baker
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories about the power of the medicine man and the abilities to foretell the future. It also includes information regarding traditional attitudes toward education, marriage and lifestyle.
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Alanis Obomsawin

Alternate Title
Making Movie History: A Portrait in 61 Parts
Media » Film and Video
Joanne Robertson
Interview with a National Film Board filmmaker who uses sound to enhance her stories. Duration: 5:28.
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Alaskan Eskimo Dance in Cultural Context

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas F. Johnston
Dance Research Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, Spring-Summer, 1975, pp. 1-11
Results of a three year survey of Alaskan Eskimo and Indian musical systems concerning dance elements, symbolism, functions and accoutrements.
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Alligator Clans in Oklahoma: Creek/Seminole Stomp Dance in Indian Territory

Alternate Title
Papers From the American Indian Studies Section at the 2006 Western Social Science Association
Articles » General
Paula Conlon
Indigenous Policy Journal of the Indigenous Studies Network, vol. 17, no. 2, Summer, 2006, p. [?]
Discusses how the resurgence of the Stomp dance, a Native American religious and social dance, is keeping the Eastern Woodlands tribes alive and well. Access through table of contents.
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Andrea Menard

Documents & Presentations
Library and Archives Canada
Very brief biography of the singer, actress and author as well as a list of suggested readings.
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Annie Whitecalf 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Annie Whitecalf
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes an assortment of stories about animals and animal omens, floods and the Legend of Sounding Lake.
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Anskohk Festival Celebrates Success of Aboriginal Writers

Articles » General
Darla Read
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 10, November 2011, p. 23
Comments on Tomson Highway's path to his successful career and his performance in Saskatoon at the Aboriginal Writers Festival. Article located by scrolling to page 23.
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Antoine Lonesinger 1 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview with the respected storyteller and singer Antoine Lonesinger. Interview includes the Legend of Cut Knife Hill and stories of BlackRock and Chokecherry Wood.
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Antoine Lonesinger 10 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
The interview includes the story of a Cree boy who becomes a Blackfoot Chief.
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Antoine Lonesinger 12 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Archie Baptiste
Indian History Film Project
Antoine Lonesinger discusses different methods of earning a living that included making charcoal and lime. Also included is the story of a boy saved a camp from starvation with the help of the raven spirit.
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Antoine Lonesinger 15 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Alphonse Baptiste
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories about a Cree band who avenged the killing of a young boy by the Blackfoot. He tells of his grandfather who helped a Cree raiding party find food.
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Antoine Lonesinger 7 Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Lonesinger
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories of attacks on women by Blackfoot and Cree raiders. It also includes the story of the acquisition of the Sioux Dance (or Grass Dance) from the bone grass spirits.
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Arcand's Fiddle Fest Just Keeps Getting Bigger and Better

Articles » General
Andréa Ledding
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 9, September 2009, p. 2
Comments on the growing attendance of the annual fiddle fest, including over 5,000 visitors, 46 fiddlers and 27 jiggers. Article located by scrolling to page 2.
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Arctic Circle Songs

Book Reviews
Christopher Wiseman
Arctic, vol. 45, no. 3, September 1992, pp. 318-319
Book review of: Arctic Circle Songs by Robbie Newton Drummond.
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Art and Reconciliation

Media » Film and Video
Marie Wilson
Joseph Boyden
John Estacio
Rachael Maza
Author of libretto for the ballet Going Home Star, composer of piece based on poem I Lost My Talk by Rita Joe, and director of Jack Charles V The Crown discuss the healing potential of artistic collaborations. Followed by question and answer period. Duration: 1:08:34.
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The Assiniboine

Edwin Thompson Denig
Canadian Plains Reprint Series, vol. 5
Originally published as the Forty-Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. This edition published with a new introduction by David Reed Miller.
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