Displaying 901 - 950 of 1385

Native American Religious Liberty: Five Hundred Years after Columbus

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Walter R. Echo-Hawk
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 17, no. 3, Special Issue on Encounter of Two Worlds: The Next Five Hundred Years, 1993, pp. 33-52
Looks at two cases that deny religious protection, a right under the First Amendment, regarding ancient religious practices that predate the founding of the United States and the writing of its Constitution.
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Native American Sovereignty

Alternate Title
Native Americans and the Law ; 6
Kirke Kickingbird
Markku Henriksson
Ward Churchill
David E. Wilkins
Vine Deloria ... [et al.]
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Native Title: A Simple Guide

Documents & Presentations
Jeff Kildea
"A Paper for those who wish to understand Mabo, the Native Title Act, Wik and the Ten Point Plan". Revised edition incorporating the Senate's amendments.
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Native Women's Assn. of Canada v. Canada

Alternate Title
Her Majesty The Queen v. Native Women's Association of Canada, file 23253
Native Women's Assn. of Canada v. Canada, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 627
The Queen v. Native Women's Association of Canada
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court Reports, vol. 3, October 27, 1994, pp. 627-669
Association argued it suffered from inequitable funding and insufficient rights of participation in comparison to the four male-dominated national Aboriginal organizations.
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Native Women's Association of Canada, Stacey-Moore & McIvor v The Queen (The Native Council of Canada, The Metis National Council & The Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Intervening)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Larissa Behrendt
Aboriginal Law Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 58, October 1992, p. 46
Describes how the Native Women's Association of Canada had to fight for their Charter Rights in the Federal Court of Canada. Also discusses the case of McIvor v. Canada that found that registration provisions in the Indian Act were unconstitutional as they violated the equality provision of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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Native Women's Association of Canada v. Canada

Articles » General
Mary Eberts
Sharon McIvor
Teressa Nahanee
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, vol. 18, no. 1, 2006, pp. 67-119
Authors were recruited by the Women's Court of Canada to write the judgment reconsidering the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in a 1994 case.
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Negotiating Aboriginal & Treaty Rights

Alternate Title
Native Awareness Days 2005
Media » Sound Recordings
Bruce Wildsmith
Lead lawyer in the Marshall and Bernard cases speaks about past court decisions as they pertain to the negotiation process taking place in Nova Scotia. Duration: 1:19:47.
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Negotiating Nisga'a Rights: An Interview with Joseph Gosnell

Web Sites » Organizations
Joseph Gosnell
Topics discussed by Nisga'a Tribal Council Chairman, include Aboriginal title, ownership, courts, rights, and customary law. Interview first published in Multinational Monitor, vol. 13, no. 9, September, 1992.
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New Ethos - New Solutions: Indigenous Negotiation of Co-operative Environmental Management Agreements in Washington State

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Helen Ross
Australian Indigenous Law Reporter, vol. 4, no. 2, 1999, p. 16
Discusses how Indigenous people in Washington State have established a new ethos in environmental management of collaborating with industry, government and environmental groups to solve their concerns.
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The Nishga Case

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Douglas Sanders
BC Studies, no. 19, Indians in British Columbia, Autumn, 1973, pp. 3-20
Looks at historical treaty cases in Canada leading up to the Nishga land case.
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Non-Status and Off-Reserve Aboriginal Representation in New Brunswick: Speaking for Treaty and Claims Beneficiaries: A Report for Discussion with the Governments of Canada and New Brunswick and Reserve-Based First Nation Band Councils and Members

Alternate Title
Non-Status and Off-Reserve Aboriginal Representation in New Brunswick Speaking for Treaty And Claims Beneficiaries: Final Paper
Documents & Presentations
Jula Hughes
Roy Stewart
Anthea Plummer
Outlines the historical background of Aboriginal populations; describes New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council's organizational structure, representational capacity and track record of advocacy, with particular reference to membership recognition and representation through programming, in litigation, and policy development; analyzes demographics and options for representation of four groups: Status Indians residing off reserve; non-Status Indians; General List Indians of the Harquail Clan (Sickadomec); and never-registered populations.
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North Dakota Supreme Court Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
North Dakota Law Review, vol. 82, no. 3, The Pedagogy of American Indian Law, 2006, pp. 1033-1084
Summarized decisions rendered by the North Dakota Supreme Court. Cases have affected previous interpretations of the North Dakota law.
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Norwegian Legislation and Administration: Saami Land Rights

Alternate Title
Gáldu Čála ; no. 1, 2007
Galdu Cala ; no. 1, 2007
Norwegian Legislation and Administration: Sami Land Rights
Eva Josefsen
Looks at important acts which govern land use and ownership, as well as some Supreme Court judgments after 1968.
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Nunavut Legal Services Study: Final Report

Alternate Title
Legal Aid Research Series ; rr03LARS14e
Documents & Presentations
Dennis Glen Patterson
Legal Aid Research Series
Study commissioned by the Department of Justice Canada to gain insight into the state of legal service provision in Nunavut.
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Ojibwe Treaty Rights

Documents & Presentations
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission

Focuses on off-reservation treaty rights to hunt, fish, and gather in treaty-ceded lands in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

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On the Accreditation of an Oral History Expert

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Clinton N. Westman
Native Studies Review, vol. 22, no. 1/2, 2013, pp. 171-201
Looks at Alexander von Gernet's qualifications, training, publishing and expertise on oral history and his report to Canada's Department of Indian Affairs, Oral Narratives and Aboriginal Pasts: An Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature on Oral Traditions and Oral Histories.
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One Land, One Nation: Mabo - Towards 2000

Book Reviews
Neil Andrews
Aboriginal History, vol. 21, 1997, pp. 242-249
Book review of: One Land, One Nation by Frank Brennan. Review located by scrolling to page 242.
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One-Sided Interest Convergence: Indian Sovereignty in Organizing and Litigation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Steve Russell
Terri Miles
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 23, no. 1, Spring, 2008, pp. 7-24
Examines civil rights and sovereignty issues. The article argues that interests of anti-racists, local and state governments jealous of tax bases, corporate America and the federal government are converging in a way that even the Supreme Court will not be able to contain.
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One Step Forward … Accommodating Aboriginal Rights in Canada

Alternate Title
Working Paper (Queen's University School of Public Poliy) ; 5
Documents & Presentations
Kathy L. Brock
Examines jurisprudence on Aboriginal issues with focus on recent Supreme Court cases and their aftermath. Paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association held in Washington from August 31 to September 3, 2000.
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One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: Province Found to Have Breached Aboriginal Consultation Obligations for Second Time

Alternate Title
[Insights (McMillan LLP)]
Articles » General
Joan M. Young
Melanie J. Harmer
[McMillan Aboriginal Law Bulletin], March 2015, pp. [1]-6
Discusses three key points where the Province failed in the case of Da’naxda’xw/Awaetlala First Nation v. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 2015 BCSC 16.
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