Cottrell, Michael

University of Saskatchewan, ITEP - Indian Teacher Education Program

I-Portal Content

Aboriginal Early Childhood Education in Canada: Issues of Context

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jane P. Preston
Michael Cottrell
Terrance R. Pelletier
Joseph V. Pearce
Journal of Early Childhood Research, vol. 10, no. 1, February 2012, pp. 3-18
Identifies key features of quality programs and makes suggestions for incorporation of Aboriginal pedagogy, language, and culture and need for qualified staff and engaged communities.
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Experiences of Beginning Aboriginal Teachers in Band-Controlled Schools

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Randolph Wimmer
Louise Legare
Yvette Arcand
Michael Cottrell
Canadian Journal of Education , vol. 32, no. 4, 2009, p. [817]‐849
Surveyed 30 graduates of the Indian Teacher Education Program at the University of Saskatchewan for their views on the adequacy of preparation for teaching and improvements that could be made to the program.
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Exploring the Work of Treaty Catalyst Teachers in Selected Saskatchewan Schools

Alternate Title
Creating a Culturally Responsive Learning Program That Benefits All Learners: Exploring the Work of Catalyst Leadership Teams in Selected Saskatchewan Schools
McDowell Foundation Research Project ; no. 235
Teaching and Learning Research Exchange
Documents & Presentations
Brandon Needham
Michael Cottrell
McDowell Foundation Research Project
Qualitative study involved nine participants drawn from both public and Catholic school divisions, and a First Nations controlled system. Themes which emerged are grouped under strategies, alignments, opportunities and challenges.
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Reflections of Indian Teacher Education Program Graduates: Considerations for Educational Policy and Research

E-Books » Chapters
Randolph Wimmer
Louise Legare
Yvette Arcand
Michael Cottrell
Aboriginal Policy Research, vol. 6

Looks at the ITEP program at the University of Saskatchewan. Chapter four from Learning, Technology, and Traditions, which is vol. 6 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the third annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.

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