Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 1385

Resource Compensation and Negotiation Support in an Aboriginal Context: Using Community-Based Multi-Attribute Analysis to Evaluate Non-Market Losses

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Timothy L. McDaniels
William Trousdale
Ecological Economics, vol. 55, no. 2, November 2005, pp. 173-186
Discusses an approach to valuation that employs concepts and methods of decision analysis, informed by behavioral decision research, in an applied context.
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Response to Rita Miraglia's Did I Hear That Right? One Anthropologist's Reaction to Colleague's Testimony in a Court Case Involving Alaska Native Aboriginal Hunting and Fishing Rights on the Outer Continental Shelf

Articles » General
Christopher B. Wooley
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 22, no. 4, Special Issue of Indigenous Policy: Anthropology, Archaeology and Litigation - Alaska Style, Spring, 2012, pp. 1-2
Rebuttal to a fellow anthropologists criticism of his witness report and sworn testimony.
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Restorative Justice in Canada

Articles » General
E. D. Bayda
FORUM on Corrections Research , vol. 12, no. 1, Aboriginal People in Corrections, January 2000, pp. 28-31
Prepared from speech given by the Chief Justice of Saskatchewan at the Correctional Service of Canada Commissioner’s Forum, May, 1999.
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Restructuring the Relationship

Alternate Title
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples ; Vol. 2
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Volume 2 of Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

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A Review of the Social Union Framework Agreement and Its Implications on the Métis Nation: A Report Prepared for the Métis National Council

Documents & Presentations
Peggy J. Blair
Bradford W. Morse
Provides background and description of agreement, analysis of major court decisions, information on programs currently delivered by Metis organizations, and identifies areas where greater supports are needed but funding has been inadequate.
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Book Reviews
Brewster Fitz
Brenda J. Child
Laura Adams Weaver
Christina Gish Berndt
Lee Schweninger
Philip A. May
William Willard
Robert Morrissey
Laurie Osher
Peter A. Leach
Matthew L. M. Fletcher
Maria Orban
Alfred Young Man
Sidner Larson
et al.
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 31, no. 3, 2007, pp. 203-254
Book reviews of: American Indian Literary Nationalism by Jace Weaver, Craig S. Womack, and Robert Warrior with foreword by Simon J.
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Book Reviews
Mary E. Stuckey
Denise Low
John Richard Beery
Susan Lobo
Margaret B. Blackman
Darby Li Po Price
Joanna C. Scherer
Robert Bensen
et al.
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 23, no. 2, 1999, pp. 149-207
Book reviews of: American Indian Activism: Alcatraz to the Longest Walk edited by Troy Johnson, Joane Nagel, and Duane Champagne. As We Are Now: Mixblood Essays on Race and Identity edited by William S. Penn. Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World edited by Timothy R. Pauketat and Thomas E.
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Revisiting Riel's Conviction

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J.M. Bumsted
The Beaver, vol. 82, no. 3, June/July 2002, pp. 6-[?]
Discusses trial for high treason in light of new Bill S-35 introduced in the Senate which would declare the conviction "vacated."
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Rhetorical Exclusion in the Trial of Leonard Peltier

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mark Meister
Ann Burnett
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3/4, The Recover of Indigenous Knowledge, Summer/Autumn, 2004, pp. 719-742
Discusses the federal case against Leonard Peltier for the murder of Jack Coler and Ronald Williams on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1975.
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Rights and Redemption: History, Law and Indigenous People

Book Reviews
Kim McCaul
Aboriginal History , vol. 32, 2008, pp. 186-188
Book review of: Rights and Redemption: History, Law and Indigenous People by Ann Curthoys, Ann Genovese , Alexander Reilly. Review located by scrolling to page 186.
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The Road Not Taken: Aboriginal Rights after the Re-Imagining of the Canadian Constitutional Order

Alternate Title
Contested Constitutionalism: Reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Law and Society Series
E-Books » Chapters
Kiera L. Ladner
Michael McCrossan
Law and Society Series
Discusses Aboriginal groups' viewpoints on the Constitution Act, 1982 and how readings of it by the Supreme Court of Canada varied from the Aboriginal interpretation. Chapter 14 from Contested Constitutionalism: Reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms edited by James B. Kelly, Christopher P. Manfredi.
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Roberts' 'Dishonesty' Concerns Indian Country

Articles » General
Jim Adams
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, Fall, 2005, p. [?]
Discusses a brief submitted to the Supreme Court in 1997 which distorts the language from the court's 1886 United States v. Kagama decision, and disregards tribal values and traditions. Reprint from Indian Country Today.
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The Role of the Historian in Native Title Litigation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine Choo
Shawn Hollbach
Indigenous Law Bulletin, vol. 1, no. 2, 1999
Looks at historians who have played an important role in the preparation and conduct of litigation.
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The Role of the Legal Profession in the Processes

Alternate Title
Assessing the Indian Residential Schools Litigation and Settlement Processes, Session 3
Media » Film and Video
Trevor Farrow
Paul Favel
John Terry
Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Session Three from public conference Assessing the Indian Residential Schools Litigation and Settlement Processes held Friday, January 18, 2013 at the University of Toronto. Role of class council, non-class lawyers and legal fees. Duration: 1:04:17.
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The Roots of Inuktitut-Language Bilingual Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna Patrick
Perry Shearwood
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 19, no. 2, 1999, pp. 249-262
Relates the history of educational programs in Northern Canada, the government policies of 1960s to 1970s, and the implementation of a bilingual educational policy in Nunavik.
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The Rope Decision

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal
Justice as Healing, Winter, 1995, p. [?]
Brief paragraph on the decision which laid groundwork for interaction of Saskatchewan courts and sentencing circles. Note: This is a sample article from the publication. Subscriptions are available from the Native Law Centre.
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Ross v Chambers: Assimilation Law and Policy in the Northern Territory

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Katharine Booth
Lisa Ford
Aboriginal History, vol. 40, 2016, pp. 3-25
Judge ruled that the Crown could not sue on behalf of victims, which undermined the position that Aboriginals were wards of the state. Article uses new archival documents to document litigation and show the ideological dilemmas faced by the welfare administration.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Opening Prayer and Presentation by Sergeant Randy Munroe, R.C.M.P., Fort St. John Detachment

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Randy Munroe
File contains an opening prayer from the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Fort St. John, B.C. November 20, 1992, followed by a presentation by Sergeant Randy Munroe of the Ft. St. John Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachment. Munroe's presentation gives information on the Aboriginal alternate sentencing and supervision programs being piloted in the community. Following his presentation the assembled Commissioners ask him a variety of questions about these programs.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Miawpukuk Band, Conne River

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Jerry Penny
Edwina Wetzel
Michael Joe
File contains a presentation by Chief Geraldine Kelly, Archaeologist Jerry Penny, Director of Education Edwina Wetzel, and Michael Joe, all of the Miawpukek Band, Conne River, Newfoundland. The presenters discuss the history of the Micmac people in Newfoundland, and claim that they have Aboriginal rights on the island. They discuss some of the archaeological and historical evidence for this, and the court case that the band is involved in with the federal government to have these claims recognized.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Paul Turmel, General Manager, Native Para-Judicial Services of Quebec

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Paul Turmel, General Manager of the Native Para-Judicial Services of Quebec. Turmel discusses the history and mandate of his organization, and its goal of getting more Aboriginal people involved with the justice system, establishing justice institutions based on the cultural values of Aboriginal nations, and helping Aboriginal accused. Following Turmel's presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss the organization's activities and justice issues generally with him.
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Safety for Our Sisters: Ending Violence against Native Women

Alternate Title
Dancing Myself Home
Historical Resilience: The Story of Violence against Native Women
More Than Seven Times for the Next Seven Generations
Save Our Sisters: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Sovereignty of Our Nations, in the Law and Over Our Bodies
Media » Film and Video
Sarah Deer
Mary Kathryn Nagle
Jaime Black
Marita Growing Thunder
Cherrah Giles
Videos of talks given at a symposium sponsored by the National Museum of the American Indian. "Historical Resilience: The Story of Violence against Native Women" by Sarah Deer. "Sovereignty of Our Nations, in the Law, and Over Our Bodies" by Mary Kathryn Nagle. "Dancing Myself Home" by Jaime Black. "More Than Seven Times for the Next Seven Generations" by Cerrah Giles. "Save Our Sisters: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls" by Marita Growing Thunder. Panel Discussion.
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[Sale of Indian Girls to White Men in Northwest Territories]

Alternate Title
1886/07/29, no. 577
Order in Council no. 1887-0345 G
R.G. 2 ; ser. 1, vol. 376
[Privy Council Minutes (Canada) ; 21 October - 31 October 1887]
Documents & Presentations
[Charles Tupper]
Describes how marriages were conducted "in the custom of the country". Written in response to a letter from F.W. Chesson of the Aborigines Protection Society which made the allegations.
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Sandra Lovelace v. Canada [1977-1981]: (The Right to Enjoy First Nation (Indian) Culture Under Art.27 of the International Civll and Political Covenant)

Alternate Title
Sandra Lovelace v. Canada [1977-1981]: (The Right to Enjoy First Nation (Indian) Culture Under Art.27 of the International Civil and Political Covenant)
Web Sites » Organizations
Web page provides links to 18 original documents regarding case which addresses gender discrimination in the Indian Act.
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Sask. Cannot Enforce Wildlife Act on Certain Reserves, Judge Orders

Articles » General
Barb Pacholik
StarPhoenix, December 21, 1999, p. A1
Dismissed charges against Donald Keepness, and the judge denounced the actions of the Saskatchewan conservation officers in an area of Treaty 4 that is the Muscowpetung First Nation in the Fort Qu'Appelle area.
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Saskatchewan Chiefs Court Action

Articles » General
Beth Cuthand
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 12, no. 1, January 1982, p. 29
Saskatchewan Chiefs continue with court challenge in Britain for Treaty rights.
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Saskatchewan First Nations and the Province's Resource Future: The Path to Economic Certainty

Alternate Title
Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy Public Lecture
JSGS Public Lecture
Media » Film and Video
Perry Bellegarde
Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations outlines Canadian First Nations governance structure and highlights major events, legislation, and court decisions which form the framework for future negotiations. Duration: 1:31:59. Presentation Slides
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Section 9: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Justice System

Alternate Title
[Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform]
Documents & Presentations
Rae Mitten
p. 44
Published as part of the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform. Identifies gaps in research on the implications of FAS for the justice system.
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