Displaying 1151 - 1200 of 2821

Healing and Health

Articles » General
John Cawte
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, March/April 1996, pp. 24-25
Author reminisces about relationship with traditional healers and the traditional system of healing.
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Healing Our Spirit Worldwide The Fifth Gathering 2006

Articles » General
Rod Jeffries
Pimatziwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health, vol. 1, no. 2, Winter, 2003, pp. 173-177
Brief history of the Healing Our Spirit Worldwide movement, from Maggie Hodgson's lobbying efforts to a global movement holding Gatherings every four years.
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Healing Racism in Canadian Health Care

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Yvonne Boyer
CMAJ, vol. 189, no. 46, November 20, 2017, pp. e1408-e1409
Highlights Saskatoon Health Region's external review into allegations of Indigenous women being coerced into having tubal ligations, and the interim report on the death of Brian Sinclair, who was ignored for 34 hours in a Winnipeg hospital's emergency department.
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The Healing Relationship in Indigenous Patients' Pain Care: Influences of Racial Concordance and Patient Ethnic Salience on Healthcare Providers' Pain Assessment

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Johnson-Jennings
Wassim Tarraf
Hector M. González
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 10, no. 2, Valuing Indigenous Peoples in Health Research, 2015, pp. 33-50
Reports on bias in healthcare provider's assessment interfering with effective pain care for Indigenous patients and the need for improvement in cultural awareness.
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A Healing Space: The Experience of First Nations and Inuit Youth with Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Colleen Anne Dell
Darlene Chalmers
Nora Bresette
Sue Swain
Deb Rankin
Carol Hopkins
Child & Youth Care Forum, vol. 40, no. 4, August 2011, pp. 319-336
Discusses the Nimkee NupiGawagan Healing Centre's program for youth who abuse solvent. Includes results of 15 interviews with male and female participants and six staff, review of facilitator and staff reflections, participants' journals, and observations of the program.
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Healing the Community to Heal the Individual: Literature Review of Aboriginal Community-Based Alcohol and Substance Abuse Programs

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ashifa Jiwa
Len Kelly
Natalie St. Pierre-Hansen
Canadian Family Physician, vol. 54, July 2008, pp. 1000.e1-1000.e7
Articles reviewed dealt with United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and focused on viewing addictions from a socio-cultural standpoint and enhancing community empowerment.
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Healing the Spirit: Exploring Sexualized Trauma and Recovery among Indigenous Men in Toronto

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alison Reeves
Suzanne Stewart
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 24, no. 1, 2017, pp. 30-60
Study conducted in collaboration with Anishnawbe Health Toronto involved six men and ten community healers. Discusses social constructions of masculinity and how they affect help-seeking behaviours and mental health outcomes.
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Healing the Whole Human Being: Realist Review of Best Practices and Contextual Factors for Preventing & Treating Opioid Misuse in Indigenous Contexts in Alberta

Documents & Presentations
Rita Isabel Henderson
Iskotoahka (William) Wadsworth
Bonnie Healy
Lea Bill … [et al.]
Synthesis of literature review, insights about context gained from a gathering of Elders as well as five further meetings with community members and service providers focused on consensus-building. Results are discussed under the themes of colonization and trauma, systems and services, and community centrality.
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Healing through Traditional Language

Documents & Presentations
Julia Bomberry
Discusses use of traditional language to help heal at a therapeutic retreat offered by Ganohkwásra Family Assault Support Services.
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Healing Trail Promotes Diabetes Awareness

Articles » General
Cheryl Petten
Windspeaker, vol. 19, no. 7, November 2001, p. 21

Focuses on programs and developing strategies launched through the Healing Trail program to promote diabetes awareness within Aboriginal communities.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.21.

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Healing Ways: Aboriginal Health and Service Review

Documents & Presentations
Rhea Joseph
Goals of review were to develop a population and health status profiles, review existing resources, recommend new services, and develop an implementation and evaluation plan.
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Health and Disability System Review: Final Report = Pūrongo Whakamutunga

Alternate Title
Health and Disability System Review: Executive Overview = He Tirohanga Whānui
Health and Disability System Review: Interim Report = Pūrongo mō Tēnei Wā
Health and Disability System Review: Interim Report = Pūrongo mō Tēnei Wā: Executive Overview
New Zealand Health and Disability Review
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Health and Health Care of Alaska Native Older Adults

Alternate Title
Ethno Med
Documents & Presentations
Kathleen Graves
Rosellen Rosich
Melen McBride
George Charles
James LaBelle
Curriculum module designed to give healthcare providers an understanding of specific cultural, racial, ethnic and tribal influences on wellbeing of elders. Topics include information about the population, patterns of health risk, culturally appropriate doctor-patient communication and assessment, access and utilization of healthcare, and instructional strategies.
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Health and Health Care of American Indian Older Adults

Alternate Title
Ethno Med
Documents & Presentations
Levanne Hendrix
Curriculum module designed to give healthcare providers an understanding of specific cultural, racial, ethnic and tribal influences on wellbeing of elders. Topics include information about the population, patterns of health risk, culturally appropriate doctor-patient communication, assessment, and delivery of care, access and utilization of healthcare, and instructional strategies, and learning activities.
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Health and Society in Greenland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anne B. Kjeldsen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 64, no. 3, 2005, pp. 257-259
Speech to the Symposium on Circumpolar Health: Populations in Transition at the University of Toronto on February 27, 2004.
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Health and Support Service Utilization Patterns of American Indians and Alaska Natives Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

Alternate Title
Health and Support Service Utilization Patterns of American Indians and Alaska Natives Diagnosed with HIV / AIDS
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jill J. Ashman
David Pérez-Jiménez
Katherine Marconi
AIDS Education and Prevention, vol. 16, no. 3, June 2004, pp. 238-249
Examines the types of health and support services provided by Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act and compares this with the characteristics and service utilization patterns other ethnic groups receive.
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Health and the Way People Live

Articles » General
Charles Gurd
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, March 1977, p. 56
Comments on how the environment that people live in has an impact on people's overall health. Article states that the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition of health is not just the absence of disease, but complete physical, mental and social well being.
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The Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in British Columbia

Alternate Title
Report on the Health of British Columbians: Provincial Health Officer’s Annual Report 2001
Documents & Presentations
Office of the Provincial Health Officer [British Columbia]
Looks at health status, community environments, healthy growth and development, physical environment, health services, and disease and injury prevention. Identifies areas where significant health benefits can be made. Related material: Pathways to Health and Healing (Second Report).
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The Health and Well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native Children: Parental Report From the National Survey of Children's Health, 2007

Alternate Title
The National Survey of Children's Health 2007: American Indians/Alaska Natives
Documents & Presentations
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Looks at data for parental perceptions of health from unique communities and environments in seven states and presents indicators in the family environment that may support or threaten families and children.
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Health and Well-Being of Children in British Columbia: Report 1 on Health Services Utilization and Mortality

Alternate Title
Joint Special Report: Health and Well-Being of Children in British Columbia: Report 1 on Health Services Utilization and Mortality
Child and Youth Officer for British Columbia
Ministry of Health
Office of the Provincial Health Officer
Aims to use routinely collected data to better understand health and well-being outcomes for children and youth who are currently, or have been, in government care.
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Health Care Access as a Social Determinant of Health

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elizabeth McGibbon
Josephine Etowa
Charmaine McPherson
Canadian Nurse, vol. 104, no. 7, September 2008, pp. 23-27
Shows how a social justice perspective can help nurses understand the relationship between inequities in health access to poorer health outcomes.
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Health Care Access of Northern Residents: MB/SK Workshop

Documents & Presentations
Alison Moss
Colleen Hamilton
Frances E. Racher
Bonnie Jeffery
Robert C. Annis
Comments on the priorities of a health care workshop including fostering new working relationships and partnerships to generate ideas for improving health services in the north.
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Health Care and Aboriginal Seniors in Urban Canada: Helping a Neglected Class

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beulah Beatty
Loreen Berdahl
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, Health and Well-being, 2011, pp. 1-16
Discusses unique health care challenges facing status and non-status seniors and recommends considerations in 4 areas; socioeconomic conditions, under use of health services, jurisdiction and elder abuse.
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Health Care and Health Care Seeking Strategies [Chapter] III

Alternate Title
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, [Monograph No.2 pp. 41-55]
The People Who Give More: Health and Mental Health Among the Contemporary Puyallup Indian Tribal Community
[Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health] ; Monograph 2, 1989
Articles » General
George M. Guilmet
David L. Whited
Discusses health care among the Puyallup Native Americans using a system researched in Taiwan.
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Health Care For Fifteen Outstations

Articles » General
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, June 1989, pp. 12-13
Lists the outstations and why Aboriginal people live there.
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[Health Care Issues in the Canadian North]

Alternate Title
Health Care Issues in the Canadian North. Occasional Publication No. 23, Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, Edmonton, 1988
Book Reviews
Joseph M. Kaufert
Native Studies Review, vol. 5, no. 1, Native Health Research in Canada, 1989, pp. 275-279
Book review of: Health Care Issues in the Canadian North edited by David E. Young. From Special Issue on Indian Health, Saskatchewan Indian Federated College Journal 4(1), 1988, edited by Jean Cuthand-Goodwill and Joel Demay
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