Displaying 501 - 550 of 1593

Global Indigeneities Views From Near and Far

Alternate Title
Global Encounters Initiative
Itineraries of Exchange: Cultural Contact in a Global Frame
Documents & Presentations
Linc Kesler
Larry Grant
Coll Thrush
Neil Safier
Shaunee Casavant
Nika Collison
Tirso Gonzaez
Sheryl Lightfoot
Webcast of Global Encounters Initiative Symposium called Itineraries of Exchange: Cultural Contact in a Global Frame held at the University of British Columbia, March 4-6, 2010. Panel discussion begins at 36:41. Duration: 2:24:18.
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Grand Hall - [Pacific Coast Aboriginal Culture]

Web Sites » Virtual Exhibits
Andrea Laforet
Nancy Ruddell
George MacDonald
Harry Foster
Steven Darby
Stephen Alsford

Exhibit showing houses from six Pacific coast First Nations, focusing on traditional culture and contemporary issues.
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Great Canadian Lakes: First Nations

Web Sites » Organizations
[Diane Williamson
Liz Mayer
Dan Clark
Linda Turner]
Website contains links to Lake Ontario, Lake of the Woods, Great Slave Lake, Bras d'Or Lake and Lake Winnipeg regions.
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The Great White Coverup

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Julia Harrison
Native Studies Review, vol. 3, no. 2, Native Peoples, Museums, and Heritage Resource Management, 1987, pp. 47-59
Argues that the elaborately decorated items of clothing made by the Métis were not for their own use and had no relevance to their culture; instead they were created as commodities to be sold to Europeans.
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Grey Owl

Documents & Presentations
File containing two articles related to Grey Owl. One is a biographical profile from the series "The Saskatchewanians," the other discusses his daughter's view of Grey Owl's Ajawan Lake home.
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Gud Gii AanaaGung: Look at One Another

Articles » General
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse
Jisgang Nika Collison
ab-Original, vol. 2, no. 2, The Entangled Gaze, 2018, pp. 265-299
Article focuses on the artwork of people from the northwest coast; notes that historically, scholarship and collection practices have excluded some of the range of artistic production; advocates for more inclusive practices of scholarship, collection, and exhibition.
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"Gyitwaalkt": A Dialogue on Tsimshian War and Metal

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Max Jacob Ritts
Spencer Greening
BC Studies, no. 198, Summer, 2018, pp. 153-162
Discussion about band Gyibaaw’s song "Gyitwaalkt", which expresses “warrior-ness” through traditional language, instrumention and heavy reverb, and the ‘audiopolitics’ of the genres of metal and black metal. Audio File.
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Hä, Mana, Leo (Breath, Spirit, Voice): Kanaka Maoli Empowerment through Literature

Alternate Title
Ha, Mana, Leo (Breath, Spirit, Voice): Kanaka Maoli Empowerment through Literature
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ku'Ualoha Ho'Omanawanui
American Indian Quarterly , vol. 28, no. 1/2, Special Issue: Empowerment Through Literature, Winter-Spring, 2004, pp. 86-91
Author examines the different forms that literature takes in na Kanaka Maoli (native Hawaiian people) culture. Discusses the early publication of newspapers and novels and the literature and story carried in the hula, a traditional dance.
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Haida Art: Northern Villages: Part 1

Alternate Title
Distinctive Art of Haida Villages: The Northern Villages
Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future Lecture Series
Media » Film and Video
George MacDonald
Discusses the architecture of houses and design styles of totems poles in the villages of Kaigani, Klinkwan, Kassan. Part 1: Duration: 34:20. Access to Part 2.
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Haida Art: Northern Villages: Part 2

Alternate Title
Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future Lecture Series
Media » Film and Video
[George MacDonald]
Looks at architecture of the houses and carving styles on totem poles in the villages of Howkan, Hydaburg, Sukkwan and Kygani. Part 2: Duration: 31:06. Access to Part 1.
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Haida Art: Southern Villages [Part 1 and Part 2]

Alternate Title
Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future Lecture Series
Media » Film and Video
George MacDonald
Discusses the architecture of houses and design style of totem Poles in the villages of Skidegate, Xaina, Skedans, Tanu, Skungwai and Chaatl Haida. Part 1 duration: 25:08. Part 2 duration: 32:08.
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The Haida: Children of Eagle and Raven

Web Sites » Virtual Exhibits
George F. MacDonald
Exhibit including the people and the land, Haida art, and Haida villages; based on book Haida Art by George F. MacDonald.
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Hakarʉ Marʉʉmatʉ Kwitaka? Seeking Representational Jurisdiction in Comanchería Cinema

Alternate Title
Hakaru Maruumatu Kwitaka? Seeking Representational Jurisdiction in Comanchería Cinema
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dustin Tahmahkera
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring, 2018, pp. 100-135
Discusses representations of the Comanche people in both historic and contemporary films and other media; describes ways in which cinematic Comanche (actors and performers) worked to subvert mainstream narratives and portrayals of their people.
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Hand painted cards

Images » Photographs
Image of woman painting cards. Several hang to dry on a line in front of her.
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Hands of History

Media » Film and Video
Loretta Todd
Looks at aesthetic philosophies, techniques and personal styles of four Aboriginal female artists; Doreen Jensen, Rena Point Bolton, Jane Ash Poitras, Joane Cardinal-Schubert. Duration: 51:49.
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Hawaiian Futurism: Written in the Sky and Up Among the Stars

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kelsey Amos
Extrapolation, vol. 57, no. 1-2, 2016, pp. 197-220
Literary criticism essay which examines Mathew Kaopio’s novels. Highlight the construction of an Indigenous world through the subversion of settler–colonial expectations; discusses frameworks of resurgence and Chadwick Allen’s notion of purposeful Indigenous juxtapositions.
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Hawaiian Style Graffiti and the Questions of Sovereignty, Law, Property, and Ecology

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Masahide T. Kato
AlterNative, vol. 14, no. 3, September 2018, pp. 277-288
Examines the ways that Hawaiian graffiti artists and art interrogate and resist the influences of colonial and military occupation. Author uses a process of socio-historical contextualization to draw parallels between the time of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the present and to examine the expression of ancestral knowledge in aerosol art.
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He Who Dreams: Reflections on an Indigenous Life in Film

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael Greyeyes
Theatre Research in Canada, vol. 29, no. 1, 2008, pp. 110-128
Presents a performative text delivered by Michael Greyeyes as a keynote address given at Indigenous Film and Media in an International Context conference hosted by Wilfred Laurier University and York University, May, 2007.
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The Heart of One-ness: The Art of Christi Belcourt

Articles » General
Joyce Green
Canadian Dimension, vol. 38, no. 6, Nov/Dec 2004, pp. 31-32
Overview of the Métis artists' uses of flowers and beads in her designs to represent identity, diversity, fluidity and authenticity.
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Heritagization of Tamu Music: From Lived Culture to Heritage to be Safe-guarded

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pirkko Moisala
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 4, Indigenous Notions of Cultural Heritage, December 2019, pp. 321-329
Article examines the process and effects of the heritagization of Tamu (Nepal) music; considers some of the dynamics of the cross-cultural relationships between different Indigenous and colonizing groups within Nepal and the push to safeguard intangible culture.
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