Alternate Names
Beardys and Okemasis First Nation
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 50 of 50

11 Houses Officially Opened at Beardy's

Articles » General
Louise Cuthand
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 8, no. 7, July 1978, pp. 5-7
Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation forms first non-profit housing society, negotiates with CMHC and builds own homes on-reserve in Saskatchewan.
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Beardy's and Little Pine Claim FSIN Soccer Titles

Articles » General
Blue Pelletier
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 9, September 2009, p. 23
Comments on the Beardy's women winning a fourth consecutive title in the FSIN soccer tournament and the Little Pine First Nation men's team talking the championship. Article found by scrolling to page 23.
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Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation

Web Sites » Organizations
Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation
Information on the First Nation located between Fort Carlton and Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. Provides links to listing of Chief and Council, blog, newsletter, and community information.
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'A Brand New Life' Wins MBC's Wrap Contest For Byron Charles

Alternate Title
Arts & Entertainment
Articles » General
Mike Gosselin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 5, May 2008, p. 12
Looks at the 15 year old winner of the Write a Rap contest and describes his winnings. Article located by scrolling to page 12.
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Building School Climate through Shared Governance: Report on a Collaborative Research Study Undertaken in Two Partnerships among First Nations and Provincial School Boards within the Saskatoon Tribal Council Region

Documents & Presentations
Harry Lafond
Assessment of progress focuses on two aspects: benefits accruing to schools and communities, and effective practices. Included factors such as learner success, collaboration, sharing resources, communication, First Nations and Métis employment, and eradication of racism.
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Circle of Honour

Articles » General
Bonnie Leask
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 34, no. 1, Summer, 2003, pp. 15-21
Introduces recipients of the 2nd annual Circle of Honour awards, presented to First Nations peoples who have demonstrated achievement and excellence.
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Do Discrimination, Residential School Attendance and Cultural Disruption Add to Individual-Level Diabetes Risk among Aboriginal People in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Roland F. Dyck
Chandima Karunanayake
Bonnie Janzen
Josh Lawson
Vivian R. Ramsden
Donna C. Rennie
Jenny Gardipy
Laura McCallum
Sylvia Abonyi
James A. Dosman
Jo-Ann Episkenew
Punam Pahwa
BMC Public Health, vol. 15, 2015, p. article no. 1222
Cross sectional survey (2012/13) conducted with Beardy's and Okemasis' Cree Nation and Montreal Lake Cree Nation involved 580 households and 1570 adult participants. Found that residential school attendance and cultural disruption were not predictive of diabetes, while those experiencing the highest level of racism had low prevalence. Authors suggest that the latter finding may be the result of increased interaction with off-reserve society.
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Duck Lake Indian Agency Office Records (E19)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
[W.E. Jones
C.P. Schmidt
N.J. McLeod]
Saskatchewan History, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring, 1995, pp. 36-41

These selections from the Duck Lake Indian Agency records illustrate a pattern of negative government attitudes and policies of fiscal austerity towards First Nations peoples and communities. Introduction and commentary by J.R. Miller. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 36.

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The Face Pullers: Ch.3 Images - Newlywed Couple with Priest

Alternate Title
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939
Images » Photographs
Photograph of a newlywed couple with priest in western clothes. They have had a Western wedding ceremony. From the book The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 by Brock Silversides.
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First Nation Pow Wow - The Signing of Treaty #6.- August 25 2001. - Slides.

Images » Photographs
Hans S. Dommasch (photographer)
Group of slides commemorating the signing of Treaty 6. Scenes include: a group of Aboriginals marching, some in war veterans uniforms and some in ceremonial dress; two views of Beardy's and Okemasis road signs from 1979 and 2001; view of Union Jack and Canadian flags flying; and a sign for a mural located in Duck Lake that depicts the signing of Treaty 6.
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Framing Indigenous Bioenergy Partnerships

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Melanie Zurba
Ryan Bullock
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, Special Issue: Indigenous Peoples, Climate Change, and Environmental Stewardship, July 2018, p. Article 5
Contextualizes the issues by focusing on published literature on energy and allied renewable resources partnerships with Indigenous communities; analyzes the social, perspective and issue, and problem and solution frames.
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Health in the Communities of Duck Lake and Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation: An Exploratory Study

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies, and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 13-01
Documents & Presentations
Julia Bidonde
Mark Brown
Catherine Leviten-Reid
Erin Nicolas
Research Reports Series (Community-University Institute for Social Research)
Researchers interviewed 19 local residents to gather information about perceptions of health, access to programs, services and infrastructure, and suggestions on how to improve community well-being.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXIX, No. 9, November, 1966)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record . Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Literacy: More Than Words: Literacy for Aboriginal Populations

Alternate Title
Literacy for Aboriginal Populations
Literacy More Than Words: Presentations: Literacy for Aboriginal Populations
Web Sites » Organizations
Council of Ministers of Education
Contains links to webcasts and presentations on Aboriginal literacy from the Pan-Canadian Interactive Literacy Forum 2008: Legacy, which was put on by the Council of Ministers of Education and took place in nine different locations across Canada.
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Manufacturing Compliance with Anti-Indigenous Racism in Canadian Hockey: The Case of Beardy's Blackhawks.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sam McKegney
Robert Henry
Jordan Koch
Mika Rathwell
Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, vol. 53, no. 3, Fall, 2021, pp. [29]-50
Examines the numerous external pressures for Indigenous people to refrain from acknowledging racial discrimination within the Canadian hockey system. Also discussed is the role that hockey teams in Indigenous communities, such as the Beardy Blackhawks, can play in reducing the racial factors placed in front of Indigenous players.
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Mapping History: Lessons in History from Township Map of the Qu’Appelle Valley, Township 21, Range 13, West of the 2nd Meridian

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine Charmbury
Saskatchewan History, vol. 67, no. 2, Fall, 2015, pp. 42-47

An assemblage of images and historical vignettes from the Qu’Appelle Valley; includes pieces on the Métis, First Nations, land surveyors, Settlers, reserve lands and residential schools. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 42.

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A Mixed-method Examination of Risk Factors in the Truck-to-Cistern Drinking Water System on the Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation Reserve, Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lori Bradford
Cheryl Walder
Karlee McLaughlin
Rebecca Zagozewski
Lalit Bharadwaj
Canadian Water Resources Journal, vol. 43, no. 4, 2018, pp. 383-400
Water quality was measured at the treatment plant, in delivery trucks, and 142 household cisterns and taps from July to October, 2014. Risks were identified through monthly sampling and laboratory analysis, key informant interviews, and observation. Discussion of findings focuses on regulations and gaps.
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"A pow-wow at Beardy's Indian Reserve."

Images » Photographs
Servais J. Rahier
A few Aboriginal men in ceremonial dress stand in the foreground. Most of these men wear a full head-dress. There is a teepee and a large group of people in the background.
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Presbyterian Mission House, Prince Albert

Images » Photographs
Photograph of a the Presbyterian Mission House at Prince Albert, NWT, 1879. Has the comment "Built by Mr. Nisbet who like his Master was a Carpenter" attached.
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Rebellion, 1885 - Some Causes of Unrest Among Indians in the Early "80s."

Documents & Presentations
H.L. Loucks
This essay examines reasons for unrest among the Aboriginal population of the old Northwest in the years leading up to the disturbances of 1885. The writer worked for the Indian Department of the Dominion Government during this time. Item found within folder 1 of file Rebellion, 1885.
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Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Act

Web Sites » Governmental
Canada. Government of Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan
Statute regarding settlement of land entitlement of select First Nations in Saskatchewan including: Keeseekoose, Muskowekwan, Ochapowace, Okanese, Piapot, Star Blanket, Yellowquill, Beardy's & Okemasis, Flying Dust, Little Pine, Moosomin, Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head, Muskeg Lake, One Arrow, Pelican Lake, Red Pheasant, Saulteaux, Sweetgrass, Thunderchild, Witchekan Lake, Canoe Lake and English River and Nekaneet First Nation.
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Victoria Rose Paul Investigation Report

Nadine Cooper Mont
Investigation into the death of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq woman who died after suffering a stroke and not receiving prompt medical attention while being held in a police cell in 2009.
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Wanuskewin Welcomed Thousands for National Aboriginal Day

Articles » General
Creeson Agecoutay
Eagle Feather News, vol. 15, no. 7, July 2012, p. 12
Profile of a mother and daughter jingle bell dancing team who performed at National Aboriginal Day. Article located by scrolling to page 12.
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