Displaying 651 - 700 of 1285

The Land Remains: Māori Youth and the Politics of Belonging

Alternate Title
The Land Remains: Maori Youth and the Politics of Belonging
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joanna Kidman
AlterNative, vol. 8, no. 2, 2012, pp. 189-202
Explores the cultural identity claims of youth with tribal affiliations to the regions in which they live and go to school.
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Land Rights in Historical and Contemporary Context

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eric Pawson
Garth Cant
Applied Geography, vol. 12, no. 2, April 1992, pp. 95-108
Explores the cross-links between cultural resurgence, land claims and steps to exercising self-determination.
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Language Issues in Māori Chemistry Education

Alternate Title
Language Issues in Maori Chemistry Education
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Georgina Stewart
AlterNative, vol. 6, no. 1, 2010, pp. 66-71
Discusses the challenges of language revitalization and current discourses relevant to Pūtaiao, or Māori-medium science education.
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Legal Pluralism and the Colonial Legacy

Book Reviews
Marianne O. Nielsen
Canadian Review of Sociology & Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 1, 1998, pp. 120-122
Book review of: Legal Pluralism and the Colonial Legacy edited by Kayleen M. Hazelhurst.
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Lessons from Abroad: Towards a New Social Model for Canada's Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
CPRN Social Architecture Papers
Research Report (Canadian Policy Research Networks. Family Network) ; F 40
Documents & Presentations
Martin Papillon
Gina Cosentino
Looks at situation in the United States, Australia and New Zealand in terms of Indigenous peoples' status and relationship to the State and challenges and opportunities associated with social programs.
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Lessons From the Land and Sea: A Best Practices Guide to Cultural Ecotourism for Coastal First Nations of British Columbia

Documents & Presentations
Sandra Thomson
Describes state of cultural ecotourism industry, presents four case studies, provides overview of guiding principles of Eco-system-Based Management, and describes activities and strategies that provide a solid foundation to build cultural ecotourism. Summary of Nature Based Tourism and Tenuring Strategy Part 1: North and Central Coast Profile by P. Williams and A. Heidt and Part II: Best Practices and Case Studies by P. Williams, J. Reilly, a. Heidt and S. Johnsen.
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Life When Renting for Older Māori

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fiona Cram
Morehu Munro
AlterNative, vol. 16, no. 1, March 2020, pp. 64-75

Study of 42 (18 men, 24 women) renters in the Hawke’s Bay region of Aotearoa - New Zealand. Findings discuss living costs, landlord relationships, family relationships, and a comparison to home ownership.

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Linking Early Childhood Learning in Aotearoa With Practices & Possibilities in Inuit Nunangat

Articles » General
Mary Caroline Rowan
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 2, Special Issue 2014: Revitalizing Education in Inuit Nunangat, 2014, pp. 42-[48]
Considers how aspects of three Maori concepts could be beneficial for Inuit: Kohanga Reo (language nests), early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki, and playcentres. Entire issues on one pdf. Scroll to page 41 to read article.
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Literature Review: Marginalising Maori Adolescent Parents

Alternate Title
Marginalising Maori Parents
Literature Review: Marginalizing Maori Adolescent Parents
Documents & Presentations
Elizabeth Jurisich Strickett

Topics of brief review include heath overview, international and national research and studies, services and support, and access to information.

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Lived Realities: Birthing Experiences of Māori Women Under 20 Years of Age

Alternate Title
Lived Realities: Birthing Experiences of Maori Women Under 20 Years of Age
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kendall Stevenson
Sara Filoche
Fiona Cram
Beverley Lawton
AlterNative, vol. 12, no. 2, 2016, pp. 124-137
Discusses four common themes and changes to birthing practices to support young mothers.
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Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anne B. Change
Christina C. Chang
K. O'Grady
P. J. Torzillo
Pediatric Clinics of North America, vol. 56, no. 6, Health Issues in Indigenous Children: An Evidence Based Approach For the General Pediatrician, December 2009, pp. 1303-1321
Looks at preventative measures and management of bronchiolitis and pneumonia, two most common acute lower respiratory infections in Indigenous children.
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MAI Te Kupenga: Supporting Māori and Indigenous Doctoral Scholars within Higher Education

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leonie Pihama
Jenny Lee-Morgan
Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Sarah Jane Tiakiwai
Joeliee Seed-Pihama
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 1, March 2019, pp. 52-61
Article highlights some of the challenges Māori and Indigenous (MAI) scholars face in the mainstream university context, and the role of the MAI Te Kupenga (a support program for Indigenous doctoral students) in supporting scholars in these contexts.
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Mainstreaming Indigeneity by Indigenizing Policymaking: Towards an Indigenous Grounded Analysis Framework as Policy Paradigm

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Augie Fleras
Roger Maaka
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, Fall, 2009
Looks at the mainstreaming of Indigeneity along indigenous policymaking lines in New Zealand and Canada by examining self determining autonomy models and state determination governance models.
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Makwa: Trevor Moeke A Maori Leader on the World Stage

Articles » General
Tom Davis
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 26, no. 3, Global Indigenous Higher Education, Spring, 2105
Highlights Trevor Moeke who helped develop the WINHEC Accreditation Authority and started an Indigenous controlled college in New Zealand.
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Mana Tamariki: Cultural Alienation - Māori Child Homicide and Abuse

Alternate Title
Mana Tamariki: Cultural Alienation
Mana Tamariki: Cultural Alienation - Maori Child Homicide and Abuse
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rawiri Taonui
AlterNative, vol. 6, no. 3, 2010, pp. 187-202
Examines the origins and issues of violence towards children in Maori society and looks at culturally based solutions.
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Māori and Educational Leadership: Tū Rangatira

Alternate Title
Maori and Educational Leadership: Tu Rangatira
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Margie Kahukura Hohepa
Viviane Robson
AlterNative, vol. 4, no. 2, 2008, pp. 20-38
Discusses different cultural concepts of leadership and strategies that can improve students educational outcomes.
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Māori and Hockey: More Than a Game

Documents & Presentations
Dylan Thomas (Raukawa Hauraki)
A report on the history of Māori's involvement in field hockey from 1930's to the present.
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Māori and Informal Caregiving: A Background Paper

Documents & Presentations
Adelaide Collins
Greg Willson

Discusses how Māori conceptualize whānau (family), Māori perspectives on caregiving, roles assumed by carers, impacts on them, and available supports and summarizes results of literature review.

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