Displaying 1 - 50 of 158

Aboriginal Cultural Capital Creation and Radio Production in Urban Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kathleen Buddle
Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 30, no. 1, 2005, pp. 7-39
Challenges the common assumption that there is a direct link between the production and expression of ideas and and a new social order; "article highlights the interdependence of Aboriginal public spheres, radio mediation, and popular sovereignty."
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Aboriginal Journalists Bring Unique Perspective To Media

Articles » General
Chris Tyrone Ross
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 6, June 2008, p. 13
Comments on three First Nation journalists who cover a variety of stories, including First Nation issues, on the radio, television and newspaper. Article located by scrolling to page 13.
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Actor Donald Sutherland Featured in Five-Hour 'Riel Commission' - Press release. - 16 April 1985.

Documents & Presentations
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Concerns CBC radio program "The Riel Commission: An Investigation into the Survival of a People," starring Donald Sutherland and August Schellenberg. Includes broadcast information and the purpose of the production to commemorate the centennial of the Northwest Resistance of 1885.
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All Indians Do Not Live in Teepees (Or Casinos)

Book Reviews
Pauline Turner Strong
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 37, no. 2, The Settler Complex, 2013, pp. 233-234
Book review of: All Indians Do Not Live in Teepees (Or Casinos) by Catherine C. Robbins.
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Below the Hamelin Line: CKRZ and Aboriginal Cultural Survival

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Charles Fairchild
Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 23, no. 2, 1998, pp. [163-?]
Examines the evolution and development of the radio station serving First Nations in Southwestern Ontario and evaluates its success as a viable community institution.
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Bernard Wheeler: Pioneer in Aboriginal Journalism

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Canadian Dimension, vol. 39, no. 6, Nov/Dec 2005, p. 25
Brief biography of the late, distinguished journalist (1937-2005), giving praise for her commitment to her native land.
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Blowing Smoke Out Your....

Articles » General
Drew Hayden Taylor
Windspeaker, vol. 27, no. 11, February 2010, p. 12

Discusses a questionable comment made on the radio by host T. J. Conner regarding the Olympic Torch visit stopping in Curve Lake to "buy smokes".

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.12.

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Broadcasting Sovereignty: Exhibiting Nuxalk Radio at the University of British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jennifer Kramer
BC Studies, no. 199, Indigeneities and Museums: Ongoing Conversations, Autumn, 2018, pp. 151-170
Discusses the student-curated exhibition Nuxalk Radio: One Nation, Many Voices and the role that the Indigenous-led, non-commercial radio station plays in promoting language, culture and sovereignty.
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Canada's Northern Communication Policies: The Role of Aboriginal Organizations

Alternate Title
Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada
E-Books » Chapters
Rob McMahon
Heather E. Hudson
Lyle Fabian
Looks at how Indigenous-led initiatives have dealt with the lack of private sector investment in provision of information and communication technologies in the region due to its sparse population and remote locations. Chapter from Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada edited by Nick J. Muléandd Gloria C. DeSantis.
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CBC Aboriginal

Web Sites » Organizations
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Includes links to arts & culture, biographies, archives and current headlines.
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Media » Film and Video
National Film Board of Canada
Dennis Allen
Bonnie Thompson
Documentary about a community radio station and the important role it plays in the Teetl'it Gwich'in town of Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories. Duration : 1:06:11.
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Media » Film and Video
Dennis Allen
Glimpses of life in the northern community of Fort McPherson through local radio station or the "Moccasin Telegraph". Duration: 66:02.
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Co-op Healthy Foods Corner and Meal Packages: A Partnership Among Community Members, a Grocery Store, and Community Radio in Pangnirtung, Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cassandra Racicot-Matta
Markus Wilcke
Oleepika Nashalik
Grace Egeland
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 9, no. 2, Inuit Health and Well-Being, 2012, pp. 76-79

Looks at a successful program that provided frozen uncooked nutritional country foods packaged to feed two to four people at a price point lower than commercially prepared frozen dinners. 

NOTE: Also published as Journal of Aboriginal Health, Summer, 2015.

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Contemporary Dynamics of Sámi Media in the Nordic States

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lia Markelin
Charles Husband
Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, no. 149, Indigenous Media Practice, November 2013, pp. 70-81
Comments on the challenges of developing a Sami mediascape due to diversity in language, culture, and area of residence.
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Cultural Survival in the Media

Articles » General
David Maybury-Lewis
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2, Aboriginal Media, Aboriginal Control, Summer, 1998
Discussion of how television and radio media can aid cultural survival by providing culturally sensitive programming in minority languages, and how Canada has been a leader in First Nations programming.
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A Day In the Life of Radio Doble Via

Articles » General
Hope Ross
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 4, The Interconnectedness of Languages, Rivers, and Forests, December 2011
Discusses how the Guatemalan community radio station plays an important role in providing information and preserving values pertaining to the various Indigenous cultures.
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Elders Aid Efforts To Retain Culture

Articles » General
Donna Pinay
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 3, no. 12, December 1973, p. 11
Elders' stories and narrations taped and translated by Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre.
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Eskimos on CBC Radio

Images » Photographs
[CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) (photographer)]
Two Inuit women, one Inuk man and Inuk baby seated in front of microphone. On information card: Picture #16 L-R: Kaumauook, Oodlooriak's sister (Annie Aupalook), the baby, Nuyaketook, Kaymayook's husband (Adamie Aupalook) and Ereshoolik, Kinerktee's sweetheart (Louisa Angotousuge). (Episode 25/26).
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FBC Radio Program Enhances Retention Effort

Alternate Title
Fort Belknap College Radio Program Enhances Retention Effort
Articles » General
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 18, no. 1, The Winding Road to Student Success, Fall, 2006
Discusses a student retention program, developed by the Fort Belknap College in Montana, that uses a radio program as one mechanism to encourage students to stay in school.
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Following the Green Path: Honor the Earth and Presentations of Anishinaabe Indigeneity

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nicholas G. Cragoe
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 32, no. 2, Fall, 2017, pp. 46-69
Author examines text and video about the Honor the Earth environmental organization's campaign against Enbridge pipeline projects to understand how the organization represents itself to the public, and how it’s represented by other media outlets. Finds a cultural and a procedural narrative are both present in the discourse.
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[The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation and Convergence Series: Halifax Gathering, May 18th, 2017]

Web Sites » Organizations
Francella Fiallos
Maureen Googoo
Aggie Baby
Annie Claire Googoo
Morris Prokop
Brian Beaton … [et al.]
Includes links to documents, audio recordings of sessions, and programming. Pt. 1: Indigenous Voices? Challenges in Community Radio featuring Francella Fiallos, Maureen Googoo, Aggie Baby. Review of gatherings in Manitoba, Nunavut, Alberta, and British Columbia. Pt. 2: Decolonization? Hand the Media Back! A View from Pjilasi Mi'kma'ki featuring Annie Claire. Pt. 3: Preserving Indigenous Language: Challenges and Solutions featuring Morris Prokop. e-Centres: Community-Based Production/Broadcast Facilities featuring Brian Beaton. Pt.
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[The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence Series: Edmonton Gathering, April 21st, 2017]

Web Sites » Organizations
Chelsea Vowel
Molly Swain
Lauren Crazybull
Jodi Stonehouse
Les Carpenter
Rob McMahon
Michael Lithgow
Includes links to program, summary, and audio of three panel discussions. Pt. 1: World-Building in the Dystopian Now: Imagining and Podcasting Indigenous Futures featuring Chelsea Vowel, Molly Swain, and Lauren Crazybull. Review of conversations in Winnipeg and Iqaluit. Pt. 2: Revitalizing Indian Story-telling in the Media featuring Jodi Stonehouse. Discussion on Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CTRC) process and policy. Pt.
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[The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence Series: Homalco Gathering, May 8, 2017]

Media » Sound Recordings
Darren Blaney
John Gagnon
Banchi Hause
Natasha Bob
Devin Pielle … [et al.]
Part 1: Welcome by Darren Blaney; general remarks by John Gagnon, CEO of Wawatay Native Communications Society. Part 2: Nuxalk Radio featuring Banchi Hanuse; Siem-nu-ts-lhhwulmuhw host Natasha Bob speaks about how the program came about and its content. Part 3: Gunargie O'Sullivan, a volunteer programmer, talked about the importance of Indigenous presence on community and campus radio stations; Doreen Manuel shared history of Secwepemc Radio. Part 5: Talk on CiTR Indigenous Collective and the program Unceded Airwaves, presented by Lisa Girbav, Mario P
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[[The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence Series: Iqualuit Gathering, April 12, 2017]

Media » Sound Recordings
Jack Anawak
Claude Grenier
Salome Avva
Geneviève Bonin-Labelle
Anne Crawford
Madeleine D'Argencourt … [et al.]
Includes links to program, summary, speeches, and audio of two panel discussions. Part 1: Community Radio speech by Jack Anawak. Part 2: Panel discussion: Regional Radio: Taqramiut Nipingat Inc.(TNI) and CBC North featuring Claude Grenier, Salome Avva and Patrick Nagle. Part 3: Speech by George Hickes, Nunavut Minister responsible for Health and Suicide Prevention. Part 4: Panel discussion: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, CFRT-FM, and TV Nunavut featuring Fanny He, Madeleine d'Agencourt, and Charlotte DeWolff.
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[The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence Series: Winnipeg Gathering, February 17, 2017]

Media » Sound Recordings
Rosanna Deerchild
Kim Wheeler
Gary Farmer
Kathleen Buddle
Miles Morrisseau
Jim Compton
Lenard Monkman
Includes links to program, summary, and audio of three panel discussions. Panel 1: Storytelling on National Ikwe Radio featuring Rosanna Deerchild and Kim Wheeler. A History of Aboriginal Voices Radio featuring Gary Farmer and Kathleen Buddle. On Nativebeat, Indian Country Today and More featuring Miles Morrisseau. Panel 2: Adam Beach Film Institute and Youth Engagement featuring Jim Compton. At the Edge of Canada on UMFM featuring Robert-Falcon Ouellette.
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Global Indigenous Media: Cultures, Poetics and Politics

Book Reviews
Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed
AlterNative, vol. 5, no. 1, 2009, pp. 141-144
Book Review: Global Indigenous Media: Cultures, Poetics and Politics edited by Pamela Wilson and Michelle Stewart with articles by Lisa Brooten, Mario Murillo and Faye Ginsburg.
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The History of CBC Northern Service Broadcast Recordings

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Perry Linttell
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, 1988, pp. 291-293
Notes on talent discovery, recording techniques and the broadcasting of Inuit and other Aboriginal performers.
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Homeland Insecurity

Articles » General
Kristina Nilson Allen
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 3, Two Countries, One People, Fall, 2006
Outlines some problems that residents of the community of Akwesasne have with border crossings, due to the U.S.-Canadian border intersecting their communal lands.
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