Displaying 451 - 500 of 3828

The BIA School Administrator and Effective Leadership

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carl G. Foster
Sigmund A. Boloz

Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 19, no. 2, May 1980, pp. [24-28]
How Public Law 95-561 changes the role of the Bureau of Indian Affair administrators.
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Big Bear’s Treaty: The Road to Freedom

Articles » General
Jean Allard
Inroads, no. 11, 2002, pp. 111-171
Overview of developments in the field of Aboriginal affairs since the signing of Treaty 6 in 1882.
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Bilingual Education and the Pueblo Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carletta Suina-Lowery
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 18, no. 2, January 1979, pp. [23-27]
Reviews legislation regarding bilingual-bicultural education and makes recommendations for the development of a program.
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Bilingual Education in Nunavut: Trojan Horse or Paper Tiger?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrew Hodgkins
Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2010, pp. 1-10
Discusses report by Thomas Berger, The Nunavut Project, which was used as the foundation for the Education Act of 2008.
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Bill C-15 FAQ

Documents & Presentations
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Brief discussion of Bill C-15 : An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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Bill C-20: First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-495E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which proposes establishment of an institutional framework to provide First Nations who decide to opt in with tools to address economic development and fiscal issues on-reserve. Includes provision for governments to establish their own financing through property tax and borrowing regimes. Incorporates amendments to Bill C-23 that were adopted by the House of Commons at Report Stage.
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Bill C-23: First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Research Branch) ; LS-475E
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Opt-in legislation proposes Establishment of four financial institutions: First Nations Finance Authority, First Nations Tax Commission, First Nations Financial Management Board, and the First Nations Statistical Institute. Targets mechanisms aimed at enhancing fund-raising capacity through taxation of leasehold interests on reserve land and access to long-term loans for community development.
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Bill C-27: An Act to enhance the financial accountability and transparency of First Nations

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 41-1-C27-E
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Shauna Troniak
Brief description of background and contents of the proposed Act, which deals with preparation and public disclosure of audited consolidated financial statements and of remuneration paid to elected officials. It also requires that the information be published on the First Nation's website and the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada website. Revised version.
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Bill C-27: Draconian, or a Law Without Teeth?

Articles » General
Shari Narine
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 12, March 2013, p. 25

Comments on the First Nations Financial Transparency Act and questions whether it is legal or not.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.25.

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Bill C-27: First Nations Financial Transparency Act

Documents & Presentations
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Brief overview of act which required that audits be posted on public websites. Argues that reporting requirements exceeded those for other elected officials and failed to take into account existing capacity of First Nation governments. Lists disclosure requirements in each of the provinces and territories.
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Bill C-28: An Act to amend the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-642E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which address two issues: enhancement of the Cree Regional Authority's powers of governance and the inclusion of the Oujé-Bourgoumou Crees in the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement regime. Revised version.
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Bill C-3 - Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act

Documents & Presentations
National Aboriginal Law Section
Canadian Bar Association
Concerns equal treatment of males and females for entitlement to registration as a status Indian under the provisions of the Indian Act.
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Bill C-3: Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 40-3-C3-E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Tonina Simeone
Provides information on Bill C-3, including background, a description, and an analysis of the Bill. Revised document.
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Bill C-31

Documents & Presentations
[Communications Branch
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND)]
Brief information sheet deals with amendments to the Indian Act which were meant to remove discriminatory rules which had denied women status, restore status and membership rights, and increase band's control over their own affairs.
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Bill C-31: The Abocide Bill

Documents & Presentations
Harry W. Daniels
Contends that contents of the bill will eventually lead to loss of Status for Aboriginal people. Speech was delivered at the Unity for Our Grandchildren conference in a session with The Native Women's Association of Canada.
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Bill C-31: Unity for Our Grandchildren

Alternate Title
1st National Conference on Bill C-31
First National Conference on Bill-31
NWAC Report
Documents & Presentations
Native Women's Association of Canada
Proceedings of conference that looked at the impact of the legislation. Main issues discussed were divisiveness resulting from adoption of band membership codes which block women from returning to their home communities and two-tiered system which produces loss of status due to the "second generation cutoff" rule.
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Bill C-33: First Nations Control of First Nations Education Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 41-2-C33-E
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Bill introduced in the House of Commons by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development April 10, 2014.
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Bill C-37: Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation Act

Alternate Title
[Legislative Summary (Research Branch, Libary of Parliament)] ; LS-415E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Government of Canada
Gives the legislative history of Bill C-37; legislation that facilitates land claim settlements, particularily those resolving treaty land entitlement and specific claims.
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Bill C-44 : An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary ; LS-546E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
"The bill repeals section 67 of the federal human rights statute, which has restricted access to its redress mechanisms with respect to "any provision on the Indian Act or any provision made under or pursuant to that Act."
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Bill C-5: An Act to amend the Indian Oil and Gas Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-625E
Documents & Presentations
Marlisa Tiedemann
Reintroduction of Bill C-63 which had died on the Order Paper when Parliament was dissolved on 7 September 2008. Revised version.
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Bill C-54: First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-510E
Documents & Presentations
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which provides First Nations with the option of managing and regulating oil and gas exploration and exploitation and receiving moneys otherwise held for them by Canada.
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Bill C-63: An Act to amend the Indian Oil and Gas Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-611E
Documents & Presentations
Marlisa Tiedemann
Amendment in response to Indian Oil and Gas Canada Co-Management Board's request to modernize the Act in order to eliminate existing regulatory gap and level the playing field between off-reserve and on-reserve activities, thereby reducing barriers to economic development.
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Bill C-7: The First Nations Governance Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Law and Government Division, Library of Parliament) ; LS-435E
Documents & Presentations
Mary C. Hurley
Legislative summary concerning the Act meant to reform the Indian Act.
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Bill C-71: First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; LS-520E
Documents & Presentations
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which provides a regulatory framework for projects undertaken on reserve lands.
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Bill C-9: An Act respecting the election and term of office of chiefs and councilors of certain First Nations and the composition of council of those First Nations

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 41-2-C9-E
Legislative Summary of Bill C-9
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Shauna Troniak
Provides background information including current methods of leadership selection, the Indian Act electoral framework, custom elections, federal role in First Nations elections, and pertinent court cases, followed by description and analysis of clauses in the proposed legislation.
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Bill C-92 Compliance Guide for Social Workers and Service Providers

Documents & Presentations
[Koren Lightning-Earle
Hadley Friedland]
Bill C-92: : An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families which came into force on January 1, 2020, established national minimum standards for Child and Family Service provision to Indigenous children and families.
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Bill C24: First Nations Certainty of Land Title Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 40-3-C24-E
Documents & Presentations
James Gauthier
Tonina Simeone
Brief description of background and contents of the proposed Bill, which would amend the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act to enable participating communities to request that the government make regulations involving establishment and operation of a system replicating the provincial land title or registry system. Identical to Bill C-63 which died on the Order Paper when Parliament was prorogued.
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Bill Receives Assent, But Chiefs Will Have Last Word

Articles » General
Jennifer Ashawasegai
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 10, January 2013, p. 20

Looks at Bill C-45, and the frustrations that led to the resulting scuffle as well as the 'Idle No More' campaign.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.20.

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Bill S-11: The Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 40-3-S11-E
Documents & Presentations
Nicholas Auclair
Tonina Simeone
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which provides for federal regulations relating to provision of drinking water, water quality standards and disposal of waste water.
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Bill S-2: Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 41-1-S2-E
Documents & Presentations
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of Act, which involves provision for First Nations' power to enact laws relating to use, occupation and possession of family homes and the division of value of rights and interests held by spouses or common-law partners. Revised version.
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Bill S-3: A Rushed Response to Descheneaux

Documents & Presentations
Elysa Hogg

Bill introduced to comply with Court's decision in Descheneaux et al., v. Canada (Attorney General), which found current <i>Indian Act</i> violated equality provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Court case involved eligibility for Indian Status.

Comments on the proposed Act rather than the final version.

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Bill S-3: An Act to amend the Indian Act (elimination of sex-based inequities in registration)

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 42-1-23-E
Documents & Presentations
Norah Kielland
Marlisa Tiedemann
Bill introduced to comply with Superior Court of Quebec's decision in Descheneaux c. Canada which found current Act violated equality provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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Bill S-3, An Act to amend the Indian Act (elimination of sex-based inequities in registration): Proposed Legislative Amendments

Documents & Presentations
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Amendments were to address the cousin, siblings and omitted minors issues. Outlines the issue, the effect, the situation of the comparator group, and proposed remedy. Includes graphics to illustrate each scenario. Addresses remedies for issues identified in Descheneaux.
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Bill S-3 - Indian Act Amendments (elimination of sex-based inequities in registration)

Documents & Presentations
Canadian Bar Association
Aboriginal Law Section
Bill came about as a result of the Quebec Superior Court's decision in Descheneaux v. Canada which found The Indian Act still discriminated against women and their offspring with respect to Indian status. This document: Presentation on the Quebec Superior Court Judgment in the Case of Descheneaux and Yantha v.
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Bill S-4: Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interest or Rights Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 40-30S4-E
Documents & Presentations
Anna Gay
Marlisa Tiedemann
Brief description of background and contents of Act, which involves division of property when a conjugal relationship breaks down. Provisional rules in the bill apply until a First Nation has enacted laws of its own. Revised version. Originally published April 1, 2010.
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Bill S-8: The Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 41-1-S8-E
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Shauna Troniak
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which provides for federal regulations relating to provision of drinking water, water quality standards and disposal of waste water. Revised version.
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