Aboriginal Links: Canada & U.S.
Aboriginal Policy-Making and Dispute Resolution Processes: A History of the Concept of a Tribunal for the Adjudication of Specific Land Claims in Canada
Aboriginal Rights Claims and the Making and Remaking of History
Aboriginal Rights Claims and the Making and Remaking of History
Alexis First Nation Inquiry: TransAlta Utilities Rights of Way Claim
Alexis First Nation, TransAlta Utilities - Right of Way, Public Edition
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains statements of claim, correspondence/letters, maps and transcripts in regards to Calgary Power's (now TransAlta) access to electrical transmission right of way granted in the 1950s and 1960s. The Commissioners include: Roger J. Augustine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, Sheila G. Purdy.
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry, W.A.C. Bennett Dam and Damage to IR 201, Public Edition July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains submissions, reports, studies, correspondence/letters and video in regards to inquiry which was trying to determine whether the Crown owes compensation in relation to the dam construction. Commissioners include: P.E. James Prentice, Carole T. Corcoran, Aurélien Gill.
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry: WAC Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve 201
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry: WAC Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve 201 [Inquiry Report, English Language Version]
Athabasca Denesuline Inquiry - Aboriginal and Treaty Harvesting Rights: Public Release - July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains correspondence/letters, submissions, and oral transcripts in regards to the claim for formal recognition of treaty harvesting rights north of the 60th parallel. Commissioners include: Harry S. LaForme, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and P.E. James Prentice.
Athabasca Denesuliné Inquiry Into the Claim of the Fond du Lac, Black Lake, and Hatchet Lake First Nations
Athabasca Denesuline Special Report on the Treaty Harvesting Rights of the Fond Du Lac, Black Lake and Hatchet Lake First Nations
The B.C. Indian Position Paper (Draft Copy) [before August 14, 1970]
Bande de Betsiamites: Enquêtes Relatives à la Route 138 et au Pont de la Rivière Betsiamites
Belated Justice? The Indian Claims Commission and the Waitangi Tribunal
Betsiamites Band Council, Route 138 and the Betsiamites Reserve, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Consists of bilingual annotated index, historical documents, maps, correspondence/letters, Band Council documents and final reports relating to the Band's claims alleging that reserve lands taken for highway use were never surrendered to Canada and/or transferred to the Province of Quebec. Commissioners include: Sheila G. Purdy and Alan C. Holman. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
Betsiamites Band: Highway 138 and Riviére Betsiamites Bridge Inquiries
Betsiamites Band: Highway 138 and Rivière Betsiamites Bridge Inquiries - Final Report
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree First Nation, TLE Claim Inquiry, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains interviews, presentations, statements, reports, correspondence/letters and documents regarding the Treaty Land Entitlement process for the Alberta First Nation. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde, P.E. James Prentice, and Carole T. Corcoran.
Bigstone Cree Nation Inquiry: Treaty Land Entitlement Claim
Blood Tribe / Kainaiwa Big Claim Inquiry
Blood Tribe / Kainaiwa Big Claim Inquiry - Final Report
Blood Tribe/Kainaiwa Inquiry: 1889 Akers Surrender
Blood Tribe/Kainaiwa Inquiry: Akers Surrender 1889 Claim, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains letters/memos, submissions, band council documents, and reports in regards to the dispute over the federal government taking over 440 acres of mineral-rich reserve land without full consent or compensation.
Blood Tribe/Kainaiwa - The Big Claim
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Documents include Treaties, correspondence/letters, reports, submissions, maps and other related historical materials regarding The Big Claim by the Blood Tribe/Kainaiwa. Commissioners include: Daniel J. Bellegarde and Alan C. Holman. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
Blueberry River First Nation, Doig River First Nation: Highway Right of Way IR 172 Inquiry
Blueberry River Indian Band v. Canada (Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development), [1995] 4 S.C.R. 344
Buffalo River Band, Flying Dust No. 105, Joseph Bighead Band, and Waterhen Lake First Nations - Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range Inquiry II - Public Release
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Consists of reports, maps, correspondence/letters, legal documents, submissions, oral transcripts, and the French and English versions of the Final Report. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
By Law or in Justice: The Indian Specific Claims Commission and the Struggle for Indigenous Justice
Canoe Lake First Nation, Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range Inquiry I, Public Release
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Documents consist of documents, correspondence/letters, claim submissions, and the final report in regards to the inquiry, which examined the seizure of 4,500 square miles of land for the weapons range. Commissioners include: Harry S. LaForme, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and P.E. James Prentice. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
Canson Enterprises Ltd. v. Boughton & Co., [1991] 3 S.C.R. 534
Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Inquiry Turtle Mountain Surrender Claim
Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Turtle Mountain Surrender Claim - Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Contains historical documents, memos, reports, correspondence/letters, maps and submissions regarding validity of the 1909 surrender claim. Commissioners include: Roger J. Austine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, and Sheila G. Purdy. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
Carry The Kettle - 1905 Surrender - Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Contains historical documents, reports, legal submissions, correspondence/letters, transcripts, and maps regarding the specific land claim, concerning the surrender of reserve land, by Carry the Kettle First Nation. Commissioners include : Sheila Purdy, Alan Holman, and Jane Dickson-Gilmore. [These files were created and compiled by the ICC and provided to the Indigenous Studies Portal in 2009 to make widely available in online format.]
Carry the Kettle First Nation: 1905 Surrender Inquiry
Carry the Kettle First Nation Inquiry: Cypress Hills Claim
Charades, Anyone? The Indian Claims Commission in Context
Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry: Beausoleil First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Chippewas of Mnjikaning (Rama) First Nation: Coldwater-Narrows Reservation Surrender Claim
Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry: Chippewas of Beausoleil First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Chippewas of Rama First Nation: Collins Treaty Claim
Chippewas of Kettle & Stoney Point First Nation Inquiry, 1927 Surrender Claim, Public Edition, July 2008
FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Contains historical documents, transcripts, correspondence/letters, reports, exhibits, minutes, and submissions regarding the surrender of some of the reserve lands in 1927, 100 years after the treaty was signed. Commissioners include: Roger J. Augstine and Daniel J. Bellegarde.