Displaying 2051 - 2100 of 2717

Reconciliation: The Children's Version

Alternate Title
Think Indigenous Education Conference ; 2016
Think Indigenous [2016]: Saskatoon, SK, Treaty 6 Territory
Media » Film and Video
Cindy Blackstock
Speaker talks about need for continued advocacy for First Nations children's right to the same level of services as other Canadian children and the human rights complaint against the Federal government. Duration: 55:04.
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Reconsidering Confederation: Canada's Founding Debates, 1864 - 1999

Alternate Title
Compact, Contract, Covenant: The Evolution of First Nations Treaty-Making
Resisting Canada’s Will: Manitoba’s Entry into Confederation
“A More Accurate Face on Canada to the World”: The Creation of Nunavut
J. R. Miller
Daniel Heidt
Marcel Martel
Colin M. Coates
Martin Pâquet
... [et al.]


Chapter Two: Compact, Contract, Covenant: The Evolution of First Nations Treaty-Making by J.R. Miller.

Chapter Six: Resisting Canada’s Will: Manitoba’s Entry into Confederation by Robert Wardhaugh and Barry Ferguson.

Chapter Eleven: “A More Accurate Face on Canada to the World”: The Creation of Nunavut by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Andr&ecaute Légar&eacute.

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Reconstructions of a Different Kind: The Mounted Police and the Rebirth of Fort Walsh, 1942-1966

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James De Jonge
Saskatchewan History, vol. 49, no. 1, Spring, 1997, pp. 22-32
Author recounts the history of Fort Walsh and of the NWMP/RCMP deployment into Western Canada; describes the efforts—both locally initiated, and those set in motion by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada to (HSMBC)—to reconstruct the Fort, and the course that rebuilding took. Entire issue on one .pdf, scroll to page 22.
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Recovering From Colonization: Perspectives of Community Members on Protection and Repatriation of Kwakwaka'wakw Cultural Heritage

Alternate Title
Recovering From Colonization: Perspectives of Community Members on Protection and Repatriation of Kw KW Akw Aka'Wakw Cultural Heritage (January 2005 Draft)
Documents & Presentations
Catherine Bell
Heather Raven
Heather McCuaig
Examines community efforts to revive cultural practices, reclaim knowledge, and get back cultural objects, specifically involving the potlatch system. Scroll to page 51
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Recreating Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada

Alternate Title
Niigaan: In Conversation
Media » Film and Video
Leanne Simpson
James Sinclair
Presenter speaks about Mississauga Nishinaabeg history and how treaties have not been honoured, resulting in dispossession of territory and violation of rights. Duration: 20:11.
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Recreating Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada

Alternate Title
Niigaan: In Conversation
Media » Film and Video
Craig Benjamin
Andrea Landry
Representative from Amnesty International speaks about the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian government's refusal to sign it. Followed by brief question and answer period. Duration: 23:29.
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Recycling Used Boom Towns: Dawson and Tourism

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard Stuart
The Northern Review, no. 6, Winter, 1990, pp. 108-131
Looks at Dawson City, the Klondike myth, and transformation into a national historical site.
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Red Skin, White Masks

Alternate Title
Annual Critical Race and Anticolonial Studies Conference: Unsettling Conversations, Unmaking Racisms & Colonialism ; 14th
R.A.C.E. Network’s 14th Annual Critical Race and Anticolonial Studies Conference
Media » Film and Video
Glen Coulthard
Author presents thoughts on where decolonization should take us. Podcast from the 14th Annual Critical Race and AntiColonial Studies Conference, Unsettling Conversations, Unmaking Racisms and Colonialisms. Duration: 57:22.
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Redressing Redress: The Neoliberal Appropriation of Redress in the anti-Native Backlash at Caledonia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
A.L. McCready
English Studies in Canada, vol. 35, no. 1, [Special Issue: Aboriginal Redress], March 2009, pp. 161-190
Explores the response of the predominantly non-Native community at Caledonia, in the context of the discourses now circulating around redress, reconciliation and political conflict.
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Reflection, Acknowledgement, and Justice: A Framework for Indigenous-Protected Area Reconciliation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chance Finegan
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Special Issue: Indigenous Peoples, Climate Change, and Environmental Stewardship, July 2018, p. Article 3
Examines the historical relationship between protected areas or national parks and Indigenous nations in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States. Argues that for successful reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples, protected areas must move past incorporating Indigeneity and into “an Indigenous-centered project of truth telling, acknowledging harm, and providing for justice.” Author makes three assertions: need for reconciliation, importance of difficult conversations, and the need for system-wide change.
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Refracting the State through Human-Fish Relations: Fishing, Indigenous Legal Orders and Colonialism in North/Western Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zoe Todd
Decolonization, vol. 7, no. 1, Indigenous Peoples and the Politics of Water, 2018, pp. 60-75
Considers Aboriginal worldviews around the relationships humans have with, and the responsibilities they have to non- or more-than-human entities as a framework for environmental activism, opposition to resource extraction, and government regulation. Asserts that a re-examination of the way that humans connect to our non-human relations is necessary for survivance.
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Regulations for Medical Services

The file contains a book entitled "Regulations for Medical Services" intended for Indian Agents and issued by the Department of Indian Affairs in 1934. The book covers topics such as the responsibilities and roles of various government employees in the Department with regards to Aboriginal health; the rules regarding hospital admissions; dental services; post mortem examinations; reporting communicable diseases; the use of aeroplanes; and vaccination regulations.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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Remembering the Children - Indian Residential Schools

Media » Film and Video
Phil Fontaine
Speech by Assembly of First Nations Chief about the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission given during the Remembering the Children: Aboriginal and Church Leaders' Tour.
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The Removal of Aboriginal Children: Canada and Australia Compared

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Antonio Buti
University of Western Sydney Law Review, vol. 2, 2002, p. [?]
Brief discussion of the history of the process, demands for reparations, and government responses; argues that general principle of justice demands that reparations must made.
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Renewable Energy Policies and Programs in Nunavut:

Perspectives from the Federal and Territorial Governments

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nicole C. McDonald
Joshua M. Pearce
Arctic, vol. 65, no. 4, December 2012, pp. 466-475
Discuses results of qualitative interviews with key policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, and consulting firms about existing challenges and opportunities in developing alternate sources of energy.
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Renewing Funding Relationships: Certifying First Nations Social Service Administrators

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gayle Broad
Micheal Nadeau
Canadian Review of Social Policy, no. 67, The Role of Social Economy in Supporting, Challenging, and Innovating Canadian Social Policy, 2012, pp. [74]-79
Looks at building relationships between government and First Nations based on a better understanding of perspectives to provide opportunities involving community determined priorities.
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Renouncing the Old Rules of the Game: Crown Conduct in the Context of Litigation Involving Aboriginal Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Peter W. Hutchins
Anjali Choksi
Outlines key features of the Crown-Aboriginal relationship, looks at whether the conduct of the Crown has met the standard required, nature of the litigation process as well as specific examples of Crown conduct during, preceding and following court cases. Follows discussion with 10 recommendations for reform.
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Repatriation as Social Drama: The Kwakiutl Indians of British Columbia, 1922-1980

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ira Jacknis
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 2, Repatriation: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, Spring, 1996, pp. 274-286
Article describes the social and political factors and events that influenced and were a part of the extended process of repatriating potlatch artifacts that had been confiscated in 1922 under an amendment to the Indian Act prohibiting the potlatch ceremony.
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Report 4: First Nations' Governance and Climate Change: Key Issues

Articles » General
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
March 2006
Provides insight into the challenges facing First Nations people and the ability to demonstrate effective governance that would lead to responses and decisions that could minimize climate change impacts.
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Report by the Native Women’s Association of Canada on the Occasion of the Review of the Sixth and Seventh Reports of Canada on Its Compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Documents & Presentations
Native Women's Association of Canada
Assessment of current situation and progress made by Canadian government, plus recommendations. Covers issues such as violence against women and girls, matrimonial property, band membership and status, and Kelowna Accord.
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Report No. 1-1978 of the Community Liaison Committee

Documents & Presentations
City of Saskatoon
Includes Saskatoon City Council minutes from a meeting on Monday, February 27, 1978 dealing primarily with a report of the Community Liaison Committee regarding a conference entitled "Native people on the Street". The four main topics discussed were 1. Initiating communication between Riversdale residents and community organizations, 2. Clarifying areas of agreement and disagreement on the question of Native-White relations in Saskatoon, 3. Discussing directions for possible solutions, and 4.
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Report of the Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs - 1874

Documents & Presentations
Report for the year ending 30 June 1874; including "condition of the various tribal accounts...the quality of land sold during the year and...the state of various schools established for the benefit of the Indians, and another detailing...the population of each Indian band or tribe...a schedule descriptive of the position and area of the Indian reserves in the several Provinces, is appended to this report."
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Report of the Inquiry Concerning Canada of the Committee of the Elimination of Discrimination against Women under Article 8 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Alternate Title
United Nations' Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Documents & Presentations
United Nations' Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Inquiry into the Canadian government's response to issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.
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Report of the Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia

Alternate Title
McKenna-McBride Final Report
McKenna-McBride Royal Commission: Minutes of Decision 1913-1916
Documents & Presentations
Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia
Commission appointed to make recommendations as to reserved and to be reserved for Indians. Links to detailed reports for each agency and four volume final report.
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