Displaying 1351 - 1400 of 1749

Saddle Lake Interviews

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
Nine elders in discussion at Saddle Lake Reserve. They talk about aspects of life before contact with whites, Treaty #6, the history of amalgamations and land sales, and a traditional story of a boy raised by buffalo.
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Safety for Our Sisters: Ending Violence against Native Women

Alternate Title
Dancing Myself Home
Historical Resilience: The Story of Violence against Native Women
More Than Seven Times for the Next Seven Generations
Save Our Sisters: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Sovereignty of Our Nations, in the Law and Over Our Bodies
Media » Film and Video
Sarah Deer
Mary Kathryn Nagle
Jaime Black
Marita Growing Thunder
Cherrah Giles
Videos of talks given at a symposium sponsored by the National Museum of the American Indian. "Historical Resilience: The Story of Violence against Native Women" by Sarah Deer. "Sovereignty of Our Nations, in the Law, and Over Our Bodies" by Mary Kathryn Nagle. "Dancing Myself Home" by Jaime Black. "More Than Seven Times for the Next Seven Generations" by Cerrah Giles. "Save Our Sisters: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls" by Marita Growing Thunder. Panel Discussion.
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Sandy Jacobs Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Sandy Jacobs
Fay Tilden
Indian History Film Project
Discusses problems of non-status Indians and Sandy Jacobs' life as a trapper.
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Saskatchewan Child Abuse Protocol 2014

Documents & Presentations
Government of Saskatchewan
Defines child abuse under the law and looks at the responsibilities of service providers and implementation of the protocol.
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Saskatchewan Justice On Trial: The Pamela George Case

Articles » General
Albert Angus
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 27, no. 1, April 1997, pp. 5, 23-24
Reviews the trial of Steven Kummerfield and Alexander Ternowetsky for the murder of Pamela George of the Sakimay First Nation and questions whether judicial bias was present.
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Seasonality and Ambient Temperature at Time of Conception in Term-Born Individuals: Influences on Cardiovascular Disease and Obesity in Adult Life

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nadja Schreier
Elena Moltchanova
Tom Forsén
Eero Kajantie
Johan G. Eriksson
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, 2013, p. article no. 21466
Findings suggest that ambient temperature does have an effect on weight and high blood pressure, more research is recommended.
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Section 10: Aboriginal Youth

Alternate Title
Canadian Youth: Who are They and What Do They Want?
E-Books » Chapters
[Services for Youth, Government of Canada]

Most statistics from the 2001 Census. Chapter from Canadian Youth: Who are They and What Do They Want?.

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Section 4 Review: In Regard to the Death of Gage Guimond

Alternate Title
The CFSA Section 4 Report into the Death of Gage Guimond, July 21, 2005-July 22, 2007.
Warrior For Change ... Gage Guimond
Documents & Presentations
[Andrew Koster
Alice McEwen Morris
Tara Petti
Robert Allec
Sylvia McKay ... et al.]
Outlines the legislative framework for provision of First Nations child and family services in Manitoba, assesses the actions and procedures of Sagkeeng Child and Family Services, and examines the circumstances surrounding toddler's death, which took place while in the care of his great aunt. Public release version.
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Section 9: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Justice System

Alternate Title
[Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform]
Documents & Presentations
Rae Mitten
p. 44
Published as part of the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform. Identifies gaps in research on the implications of FAS for the justice system.
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Seeking Justice For Canada's 500 Missing Native Women

Alternate Title
Seeking Justice for Canada's Five Hundred Missing Native Women
Articles » General
Deidre d'Entremont
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3, The International Decade of the Worlds Indigenous People, Fall, 2004
Comments on Robert Pickton's trial, missing aboriginal women and violence against aboriginal women.
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Selected Crime and Justice Issues for Indigenous Families

Articles » General
Mick Dodson
Boyd Hunter
Family Matters, no. 75, Spring-Summer, 2006, pp. 34-41
Article takes a more detailed analysis of the issue by employing comprehensive social surveys such as the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey (NATSIS).
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Sentencing Aboriginal Offenders: Law, Policy, and Practice in Three Countries

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Samantha Jeffries
Philip Stenning
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, vol. 56, no. 4, Essays to Honour the Life and Work of Dr. Carol LaPrairie / Essais pour honorer ..., July 2014, pp. 447-494
Comparison of approaches in Australia, New Zealand and Canada over the last 20 years shows that while Aboriginal over-representation is viewed similarly, responses have varied, and none have successfully reduced incarceration rates.
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Sentencing and Indigenous Peoples

Alternate Title
Australian Institute of Criminology Research and Public Policy Series ; no. 16
Proceedings of the Roundtable on Sentencing and Indigenous Peoples
Jane Mugford
Rick Sarre
Ceilia Divakaran-Brown
Sharron Williams
Richard Young ... [et al.]
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A Sentencing Circle

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mary Crnkovich
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, no. 36, Popular Justice: Conflict Resolution within Communities, 1996, pp. 159-181
Description of the first of this type of proceeding to be held in the Nunavik region of Quebec.
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Servicing Indian Reserves: The Amerindian Police

Articles » General
Mary Hyde
Canadian Journal of Criminology, vol. 34, no. 3/4, July-October 1992, pp. 369-386
Presents data from police occurrence reports from 1978-1983 on 25 reserves in Quebec.
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Settlement Proposal Called "Trick and Spin"

Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 21, no. 5, August 2003, pp. 10-11

The author argues the federal government is not truly offering an alternative dispute resolution option for out of court settlement to residential school survivors; that settlements are determined on a level of harm "point system" tied to compensation, which makes ADR and challenges moot.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.10.

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Settler/Colonial Violences: Black and Indigenous Coalition Possibilities through Intergroup Dialogue Methodology

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kelsey Dayle John
Kimberly Williams Brown
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, [Rethinking Blackness and Indigeneity in the Light of Settler Colonial Theory], 2019, pp. 135-156
The authors suggest that a coalition of different methodologies can be used to unify Black and Indigenous colonial experiences regarding land. The coalition provide the opportunity to connect both experiences as they overlap and diverge from another.
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[Settler Reflections: Knowing and Refusing to Know about Canada's Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women]

Alternate Title
[University of Saskatchewan College of Law Guest Speakers Series]
Media » Film and Video
Mary Eberts
Video of lecture given by the Ariel Sallows Chair in Human Rights at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law on October 24, 2011. Speaker discusses portrayal of Aboriginal women in the Ecstasy of Rita Jo by George Ryga and the Manawaka cycle by Margaret Laurence as they relate to the current context. Duration: 42:18.
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Sex Offender Registration in Indian Country: SORNA Implementation and 18 U.S.C. § 2250

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lori McPherson
United States Attorney's Bulletin, vol. 69, no. 2, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons: Legal, Prosecution, Advocacy and Healthcare, March 2021, pp. 209-250
An explanation and breakdown of the process to register sex offenders in the United States. Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to page 209.
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Sex Trafficking in Indian Country WA State

Media » Film and Video
Deborah Kay Adams
Webinar provides definitions, overview of contributing factors, information about methods of finding victims, common misconceptions, correlations to domestic violence, signs of being trafficked, needs of victims, and traditional approaches to healing. Duration: 1:05:08.
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Sex Trafficking of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Suzanne Koepplinger
University of St. Thomas Law Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, Fall, 2008, pp. 129-137
Discusses sex trafficking in Minnesota and urban American Indian communities stating international indicators for trafficking are similar to domestic trafficking indicators.
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Sex Trafficking of Indigenous Women in Ontario

Documents & Presentations
Ontario Native Women's Association
Broad overview of the problem as well as discussion of initiatives being undertaken in various jurisdictions, and set of recommendations.
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The Sexual Abuse of Children: "Spirit Murdering"

Diana Parsons
Law Thesis (LL.M.)--University of Ottawa, 1999. "This thesis compares and contrasts the current legal protections provided to sexually abused, non-Aboriginal children with that afforded to Aboriginal children of Canada."
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Sexual Assault: Issues for Aboriginal Women

Alternate Title
Conference proceedings (Australian Institute of Criminology) ; no. 20
Without Consent: Confronting Adult Sexual Violence: Proceedings of a Conference Held 27-29 October, 1992
E-Books » Chapters
Carol Thomas
Presents number of factors that need to be considered when developing appropriate strategies to deal with needs of Aboriginal women. Presented at Without Consent: Confronting Adult Sexual Violence, conference sponsored by the Australian Institute of Criminology.
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The Sexual Assault of Intoxicated Women

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janine Benedet
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, vol. 22, no. 2, 2010, pp. 435-462
Looks at how the criminal law of sexual assault deals with cases of women who are intoxicated.
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