Displaying 501 - 550 of 1775

Engaging Tensions: Methodological Reflections From Australia on Community-Based Participatory Housing Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Charmine Green
Sarah Prout
Fiona Nichols
Kevin Merritt Gordon Gray
Jennifer Kniveton
Wayne McDonald
Ashley Taylor
International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2013, pp. 17-28
Examines multiple tensions and expectation issues regarding genuine partnership, funding, data collection and translation mediums and activities.
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Enhancing the Relevance of Physical Activity Research by Engaging Aboriginal Peoples in the Research Process

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tara Leigh F. McHugh
Bethan C. Kingsley
Angela M. Coppola
Pimatisiwin, vol. 11, no. 3, 2013, pp. 293-305
Goal of study was to identify relevant topics for further investigation. Emerging themes included role of parents, access to information, financial considerations, discrimination, and the incorporation of culture.
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Ensuring Aboriginal Women's Voices are Heard: Towards a Balanced Approach in Community-Based Research

Alternate Title
Demarginalizing Voices: Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research
E-Books » Chapters
Catherine Fillmore
Colleen Anne Dell
Jennifer M. Kilty
Presents innovative model of participatory action research (PAR) based on five central partnership principles. Chapter 2 in book: Demarginalizing Voices: Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research edited by Jennifer M. Kilty, Maritza Felices-Luna and Sheryl C. Fabian.
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Entrepreneurship in a Remote Sub-Arctic Community

Articles » General
Leo-Paul Dana
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol. 20, no. 1, Fall, 1995, pp. 57-72
Study attempts to provide a theoretical and empirically informed judgment about entrepreneurial activities in a small sub-Arctic Alaskan town.
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Environmental Ethics: Finding a Moral Compass for Human-Plant Interaction

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sara L. Warber
Michael D. Fetters
Peter B. Kaufman
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, vol. 9, no. 2, March-April 2003, pp. 100-105
Ethical principles of gathering plants, from an Indigenous healer 's perspective, with emphasis on respect, purpose, stewardship, and regeneration.
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Environmental Scan of Canadian and International Aboriginal Corrections Programs and Services: A Report Submitted to Correctional Service Canada

Alternate Title
Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies Initiative
Documents & Presentations
Carolyn Camman
Myles Ferguson
Ronda Appell
J. Stephen Wormith
An evaluation of the Correctional Service Canada's initiatives and polices to address the over representation of Indigenous people within the Canadian criminal justice system. The University of Saskatchewan was asked to provide an external environmental scan to help inform further planning and policy decisions.
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Epistemological Distinctiveness and the Use of "Guided History" Methodology for Writing Native Histories

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Yale D. Belanger
Indigenous Nations Studies Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Fall, 2001, pp. 15-34
Argues that different historical perspectives between Native and non-Native cultures impact on writings about Native populations and suggests methodology of community input into writing local histories.
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Epistemological Pluralism: Ethical and Pedagogical Challenges in Higher Education

Alternate Title
Ethical and Pedagogical Challenges in Higher Education
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Vanessa Andreotti
Cash Ahenakew
Garrick Cooper
AlterNative, vol. 7, no. 1, 2011, pp. 40-50
Overview of concepts related to epistemological dominance and different epistemological methodologies in higher education teaching and learning.
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An Essay About Indigenous Methodology

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jelena Porsanger
Nordlit, no. 15, Special Issue on Northern Minorities, 2004, pp. 105-119
Saami scholar discusses issues of Indigenous methodology important to Indigenous researchers. Originally written for a doctoral seminar held at the University of Tromsø.
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Estimating Institutionalization and Homelessness for Status First Nations in Canada: A Method and Implications

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna L. Feir
Randall Akee
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, October 2018, p. Article 2
Uses a combination data from 2001 and 2006 Censuses, 2011 National Household Survey, and the Indian Register to calculate incidence and demographics for the two groups. Comments on implications of the high rates for young First Nations men, which could result in distortion of the male-female gender ratio and affect the continued legal existence of Status First Nations.
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Estimating the Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome a Summary

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Philip A. May
J. Phillip Gossage
Alcohol Research & Health, vol. 25, no. 3, Fall, 2001, pp. 159-168
Diagnosis of FAS is still a matter of debate even though there is no debate about the diagnostic features of FAS.
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An Ethic of Ethics in Research? Reflecting on Guidelines For Indigenous Populations in Colonised Societies

Alternate Title
An Ethic of Ethics in Research? Reflecting on Guidelines For Indigenous Populations in Colonized Societies
Articles » General
Edlyn Jimenez-Santos
Shaukat Taher Esufali
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 29, no. 2, March/April 2005, pp. 15-16
Questions how research guidelines can be representative of the vulnerabilities of Australia's diverse populations.
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Ethical and Methodological Issues in Research With Sami Experiencing Disability

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Line Melbǿe
Ketil Lenert Hansen
Bjǿrn-Eirik Johnsen
Gunn Elin Fedreheim
Tone Dinesen ... [et al.]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 75, 2016, p. article no. 31656
Researchers found four main areas of ethical and methodological issues while conducting the study.
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Ethical Guidelines for Indigenous Health Research

Documents & Presentations
Bent-Martin Eliassen
Overview of documents published in Canada, Greenland, Australia and New Zealand focusing on provisions related to collective consent, guidelines for storing human biological material and other data, and Indigenous peoples' rights to this data.
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Ethical Space for a Sensitive Research Topic: Engaging First Nations Women in the Development of Culturally Safe Human Papillomavirus Screening

Articles » General
Ingeborg Zehbe
Marion Maar
Amy J. Nahwegahbow
Kayla SM Berst
Janine Pintar
Journal of Aboriginal Health, vol. 8, no. 1, Holistic Approaches to Preventing HPV Infections and Related Diseases, March 2012, pp. 41-50
Article advocates adopting ethical space to increase dialogue with First Nations stakeholders in order to achieve a more positive outcome.
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Ethical Space in the Intellectual Terrain: A Cultural Perspective

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine Longboat
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 31, no. 1, Indigenous Knowledges and the University, 2008, pp. 72-83
Looks at the differences between mainstream and Indigenous concepts of knowledge. The author also takes a look at ethical space in academia from a personal, family, and community point of view.
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The Ethical Space of Engagement

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Willie Ermine
Indigenous Law Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, 2007, pp. 193-203
Advocates a new partnership model of ethical space, a cooperative spirit between Indigenous peoples and Western institutions, in order to overcome archaic ways of interaction.
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Ethics and Research with Aboriginal Communities

Documents & Presentations
Marc G. Stevenson
Outlines principles that are intended to promote research that is scientifically and culturally competent, is in keeping with Aboriginal values and traditions, and is mutually beneficial and empowering to both Canada’s Aboriginal and research communities.
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Ethics and Responsibilities in Writing American Indian History

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donald L. Fixico
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 1, Writing about (Writing about) American Indians, Winter, 1996, pp. 29-39
Authors examines the moral ethics, professional responsibilities, and the potential pitfalls for historians and other academics who are studying and writing about the history of what are now the Americas, and about Indigenous peoples and cultures.
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Ethics and the Reburial Controversy

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lynne Goldstein
Keith Kintigh
American Antiquity, vol. 55, no. 3, July 1990, pp. 585-591
Considers the issue of repatriation of human remains as an ethical/cultural conflict within the field of archaeology; discusses means of resolving this conflict based in negotiation and mutual respect; concludes that archaeology must “change the way it does business,” and presents a course for this change.
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An Ethics Committee for Medical Research in Greenland: History and Challenges

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jørn Olsen
Gert Mulvad
Mille Søvndah Pedersen
Thue Christiansen
Paul Henrik Sørensen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 144-146
Recommends that Greenland has approached the stage where a medical ethics committee is urgently required.
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Ethics, Economics, and Ecosystems

Articles » General
Jon Kosek
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 1, Resource and Sanctuary, Spring, 1993
Presents interviews, with indigenous leaders from British Columbia, that address the logging industry in Canada.
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Ethics for Working With Communities of Indigenous Peoples

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kim Scott
Olivier Receveur
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, vol. 73, no. 6, 1995, pp. 751-753
Reports on content and format of current ethical guidelines and directions for further development.
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Ethics in Aboriginal Research: Comments on Paradigms, Process and Two Worlds

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mike Patterson
Randy Jackson
Nancy Edwards
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 1, Inaugural Edition, Summer, 2006, pp. 47-62
Looks at new protocols, right of self-determination and control over the research process, and some recent experiences of researchers. (Article appears on p. 47 of the inaugural issue of Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research.
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Ethics of Aboriginal Research

Articles » General
Marlene Brant Castellano
Journal of Aboriginal Health, vol. 1, no. 1, Governance of Aboriginal Health, January 2004, pp. 98-114
Proposes code of conduct for researchers working within the Aboriginal community or with external partners.
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The Ethics of Research in American Indian Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Murray L. Wax
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 15, no. 4, Autumn, 1991, pp. 431-456
Article presents data collected on the evaluation of biomedical research ethics in Indigenous communities. Author draws on interviews with researchers, tribal officials, and research subjects to understand the ethical issues surrounding the research process.
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The Ethics of Research Involving Canada's Aboriginal Populations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janet Smylie
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 172, no. 8, April 12, 2005, p. 977
Letter written in response to publication of two epidemiologic studies discusses the lack of consultation with First Nations and Métis people and recommends scientists build relationships.
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