Displaying 701 - 750 of 1168

The New Northern Policy Universe

Alternate Title
Art of the State Series ; 4
Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects in Canada's North
E-Books » Chapters
Frances Abele
Thomas J. Courchene
F. Leslie Seidle
France St.Hilaire
Chapter in book: Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects in Canada's North edited by Frances, Abele, Thomas J. Courchene, F. Leslie Seidle and Frances St. Hilaire. Suggests that in the face of climate change, northerners should have more control over their environment.
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North, Interrupted

Articles » General
Sara Komarnisky
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 4, no. 1, Reshaping the Northern Imaginary, February 2016, p. [19]
Discusses how the northern story is about a settlement interrupted.
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Northern Affairs

Documents & Presentations
File containing a government report on the economic condition of indigenous peoples living in the Yukon and the North West Territories
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Northern Affairs and Natural Resources n.d.

Documents & Presentations
File contains a speech by Diefenbaker concerning criticisms against his plans for northern development in which they claimed that it was a program to build roads from igloo to igloo. Also, a document discussing the accomplishment in the north, with mention of Eskimo industries.
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Northern British Columbia in an Era of Global Change

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gary N. Wilson
Tracy Summerville
Northern Review, no. 38, Political and Economic Change in Canada’s Provincial North, 2014, pp. 223-238
Looks at the capacity to handle opportunities and challenges that come along with economic diversification, the Asia Pacific Gateway and Corridor, and the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline.
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Northern Canada

Documents & Presentations
1 file containing: An Introduction to the Geography of the Canadian Arctic. Chapter VI, Pages 75-86, discusses the way of life of the Canadian Inuit including: population and distribution; social organization; hunting and fishing; language, art and religion; and regional groups. -"The Awakening North", an excerpt from the annual report of Seagrams Ltd. including a portfolio of pictures of the north, several of which are of Inuit peoples.
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Northern Communities: The Prospects for Empowerment

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication (Boreal Institute for Northern Studies) ; no. 25
Ken Coates
Lynda Lange
John D. O'Neil
Harald W. Finkler
William E. Rees ... [et al.]
Occasional Publication (Boreal Institute for Northern Studies)
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Northern Indicators 2000

Pia Newell-Santiago
Primary data source Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM).
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Northern Indicators 2003

Documents & Presentations
Andrew Dalley
Primary data source Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM 2)..
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Northern Indicators 2004

Cheryl Yan
Primary data source for this publication is the Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM 2).
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Northern Indicators 2006

Andrea Street
Incorporates data available as of July 2006. Primary data source is Statistics Canada's Canadian Socio-economic Information and Management System (CANSIM2).
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Northern Indicators 2007

Andrea Street
Primary data source Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM).
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Northern Pipelines: Again

Alternate Title
The Maddison Chair in Northern Justice at Yukon College Lecture ; October 17 2001
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas Berger
The Northern Review, no. 23, Special Issue: [Northern Communities and the State], Summer, 2001, pp. 199-205
Author of pipeline inquiry gives overview of his work on the past proposal and comments on the current concerns of a new proposal.
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Nunavut Economic Development Strategy Report on Research Findings

Documents & Presentations
Aarluk Consulting
Reports on implementation of recommendations in four areas: land; people; community economics, and territorial economics. Information will be used to develop a second Nunavut Economic Development Strategy for 2014-2024.
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The Nunavut Settlement: A Critical Appraisal

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
William Hamley
International Journal of Canadian Studies, no. 12, Aboriginal Peoples and Canada, Fall, 1995, pp. [221]-234
Reviews opportunities, challenges and difficulties that could arise from implementation of northern land claims. Scroll down to page 221 to read article.
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Offshore Oil Exploration and Impact Assessment in Greenland

Articles » General
Anne Merrild Hansen
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 4, no. 2, The Right to Free, Prior & Informed Consent, May 2016, pp. 61-65
Looks at impact assessments for sustainable oil development and the challenges for local communities to continue a traditional way of life.
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Oil and Gas and the Inuvialuit People of the Western Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leo-Paul Dana
Aldene Meis-Mason
Robert B. Anderson
Journal of Enterprising Communities, vol. 2, no. 2, 2008, pp. 151-167
Presents a research paper that illustrates how oil and gas activities on Inuvialuit land will transform the lives of the people.
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Oil and Gas Consultation and Shale Gas Development in British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kathryn H. Garvie
Karena Shaw
BC Studies, no. 184, Winter, 2014/2015, pp. 73-102
Focus on provincial government's failure to engage with Indigenous concerns about development taking place on their land. Assesses consultation protocols and offers suggestions for regulatory reforms.
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Oil Companies, Reindeer-Herding Communities, and Local Authorities: Rights to Land From the Perspective of Various Stakeholders

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Svetlana Tulaeva
The International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, The Dynamic Relationship Between Human Rights Law and Indigenous Peoples, 2014, pp. 1-15
Promotes three measures to resolve existing problems including increasing the transparency of decision-making regarding land allocation.
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Ojibwa Fisheries, Commercial Fisheries Development and Fisheries Administration, 1873-1915: An Examination of Conflicting Interest and the Collapse of the Sturgeon Fisheries of the Lake of the Woods

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John J. Van West
Native Studies Review, vol. 6, no. 1, 1990, pp. 31-65
Contends management policies, jurisdictional disputes and uncontrolled development led to the destruction of sturgeon fisheries.
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[The Oka Crisis: Lessons for the Enbridge Pipeline]

Alternate Title
Trent University: Northern Lectures Series
[North at Trent 2015 Lecture Series]
Media » Film and Video
Ellen Gabriel
Activist discusses the fight for Indigenous lands and protecting them from harmful resource exploitation. Duration: 57:54.
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One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: Province Found to Have Breached Aboriginal Consultation Obligations for Second Time

Alternate Title
[Insights (McMillan LLP)]
Articles » General
Joan M. Young
Melanie J. Harmer
[McMillan Aboriginal Law Bulletin], March 2015, pp. [1]-6
Discusses three key points where the Province failed in the case of Da’naxda’xw/Awaetlala First Nation v. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 2015 BCSC 16.
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Ontological Conflicts Concerning Indigenous Peoples in Contemporary Brazil

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Vanessa R. Lea
ab-Original, vol. 1, no. 2, 2017, pp. 151-175
Author examines the ongoing conflicts between Indigenous peoples and state government in Brazil, notes that at the root of the conflict is a profound difference in worldview and what is an appropriate use of resources. Where Indigenous perspective advocate for subsistence use, state governing bodies are tied to extractive practices and focus on growth centered economies.
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Opal Fuel Reduces Gas-Sniffing and Suicides in Australia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 186, no. 8, May 13, 2014, pp. E229-E230
Describes BP's efforts to contribute to a reduction in gas-sniffing and suicides by eliminating the aromatic compounds that produce a high when sniffed.
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The Other Side of the Mountain

Articles » General
Mary Ahn Thorpe
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 2, Young, Aboriginal, Missing, Summer, 2010
Discusses exploratory mining and the promise of social programs in Cerro Chorcha, Panama and the connection to mining in Lac LaRonge, Saskatchewan.
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Our Nationhood

Media » Film and Video
Alanis Obomsawin
Looks at the Listuguj Mi'gmaq people and their determination to manage the natural resources of their traditional lands. Duration: 1:36:00.
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Our Native Land: American Indian Movement Shakes Up Canada

Alternate Title
Our Native Land ; June 8, 1974
Media » Sound Recordings
Stephen Banker
Phil Stone
Vern Belcourt
Carla Blakey
LaDonna Harris
Lonnie Hindle ... [et al.]
Discusses the American Indian Movement in Canada and its U.S. origins. The broadcast also discusses housing in BC, people against the expansion of Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, and criticism over the Mackenzie Valley pipeline. Includes synopsis. Duration: 43:33 (this topic begins at 19:00)
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[Our Native Land: Making the Canadian Indian]

Alternate Title
Our Native Land ; September 4, 1982
Media » Sound Recordings
Brian Maracle
Keith Penner
Jack Burgard
Jane Godfriesen
Bernelda Wheeler ... [et al.]
Lead story item deals with the issue of women's status under the Indian Act and is followed by various news items. Includes synopsis and "Did You Know?" section. Duration: 45:38
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