Displaying 601 - 650 of 1337

The Inuit's Struggle with Dioxins and Other Organic Pollutants

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bruce E. Johansen
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 3, 2002, pp. 479-490
Article examines the phenomenon in which toxins are concentrated in the fat of mammals and how this especially affects Inuit people because marine mammals make up such a large percentage of their diet.
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The Inuit Sky

Documents & Presentations
Discusses the short period of time each year that the Inuit have to study the sky and presents several legends in which the moon plays a central role.
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Inuit Symbolism of the Bearded Seal

Alternate Title
Symbolisme inuit du phoque barbu
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Birgitte Sonne
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 41, no. 1-2, Bestiaire inuit = Inuit Bestiary, 2017, pp. 29-50
Examines traditional Inuit and Yupiit stories, rituals, and colloquial sayings to reveal different meanings associated with the bearded seal in these Indigenous cultures. Finds that bearded seals can impart multiple meanings ranging from monstrous to protection to renewal and reproduction.
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Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami 2012-2013 [Annual Report]

Documents & Presentations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Reports on the the Amaujaq National Centre for Inuit education, health and social development, environment and wildlife, and the Inuit Knowledge Centre.
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Investigating the Utility of Birds in Precontact Yup'ik Subsistence: A Preliminary Analysis of the Avian Remains from Nunalleq

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Edouard Masson-MacLean
Claire Houmard
Rick Knecht
Madonna L. Moss
Etudes Inuit Studies, vol. 43, no. 1/2, The Past in the Yup’ik Present: Archaeologies of Climate Change in Western Alaska, 2019, pp. 169-196

Highlights the important role of birds for precontact Yup'ik as a soruce of food and material culture. 

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Issues in the North, vol. 1

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 40
Lyle Longclaws
Donna Martin
David Gregory
Betty Thomlinson
Nellie Erickson ... [et al.]
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Issues in the North, vol. 2

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 41
Harold Welch
Susan Cosens
Canadace Turcotte
Norm Kenkel
David Punter ... [et al.]
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Issues in the North, vol. 3

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 44
Gail Marchessault
John O'Neil
Brenda Elias
Christopher Fletcher
Annalee Yassi ... [et al.]
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“It Is Not Our Reindeer but Our Politicians that Are Wild:” Contests over Reindeer and Categories in the Kola Peninsula, Northwestern Russia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Vladislava Vladimirova
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 51, no. 1, 2014, pp. 24-40
Description of conflict which occurred when government declared all reindeer without earmarks as wild, and therefore available for recreational hunting ; animals actually belonged to two local cooperatives.
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Iyatayet Revisited: A Report on Renewed Investigations of a Stratified Middle-to-Late Holocene Coastal Campsite in Norton Sound, Alaska

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrew H. Tremayne
Christyann M. Darwent
John Darwent
Kelly A. Eldridge
Jeffrey T. Rasic
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 55, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-23
Describes the archaeological reassessment of the Iyatayet, a Holocene site at Cape Denbigh, Alaska. New data collected in 2012 and 2013 provides insight into the site’s occupation by three different cultural groups: the Denbigh, the Norton, and the Thule.
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James Gray Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
James Gray
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
James Gray was a farmer who worked for the CCF government in the areas of fish, fur and timber marketing.
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Jane McKee Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jane McKee
Cyndy Baskin
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where she gives an account of native use of plants for medicine. She tells of prophecies concerning the arrival of the white man and general accounts of her life in the bush.
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Jean Marie Mustus Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jean Marie Mustus
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
Mr. Mustus, aged 78, is the grandson of Mustus, the first chief of the Sucker Creek Reserve. This is an unusual interview in that he displays fairly positive feelings about the treaty. Also talks of generosity of the H.B.C. storekeeper, sharing problems with white settlers, learning from them, etc. Shows little or no animosity to whitesociety.
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Joe Bellerose Field Report

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Joe Bellerose
Indian History Film Project
Summary of a series of interviews with four elders in which they are asked to tell how they understand the treaties.
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John Diefenbaker fishing with others

Images » Photographs
Yellowed snapshot of John Diefenbaker wearing a fringed buckskin jacket and talking to an unidentified bearded man wearing a short sleeved T-shirt [ca. 1962]. A group of Aboriginal Canadians look on from the background. Photo taken during a fishing trip perhaps.
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John McKay: The Man From Birch Rapids

Articles » General
Department Of Northern Saskatchewan
Graham Guest
John McKay still tends to his family's trap-line at age seventy-six. Page one: picture of John McKay (at time of interview) Page two: picture of John and Mary Anne with their son Richard displaying furs (1950s). A picture of John's parents, Catherine and Roderick McKay.
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Joseph R. MacAuley Sr. Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Joseph R. MacAuley
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Mr. MacAuley tells of the changes that have taken place in Cumberland House including the increase in crime and alcoholism.
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Josephine Beaucage Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Josephine Beaucage
Cyndy Baskin
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with Josephine Beaucage where she gives an account of trapping in the woods as well as an account of the preparation of hides.
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Journal for 1805 & 6 / Cross Lake.

Archival » Archival Items
William McKay
This diary was written while William McKay was proprietor in the Lake Winnipeg Department of the North West Company. The writer of this journal was exploring the Nelson River to determine the route over which the North West Company wished to transport its goods between the Interior and Hudson's Bay.
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Journal of Robert Campbell

Archival » Archival Items
Robert Campbell
The journal of Robert Campbell, an early settler, trader, and explorer which mentions his interactions with indigenous people at the time.
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Journal of the Rocky Mountain Fort / Fall 1799.

Archival » Archival Items
Simon Fraser
This journal, likely written by Simon Fraser (20 May 1776–18 August 1862), covers the trading season from 5 October 1799 to 20 April 1800. The North West Company trader describes the daily life at the fort, including the frequent killing of buffalo for food, and the trade with Indians for furs.
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Journals and Letters of William MacGillivray, English River.

Archival » Archival Items
William MacGillivray
This book is a handwritten copy of William MacGillivray's journals from 9 September 1789 - 13 June 1790; and from about 7 February - 14 June 1793; as well as his letters to Roderic Mckenzie from 21 July 1791 - 20 June 1792. In his writings he describes his travels to such places as Lac d'Orignal, Lac Froid, and on the Beaver River among other locations from Fort Isle a la Crosse and region to Le Pas; as well as to Riviere Maligne, Rat River, and other destinations.
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Julian Gladue Interview 3

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Julian Gladue
Alfred J. Beaver
Indian History Film Project
Mr. Gladue, aged 86, describes the discovery of Trout Lake, Alberta; the abundance of buffalo in the area; his life as atrapper. He gives a detailed and graphic account of a winter journey from Wabasca to Yellowknife and back, including his attendance at a Chipewyan funeral and feast.
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Keeping Woodland Caribou (Ahtik) in the Whitefeather Forest

Alternate Title
SFM Network Research Note Series ; no. 27
Documents & Presentations
R. Michael O'Flaherty
Iain Davidson-Hunt
Micheline Manseau
Outlines how the Pikangikum customary stewardship approach of “Keeping the Land” provides the foundation for woodland caribou habitat conservation in the Whitefeather Forest.
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The Kepel Fish Dam

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.35, no.6
T. T. Waterman
A. L. Kroeber
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 35, (pp49-80).
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Knowledge Co-production in Contested Spaces: An Evaluation of the North Slope Borough – Shell Baseline Studies Program

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nathan P. Kettle
Arctic, vol. 72, no. 1, March 31, 2019, pp. 43-57
Examines a research agreement between the North Slope Borough of Alaska and Shell Exploration and Production Company (Shell Oil) and offers an evaluation based on: external factors, inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
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Ko Aotearoa Tēnei: A Report into Claims Concerning New Zealand Law and Policy Affecting Māor Culture and Identity: Te Taumata Tuarua, vol. 2

Alternate Title
Indigenous Flora and Fauna and Cultural and Intellectual Property Claim
Ko Aotearoa Tenei: A Report into Claims Concerning New Zealand Law and Policy Affecting Maori Culture and Identity: Te Taumata Tuarua, vol. 2
Te Taumata Tuarua
WAI 262
Waitangi Tribunal Report
Waitangi Tribunal
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