Bouvier, Rita

University of Saskatchewan, Aboriginal Education Research Centre

I-Portal Content

Keetsahnak / Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters

Christi Belcourt
Kim Anderson
Debra Leo
Beatrice Starr
Stella August
Beverly Jacobs
Sandra Lamouche
Ann-Marie Livingston
Sarah Hunt
Robyn Bourgeois
Michelle Good
Kelsey T. Leonard
Maya Ode'amik chacaby
Helen Knott
Alex Wilson
Robert Alexander Innes
Waaseyaa'sin Christine Sy
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Darlene R. Okemaysim-Sicotte ...
Rita Bouvier
Pahan Pte San Win
Laura Harjo
Jenell Navarro
Kimberly Robertson
Maria Campbell
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Kisiskâciwan: Indigenous Voices from Where the River Flows Swiftly

Saukamappee (Young Man)
James Settee
Charles Pratt
kā-kišīwē (Loud Voice)
atakawinin (The Gambler)
mistawāsis (Big Child)
atāhkakohp (Star Blanket)
wīhkasko-kisēyin (Sweet Grass)
mistahi-maskwa (Big Bear)
kā-miyēstawēsit (Beardy)
wāwikanihk kā-otāmahoht (Strikes Him on the Back)
tatanka iyotake (Sitting Bull)
peopeo kiskiok hihih (White Bird)
Gabriel Dumont
pīhtikwahānapiwiyin (Poundmaker)
Louis Riel
kā-papāmahcahkwēw (Wandering Spirit)
piyēsiw-awāsis (Thunderchild)
nāh-namiskwākāpaw (Louis Moosomin)
kā-kīsikāw-pīhtukāw (Coming-Day)
kā-wīhkaskusahk (Maggie Achenam)
Abel Watetch
Edward Ahenakew
Michel Benjamin
Charlie Janvier
Charles Ryder
Peter Vandall
Marie Merasty
Eleanor Brass
nêhiyaw (Glecia Bear)
John F. Cote
Alice Ahenakew
Berta O'Watch
Arsene Fontaine
Howard Adams
Annie Benonie
George Klyne
Alexander Wolfe
Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw
Augie Merasty
Helen Francis
Herbert Walker
Freda Ahenakew
Hubert Gunn
Vicki Wilson
Bernelda Wheeler
Maria Campbell ...
Gloria Mehlmann
Doug Cuthand
Margaret Reynolds
Tom Jackson
Priscilla Settee
Beth Cuthand
Blair Stonechild
Rita Bouvier
SkyBlue Mary Morin
Jo-Ann Episkenew
Errol Kinistino
Sky Dancer Louise Bernice Halfe
John Cuthand
Solomon Ratt
Janice Acoose
Joseph Naytowhow
Kim Soo Goodtrack
Harold Johnson
Bevann Fox
Paul Seesequasis
Winona Wheeler
Connie Fife
Yvette Nolan
Ernie Louttit
James Tyman
Carol Daniels
Floyd Flavel Starr
Gregory Scofield
Warren Cariou
Randy Lundy
Joely BigEagle-Kequahtooway
Andrea Menard
Jessie Archibald-Barber
Lisa Bird-Wilson
Merelda Fiddler
Kevin Wesaquate
Brad Bellegarde
Thomas Roussin
Mika Lafond
Tenille Campbell
Shannon McNabb
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Many Voices, Many Journeys: Symposium Report

Alternate Title
Canadian Teachers’ Federation Symposium on Aboriginal Issues in Education
Documents & Presentations
David Rattray
Rita Bouvier
Jackie Moore Daigle
David Anderson
Marie Battiste
Doug Willard
Deborah Jeffrey
Celia-Haig Brown
Kaaren Dannenmann
Julius Buski
Cam Willett
Shawneen Pete-Willett
Presentation titles included The Aboriginal Worldview and the Four Goals of Aboriginal Education, Learning About Walking in Beauty: Placing Aboriginal Studies in Canadian Classrooms, Bringing Aboriginal Education into the Mainstream, Role and Challenges for CTF and Member Organizations, and Creating a Different Vision of Education.
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Reclaiming the Learning Spirit: Roundtable Report 2008

Alternate Title
Overview of Reclaiming the Learning Spirit Project and a Snapshot of Results
Documents & Presentations
Verna St. Denis
Jim Silver
Brenda Ireland
Ningwakwe George
Rita Bouvier
Story of the collaboration between the Aboriginal Learning Knowledge Centre and the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre to bring together a roundtable meeting with more than 50 experts who would share stories of transformation, hope, and success.
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Resurgence: Engaging with Indigenous Narratives and Cultural Expressions In and Beyond the Classroom

Alternate Title
Footbridge Series ; 1
Christine M'Lot
Katya Adamov Ferguson
Sara Florence Davidson
Rita Bouvier
Lucy Hemphill
Louise Bernice Halfe
David A. Robertson
Wanda John-Kehewin
KC Adams
Lisa Boivin
Charlene Bearhead
Wilson Bearhead
Sonya Ballantyne
Reanna Merasty
Elizabeth LaPensée
Nicola I. Campbell
Russell Wallace
Victoria McIntosh
Christina Lavalley Ruddy
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Rita Bouvier

Images » Photographs
Glen Berger
Fifteen images (3 shown here) of Rita Bouvier who was involved with Urban Indian Teacher Education Program in Saskatoon, December 3, 1980.
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The Secret's Out; Our Artists Were Subversive

Alternate Title
Articles » General
Maria Campell
Eagle Feather News, vol. 14, no. 4, April 2011, p. 5
Comments on the accomplishments of Indigenous artists, writers, musicians and dancers and the honourable way in which they have led Aboriginal people. Article found by scrolling to page 5.
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