The Duty to Consult: What Aotearoa New Zealand Can Learn From Canada

Articles » General
Sara Kate Battersby
Te Tai Haruru, vol. 4, 2013, pp. 4-26
Comments on the four sources rights of consultation for Aboriginal Peoples in Canda with the strongest and most extensive being the principle of honour of the Crown Entire journal on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 4.
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Editorial: [Indigenous Affairs: Arctic Oil and Gas Development]

Articles » General
Mark Nutall
Kathrin Wessendorf
Indigenous Affairs, no. 2-3, Arctic Oil and Gas Development, 2006, pp. 4-6
Introduction to journal issue featuring articles on major oil and gas developmental projects in the arctic and how the lives and lands of the Indigenous people are affected. To access this article, scroll down to page 4.
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Editorial: [Indigenous Affairs: Development and Customary Law]

Articles » General
Jens Dahl
Geneviève Rose
Indigenous Affairs, no. 1-2, Development and Customary Law, 2010, pp. 4-5
Introduction to journal issue bringing together perspectives on development, self-determination and the role of customary law. To access this article, scroll to page 4.
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Education and the San of Southern Africa

Articles » General
Jennifer Hays
Amanda Siegrühn
Indigenous Affairs, no. 1, Indigenous Peoples and Education, 2005, pp. 26-34
Discusses the right of San communities to access formal education in Nambia, Botswana and South Africa. To access this article, scroll down to page 27.
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Effects of a Technological Change in an Aleutian Village

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gerald D. Berremann
Arctic, vol. 7, no. 2, September 1954, pp. 102-107
Looks at the village of Kikolski on Umnak Island and transitioning from the traditional bidarkies (kayaks) to the large wood dory.
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Elections - Canada, Prince George

Documents & Presentations
File contains a copy of Diefenbaker's campaign speech in Prince George, BC in which he promises that indigenous people will have the opportunity to redress some of the wrongs done to them. He refers to the appointment of indigenous senator James Gladstone, the indigenous right to vote, and the Indian Claims Commission.
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The Elephant in the Room: Self-Determination

Articles » General
Chris Graham
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 35, no. 5, August 2011, pp. 12-16
Looks at government reports indicating the disadvantaged First Nations people of Australia and the need for action to address the issue.
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Embracing Aboriginal Values and Traditions in a Unionized Environment

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kenneth W. Tourand
The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 4, no. 1, Special Edition: Value(s) Added: Sharing Voices on Aboriginal CED, Fall, 2004, pp. 14-21
Uses the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) as an example of how Aboriginal institutions can identify useful culture, values, and traditions and incorporate them into an institution's organizational structure.
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Ending Violence against Native Women

Web Sites » Organizations
Indian Law Resource Center
Comments on a project that partners with Native women's organizations and Indian and Alaska Native nations to end violence against women and girls.
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Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children

Alternate Title
Innocenti Digest ; no. 11
Documents & Presentations
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre
Briefly looks at areas where rights are being compromised, what can be done to ensure those rights, and national and international action for Indigenous children. References the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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Ensuring Water Security in Indigenous Communities throughout Canada

Alternate Title
Annual meeting of the ICSD ; 2019
Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Sustainable Development ; 2019
Documents & Presentations
Lateisha Ugwuegbula
Darlene Coyle
Alexander Wightman
Argues that fragmentation of jurisdiction and lack of coordination over different levels of government has led to gaps, uncertainty about responsibility, problems with accountability, and failure to protect source water. Further argues that the current model of using watershed management agencies is inadequate and government should be moving to Integrated Water Resource Management, which is a more inclusive and holistic approach.
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Environmental Racism on Indigenous Lands and Territories

Alternate Title
[Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference; 82nd, 2010]
Documents & Presentations
Beverley Jacobs
Discusses the disproportionate exposure of environmental hazards and extension of racism as it applies to the environment and the lands of Aboriginal peoples in Canada.
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Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout

Alternate Title
Twentieth Century North American Drama
Tomson Highway
Retelling of concluding treaties in trickster style about how the First peoples of British Columbia lost their land, languages, fishing and hunting rights. Print version published by Talonbooks, 2005.
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Ethical Guidelines for Indigenous Health Research

Documents & Presentations
Bent-Martin Eliassen
Overview of documents published in Canada, Greenland, Australia and New Zealand focusing on provisions related to collective consent, guidelines for storing human biological material and other data, and Indigenous peoples' rights to this data.
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Articles » General
Deborah Bird Rose
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, September 1988, pp. 21-25
Looks at the use of ethnobotany as a political statement.
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The Evidentiary Basis for the Court's Conclusions on Aboriginal Title and Rights in Tsilhqot'in Nation: Impacts on the Law of Consultation, Accommodation and Reconciliation

Alternate Title
Between Keewatin and Tsilhqot'in: Reflections From the Centre of Turtle Island
Media » Film and Video
Heather Mahony
Presenter speaks on the importance of the evidentiary record in proof of aboriginal title and non-title rights in Tsilhqot'in Nation and British Columbia. Duration: 35:24.
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Executive Director’s Message: Youth are Our Future

Articles » General
Suzanne Benally
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 3, The World on Our Shoulders: Cultivating Indigenous Youth Leadership, September 2013, p. [?]
Discusses how the empowerment and participation of Indigenous youth in human rights and environmental protection issues worldwide, will contribute to creating a sustainable future.
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The Face Pullers - Unused Photos- Boys in a Classroom

Alternate Title
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939
Images » Photographs
Black and White photograph of young indigenous boys in a classroom. Unused photo from the book The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 by Brock Silversides.
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The Faces Behind the UN Global Indigenous Youth Caucus

Articles » General
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 3, The World on Our Shoulders: Cultivating Indigenous Youth Leadership, September 2013, p. [?]
Three Indigenous youth describe their involvement with the international body working on Indigenous peoples' issues.
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The Farmington Report: Civil Rights for Native Americans 30 Years Later

Documents & Presentations
Emma Armendariz
John I. Binkley
Rebecca Bustamante
Dale B. Carmichael
Patrick D. Collins... [et al.]
Follow-up to the The Farmington Report: A Conflict of Cultures. Reports an improvement in relationship between the city of Farmington, New Mexico, San Juan County and the Navajo people living on the Navajo Reservation.
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