Displaying 1551 - 1600 of 1789

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Kevin Scofield

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Kevin Scofield, director of Wawatay News. Scofield gives his views on world events, and how he thinks the new Canadian Constitution is a positive development for Aboriginal peoples. Scofield also discusses his experiences with racism and discrimination in Canada.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Lac Seul First Nation

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation made by the Lac Seul First Nation. Deputy Chief Roger Bull, Jack Brightnose and Harry Ignace all spoke to the topic of social plights on the Reserve and conditions of the First Nations reserve community. Also contained are questions and comments from the assembled Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Larry Derrickson, Micha Menczer and Gary Swite, Westbank Indian Band

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Larry Derrickson
Micha Menczer
Gary Swite
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Westbank Indian Band by Larry Derrickson, Micha Menczer, and Gary Swite. Derrickson, a Band Councillor, gives a demographic overview and brief history of the First Nation, its three reserves, economic activities, by-laws, motions towards self-governance, justice issues, B.C. treaty making, resources and funding concerns. Micha Menczer, Legal Advisor to the Band, discusses self-government and land issues, jurisdictional confusion in social services, the Constitution, and the B.C. treaty making process.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Leo Marcellous, Individual Presentation

Documents & Presentations
File contains an individual presentation by Leo Marcellous. He states that the Aboriginal way of life has been lost due to colonization and compares the Ten Commandments to the four circles once taught to Aboriginals - 'I' (yourself), family, community and nation (all peoples). He states that elders speak of this time in the past where "the old way of our people, our forefathers, the way they used to think, the way their values were of life" would be essential in helping Aboriginal people to heal themselves. Following the presentation is a discussion with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Lower Kootenay Indian Band, Historical Perspective by Wilfred Jacobs, Opening Remarks by Commissioners Dussault, Chartrand, Phillips

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Wilfred Jacobs on the historical background of the Lower Kootenay Indian Band, followed by opening remarks for the sitting of the Commission at Cranbrook, British Columbia, on November 3, 1992 by Commissioners Rene Dussault, Paul Chartrand, and Commissioner for the day Lexine Phillips. Jacobs discusses traditional territories, food sources, contact with Europeans, and the desire among his people to continue pushing for self-governance despite the recent failure of the Charlottetown Accord referendum.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Marguerite Cardin, Elder and Pierre Taillon, Directeur, Alliance autochtone, Local st-Jerome

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Marguerite Cardin and Pierre Taillon relating to their group that represents Aboriginal people living off-reserve and Metis in Quebec. Cardin states that these persons suffer with a lack of identity and cites multiple examples of this problems. She also states that Aboriginal women need to fight to improve conditions for themselves, as Aboriginal male leaders "appear not to be interested" in being involved in the struggle for Aboriginal women's rights. The Commissioners provide questions for the presenters during the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Mary Anne Wilson, Skidegate Caregivers

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Mary Anne Wilson, Skidegate Caregivers. Skidegate is a small reserve of the Haida Gwaii people on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Wilson discusses the administrative structure of the band, its' health needs, and her organization's composition and mandate. Wilson discusses the need for a healing house for the people there, and some of the needs it could address in the community such as addictions, general and cultural education.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Mayor Tom Lawson and Walter Kornas

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Mayor Tom Lawson of Grand Bend, Ontario, and Walter Kornas. Lawson, presenting as an individual, discusses economic self-sufficiency with regard to reserves. Lawson discusses business partnership programs, on-reserve banking, and related security issues. Following the presentation Lawson and Kornas discuss economic self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship issues with Commissioners Chartrand and Erasmus.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by MicMac Native Friendship Centre, Marie Francis, Crisis Intervention Officer

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Crisis Intervention Officer Marie Francis of the Micmac Native Friendship Centre (Halifax, NS). Francis discusses the financial difficulties faced by the Status Indian population in Canada who lives off reserve, and states that Bands often do not live up to their fiduciary obligations to off-reserve people.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Mr Rheal Boudrias

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Rheal Boudrias
File contains a presentation by Mr. Rheal Boudrias. Boudrias, outgoing President of the Native Alliance of Quebec, discusses his own past, the way Aboriginal people have been treated in his region, the struggles of off-reserve populations, resource and economic development, housing, culture, racism and discrimination, and rights. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss some of the issues raised with Boudrias.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Nancy Scanie

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Nancy Scanie. Scanie discusses her experiences as a Non-Status woman, and her views on the situation of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Following the presentation Commissioners Blakeney and Chartrand discuss some of the issues raised with her including reconciling Special Status with Equality, and a gradual transition to self-governance. Following this discussion the day's proceedings are adjourned.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Patsy Bernard

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Patsy Bernard of the Abegweit band. Bernard discusses her problems with the Chief of her band, and accusses him of anti-democratic and authoritarian practices. Bernard also discusses the need for increased cultural knowledge and awareness to be implemented before self-government.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Pauline Lewis

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Pauline Lewis
File contains a presentation by Pauline Lewis, a Micmac woman from the Eskasoni First Nation. Lewis discusses her experience with the Indian Act and Bill C-31, having been re-listed to the Band in 1991. She discusses spousal abuse, provincial-federal jurisdictional issues in criminal law, and her part in a National Film Board presentation. Following the presentation is a comment from Commissioner Georges Erasmus.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Peter Owl

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Peter Owl
File contains a presentation by Peter Owl. Owl discusses the history of a specific land claim that his Sigma-Anishinabe First Nation is involved in in "the Hudson Bay lands" of the North Shore area of Espanola and Bine River, Ontario. Following his presentation Commissioners Wilson and Sillett discuss the claim with Owl.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Phil Hall, Skowkale Reserve, Chilliwack, British Columbia

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Phil Hall, Skowkale Reserve, Chillwack, British Columbia. Hall feels that social issues for Aboriginal people must be given priority over other issues such as land claims and self-government. He acknowledges that he is a survivor of sexual abuse as a child and believes the Canadian government should "take a look at our own backdoor" and address social issues among Aboriginal and also non-Aboriginal people as well. Following the presentation is a discussion with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Phillip Sinclair, Individual Presentation (via translator)

Documents & Presentations
File contains an individual presentation by Phillip Sinclair with translator, representing the Shoal River Indian Reserve. It focuses on the water pollution found in the Swan River Valley area and other rivers and creeks that are connected to Shoal River and flow into Lake Winnipegosis. He believes that farmers upstream are using Shoal River as a disposal site and seeks compensation from the Canadian government. Following the presentation is a discussion with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Presentation by Charlie Thompson, President of the Port Alberni Friendship Centre

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Charlie Thompson, President of hte Port Alberni Friendship Centre. Thompson tells the history of his people, the problems caused by colonialism and the government's approach, his personal experience with residential schools, some issues of self-governance, and the story of his particular Friendship Centre. Following the presentation is a discussion between Thompson and Commissioners Erasmus and Robinson on the challenges facing urban Aboriginals.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Professor Vance Peavy

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes presentation by Professor Vance Peavy concerning the health system in the Aboriginal community. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Richard Chaske, Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Richard Chaske, President of the Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres. He discusses the history and role of Friendship Centres in assisting urban aboriginal peoples in Manitoba, believing that more government resources should be available to implement programs to ease the transition from reserve life to urban life. Commissioners Allan Blakeney and Paul Chartrand provide questions and comments.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Ron Blinn, Band Manager, Liard River Indian Reserve #3

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Ron Blinn that focuses on social issues on First Nations such as inadequate housing and water quality, the high cost of food, fire protection, health care, and youth crime and suicide. He invites the Commissioners to tour the Liard River First Nation to experience the way its residents live. Following the presentation is a discussion with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Samantha Bastien

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Samantha Bastien
The file contains a presentation by Samantha Bastien, a student at Piegan School on the Piegan Reserve, Alberta. Bastien states that she "basically agree[s]" with everything previous presenter Robin Weasel Bear had to say in his presentation. Robin Weasel Bear's presentation can be viewed on this site.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Shelly Yellow Horn

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Shelly Yellow Horn
The file contains a presentation by Shelly Yellow Horn. Yellow Horn discusses the Youth Group Program on the Peigan Reserve which she is involved with. Yellow Horn explains its' mandate which involves alcohol and drug abuse prevention, education, cultural identity, and the development of youth leaders.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the City of Sept-Iles, Marcel Blouin, Chief Administrative Officer

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Marcel Blouin, Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Sept-Iles. He apologizes for the absence of the Mayor, Jean-Marc Dion, and states that he will submit a written report to the Commission. Following his statement Commissioner Dussault requests that Blouin convey the message to the Mayor that they are very interested in hearing about the experiences of municipalities which have direct and long relationships with reserves within or near their boundaries such as Sept-Iles.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Minister Responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation, Government of the Northwest Territories, Hon. Don Morin

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by the Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, Government of the Northwest Territories, the Honourable Don Morin. Minister Morin discusses some of the unique problems his agency faces, jurisdictional disputes with the federal government, their relationship with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, on-reserve vs. off-reserve housing, and the need for capital funding to go forward with their home ownership encouragement plan.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Trisha Janvier

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Trisha Janvier
The file contains a presentation by Trisha Janvier. Janvier, a student at the University of Lethbridge, discusses "education, and how it applies to the reserve system." Janvier recommends curricula changes to on-reserve schools, Aboriginal language education, and general educational issues.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Tyson Yellow Horn

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Tyson Yellow Horn
The file contains a presentation by Tyson Yellow Horn. Yellow Horn discusses the condition of youth on the Peigan Reserve from his perspective as a youth worker there.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Wally Samuel, First Vice-Chairman, British Columbia Association of Friendship Centres

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Wally Samuel concerning how off-reserve Aboriginals "are treated by our own people because of the Indian Act." When off-reserve Aboriginals try to access programs on-reserve, they are denied. Samuel calls for more funding to help those off-reserve people recover and retain their culture. He introduces the next speaker, Wilfred Price.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Walter Stonechild

Documents & Presentations
Walter Stonechild
This file contains a portion of a transcript of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Hotel Saskatchewan, Regina, Saskatchewan. This portion of the Commission includes a presentation by Walter Stonechild concerning various issues of the Aboriginal Community. Questions from the assembled commissioners are also present. In addition brief comments and the closing prayer are also present.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Wendall Nicholas and Mae Perley, Tobique First Nation

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Wendall Nicholas
Mae Perley
File contains a presentation by Wendall Nicholas and Mae Perley on behalf of the Tobique First Nation. Nicholas and Perley discuss ideas and issues related to accommodating and providing services for disabled people on the First Nation's territory. Following the presentation Commissioners Robinson and Erasmus make some comments.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Wilfred Price, Treasurer, British Columbia Association of Friendship Centres

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Wilfred Price discussing self-government and he states that "70 percent of our people who are living off-reserve do not get proper representation." He presents the idea that having a small group of people from a population of tens of thousands of Aboriginal people in BC elect a select few to represent them is wrong. He wants self-government where all are involved, not just a few. Comments from Co-Chair Georges Erasmus follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for St. Basil First Nation, Floyd Bernard for Chief Richard Wallace

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Richard Wallace
File contains a presentation by the St. Basil First Nation, Floyd Bernard on behalf of Chief Richard Wallace. Bernard discusses many of the problems of his small community, mainly a lack of adequate infrastructure and service (such as Police and Fire services) provisions. File also contains a conversation between Erasmus and Bernard on these issues, as well as the purpose of the Royal Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the British Columbia Medical Association by Alan Clews, Phil Hall and David Martin

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes presentation for the British Columbia Medical Association by Alan Clews, Phil Hall and David Martin concerning the health system in the Aboriginal community. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the Native Homemakers Association of British Columbia by Brenda Wesley and Florence Hackett

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes presentation the Native Homemakers Association of British Columbia by Brenda Wesley and Florence Hackett concerning the economic independence and social justice for the family in the Aboriginal community. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the Society of Native Indian Fire Fighters of British Columbia by Clifford Azak

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This portion includes a presentation of the Society of Native Indian Fire Fighters of British Columbia by Clifford Azak concerning the issue of fire and safety programs in British Columbia. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation of Mohawk Council, Enviromental Division by Lloyd Benedict, Henry Lickers and Richard David

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Lloyd Benedict
Henry Lickers
Richard David
This file contains a portion of Volume 2 of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Akwesasne Mohawk School, Cornwall Island, Ontario. This portion of the Volume includes a presentation given by Ernie Benedict and Lloyd Benedict on the subjects of St. Lawrence Seaway - Expropriation of Land. As well as closing comments by Grand Chief Mike Mitchell.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation of Mohawk Council, Environmental Division by Lloyd Benedict, Henry Lickers and Richard David

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Lloyd Benedict
Henry Lickers
Richard David
This file contains a portion of Volume 2 of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Akwesasne Mohawk School, Cornwall Island, Ontario. This portion of the Volume includes a presentation given by Ernie Benedict and Lloyd Benedict on the subjects of St. Lawrence Seaway - Expropriation of Land. As well as closing comments by Grand Chief Mike Mitchell.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on Behalf of Chief Pat Martel, Hay River Dene Band

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation on behalf of Chief Pat Martel, Hay River Dene Band. Commissioner Allan Blakeney reads aloud Martel's letter to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Martel is seeking federal assistance with establishing agreements in the Northwest Territories regarding reserve funding.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of N'Amerind Elders Group, Elder Dorothy Day

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Elder Dorothy Day on behalf of the N'Amerind Elders Group of London, Ontario. Elder Day discusses Aboriginal history, colonization, education, reserve life, government policy, and crime concerns. Following Elder Day's presentation Commissioner Erasmus thanks her for sharing her views with the Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of Okanagan First Nation, Donna Goodwater

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Donna Goodwater
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Okanagan First Nation by Donna Goodwater. Councillor Goodwater discusses her disappointment with the federal programs available for First Nations people with disabilities and makes recommendations to improve it. Goodwater also delivers a video presentation to the Commission (transcript not included). Following the presentation Commissioner Mary Sillett thanks Goodwater and discusses some of the issues raised with her.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of Peigan Indian Band

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Leonard Bastien
Rod North Peigan
Edwin Yellow Horn
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Peigan Indian Band by Chief Leonard Bastien, Rod North Peigan, and Edwin Yellow Horn. Chief Basiten discusses some of the issues which face the Piegan people including water rights (including with reference to the Oldman River dispute), and reserve land expropriation. Chief Bastien also relates some of the history of his people, their creation story, the signing of Treaty 7 in 1877, the implications and aftermath of the Treaty process, and grievances against the government.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on Behalf of Stony Point First Nation, Robert George

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Robert George
File contains a presentation by Robert George on behalf of the Stony Point First Nation. George discusses his peoples history, how he says they were defrauded of their lands and kicked off their reserve by the government, how the Kettle Point Council claims they were one reserve together but that they dispute this, and details of the dispute between his people, Indian Affairs, and Kettle Point. Following the presentation Commissioners Georges Erasmus and Paul Chartrand discuss the issues raised with George.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of the Westbank Indian Band, Tom Lindley

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Tom Lindley
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Westbank Indian Band by Tom Lindley. Lindley discusses difficulties with the Indian Act rules for band governance, disputes within the community and the desire to recall the band representatives, issues with taxation and non-Aboriginal people living on reserve, and concerns with self-government negotiations underway. Following the presentation Commissioner Mary Sillett discusses some of the issues raised with Lindley, after which the day's sitting of the Commission is adjourned with a closing prayer.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on Housing, Frank Sutherland, Valarie Monague and Richard Cottrell

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a part of a transcript of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at The Fern Resort, Orillia, Ontario. This part includes a presentation by Frank Sutherland, Valerie Monague and Richard "Too Much Lasagna" Cottrell concerning the Housing situation on and off reserves in the Aboriginal Community.
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