Canada's Northern Strategy and East Asian Interests in the Arctic

Alternate Title
East Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security and International Politics ; paper no. 5
Documents & Presentations
P. Whitney Lackenbauer
James Manicom
Suggests the intersection of Asian and Canadian interests in the arctic are convergent and makes recommendations for Canada to safeguard its interests to enhance cooperation and sustainable development.
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Canada’s Oldest Known Pictograph?

Articles » General
Zenon S. Pohrecky
Tim E.H. Jones
Saskatchewan History, vol. 21, no. 1, Winter , 1968, pp. 30-37
Discusses a pictograph site on the Churchill River; article includes maps, photos and an entry from Alexander Mackenzie’s journal describing the rock painting and its location. Entire issue on one pdf file, scroll to page 30.
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Canada's Sovereignty in the Arctic: An Inuit Perspective

Alternate Title
Northern Sovereignty and Political Geography in North America
Documents & Presentations
Jean-François Arteau
Representative from the Makivik Corporation discusses geographic, political, economic, environmental, and socio-cultural issues in the north. Paper given at the conference Northern Sovereignty and Political Geography in North America, Washington DC, 2010.
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The Canadian Arctic and the Oceans Act: The Development of Participatory Environment Research and Management

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fikret Berkes
Jack Mathias
Mina Kislalioglu
Helen Fast
Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 44, no. 7-8, 2001, pp. 451-469
Examines aboriginal participation in resource management in several area: fish and wildlife, protected area planning, integrated coastal zone management, ecosystem health monitoring, contaminants research, environmental assessment, and climate change.
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The Canadian Crown's Duty to Consult Indigenous Nations' Knowledge Systems in Federal Environmental Assessments

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephen S. Crawford
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Special Issue: Indigenous Peoples, Climate Change, and Environmental Stewardship, July 2018, p. Article 4
Evaluates the extent to which the Environmental Assessment Expert Panel's review of existing regulatory processes and Canada's response in the form of proposed legislation in Bill C-69 actually addressed its duty to consult. Argues that the examination of documents shows that government's duty has not been fulfilled in either spirit or practice.
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Canadian Foresters' Attitudes and Beliefs About Forestry Curriculum and Forest Management

Alternate Title
Project Report (Sustainable Forest Management Network) ; September 30. 2007
[SFMN Project: Professional Forestry Certification in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Constraints for Forestry Curriculum Change]
Documents & Presentations
Naomi Krogman
Kendra Isaac
Trena Allen
Peggy Smith
Looks at a study which illustrates the importance of Aboriginal consultation in regards to the appropriateness of their undergraduate forestry training and continuing educational opportunities.
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Canadian Indian Literary Nationalism?: Critical Approaches in Canadian Indigenous Contexts – A Collaborative Interlogue

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kristina Fagan
Daniel Heath Justice
Keavy Martin
Sam McKegney
Deanna Rede
et al.
Canadian Journal of Native Studies , vol. 29, no. 1/2, 2009, pp. 19-44
Discusses Indigenous literary nationalism, a philosophy that places Indigenous intellectual and cultural values at the center of analysis by looking at creative and critical endeavors in Canadian contexts.
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The Canoe Trip: A Northern Cree Metaphor for Conducting Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Herman Michell
in education: exploring our connective educational landscape, vol. 18, no. 1, Spring, 2012, p. [?]
Discusses how respectful community-based research approaches are metaphorically like going on a canoe journey.
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Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
A group of Inuit dressed in traditional hide clothing gathered outdoors; location unknown. Part of the "Inuit of Keewatin" series (#11).
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Caribou Hunting At Selwyn Lake

Images » Photographs
Anne Soulnier (Betts) (photographer)
A set of 184 photographs recording a trip north to Selwyn Lake by a class from Black Lake School to experience a caribou hunt. The Dene people of northern Saskatchewan have for centuries depended on the vast herds of caribou that migrate north and south through their lands. North in the spring to calve and south in the fall for winter cover inside the tree line. In recent times the people have become more dependent on food from the local store, but they still prefer caribou to any other food, and hunters still go to the traditional hunting grounds or harvest them when the herds come near their communities. The students in this school project were fortunate to go to a winter camp and participate in a traditional learning experience with people who had lived in that way for most of their lives.
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Caribou, Petroleum, and the Limits of Locality in the Canada-US Borderlands

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jenny Kerber
American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 45, no. 3, The Nature of Canadian Studies in the United States, 2015, pp. 332-345
Discusses Karsten Heuer's book Being Caribou and how the herd migration undertakes several forms of boundary crossing between countries and species.
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Carrier Herbal Medicine: Traditional and Contemporary Plant Use

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
E. M. Ritch-Krc
S. Thomas
N. J. Turner
G. H. N. Towers
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 52, no. 2, June 1996, pp. 85-94
Field study based on interviews and information sessions aimed at gathering information about the use of medicinal plants by the Carrier people of northcentral British Columbia.
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Carriers of Water: Aboriginal Women's Experiences, Relationships, and Reflections

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kim Anderson
Barbara Clow
Margaret Haworth-Brockman
Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 60, December 2013, pp. 11-17
Overview of the quality of water in Aboriginal communities and interviews Grandmothers about the nature of water, its meaning and the importance of water to Aboriginal women.
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The Case Of Te Karaka: Ngāi Tahu Print Media Before And After Settlement

Alternate Title
The Case Of Te Karaka
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jo Smith
Katharina Ruckstuhl
AlterNative, vol. 6, no. 1, 2010, pp. 25-37
Examines the crucial role between media technologies and the process of Māori cultural revitalization, sustainability and development for post-settlement Ngāi Tahu.
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Case Studies of Indigenous Knowledge and Science in Impact Assessments

Documents & Presentations
Two Worlds Consulting
Study consisted of a literature review, ten interviews, and four case studies: Tłı̨chǫ All‐season Road Project, Hope Bay Mining Ltd, Offshore Oil and Gas Strategic Environmental Assessment, and Adams Lake Cumulative Effects Land Use and Management Assessment .
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Book Reviews
Margaret Seguin
BC Studies, no. 67, Winter, 1985, pp. 59-62
Book review: Cedar by Hilary Stewart. Scroll down to page 59 to read review.
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Celebrate, 'Ohana1

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kimo A. Cashman
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 33, no. 1, Connecting to Spirit in Indigenous Research, 2010, pp. 152-154
Discussion on the power of family caring and love.
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Celebrating Heritage Traditions in Alaska’s Indigenous Communities

Articles » General
Nadia Jackinsky-Sethi
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 4, The Future We Want: Indigenous Women of the World Unite, December 2013, p. [?]
Discusses how the promotion of Alaska Native heritage programs will help preserve, and pass on customary traditions.
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Celebrating Our Path of Ahkamimoh in Northern Saskatchewan: Developing Resiliency in Youth through Education + Emocikihtayak Ahkamimohwin meskanaw Ote Kiwetinohk Saskatchewan: Sohkeyimowin Oskayak Ekiskinwahamacik

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Arlene Hansen
Northern Review, vol. 53, Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin: Perspectives from Northern Saskatchewan, 2022, pp. 85-99

Examines the importance of a community-based education to enhance Indigenous resilience to the impact of colonization and residential schools.

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Centering Indigenous Nations Within Indigenous Methodologies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Duane Champagne
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 30, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 57-81
States researchers need to respect the culture, goals, values, and political orders of Indigenous peoples. Discusses regulation of research protocols.
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Alternate Title
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Charles R Menzies
Caroline F Butler
BC Studies, no. 209, Spring, 2021, pp. 103-124
Looks at the impact of Indigenous knowledge research projects on collaborative and community-based research in British Columbia.
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The Challenge in Old Crow

Media » Film and Video
Georges Payrastre
Claudette Jaiko
Parents discuss concerns for the health of their children and develop a project to promote mental and physical fitness in the village of Old Crow. Duration: 55:00.
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Challenges in Community-Research Relationships: Learning from Natural Science in Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shari Gearheard
Jamal Shirley
Arctic, vol. 60, no. 1, March 2007, pp. 62-74
Looks at the case studies of three natural science projects in Nunavut and discusses the challenges that researchers have to incorporate traditional knowledge into their work and to design studies that are relevant to the communities.
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Challenges in Harnessing Indigenous Knowledge Systems through Creation of Employment for Rural Women in Tanzania: The Case Study of Barabaig Leather Products in Manyara Region

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John M. Mtui
IK: Other Ways of Knowing, vol. 4, pp. 68-94
Study surveyed 100 households on use of traditional knowledges in production of leather hides for clothing. Identifies opportunities and barriers for sustained poverty reduction, and makes recommendations for both improving the perception, transmission, and use of traditional knowledge and techniques, and for integrating methods.
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Challenges to Arctic Nomadism: Yamal Nenets Facing Climate Change Era Calamities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrei V. Golovnev
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 54, no. 2, 2017, pp. 40-51
Author challenges mainstream narratives about the Nenet cultural and historic practice of reindeer herding on the Yamal peninsula; suggests a system of herding based on movement, traditional herd navigation and laws of Nenet-land relationship.
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Challenging Colonial Spaces: Reconciliation and Decolonizing Work in Canadian Archives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Krista Mccracken
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 100, no. 2, June 2019, pp. 182-201
Argues that teaching the history of residential schools in Canada requires an examination of how that history has been recorded and preserved; that this examination reveals an incompatibility between the colonial frameworks in archival institutions and structures of Indigenous knowledges. Discusses the impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on Canadian archival practices.
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Change in School and Community Attitudes in an Athapaskan Village

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carlos J. Ovando
Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 69, no. 2, Negotiating the Culture of Indigenous Schools, Winter, 1994, pp. 43-59
Compares 1983 to 1992 findings which focused questions on the purpose of schooling, community loyalty, ethnic identity and schools.
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Change Is in All of Us

Articles » General
Danielle DeLuca
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, The Electronic Drum: Community Radios Role in Indigenous Language Revitalization, March 2013, p. [?]
Discussion about the end of the Oxlajuj B'aq'tun and the start of a new era that should be seen as an opportunity for positive renewal to generate changes in society.
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