Displaying 3451 - 3500 of 3828

Toxic Representions: Museum Collections and the Contamination of Native Culture

Alternate Title
Toxic Representations
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
S. Jordan Simms
John D. McIntyre
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 34, no. 1, 2014, pp. 151-169
Discusses how use of poisonous preservatives in past conservation and curatorial practices have rendered objects hazardous to human health, thereby preventing their use in ceremonies. Communities are left with the responsibility of determining the chemicals used and mitigating their effects.
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Tracia's Trust: Front Line Voices: Manitobans Working Together to End Child Sexual Exploitation

Documents & Presentations
Manitoba Family Services and Housing
Child Protection Branch
Produced as result of workshops held during the Front Line Voices: Manitobans Working Together to End Child Sexual Exploitation summit. Recommendations and plans of action grouped into four themes: legislation and law enforcement, continuum of services, breaking the silence, and child, youth, family and community empowerment.
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Traditional Foods and Indigenous Recipes in B.C.'s Public Institutions

Documents & Presentations
Queenswood Consulting Group
Looks at barriers and facilitators to serving traditional foods with a focus on the health care system and post-secondary institutions, and current programs and initiatives. Qualitative study based on interviews with 60 individuals.
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Traités pré-1975 = Pre-1975 Treaties

Documents & Presentations
Geomatics Services
[Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)]
Shows areas covered by Peace and Friendship, Southern Ontario, Robinson, Douglas, Williams, and numbered treaties.
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Transferring of Health Programs to First Nations and Inuit Communities: Handbook 3 - After the Transfer - The New Environment

Alternate Title
Transfer of Health Programs to First Nations and Inuit Communities
Documents & Presentations
Business Planning and Management Directorate First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Health Canada
Looks at the post transfer environment, accountability, roles and responsibilities and policy summaries. Handbook 1 - An Introduction to Three Approaches Handbook 2 - The Health Services Transfer
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The Trapping Rights of Aboriginal Peoples in Northern Alberta

Alternate Title
CIRL Occasional Paper ; no 15
Documents & Presentations
Monique M. Passelac-Ross
CIRL Occasional Paper
Discusses the evolution of trapping, Treaty 8 and the Natural Resource Transfer Agreement (NRTA), and the erosion of trapping rights over time.
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Treaties: A Bibliography of Resources

Documents & Presentations
Stewart Resources Centre
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation
Lists and annotates resources available at the Centre. Current as 2012. Many of the resources are Saskatchewan based.
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Treaties: A Source Book

Alternate Title
[Occasional papers (D'Arcy McNickle Center for the History of the American Indian)] ; no. 12
Frederick E. Hoxie
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Treaties and Agreements

Web Sites » Governmental
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Information on historical and modern treaties in Canada, treaty rights and the treaty relationship.
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Treaties and the Law

Alternate Title
The PLEA ; vol., 38, no. 3, 2019
Documents & Presentations

General information on treaties in Canada.

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Treaties and the Law

Media » Film and Video
Cynthia Block
Video reports that Canadian law recognizes treaties as solemn, sacred agreements that create legally enforceable obligations on behalf of the First Nations and the Crown. Duration: 33:08.
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Treaties in Manitoba

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians
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Treaties Made in Good Faith

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sharon H. Venne
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, vol. 34, no. 1, 2007, pp. 3-16
Discusses the oral understanding involved in making treating six at Fort Carlton and Fort Pitt.
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[Treaties: Pimacihowin ... the Future]

Alternate Title
Framing the Future
[Growing Saskatchewan Conference; 2010]
Media » Film and Video
Milton Tootoosis
Video of representative from the Office of the Treaty Commissioner speaking at the 2010 Growing Saskatchewan Conference. Five parts. Viewer is automatically sent to next part. Total duration: 59:10.
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The Treaty

Alternate Title
Treaty 7: Past and Present
Treaty Seven: Past and Present
Web Sites » Organizations
Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Brief history surrounding the signing of Treaty 7. Also look at "Read the Treaty", "See the Treaty", and "Treaty Maps" as displayed in the left column bar of the website. "See the Treaty" is an image of the original Treaty seven document held at Glenbow Archives.
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Treaty 10

Alternate Title
Treaty 10
Treaty No. 10
Treaty No. Ten
Treaty Ten
Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan
Web Sites » Organizations
Rob Nestor
Brief introduction to Treaty 10.
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Treaty 6

Alternate Title
Treaty No. 6
Treaty No. Six
Treaty Six
Web Sites » Organizations
Bob Beal
Brief overview of Treaty Six negotiations between Lieutenant-Governor Alexander Morris and Chiefs Mistawasis and Ahtahkakoop.
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Treaty 6 Education in Living Sky: Creator-Land-People

Alternate Title
Treaty Six Education in Living Sky: Creator-Land-People
Web Sites » Organizations
Living Sky School Division
Website contains links to treaty perspectives, leaders, information for teachers, educational games, lesson plans developed by school district teachers, etc.
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Treaty 8: A British Columbian Anomaly

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arthur J. Ray
BC Studies, no. 123, Treaty 8, Autumn, 1999, pp. 5-58
Discusses the events and circumstances which led to the Treaty, difficulties encountered when the federal government had to negotiate with the province in terms of Crown land, and the ramifications of these negotiations when drawing up the treaty.
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Treaty 8: An Anomaly Revisited

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Irwin
BC Studies, no. 127, 2000, pp. 83-101
Comments on Arthur J. Ray's article, “Treaty 8: An Anomaly of the First Nations History of British Columbia” (BC Studies, Autumn, vol. 123, p.5-58)
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Treaty 8 and Expert Witnesses: A Reply to Robert Irwin

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arthur J. Ray
BC Studies, no. 127, Autumn, 2000, pp. 102-107
Rebuttal to Dr. Robert Irwin's critique (BC Studies, Autumn 2000, Issue 127, 83-101) of the author's article, "Treaty 8: An Anomaly of the First Nations History First Nations History of British Columbia" (BC Studies Autumn 2000 Issue 127 p.83).
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Treaty 8 and Traditional Livelihoods: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard T. Price
Shirleen Smith
Native Studies Review, vol. 9, no. 1, 1993-1994, pp. 51-91
Discusses the conflict over interpretation of the Treaty's provision for hunting, fishing, and trapping rights; governments' have relied on the written document, while Aboriginals argue that the verbal promises are more important than what was recorded.
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Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta

Web Sites » Organizations
Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta
Website contains information and resources on Treaty 8 including articles, maps, legal decisions, list of nations, education, and employment opportunities.
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Treaty 9 Diaries: The Real Agreement between First Nations and the Crown in 1905: Materials and Documents

Alternate Title
Treaty Nine Diaries: The Real Agreement between First Nations and the Crown in 1905
Treaty 9 Oral Promises
Last of the Indian Treaties
Twelve Hundred Miles by Canoe
Web Sites » Organizations
Mushkegowuk Council

Website contains links to legal discussion paper on oral promises, digitized copies of the diaries of the three treaty commissioners (Daniel George Martin, Samuel Stewart, Duncan Campbell Scott), the official report, article Last of the Indian Treaties by Campbell Scott published in Scribner's Magazine, and series of articles by the Treaty Secretary entitled Twelve Hundred Miles by Canoe published in the Canada magazine.

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Treaty and Aboriginal Rights

Alternate Title
Discussion Paper on Treaty and Aboriginal Rights
Ipperwash Discussion Paper
Documents & Presentations
Nye Thomas
Discussion paper submitted to Part Two of the Ipperwash Inquiry, which was established to look into events surrounding the death of Dudley George during a protest over land rights.
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The Treaty Annuity as Livelihood Assistance and Relationship Renewal

Alternate Title
A History of Treaties and Policies
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 7
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 3rd, 2009
E-Books » Chapters
Erik Anderson
Looks at the historical and modern meaning of the annuity and its significance as an annual reminder of obligations and promises made during treaty-making. Chapter from A History of Treaties and Policies edited by Jerry P. White, Erik Anderson, Jean-Pierre Morin, and Dan Beavon, which is vol. 7 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.
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