Displaying 851 - 900 of 2717

Federal Budgets

Documents & Presentations
Folder containing government of Canada's Statement of Budgetary Expenditures, including expenditures of the Dept. of Indian Affairs for the first, quarter, the month of February '56 and '57, and the month of March '55-'56
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Federal Constitutionalism and Aboriginal Difference

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean LeClair
Queen's Law Journal, vol. 31, 2006, pp. 521-535
Author outlines a new approach which he calls Federal Constitutionalism, which he thinks will open up avenues for resolution of many legal issues.
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Federal Government Settles with Abuse Victims

Alternate Title
Federal Government Settles with Abuse Victims (Gordon Indian Residential School)
Articles » General
Windspeaker, vol. 14, no. 9, January 1997, p. 2

Discusses how, even as former Gordon Indian Residential School sexual abuse victims attain settlement with the federal government for the abuse endured, the after-effects continue to impact the personal lives of First Nations people.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.2.

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Federal Policy Affecting the Education of Indians in California, 1849-1934

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Irving G. Hendrick
History of Education Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 2, Summer, 1976, pp. 163-185
Reviews the United States educational policy that aimed to prepare Native Americans for "citizenship and civilization" initially provided support for boarding and separate day schools and later for public school education.
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Federal-Provincial Welfare Services -- Indian and Eskimo Welfare -- Newfoundland

Archival » Archival Items
File containing correspondence related to the indigenous people of Labrador. The correspondence between various government officials surrounds the current and past level of assistance given the Inuit and Indigenous people in the area. In particular, the amount of funding to be given for housing. Also included is an article entitled "The Bitter Plight of Labrador's Indians", sent to the PM's office in the hope that it might initiate action.
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Federal Relations Must Change

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, July 21, 2003, p. B1
Suggests that Phil Fontaine's election as leader of the Assembly of First Nations signals a conciliatory approach to relations with the federal government.
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Federal Spending on First Nations and Inuit Health Care

Documents & Presentations
Robert Behrend
Jamie Forsyth

Analysis of federal and provincial/territorial government health spending between 2011-2012 and 2018-2019 for First Nations and Inuit as well as for the general Canadian population.

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Federal Systems and Accommodation of Distinct Groups: A Comparative Survey of Institutional Arrangements: Paper Prepared as Part of the Research Program of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Ronald L. Watts
Comparison made on four bases: constitutional recognition of Indigenous population, provisions for self-government, special arrangements for representation in political institutions, and administrative jurisdictions. Looks at examples from around the world.
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Feds Finally Pay for Moving Northern Communities

Articles » General
John Lagimodiere
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 2, February 2007, p. 3
Discusses government funding that will be used by four communities, Cole Bay, Jans Bay, Beauval, and Île-à-la-Crosse, to promote regional economic development and infrastructure. Article located by scrolling to page 3.
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The Fiduciary Obligation of the Crown to the Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard H. Bartlett
Saskatchewan Law Review, vol. 53, no. 2, 1989, pp. 301-325
Examines various cases with respect to fiduciary obligations of the Crown, and argues that there seems to be a movement to discount the distinction between surrendered and unsurrendered reserve land.
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The File Hills Ex-Pupil Colony

Articles » General
Eleanor Brass
Saskatchewan History, vol. 6, no. 2, Spring, 1953, pp. 66-69

Brief description by former resident of the farming colony established in 1901 by then-Indian agent W.M. Graham with the goal of “extending the training received by young Indians at the different government schools in the Northwest.” Entire issue on one pdf file, scroll to page 66.

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The Final Abuse of Indian Residential School Children: Deleting Their Names, Erasing Their Voices and Destroying Their Records after They Have Died and without Their Consent

Documents & Presentations
Thomas L. McMahon
Primary focus is the lack of co-operation the Truth and Reconciliation Commission received when trying to collect statements given during the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) and the records of the Common Experience Payment program, despite the fact that this was part of its mandate as laid out in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA).
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Final Report: Dealing for a '67 Strato Chief: Folk Typologies in the Fed./Prov. Negotiation Culture

Documents & Presentations
Office of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs
Case studies of five sets of negotiations: federal self-government, federal health care transfer, Aboriginal Fishing Strategy, bilateral processes with British Columbia, and with third party stakeholders. Each analyzed in terms of will, policy coherence, mandate, and process.
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Final Report: Improving Housing Outcomes for Aboriginal People in Western Canada: National, Regional, Community and Individual Perspectives on Changing the Future of Homelessness

Documents & Presentations
Wilfreda E. Thurston
Nelly D. Oelke
David Turner
Cynthia Bird
Study included developing a database organizations providing housing services and their policies, procedures, and practices, case studies of effective organizations, and identification of best practices.
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Final Report: Qualitative Research: The Experiences of Indigenous Communities with Tax Filing

Documents & Presentations
Phoenix Strategic Perspectives
Purpose of study was to identify barriers to filing and benefit uptake. Conducted 12 discussion groups with community and band council members in six Indigenous communities (Sunchild First Nation, Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, Cree Nation of Mistissini, Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation, K’atl’odeeche First Nation, Fort Nelson First Nation); and 42 in-depth telephone interviews with intermediaries Final revision date: July 28, 2017.
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Final Report: RCMP Review of Allegations Concerning Inuit Sled Dogs

Documents & Presentations
Operational Policy Section
National Contract Policing Branch
Contract and Aboriginal Policing Services
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Looks at allegations by Inuit Elders of a mass slaughter or cull of Inuit sled dogs by the police between the 1950s and the 1970s.
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Final Report: Social and Economic Review of the Impact of Land Survey and Registration Systems on Canada Lands

Alternate Title
Social and Economic Review of the Impact of Land Survey and Registration Systems on Canada Lands: Final Report
Documents & Presentations
Hickling Arthurs Low Technology Management and Economics
Paper's information based on: literature review, interviews, case studies and a workshop. Primary focus is First Nations groups but also includes information on the North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut), offshore and national parks.
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Financial and Economic Analysis of Treaty Settlements in British Columbia

Documents & Presentations
Grant Thornton Management Consultants
Assessment of the costs and benefits associated with the conclusion of the Nisga'a Final Agreement, the implications of the terms of that Agreement for future negotiations, as well as impacts of treaty settlements and self-government generally in the province.
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Financing Aboriginal Self-Government

Documents & Presentations
Vicky Barham
Robin Boadway
Describes various fiscal arrangements between federal, provincial and Aboriginal governments, discusses general set of principles which should underlie the design of transfer mechanisms, and assesses whether alternative financing models would comply with those principles.
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Finding Heart

Media » Film and Video
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Tells the story of Peter Bryce, Chief Medical Office for the Department of Indian Affairs who reported health abuses and high death rates in Residential Schools as early as 1907, drawing attending to the overcrowding, poor sanitation and ventilation. Concludes with middle school children speaking about their feelings. Duration 14:12.
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Finding Our Way Home: Research on Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Part 1: Research Report on Indigenous Homelessness in Canada

Alternate Title
Finding Our Way Home: Research on Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Part 2: What We Heard Report
Finding Our Way Home: Research on Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Part 3: Data Summary
Finding Our Way Home: Indigenous Homelessness in Surrey: Executive Summary
Documents & Presentations
Urban Matters

Related Material: Part 2: What We Heard Report; Part 3: Data Summary; Executive Summary.

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First Mile Challenges to Last Mile Rhetoric: Exploring the Discourse between Remote and Rural First Nations and the Telecom Industry

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Duncan Philpot
Brian Beaton
Tim Whiteduck
Journal of Community Informatics, vol. 10, no. 2, Building the First Mile, 2014, p. [?]
Explores how the federal government and commercial broadband providers have adopted the attitude that development of broadband infrastructure is a dependent service relationship and how communities have tried to take control of applications in order to support local requirements and goals. Specifically focuses on the Northwestern Ontario Broadband Expansion project.
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First Nation Perspectives on Political Identity

Alternate Title
First Nation Citizenship Research & Policy Series: Building Towards Change
Documents & Presentations
Taiaiake Alfred
Focuses on First Nations perspectives on meaning of being Indigenous, belonging to a community, and relationship of these memberships with the institutions of the Canadian state.
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First Nations and Economic Prosperity in the Coming Decade

Documents & Presentations
Thorau & Associates Ltd.
Discusses the need for governments to remove barriers to First Nations economic activity and how more needs to be done to ensure that Aboriginal youth complete skills training, K-12 schooling and post-secondary education.
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First Nations and Self-Government: A Matter of Trust

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Don J. Manderscheid
Canadian Journal of Law and Society, vol. 22, no. 1, 2007, pp. 109-121
Examines the fiduciary obligations between band councils and band members and argues that the current municipal model of band government is inadequate.
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First Nations and the Resource Future: The Path to Economic Partnership

Alternate Title
North at Trent 2015 Lecture Series
Saskatchewan First nations and the Province s's Resource Future
Media » Film and Video
Perry Bellegarde
National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations discusses Saskatchewan's current resource-based boom, necessity for collaboration, and impact and benefit agreements with governments and companies. Duration: 2:00:34.
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