Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 1168


Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
An assortment of sleds and Skidoos [at Rankin Inlet, NU]. Part of the "Inuit of Keewatin" series (#20).
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Trapped Lynx

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
"Joe Mercredi and trapped lynx" Fond-du-Lac, Sask.
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Trapping Beaver

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
"L. [Naey] with trapped beaver" [Bulyea River, Saskatchewan.]
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Trapping Beaver

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
"Eli Adam with trap in front of Beaver Lodge." [Bulyea River, Saskatchewan.]
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Trapping Beaver

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
"Joe Marten with trap in front of Beaver Lodge" Bulyea River, Saskatchewan.
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Treaty #3 and the Interactions of Landscape and Memory in the Rainy River and Lake of the Woods Area

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean Manore
Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 50, no. 1, Winter, 2016, pp. 100-128
"This essay analyzes Aboriginal and settler landscapes within what became the Treaty #3 area of northwestern Ontario, during the late nineteenth century and after, and the tensions that exist between those landscapes".
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Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators

Alternate Title
Treaty Education K-12 Developmental Continuum
Documents & Presentations
Curriculum Sub-committee of the Shared Standards and Capacity Building Council
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Lists specific expectations for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students in the subject areas of treaty relationships, spirit and intent of treaties, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions.
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Treaty Settlements and the Management of Natural Resources: A Comparison Between American Indian Tribes and Maori Tribes

Articles » General
Alex Steenstra
Indigenous Policy Journal of the Indigenous Studies Network, vol. 17, no. 2, Summer, 2006, p. [?]
Discusses the similarities and differences of tribal and governmental approaches to treaty settlements in the United States and New Zealand, and outlines potential impacts to the environment. Access through table of contents.
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Tribally Approved American Indian Ethnographic Analysis of the Proposed Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone: Ethnography and Ethnographic Synthesis For Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Solar Energy Study Areas in Portions of Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah

Alternate Title
Solar PEIS Ethnographic Assessment
Documents & Presentations
Richard W. Stoffle
Kathleen A. Van Vlack
Hannah Z. Johnson
Phillip T. Dukes
Stephanie C. De Sola
Kristen L. Simmons
The official cultural assessments of the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians.
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Tribes Build a Traditional Watch House to Stop Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion: And Since the Fall, Tiny House Warriors Have Been Putting Homes in the Path of the Pipeline

Alternate Title
This Space Here: Tribes Build a Traditional Watch House to Stop Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion: And Since the Fall, Tiny House Warriors Have Been Putting Homes in the Path of the Pipeline
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janice Cantieri
BC Studies, no. 198, Summer, 2018, pp. 7-12
Describes campaign of direct actions, including Protect the Inlet and Tiny House Warriors, taken in opposition to the pipeline, currently under construction to carry oil from Alberta Tar Sands to the tide water port in Vancouver. Examines the conflict in terms of traditional cultural values, environmental activism, and discusses the use of art to build a culture of resistance.
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Tunnel Vision

Articles » General
Ron Johnson
Earth Island Journal, vol. 26, no. 1, Spring, 2011, pp. 43-48
Focuses on the opposition of several First Nations groups to the construction of oil pipeline projects in Canada.
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Understanding FPIC: From Assertion and Assumption on 'free, prior and informed consent' to a New Model for Indigenous Engagement on Resource Development

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Canada and the Natural Resource Economy Series ; 9
Documents & Presentations
Ken S. Coates
Blaine Favel
Considers what implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) may mean in the context of current Canadian law and practice.
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Understanding Successful Approaches to Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Canada. Part 1: Recent Developments and Effective Roles for Government, Industry, and Indigenous Communities

Documents & Presentations
Ginger Gibson MacDonald
Gaby Zezulka

Overview of new developments in the mining sector and the changing roles of various stakeholders with Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) agreements. Looks at cases from the Tłıc̨hǫ, Haida and Mikisew Cree First Nation territories.

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Understanding the Definition and Scope of the Duty to Consult and Accommodate Today and How It Impacts You

Alternate Title
Annual Forum on Aboriginal Law, Consultation, and Accommodation ; 6th
Media » Film and Video
Daniel Pagowski
Sandra Gogal
Christopher Devlin
Topics covered include: overview of the duty, cumulative effects, accommodation, roles of tribunals, strength of claim, and industry's role in consultation. Duration: 53:43.
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Understanding the Environmental Assessment Process for Energy and Mining Projects: A Toolkit for First Nations Communities

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Energy and Mining Council
Designed to help communities and their leaders: understand the environmental assessment process, how First Nations can be effectively involved, regimes under agreements and acts, and regulatory processes. Some information is specific to the British Columbia context.
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Unearthing Human Resources: Aboriginal Skills Development and Employment in the Natural Resources Sector

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Canada and the Natural Resource Economy Series ; 8
Documents & Presentations
Ken S. Coates
Greg Finnegan
Craig J. Hall
Kelly J. Lendsay
Key conclusions and recommendations: advance planning of project development, creation of regional workforces, co-ordinated effort, better data, and diversifying employment opportunities through education and training. Includes mini-case studies of specific programs instituted by resource companies.
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An Unfinished Nation: Completing the Devolution Revolution in Canada's North

Alternate Title
[Aboriginal Canada and the Natural Resource Economy]
Documents & Presentations
Ken Coates
Greg Poelzer
Examines issues and implications related to the transfer of political authority to the governments of the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Issues include autonomy, integration, responsibility, accountability and capacity.
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The United States and Bolivia: The Taming of a Revolution, 1952-1957

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephen Zunes
Latin American Perspectives, vol. 28, no. 5, Free Trade and Resistance, September 2001, pp. 33-49
Outlines the history of United States domination of Bolivia and the changes that have begun to take place to strengthen working economic and political alliances outside of direct United States influence.
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Unlikely Alliances: Treaty Conflicts and Environmental Cooperation Between Native American and Rural White Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zoltán Grossman
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 29, no. 4, 2005, pp. 21-43
Examines economic development by tribal reserves that provide employment to local non-Indian communities, thereby increasing cooperation with non-Indian local governments and businesses.
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Using Harvest Research in Nunavut: An Example from Hall Beach

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George W. Wenzel
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 34, no. 1, 1997, pp. 18-29
Discusses the negative opinions about the use of scientific research conducted in Nunavut and how this research may be in conflict with the needs of the Inuit.
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Using Land Use and Occupancy Mapping to Establish a Protected Area Network in the Deh Cho Territory, Canada

Articles » General
Herb Norwegian
Petr Cizek
Indigenous Affairs, no. 4, Land Rights: A Key Issue, 2004, pp. 30-35
Discusses methods and results gained from land use and occupancy studies which was used for negotiating land withdrawals legally prohibiting new land sales, land leases, mineral staking, oil/gas exploration and timber cutting. To access this article, scroll down to page 30.
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"Veto" and "Consent" - Significant Differences

Documents & Presentations
Paul Joffe
Explains free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the term "veto" by the Supreme Court.
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Waste Management in Labrador and Northern Communities: Opportunities and Challenges

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine M.H. Keske
Morgan Mills
Laura Tanguay
Jason Dicker
Northern Review, no. 47, Dealing with Resource Development in Canada's North, August 03, 2018, pp. 79-112
Mixed methods study that examines the challenges and opportunities of waste management—including household waste and accumulations generated by military installations and extractive industries—in Nain and Happy Valley-Goose Bay.
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We Are All Crees

Alternate Title
cs canada 17.2
Articles » General
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 2, Behind the Headlines, Summer, 1993
Highlights an excerpt from a testimony to the Massachusetts legislature given by Grand Chief MathrewCoon Come of the Grand Council of the Cree regarding hydroelectric developments in Quebec.
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"We Are Fighting For Ourselves": First Nations' Evaluation of British Columbia and Canadian Environmental Assessment Processes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Annie Booth
Norm W. Skelton
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management , vol. 13, no. 3, September 2011, pp. 367-404
Comments on the consequences of the exploitation of natural resources and makes recommendations for the revision of assessment processes.
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What's in the Pipeline For the Bagyéli of Cameroon?

Articles » General
The Forest Peoples Programme
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3, Indigenous Women, July/August/September 2000, pp. 58-63
Reports on the potential impacts that the Chad-Cameroon pipeline will have on the Bagyéli Indigenous communities. To access this article scroll down to page 58.
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Where are the Fish? Using a “Fish as Food” Framework to Explore the Thunder Bay Area Fisheries

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kristen Lowitt
Charles Z. Levkoe
Connie Nelson
Northern Review, no. 49, Place-Based Sustainability Research in the Provincial North, February 20, 2020, pp. 39-65
Study uses 25 interviews with fisheries stakeholders to examine barriers, facilitators, and governance structures for restoring and reintegrating small scale commercial fisheries into the food systems in the Thunder Bay area.
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