Displaying 651 - 700 of 3828

Case Study of the Development of the 1998 Tribal State Agreement in Minnesota

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Evelyn Campbell
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 5, no. 2, 2010, pp. 45-52
Discusses the history of the American Indian women who initiated legislative changes to the Indian Child Welfare Act, and looks at recommendations to address the problems associated with the lack of compliance to current legislation across Canada and the United States.
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Cash Back: A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper

Documents & Presentations
Yellowhead Institute
Looks at how the Canadian economy has been built by using Indigenous lands and waterways to create corporate profit and national power and how this process has left First Nations impoverished. Discusses the reparations needed as part of decolonization process.
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Casper Solomon Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Casper Solomon
Jocelyn Keeshig
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he gives an account of the migration of the Potawatomi Indians and a general description of reserve life; an account of the importance of midwives and a brief description of naming ceremonies; and tells a story about an old man who remembered seeing the Chicago fire.
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Catholic Church Has Proved Difficult to Work With, Says Healing Group

Articles » General
Shari Narine
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 10, January 2013, p. 8

Looks at whether or not the Catholic entities have met their commitment to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation under the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.8.

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CBC Indian Convention, Broadcast 29 May, 1948

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Yale D. Belanger
Douglas Sanderson
Edward Beauvais
Native Studies Review, vol. 20, no. 2, 2011, pp. 187-194
Author briefly outlines the history of political organizations and activism which lead up to the interview.
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Certificates of Possession and First Nations Housing : A Case Study of the Six Nations Housing Program

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christopher Alcantara
The Canadian Journal of Law and Society, vol. 20, no. 2, 2005, pp. 183-205
Discusses how the Six Nations band members have accessed private property using these certificates avoid circumvent the seizure for debt restrictions in the Indian Act and acquire mortgages and own their own housing.
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The Challenge of Governance and the Aboriginal Peoples

Articles » General
Carolann M. Brewer
Canadian Issues, Our Cities, Winter, 2003, pp. 44-47
Discusses federal policies used in the administration of the Aboriginal people and their lands in Canada. To access article scroll to p. 44.
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Challenges of Treaty Interpretation No. 2

Alternate Title
Treaty Interpretation 2 - Treaty Conference
Vancouver Island Pre-Confederation Treaties Conference, 2012
Media » Film and Video
John Lutz
Cole Harris
Raymond Frogner
Louise Mandell
Speakers discuss: ambiguity in both oral accounts and written versions of the Douglas Treaties; litigation arising from treaties; archival treatment of colonial documents pertaining to the treaties and the bound register; contradictory views about the issue of treaty annuities versus lump sum payments. Followed by question and answer period. Duration: 2:01:00.
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Challenges to Urban Aboriginal Governance

Alternate Title
Canada: The State of the Federation ; 2003
Reconfiguring Aboriginal-State Relations
E-Books » Chapters
Gordon Christie
Discusses the Constitution and Aboriginal rights, challenges in meeting the test for Aboriginal rights, the Aboriginal perspective of irrelevance of arguments based on jurisprudential and liberal arguments, and takes a brief look at possibilities for urban governments to address social issues. Excerpt from Canada: The State of the Federation ; 2003. Entire book on one pdf. To access chapter scroll to p. 93.
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The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Self-Government Agreement

Web Sites » Governmental
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Agreement between the First Nations, the Government of Canada, and the Government of the Yukon signed in 1993; includes self-government, remedies, application of law, legal status of First Nation, transition provisions, legislative powers, services etc.
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Changes Come to the Canadian Prairies

Alternate Title
Horizons: Canada's Emerging Identity
E-Books » Chapters
[Michael Cranny]

Focuses on the numbered treaties and their effect on First Nations and the Métis, and the causes and impacts of the North-West Resistance. Intended for Grade 10 Social Studies students.

Chapter from Horizons: Canada's Emerging Identity, 2nd Edition, by Michael Cranny.

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Changing Debates in Museum Studies since NAGPRA

Articles » General
Max Carocci
Transmotion, vol. 4, no. 1, Red Readings, April 25, 2018, pp. 127-132
Review Essay which examines the ways that three different titles, Naamiwan’s Drum: the Story of a Contested Repatriation of Anishinabe Artefacts (Maureen Matthews), The Changing Presentation of the American Indian: Museums and Native Cultures (National Museum of the American Indian), and Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture (Chip Colwell) describe, interpret and relate to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
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Changing Times

Alternate Title
Métis Development and the Canadian West ; 2
Documents & Presentations
Calvin Racette

Overview of Métis history from the 1840s to 1875. Discusses the collapse of the buffalo hunting economy, the establishment of the community of St. Laurent, passing of laws to establish order, and the arrival of the North West Mounted Police. 

Includes questions for students.

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Chapter 2: Partners' Context, Worldviews and Evaluation Process

Alternate Title
Keeyask Generation Project: Environmental Impact Statement: Response to EIS Guidelines
E-Books » Chapters
Keeyask Hydropower Limited Partnership
Chapter in the report Keeyask Generation Project: Environmental Impact Statement: Response to EIS Guidelines by Keeyask Hydropower Limited Partnership. Looks at the development of principles and processes for the environmental impact statement for the Keeyask Generation Project.
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Chapter 9: The Métis Rise Up

Alternate Title
[Our Canada: Origins, Peoples, Perspectives]
Unit 3: After Confederation
E-Books » Chapters
[David Rees
Darrell Anderson Gerrits
Gratien Allaire]

Focuses on the causes of the Métis Resistances and their implications for the province of Manitoba and Canada as a whole. Intended for use in Grade 7 Social Studies classes.

Chapter from Our Canada: Origins, Peoples, Perspectives by David Rees, Darrell Anderson Gerrits, and Gratien Allaire.

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Charlie Blackman Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Charlie Blackman
Louis Rain
Indian History Film Project
Charlie Blackman describes his understanding of Treaty #6.
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Charlie Coming Singing Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Charlie Coming Singing
Dila Provost
Indian History Film Project
An interview discussing the taking and interpretation of Treaty #7, and the establishment of the Blood Reserve.
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Chief Bignall Interview

Alternate Title
Chief Bignell Interview
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Cornelius Bignell
Margaret Stobie
Indian History Film Project
Discusses his efforts to improve the conditions of his people.
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Chief John James Courtoirelle Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
John James Courtoirelle
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
The chief of the Beaver Ranch Reserve describes how the establishment of Wood Buffalo National Park has affected the Indians.
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Chief John James Courtoirelle Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
John James (Chief) Courtoirelle
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
The chief of Beaver Ranch Reserve discusses unsuccessful attempts to have Beaver Ranch and Tall Cree Reserves expanded.
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Chief One Gun Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Chief One Gun
Christine Welsh
Tony Snowsill
Indian History Film Project
An interview where Chief One Gun tells of his father's recollections of the signing of an unspecified treaty. He also tells of a Brave Dog Society prayer meeting.
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The Child and Family Services Authorities Act

Articles » General
Brenda Smichura-Jerome
Underneath the Golden Boy, vol. 3, 2004, pp. [143]-157
Discussion of the Manitoba Act which enabled the devolution of responsibility for child and family services to First Nations and Métis communities.
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Child Welfare

Alternate Title
The Justice System and Aboriginal People
Documents & Presentations
Aboriginal Justice Inquiry
Chapter 14, vol. 1 of the Report of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba.
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China & the Arctic Council

Articles » General
Tony Penikett
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 2, no. 2, Literacy & Democracy, December 2013, pp. 77-[78]
Discusses China's observer status and their refusal to express support for the rights of the Arctic’s Indigenous peoples.
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Chris Bull Shields Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Chris Bull Shields
Mike Devine
Indian History Film Project
Chris Bull Shields, age 73, describes the signing of Treaty #7, and the establishment of the boundaries of the Blood Reserve.
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