Displaying 251 - 300 of 351

The Racist Legacy in Modern Swedish Saami Policy

Alternate Title
The Racist Legacy in Modern Swedish Sami Policy
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Roger Kvist
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, 1994, pp. 203-220
States that institutionalized racism that existed before 1971, has left a strong anti-Sami rights legacy among the non-Sami in the North.
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Reburial Ethics: The Neiden and Rounala Cases

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kjell-Åke Aronsson
Norwegian Archaeological Review, vol. 46, no. 2, 2013, pp. 223-225
Discusses reburial case where 21 skulla and skeletons were dug up and taken to the University of Uppsala.
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Regional Characteristics of Sápmi and the Sami People

Documents & Presentations
Ándde Sara
Inger Marie G. Eira
John B. Henriksen
Johan Klemet H. Kalstad
Brief overview of four themes: status of language, political empowerment, economy, and higher education and research. Presentation at the Conference: “The Regional Identity of Ethnic Groups in Europe”
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Regulating Multilingualism in the North Calotte: The Case of Kven, Meänkieli and Sámi Languages

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sari Pietikäinen
Leena Huss
Sirkka Laihiala-Kankainen
Ulla Aikio-Puoskari
Pia Lane
Acta Borealis, vol. 27, no. 1, June 2010, pp. 1-23
Studies language relations by looking at the historical, ideological, and political process used in language revitalization focusing on political and legal instruments of change.
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Research on Best Practices for the Implementation of the Principles of ILO Convention No. 169: Case Study: 7

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Key Principles in Implementing ILO Convention No. 169
Research on Best Practices for the Implementation of the Principles of ILO Convention No. 169: Case Study: Seven
Documents & Presentations
John B. Henriksen
Covers selected principles of the Convention: concept of Indigenous peoples and their institutions, customs, customary laws, and participation in International Labour Organization's supervisory mechanisms, as well as their right to education, consultation, and to decide on development priorities. Looks at Norway, Sweden and Finland.
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Results of an Arctic Council Survey on Water and Sanitation Services in the Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jonathan M. Bressler
Thomas W. Hennessy
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 77, 2018, p. article no. 1421368
One hundred and forty-two participants from seven Arctic nations described the current status of water, sanitation and hygiene services (WASH), including access to services, notification requirements for water-related infectious diseases, and examples of environmental-change events which impacted provision of services.
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The Right to Herd Reindeer in the Light of the Report of the Sami Law Committee

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kirsti Strøm
International Journal on Minority & Group Rights , vol. 8, no. 2/3, Special Issue on Sami Rights in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, 2001, pp. 223-234
Looks at proposed statute in Northern Europe regarding unenclosed land resources with focus on Norwegian Finnmark Act.
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The Role of Skis and Skiing in the Settlement of Early Scandinavia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Weinstock
Northern Review, no. 25/26, Governance in the Provincial Norths, Summer, 2005, pp. 172-196
Looks at the early history of skiing from the beginning in the Stone Age to a time only a few centuries ago with a focus on the role of Sami contributions.
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The Saami and the National Parliaments: Channels for Political Influence

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Case Study / Parliament / Saami
Gáldu Čála ; no. 2, 2007
The Sami and the National Parliaments
Eva Josefsen
Revised edition of article published by IWGIA in Challenging Politics: Indigenous People's Experiences with Political Parties and Elections edited by Kathrin Wessendorf. Also published as no. 2, 2007 of the journal Gáldu Čála.
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Saami Circular Sacrificial Sites in Northern Coastal Sweden

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Sami Circular Sacrificial Sites in Northern Coastal Sweden
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Britta Wennstedt Edvinger
Noel D. Broadbent
Acta Borealia, vol. 23, no. 1, August 2006, pp. 24-55
Argues that circles found in North Norway are the same as those found in the forest lands of northern Sweden.
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Saami in the European Union

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Sami in the European Union
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Reetta Toivanen
International Journal of Minority & Group Rights, vol. 8, no. 2/3, Special Issue on Sami Rights in Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, 2001, pp. 303-323
Looks at the relationship between Sami movements in Finland and Sweden and the European Union as well as regional funding programs.
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Saami Prehistory, Identity and Rights in Sweden

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Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum ; 2004
Sami Prehistory, Identity and Rights in Sweden
The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change
Documents & Presentations
Noel D. Broadbent
Comments on a recent archaeological find which provides evidence of a settlement based on sealing indicating a precursor to herding society. Presentation from: Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum: The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change, Yellowknife, NWT, 2004.
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Samenet: The Sami Information and Communication Network

Articles » General
Henrik Micael Kuhmunen
Indigenous Affairs, no. 2, Indigenous People and Information Technology, 2003, pp. 44-46
Describes the history of communication and technology and impacts on the Sámi people. To access this article scroll down to page 44.
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Sámi Heritage at the Winter Festival in Jokkmokk, Sweden

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dieter K. Müller
Robert Pettersson
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, vol. 6, no. 1, Special Issue: Tourism and the Sámi, 2006, pp. 54-69
Comments on the four elements which are influential in the development of Indigenous tourism: habitat, history, handicrafts, and heritage.
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The Sami--Living Conditions and Health

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eiliv Lund
Magritt Brustad
Asle Hǿgmo
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 67, no. 1, 2008, pp. 6-8
Brief editorial on special issue on diversity of living conditions and consequences for health and disease rates.
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Sámi Shamanism, Fishing Magic and Drum Symbolism

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Francis Joy
Shaman, vol. 23, no. 1-2, Spring/Autumn, 2015, pp. 67-102
Looks at the loss of Sámi traditional worldview, knowledge, and cultural practices due to the conquest by the Lutheran Church of the Sámi.
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Sámi Women, Autonomy, and Decolonization in the Age of Globalization

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Act 4: Beyond Subject and State? Indigenous Interests in the Age of Globalization
Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts
Documents & Presentations
Rauna Kuokkanen
Keynote speech from Act 4: Beyond Subject and State? Indigenous Interests in the Age of Globalization, University of Lapland, June 2006. Part of exhibition project titled: Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts between March and November 2006.
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Schooling as Genocide. Residential Schools for First Nations in Canada 1900-1980

Documents & Presentations
Christina Segerholm
Ingrid Nilsson
Outlines a proposed project which will compare students' experiences at the Kamloops Residential School and a school in Sweden for Sami children. Project to examine educational ideas and practice as part of policies for suppressing indigenous people. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Hamburg, 17-20 September 2003.
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Season of Birth, Stillbirths, and Neonatal Mortality in Sweden: The Sami and non-Sami Population, 1800-1899

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lena Karlsson
Erling Häggström Lundevaller
Barbara Schumann
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 78, no. 1, 2019
Study uses digitised parish records from the Demographic Data Base at Umeå University to compare how the season of birth affected the neonatal and stillbirth risk among the Sami and non-Sami in Swedish Sápmi during the nineteenth century.
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Self-Determining the Self: Aspects of Saami Identity Management in Sweden

Alternate Title
Self-Determining the Self: Aspects of Sami Identity Management in Sweden
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hugh Beach
Acta Borealia, vol. 24, no. 1, 2007, pp. 1-25
Looks at the definition of Saamihood by the Swedish state and self-identifying Sami people and the effects on resource allocations.
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A Short Overview of eHealth in Sweden

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Silas Olsson
Olof Jarlman
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, no. 4, Special Issue: eHealth, 2004, pp. 317-321
Looks at programs and projects using eHealth to bridge distance applications in public health and health-care.
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'The Sieidi is a Better Alter/The Noaidi Drum's a Purer Church Bell': Long-Term Changes and Syncretism at Sámi offering sites

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tiina Äikäs
Anna Kaisa Salmi
World Archaeology, vol. 45, no. 1, Archaeology of Religious Change, March 2013, pp. 64-82
Investigates the evolution of Sámi ethnic religious practices in northern Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia) through the amalgamation of different religious traditions into a new one.
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