Displaying 151 - 200 of 2821

Across Australia.....From Health Worker to Health Worker

Articles » General
Martha Duncan
Lyall Dennison
Kathy Abbott
Gladys Andrew
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 6, no. 4, December 1982, pp. 26-33
Compilation of several personal narratives from Australian Aboriginal health workers reporting on their roles in health care.
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Across Australia.....From Health Worker To Health Worker

Articles » General
Phillip Roe
Rhonda Dorman
Jenny Boyd
Maylene Gibson
Thomas Pryor
Bella Ellington
Jenny Denman
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, September 1985, pp. 48-57

Brief letters from various health care workers reporting on the roles they play in health care delivery in remote Australian communities.

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Across Australia.....From Health Worker To Health Worker

Articles » General
Jock Mosquito
Stewart Morton
Joan Seton
Yvonne Cox
Jerry Maher ... [et al.]
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, June 1985, pp. 51-60
Presents a series of short narratives by primary health workers in remote Australian communities.
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Across Australia ... From Health Worker To Health Worker

Articles » General
Sandra Gargita
Dennis Davey
Allan Gore
Myrtle Ward
Joseph Cox
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, March 1985, pp. 57-60
Brief reports from several health workers from across Western Australia regarding local health practices and programs.
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Across Australia...From Health Worker to Health Worker

Articles » General
Sophia Erzay
Dolores O'Sullivan
Jackie Malone
Angela Slattery
Lak Lak
Geradine Tchemjiri
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, June 1983, pp. 33-39
Various Australian Aboriginal health workers from across the country report on health care practices in their local communities.
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Across Australia...From Health Worker to Health Worker

Articles » General
Lily Long
May Eckerman
Harry V. Synott
Gwen Walley
Janey Deakin
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, September 1988, pp. 30-34
Health workers talk about experiences in the community.
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Across Australia....From Health Worker to Health Worker From Alice Springs Health Worker Conference, 1980: The Aboriginal Medical Service

Articles » General
Barbara Shaw
Mary Ross
Peter Panquee
Amy Lauder
Sebina Brown ... [et al.]
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, March 1, pp. 44-57
Various health care workers describe their jobs, responsibilities and health care practices within the Aboriginal Medical Service in Australia.
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Across Australia.....From Health Worker to Health Worker: My Grandfather's Culture; The House Fly, Musca Domestica

Articles » General
David Wurramarrabe
Wendy Lalara
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, December 1980, pp. 48-49
Two personal narratives from employees of Groote Eylandt Mining Company's Industrial Health Department regarding the upheaval of mining development and the importance of hygiene in disease prevention.
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Across the Road: Understanding the Differences in Health Services Available to First Nations and Metis Women

Alternate Title
Entitlements and Health Services for First Nations and Métis Women in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Policy Brief (Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence)
Project (Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence) ; no. 173
E-Books » Chapters
Kathy Bent
Joanne Havelock
Margaret Haworth-Brockman
Project (Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence)
Explains the history of the differences in legal entitlements to health services for First Nations and Métis women. From the report Entitlements and Health Services for First Nations and Métis Women in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
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Action on Inequities

Articles » General
Jackie Huggins
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 25, no. 2, March/April 2001, pp. 3-6
Chronicles the dismal health statistics of the Indigenous population, stating that Canada and the United States are ahead of Australia when it comes to the substantive work of reconciliation.
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Activity at Cherbourg

Articles » General
J. Broderick
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, March 1986, pp. 37-38
Reports on health and social plan delivery in the remote Aboriginal community in south eastern Queensland, Australia.
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Adapting a Model of Response to Child Abuse to the Conditions in the Circumpolar North

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg
Alice Fredsgaard Thams
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 75, Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion in the Circumpolar North, 2016, p. article no. 32713
Reports on changes to a child abuse centre in Greenland which has abandoned the one-door model in favor of becoming a knowledge centre with a travelling team of specialists.
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Adapting a Person-Centred Planning Tool for Collecting Qualitative Data on an Indigenous Research Project

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gill Potaka-Osborne
Heather Gifford
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri - Pimatisiwin, vol. 3, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 57-68
Discusses use of the Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) tool for collecting data and working with Māori whānau (families) to prevent chronic conditions. Authors found this method useful as it fits with Māori strengths-based values, is responsive to the worldview of participants, and is participatory.
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Adapting Our Interventions to Native Reality

Documents & Presentations
First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC)
Looks at present health care practices and offers an alternative approach that is culturally adapted to Aboriginal needs.
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Addressing Cancer Disparities Among American Indians Through Innovative Technologies and Patient Navigation: The Walking Forward Experience

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Daniel G. Petereit
B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo
Rosemary Wong
Norman Coleman
Frontiers in Oncology, June 22, 2011, p. [?]
Looks at a pilot program which is custom tailored to patients' needs giving them access to clinical trails and education programs about early screening.
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Addressing Depression among American Indians and Alaska Natives: A Literature Review

Documents & Presentations
Megan Fairweather
Julie Loughran
Caleb Dunlap
Emma Strick
Emma Robson
Search for both academic and grey literature yielded 79 pertinent sources. Results arranged under eight common themes: focusing on family and community, incorporating traditional knowledge and practices, emphasizing active skills building, integration of prevention and care systems, cultural competency, flexible provider-client/patient relationships and treatment approaches, implementing changes to affect surrounding conditions, and adequate funding to improve health care and economic opportunities.
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Addressing Health Inequities Through Indigenous Involvement in Health-Policy Discourses

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alycia J. Fridkin
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 44, no. 2, Indigenous Peoples Health and Health-Care Equity, 2012, pp. 109-122
Discusses disproportionate burden of poor health and social suffering on Indigenous peoples and the rational for why the involvement of Indigenous peoples in health policy is essential for addressing health disparities.
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Addressing Mi’kmaq Family Violence

Alternate Title
Family Violence and Aboriginal Communities: Building Our Knowledge and Direction through Community Based Research and Community Forums
Documents & Presentations
L. Jane McMillan
Study conducted over five years consulted with over 150 Mi'kmaq through interviews, focus groups, and community forums in order to develop strategies to address violence.
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Addressing Racism in the Healthcare System: A Policy Position and Discussion Paper

Documents & Presentations
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
Makes six recommendations: improve and expand healthcare delivery in Inuit Nunangat, increase numbers of Inuit healthcare providers, support traditional midwifery approaches, foster wrap-around care services for specialized care, ensure cultural competency training, and preserve traditional language rights.
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Adult Māori Patients’ Healthcare Experiences of the Emergency Department in a District Health Facility in New Zealand

Alternate Title
Adult Maori Patients' Healthcare Experiences of the Emergency Department in a District Health Facility in New Zealand
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sneha Grace Abraham
Marama Tauranga
Deborah Moore
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 1, A Barrier-free Health System for Indigenous Communities, August 2018, pp. 87-103
Researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with four female participants who identified three main areas for improvement: physical environment, interactions with practitioners, and unique factors faced by elders.
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Advancing Suicide Prevention Research with Rural American Indian and Alaska Native Populations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lisa Wexler
Michael Chandler
Joseph P. Gone
Mary Cwik
Laurence J. Kirmayer ... [et al.]
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 105, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 891-899
Suicide Prevention American Indian and Alaska Native Task Force of researchers met to identify important factors affecting suicide and outline a research direction in prevention.
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Ageing Well from an Urban Indigenous Australian Perspective

Alternate Title
Aging Well from an Urban Indigenous Australian Perspective
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elizabeth Waugh
Lynette Mackenzie
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, vol. 58, no. 1, Indigenous Health, Well-Being, Social and Economic Inclusions-Closing the Gaps, February 2011, pp. 25-33
"The aim of the study was to explore perspectives of older Indigenous Australians about their health and wellbeing".
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Agnes Fox and Maria Sinclair Interviews

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Agnes Fox
Maria Sinclair
Mary Mountain
Iris Baker
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories about the power of the medicine man and the abilities to foretell the future. It also includes information regarding traditional attitudes toward education, marriage and lifestyle.
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Agreement between Self-reported and Central Cancer Registry-recorded Prevalence of Cancer in the Alaska EARTH Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sarah H. Nash
Gretchen Day
Vanessa Y. Hiratsuka
Garrett L. Zimpelman
Kathryn R. Koller
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 78, no. 1, 2019
Study compares self-reported medical history to that in the medical record—in this case the Alaska Education and Research Towards Health (EARTH) cohort and the Alaska Native Tumor Registry (ANTR). Data showed good agreement between self-reported and registry-recorded cancer history.
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AIDS: A Challenge for Aboriginal Health Workers

Articles » General
Trish Fagan
Aboriginal and islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 15, no. 4, July/August 1991, pp. 16-17
Looks at how to assess the problem of AIDS infections when it is not know how many Aboriginal people have the infection.
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AIDS Policy: Have We Got it Right?

Articles » General
Stanley R. Nangala
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 16, no. 3, May/June 1992, pp. 4-5
Looks at some of the key policy decisions identified in the reports The National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party Report and The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and HIV/AIDS.
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