Displaying 1 - 50 of 1625

1992 Elders Conference: Moose Hide Preparation and Birch Bark Basket Making, Cree Version

Media » Film and Video
Harry Opekokew
Sam Hardlotte
Allan Adam
The video, titled 1992 Elders Conference: Moose Hide Preparation and Birch Bark Basket Making (Cree Version), records these two activities at the elders gathering. Camera by Harry Opekokew and Allan Adam, Cree translator Abel Charles, post production by Sam Hardlotte.

Historical note:

A video produced in 1994 by Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment, Northern Education Services Branch and Pahkisimon Nuye?ah Library System recording parts of the 1992 Elders Conference north of La Ronge.
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1993 Gathering of Elders - Cree

Media » Film and Video
Sam Hardlotte
Abel Charles
The 30-minute video records the activities at the 1993 Gathering of Elders near La Ronge.

Historical note:

A video entitled '1993 Gathering of Elders' was recorded in 1993 by Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment and shows the activities of the gathering. Camera was by Sam Hardlotte, Glen Markwart and R.J. Morin, narration was by Abel Charles, and post-production was by Sam Hardlotte.
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1993 Gathering of Elders - English

Media » Film and Video
Sam Hardlotte
Abel Charles
The 30-minute video records the activities at the 1993 Gathering of Elders near La Ronge.

Historical note:

A video entitled '1993 Gathering of Elders' was recorded in 1993 by Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment and shows the activities of the gathering. The footage was edited into a finished video in 1994. Camera was by Sam Hardlotte, Glen Markwart and R.J. Morin, narration was by Abel Charles, and post-production was by Sam Hardlotte.
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2012 End-of-the-World Prophecy Discredited (Again)

Articles » General
Agnes Portalewska
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 3, Defending Life First, September 2012, p. [?]
Discusses the mural in a chamber in Xultún that confirms the Mayan calendar does not predict that the world will end.
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Aboriginal Art Displayed for Vincent Massey Students

Images » Photographs
File contains 14 negatives of Aboriginal art displayed for Vincent Massey Students May 25, 1989. The art displayed includes a variety of traditional items such as snowshoes, mukluks, beadwork, and minature totem poles. In eight of the negatives an unidentified man is shown holding up a minature tipi. In the other negatives art is displayed on tables.
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Aboriginal Art: How to Create it

Articles » General
Barbara Herberholz
Arts and Activities, vol. 138, no. 5, January 2006, p. 14
Video explanation, by Peggy Flores, an artist and educator, how the beliefs of the Australian Aborigines are reflected in their art, which in turn shows the connection between man and nature.
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Aboriginal Art: Sacred and Profane

Book Reviews
Anthony White
Art Journal , vol. 59, no. 4, Winter, 2000, pp. 105-107
Book review of: Contemporary Aboriginal Art: A Guide to the Rebirth of an Ancient Culture by Susan McCulloch.
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Aboriginal Arts Research Initiative: Report on Consultations

Documents & Presentations
France Trépanier
Discusses the uniqueness and specificities of Aboriginal art and the significance of traditional and contemporary art practices on Aboriginal communities and more broadly in Canada and internationally.
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Aboriginal Australian Art Today

Alternate Title
Toledo Museum of Art Masters Series Lecture
Media » Film and Video
Wally Caruana
Examines the emergence of the Aboriginal art movement and its significance today in the context of the Will Owen and Harvey Wagner Collection of Aboriginal Australian Art. Duration: 1:04:07.
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Aboriginal Beaded Mats on Display

Images » Photographs
Hilda J. Stewart
Beaded mats from the Little Pine First Nation on Display at the Saskatoon Arts and Crafts Society Show. Date unknown.

Historical note:

Includes note on back: "When the Saskatoon Arts and Crafts Society disbanded a collection of mats and other articles were given to the museum at Fort Battleford"
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Aboriginal Perspectives: Unit Guide for the Theme the Arts

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Perspectives: Thematic Unit
Documents & Presentations
Michael Gatin

Lesson plan for Grades 7-12 uses excerpts from four documentaries: Bill Reid, The Living Stone, Kanata: Legacy of the Children of Aataentsic, and Kwa’nu’te’: Micmac and Maliseet Artists as a starting point to talk about how identity is expressed through cultural symbols.

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Aboriginal Pipes on Display

Images » Photographs
A photograph showing numerous Aboriginal pipes from what seems to be a private collection. Evidently the donor was from the Medicine Hat, Alberta area as the back is stamped "Medicine Hat Photo Finishers." On the back of the photograph is inscribed "34 Stone pipes in a nice oak case. I have quite a number of the stems."
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Aboriginal Weapons and Pipe

Images » Photographs
A photograph of various Aboriginal artifacts including a bow and quiver with arrows, a flintlock pistol, an axe head, and a pipe. On the back is inscribed "This bow is half wood and half sinew There is no other like it in Canada. The Two long painted arrows were used on Buffalo. The gun is a flint lock." Presumably from a private collection in Medicine Hat, Alberta. On the back is typed "The Pender Agencies . . . Medicine Hat Canada".
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An Accidental Teacher: Anthony Walsh and the Aboriginal Day Schools at Six Mile Creek and Inkameep, British Columbia, 1929-1942

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas Fleming
Lisa Smith
Helen Raptis
Historical Studies in Education, vol. 19, no. 1, Spring, 2007, pp. [1]-24
Biography of one of the few teachers who created a positive environment for students by incorporating cooperative learning and creative arts into his curriculum.
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Adornment: Native American Regalia

Alternate Title
Education Packet: Developed for K-12 Teachers
Documents & Presentations
University of Wyoming Art Museum
Presents lesson plans to assist teachers on traditional clothing of the Northern Plains Indians including the artistic and cultural expression of clothing. Developed for K-12.
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Aesthetics of Indigenous Affinity: Traveling from Chiapas to Palestine in the Murals of Gustavo Chávez Pavón

Alternate Title
Aesthetics of Indigenous Affinity: Traveling from Chiapas to Palestine in the Murals of Gustavo Chavez Pavon
Articles » General
Amal Eqeiq
Transmotion, vol. 5, no. 1, Native American Narratives in a Global Context, July 11, 2019, pp. 152-165
Essay in which the author summarizes a series of interviews they conducted with Zapatista cultural promoter and artist Gustavo Chávez Pavón; considers how the murals speak to Indigenous solidarity between Mexico and Palestine, and to similarities across the Global South.
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The Alaska Native Reader: History, Culture, Politics

Maria haa Tláa Williams
James Kari
Katie John
Fred John
Katerina G. Solovjova ...
Charlene Khaih Zhuu Stern
George P. Kanaqlak Charles ...
Walkie Kumaggaq Charles
Beth Ginondidoy Leonard
Jeane Breinig
Harold Napoleon
Nancy Furlow ...
Aaron Leggett
Ted Mayac Sr.
Evon Peter ...
William Iggiagruk Hensley
Oscar Angayuqaq Kawagley
Gregory A. Cajete
Lilian Na’ia Alessa
Joan Pirciralria Hamilton
Deanna Paniataaq Kingston
Larry McNeil
Perry Eaton ...
Anna Smith-Chiburis ...
Nora Marks Dauenhauer
C. G. Williams ...
Eleanor Hadden
Daisy tri da zatse Demientieff
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Algonquin Indian Tales

Documents & Presentations
Egerton R. Young
A volume of Algonquin folklore collected by Egerton R. Young. Young compiled a large collection of stories and edited some of them into what he percieved to be their "purest" forms. The book was written to appeal to both the serious scholar and young readers for entertainment value.
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