Displaying 301 - 350 of 351

Somatic Health in the Indigenous Sami Population: A Systematic Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christina Storm Mienna
Per Axelsson
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 78, no. 1, 2019
First systematic review of somatic health among Indigenous Sami; results indicate that the incidence of many diseases are similar to those for non-Sami peoples, and that there is a need for longitudinal studies.
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A Stake in Mining: Participatory Elements in Swedish Mine Development

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gregory A. Poelzer
Northern Review, no. 39, Consultation and Resource Development in Northern Communities: Russia, Scandinavia & Canada, 2015, pp. 39-52
Reviews literature on governance and participation and looks at two cases in Sweden to see if they are following legislation.
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Stones in the Snow: A Norse Fur Traders' Road into Sami Country

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ingela Bergman
Lars Östlund
Olle Zackrisson
Lars Liedgren
Antiquity, vol. 81, no. 312, 2007, pp. 397-408
Archaeological survey of trail marked by standing stones at regular intervals in the mountains between Norway and Sweden. Concludes road was built by Norse chieftan.
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Striving to Unite: The Russian Sámi and the Nordic Sámi Parliament Model

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mikkel Berg-Nordlie
Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 2, no. 1, 2011, pp. 52-76
Describes efforts to establish comparable political representation in Russia. Discusses key initiatives and their origins, effects of activists' approach and certain functions of the original institutions.
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Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Swedish Sami Population: Incidence and Mortality in Relation to Income and Level of Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Per Sjölander
Sven Hassler
Urban Janlert
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health , vol. 36, no. 1, January 2008, pp. 84-91
Looks at deaths caused by stroke and heart attacks in the Swedish Sami populations between 1985 and 2002 and effect of income and education on the outcomes.
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Suicidal Expressions in Young Swedish Sami, A Cross-Sectional Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lotta Omma
Mikael Sandlund
Lars Jacobsson
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, 2013, p. article no. 19862
A study of over 500 subjects, aged 18-28 found that Sami were more likely to have suicidal thoughts compared with the rest of the population.
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Suicide among Reindeer Herding Sámi in Sweden, 1961–2017

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Suicide among Reindeer Herding Sami in Sweden, 1961–2017
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lars Jacobsson
Jon Petter A. Stoor
Anders Eriksson
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 79, no. 1, Article: 1754085 , April 20, 2020
Study uses data from the National Board of Forensic Medicine to analyze suicides amongst reindeer herding Sámi in Sweden; considerations include: time of year, method, age, gender, and region.
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Suicide in Circumpolar Regions: An Introduction and Overview

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
T. Kue Young
Boris Revich
Leena Soininen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, Special Issue: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations , 2015, p. article no. 27349
Editorial introducing the special section on suicide and resilience in circumpolar regions which focuses on the extent and magnitude of the problem of suicidal behaviours. Special section: Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations
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The Sun, the Thunder, the Fires of Heaven

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nils-Aslak Valkeapaa
ReVision, vol. 21, no. 1, Summer, 1998, pp. [4]-
Compares culture of the Native North American Indians to the Sami people of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
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Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka (SLICA)

Alternate Title
InfoNorth: Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Sami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka (SLICA)
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas Andersen
Jack Kruse
Birger Poppel
Arctic, vol. 55, no. 3, September 2002, pp. 310-315
Describes a project comparing the living conditions of people in 13 Arctic regions within seven countries.
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Sustainable Reindeer Husbandry

Documents & Presentations
Johnny-Leo L. Jernsletten
Konstantin Klokov
Analysis of situation in Russia, Norway, Finland, Alaska, and Sweden for Sami herders in terms of management systems, economic efficiency, external conditions, and legislation. Summary Report.
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Sustainable Reindeer Husbandry: Summary Report

Documents & Presentations
Johnny-Leo L. Jernsletten
Konstantin Klokov
Analysis of situation in Russia, Norway, Finland, Alaska, and Sweden for Sami herders in terms of management systems, economic efficiency, external conditions, and legislation. Full Report.
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Territoriality and State-Sami Relations

Documents & Presentations
Scott Forrest
Looks at the interpretation of territoriality, state assimilation of the Sami, and the increase of state regulation in herding.
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"Too Hot For Reindeer" - Voicing Sámi Children's Visions Of The Future

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gunnar Jonsson
Carina Sarri
Eva Alerby
International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, vol. 21, no. 2, May 2012, pp. 95-107
Study, based on children 9-12 years of age, reveals three themes: financial future, environmental change, and relations with family and nature.
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Totem: Return and Renewal

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Totem: the Return of the G'psgolox Pole
Media » Film and Video
Gil Cardinal
Concludes the powerful story of the Haisla and their efforts to repatriate a totem pole after 77 years of being in the Swedish Museum. Accompanying Study Guide. Duration: 24:04.
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Totem: The Return of the G'psgolox Pole

Media » Film and Video
Gil Cardinal
Film about the attempt to repatriate the G'psgolox totem pole which was stolen, housed in Sweden and claimed to be the property of the Swedish Government. Accompanying Study Guide. Duration: 70:00.
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Towards an "Indigenous Paradigm" from a Sami Perspective

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rauna Kuokkanen
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, 2000, pp. 411-436
Using the Sami people as an example, argues that political decolonization is important for realizing self-determination, reconnecting with culture, and becoming intellectually self-governing.
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Traces of Past Sami Forest Use: An Ecological Study of Culturally Modified Trees and Earlier Land Use Within a Boreal Forest Reserve

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lars Östlund
Tysk Staffan Ericsson
Olle Zackrisson
Rikard Andersson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 18, no. 1, January 2003, pp. 78-89
Studies the effect of settlement on forest resources over a period of one hundred years in the Piteälven river valley in Sweden.
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A Traditional Sami Diet Score as a Determinant of Mortality in a General Northern Swedish Population

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lena Maria Nilsson
Anna Winkvist
Magritt Brustad
Jan-Hakan Jansson
Ingegerd Johansson ... [et al.]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 71, 2012, p. article no. 18537
Study attempt to find relationship between diet and mortality but findings were inconclusive. More study is recommended.
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Traditionalisation For Revitalisation: Tradition as a Concept and Practice in Contemporary Sámi Contexts

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Coppélie Cocq
Folklore, vol. 57, History Culture and Selected Pasts, 2014, pp. 80-100
Looks at the occurrences and use of the idea of tradition on Sámi websites from Sámi media, project homepages, information centres and community museums, reports by cultural agencies, and in describing some practices.
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Transnational Autonomy: Responding to Historical Injustice in the Case of the Saami and Roma Peoples

Alternate Title
Transnational Autonomy: Responding to Historical Injustice in the Case of the Sami and Roma Peoples
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lukas H. Meyer
International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, vol. 8, no. 2/3, Special Issue on Sami Rights in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, 2001, pp. 263-301
Discusses importance of transnational autonomy in the context of the Indigenous people of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia and the non-Indigenous people living in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
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The Treatment Satisfaction and Recovery in Saami and Norwegian Patients Following Psychiatric Hospital Treatment: A Comparative Study

Alternate Title
The Treatment Satisfaction and Recovery in Sami and Norwegian Patients Following Psychiatric Hospital Treatment: A Comparative Study
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tore Sørlie
Jens-Ivar Nergård
Transcultural Psychiatry, vol. 42, no. 2, June 2005, pp. 295-316
On discharge, patients and therapists completed questionnaire rating self-defined ethnicity, how ethnicity was perceived by others, and use of language in variety of situations.
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Two Tiered Prostitution Law: Aboriginal Women in the Sex Trade

Articles » General
Michelle M. Mann
Canadian Diversity=Diversité canadienne, vol. 7, no. 3, One Path, Many Directions: The Complex and Diverse Nature of Contemporary Aboriginal Reality, Fall, 2009, pp. 103-108
Brief article argues that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged of an already marginalized class and discusses whether other legal options would improve the situation. Entire issue on one pdf. To access this article, scroll to p. 103.
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"We are like lemmings": Making Sense of the Cultural Meaning(s) of Suicide among the Indigenous Sami in Sweden

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jon Petter A. Stoor
Niclas Kaiser
Lars Jacobsson
Ellinor Salander Renberg
Anne Silviken
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 74, Suicide and Resilience in Circumpolar Populations, 2015, p. article no. 27669
Comments on the four themes that emerged from the focus group discussions on the topic "suicide among Sami"
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Without Land We are Lost: Traditional Knowledge, Digital Technology and Power Relations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kajsa Kuoljok
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 4, Indigenous Notions of Cultural Heritage, December 2019, pp. 349-358
Article uses the traditional Sámi practice of reindeer husbandry to examine the ways that digital tracking technologies can be used to provide irrefutable evidence of land use, and to assert Indigenous claims to sovereignty.
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