Displaying 1301 - 1350 of 1636

Shaunee Casavant - Backstory: Nuuchaanulth Ceremonial Curtains and the Work of Ki-Ke-In

Alternate Title
Global Encounters Initiative, University of British Columbia
Itineraries of Exchange: Cultural Contact in a Global Frame March 4-6, 2010 University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Media » Film and Video
Chief Councilor of the Hupacasath Nation shares her story, place of being and knowledge about ceremonies, designs on Ceremonial Curtains and her own Ceremonial Curtain. Duration: 1:03:13.
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Shifting Cultivation and Wildlife Conservation: A Debate

Articles » General
Indigenous Affairs, no. 2, Shifting Cultivation, 2005, pp. 22-29
Looks at the impact shifting cultivation has on the habitat of wildlife and consequences for indigenous people in the Karen communities in Thailand. To access this article, scroll down to page 22.
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A Short History and Description of Ojibbeway Indians Now On a Visit to England with Correct Likenesses, Engraved from Daguerreotype Plates, Taken by M. Claudet

Alternate Title
A Short History and Description of Ojibeway Indians Now On a Visit to England with Correct Likenesses, Engraved from Daguerreotype Plates, Taken by M. Claudet
A Short History and Description of Ojibway Indians Now On a Visit to England with Correct Likenesses, Engraved from Daguerreotype Plates, Taken by M. Claudet
An Adventure in Canada
[North American Indian Thought and Culture]
Charles Stuart
Arthur Rankin
George Catlin
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A Short Statement of Facts Relating to the History, Manners, Customs, Language, and Literature of the Micmac Tribe of Indians, in Nova-Scotia and P.E. Island

Alternate Title
A Short Statement of Facts Relating to the History, Manners, Customs, Language and Literature of the Mi'kmaq Tribe of Indian, in Nova Scotia and P.E. Island
Silas Tertius Rand
"Being the substance of Two Lectures delivered in Halifax, in November 1849, at Public Meetings held for the purpose of instituting a Mission to that Tribe."
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The Silent Language of Ethnicity

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Britt Kramvig
European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, February 2005, pp. 45-64
Argues that the symbolic practice of gift exchange in Sami coastal communities represents identity.
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Sinkyone Notes

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.36, no.2
Gladys Ayer Nomland
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 36, (pp149-178).
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A Sioux Medicine Bundle

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sidney J. Thomas
American Anthropologist, vol. 43, no. 4, pt. 1, New Series, October-December 1941, pp. 605-609
Describes the White Buffalo Calf bundle at the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation and names ten generations of keepers.
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Sister A. Brady, Anne Brady Walther, Dorothy Chapman

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Sister A. Brady
Anne Brady Walther
Dorothy Chapman
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with three of Jim Brady's sisters. They talk about early life in St. Paul des Metis in the 1920s and 1930s, the politics and lifestyle of their father, Jim Brady, Sr., as well as discussing Brady's maternal grandfather, Laurent Garneau.
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Site Unseen: Imag(in)ing Indigeneity in English

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joanne DiNova
Lila Pine
AlterNative, vol. 11, no. 4, 2015, pp. 363-375
Project to find the connectedness in Indigenous language and and to put the mother back in the English language.
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The Skirt Project: Connecting Gender, Religion, and Colonialism

Alternate Title
Clothing the Collective
Religion and Diversity Project
The Skirt Project: Resources for TEachers and Communities
Web Sites » Personal
Natalia Sudeyko
Blog uses a discussion of the "skirt protocol" (the practice which, in some Indigenous communities, requires women wear long skirts to participate in spiritual ceremonies) as starting point to explore how clothing is related to culture, religion, tradition, gender, colonialism, and identity. Includes links to lesson plan, backgrounder, activities, teaching resources, and consolidated materials.
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Smohalla, the Washani, and Religion as a Factor in Northwestern Indian History

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Clifford E. Trafzer
Margery Ann Beach
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 3, Prophets: Religious Leaders and Revitalization Movements, Summer, 1985, pp. 309-324
Discusses Washani religious leader Smohlla preaching a return to traditional ways and leading a peaceful resistance to the Indian Homestead Act.
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Snoqualmie Ethnicity: Community and Continuity

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kenneth D. Tollefson
Martin L. Abbott
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 4, Autumn, 1998, pp. 415-431
Study defines the cultural values and symbols of the Snoqualmie people and then uses the maintenance of these cultural pieces to evaluate the resistance of the Snoqualmie to assimilation.
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So You Should Know: Chi Ki Ken Da Mun

Documents & Presentations
Linda North
Barb St. Goddard
Language arts resource covers topics including history before and after contact, customs and beliefs, education, the Métis, and current issues.
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The Social Economy of the Tlingit Indians

Book Reviews
J. V. Powell
BC Studies, no. 23, Autumn, 1974, pp. 59-62
Book review of: The Social Economy of the Tlingit Indians by Kalervo Oberg. Scroll down to page 59 to read review.
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Social Life and Ceremonial Bundles of the Menomini Indians

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.13, pt.1
Alanson Skinner
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, v.13 (p.1-165).
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Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.7 pt.1
Social Organization and Ritualistic Ceremonies of the Blackfoot Indians
Clark Wissler
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 7 (p. 1-64).
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Social Life of the Crow Indians

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.9, pt.2
Robert H. Lowie

Forms part of Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Nature History, v.9 (p.179-253).

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Social Power and Cultural Change in Pre-Colonial British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cole Harris
BC Studies, no. 115/116, Native Peoples and Colonialism, Autumn/Winter, 1997/1998, pp. 45-82
Examines the current scholarship of colonialism by looking at three aspects of Northwest coast history: geopolitical recording and transposition of information, the introduction and distribution of disease, and the profits of fur trade.
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Social Responsibility of Mining Companies and Indigenous People of Chukotka

Alternate Title
Responsabilité Sociale des Compagnies Minières et Peuples autochtones de la Tchoukotka
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Oksana Kolomiets
Etudes Inuit Studies, vol. 45, no. 1/2, Chukotka: Understanding the Past, Contemporary Practices, and Perceptions of the Present, 2021, pp. 365-391

Discusses the social and economic impact of mining companies' policies when extracting natural resources on Indigenous land. 

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Social Studies 7: Chapter 1: Aboriginal Societies [Notes]

Alternate Title
Big Idea: Who are the Aboriginal peoples who have contributed to the building of Canada?
Documents & Presentations
[Tavis Newman]

Focuses on the Mi'maq, Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinabe nations. Answer key.

For use with chapter from textbook Voices and Visions: A Story of Canada.

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Societies of the Crow, Hidatsa and Mandan Indians

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.11 pt.3
Robert H. Lowe
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, v.11 (p.143-358).
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Societies of the Iowa, Kansa, and Ponca Indians

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.11 pt.9
Alanson Skinner
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 11 (p.679-801).
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Some Aspects of Nootka Language and Culture

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Edward Sapir
American Anthropologist, vol. 13, no. 1, New Series, January-March 1911, pp. 15-28
Description based on ethnological and linguistic data gathered from two groups in British Columbia during 1910.
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Some Notes on the Manufacture of Wampum Prior to 1654

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James D. Burggraf
American Antiquity, vol. 4, no. 1, July 1938, pp. 53-58
Long Island excavations in the 1930's indicate that most wampum was produced less than 350 years ago. Methods and materials for making white and black wampum are discussed.
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"Some of Them... Would Always Have a Minister with Them": Mohawk Protestantism, 1683-1719

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Daniel K. Richter
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 4, Shamans and Preachers, Color Symbolism and Commercial Evangelism: Reflections on Early Mid-Atlantic , Autumn, 1992, pp. 471-484
Author works to re-examine the activities of the first wave of Protestant Missionaries and the effects of their engagement with the Mohawk people; discusses elements of cultural exchange and argues that this is the framework through which the Mohawk approach Christian Baptism and prayer.
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Some Sign Will Be Seen: The Aurora Borealis at Black Elk’s Death

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mark Hollabaugh
Great Plains Quarterly, vol. 39, no. 1, Winter, January 10, 2019, pp. 1-10
Article examines the eyewitness accounts of profound aurora borealis displays on the night of Black Elk’s death (August 19, 1950) in the context of scientific and astronomical reports. Considers the narrative in within the framework of ethnoastronomy which combines scientific accounts with eyewitness reports and interpreting the meaning of an event through a cultural lens.
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Songs of the Canadian Eskimo

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rudy Weibe
Canadian Literature, no. 52, National Origins, Spring, 1972, pp. 57-69
Brief introduction to "classic" (before Western influences) Inuit song and poetry. Entire journal on one pdf. Scroll down to page 57 to read articles.
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The Southeastern Yavapai

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.29, no.3
E. W. Gifford
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 29, (pp177-252).
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