Displaying 51 - 100 of 293

Diary of Lieutenant R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Infantry School Corps, April 8, 1885 to July 20, 1885, N.W. Campaign.

Archival » Archival Items
R. Lyndhurst Wadmore
Original diary and various papers of R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Lieutenant of the Royal Canadian Regiment during the Northwest Resistance, covering from 8 April to 20 July 1885. Included in diary pocket is a requisition for short boots that was signed by Wadmore on May 1885, lyrics of the Infantry School Corps fight song, and a Victoria Daily Times article from 23 June 1944 about the remaining members of the Northwest Field Force and their experiences.
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Digging Up Indigenous History in Toronto's Cityscape

Articles » General
Julie Nagam
Canadian Dimension, vol. 43, no. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 54-55
Comments on conflicting stories from historians, archaeologists, Indigenous nations, and competing ethnic groups regarding the history of the land.
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Dreaming and Journeying Orality: A Mnemonic Pictograph of a Dream Shared at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brent Debassige Ahnungoohs
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 31, no. 1, 2008, pp. 311-317
Author shares a mnemoic pictograph, symbolic of a dream, with the audience at an American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting held in Chicago in May 2007.
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Editorial: Touchstones of Hope: Still the Best Guide for Indigenous Child Welfare

Alternate Title
Touchstones of Hope
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Terry Cross
Cindy Blackstock
Jocelyn Formsma
John George
and Ivan Brown
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 10, no. 2, Special Edition: 10th Anniversary of the Touchstones of Hope, 2015, pp. [6]-11
Articles in this themed issue revisit the origins of the Touchstones of Hope and look at what has been accomplished in the past ten years.
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The Effects of Self Harming Behaviours of Youth in Child

Welfare Care

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Connie Cheung
Deborah Goodman
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 3, no. 2, Special Issue: Adolescent Development, Mental Health, and Promising Research Directions , 2007, pp. 37-42
Examines the self-harming behaviours among children and youth, both minority and non-minority, in the care of the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.
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Exhibition Reviews

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Various Authors
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, 1982, pp. 373-390
Review of four exhibition catalogues: From Our Hands at the Contemporary Art Gallery at Harbourfront, Toronto. Pipes That Won't Smoke; Coal That Won't Burn at the Glenbow Museum, Calgary. The Legacy: Continuing Traditions of Canadian Northwest Indian Art at the British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria. The Four Seasons at the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver.
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Findings From a Process Evaluation of an Indigenous Holistic Housing Support and Mental Health Case Management Program in Downtown Toronto

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Firestone
Jessica Syrette
Teyohá:te Brant
Marie Laing
Steve Teekens
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 16, no. 2, Wisdom of the Elders: Honouring Spiritual Laws in Indigenous Knowledge, 2021, pp. 139-150

Looks at the Mino Kaanjigoowin (MK) program at Na-Me-Res (Native Men’s Residence) as model to provide help for the health of urban Indigenous people. 

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First Nations Curatorial Incubator

Alternate Title
Curatorial Incubator; v. 3
Documents & Presentations
Lisa Steele
Zoe Leigh Hopkins
Wanda Nanibush
Looks at two curators and the films they chose to fit the themes of tragic comedy and traditional storytelling.
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From Our Hands / An Exhibition of Native Hand Crafts. - 12 November - 5 December 1982. - Program.

Documents & Presentations
The Art Gallery at Harbourfront
Program booklet of a primarily Ontario native hand crafts exhibition in Toronto, ON. Short articles on the various aspects of hand crafts precede lists of exhibitors and their works. Hand crafts include basketry, beadwork, clothing, headdresses, dolls, footwear, snowshoes, pipes and rattles.
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Funding to Arts and Cultural Organizations by the City of Toronto, 1990-2008: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Andrew Bell
Kevin Stolarick
Looks at four benchmarks with respect to municipal funding of major cultural organizations and Toronto Arts Council clients: average Canadian expenditures, funding in terms of population and inflation, funding and total revenues generated, and projections for funding growth, which are then used to develop six funding scenarios.
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Healing the Spirit: Exploring Sexualized Trauma and Recovery among Indigenous Men in Toronto

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alison Reeves
Suzanne Stewart
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 24, no. 1, 2017, pp. 30-60
Study conducted in collaboration with Anishnawbe Health Toronto involved six men and ten community healers. Discusses social constructions of masculinity and how they affect help-seeking behaviours and mental health outcomes.
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Historical GIS Research in Canada

Alternate Title
Canadian History and Environmental Series ; no.2
John S. Lutz
Patrick A. Dunae
Jason Gilliland
Don Lavfreniere
Megan Harvey ... [et al.]
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Homeless Aboriginal Men: Effects of Intergenerational Trauma

Alternate Title
Finding Home: Policy Options for Addressing Homelessness in Canada
E-Books » Chapters
Peter Menzies
Study sample consisted of 16 men ranging from 26 to 55 years who used the services of the Na‐Me‐Res emergency hostel in downtown Toronto. Chapter 6.2 from: Finding Home: Policy Options for Addressing Homelessness in Canada edited by J. David Hulchanski, Phillippa Campsie, Shirley B.Y. Chau, Stephen H. Hwang, Emily Paradis
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Honouring Lives: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Marie Laing
Michelle Firestone
Jessica Syrette
Authors conducted key informant interviews with people who had known five homeless individuals who had died within the previous three years to develop a "lifeline map" of the subject's experiences from childhood to death. Significant events such as family separation and apprehension by child welfare agencies, relationships, instances of violence, incarceration, and hospitalizations were tracked to gain a picture of their lives and insight into the events leading up to their deaths.
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Houle, Robert. Art Gallery of Ontario. Toronto

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Canadian Art, vol. 10, no. 4, Winter, 1993, pp. 63-[?]
Describes alterations the artist made to Lothar Baumgarten's Monument for the Native People of Ontario in the Walker Court of the Gallery.
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Housing, Long Term Care Facilities, and Services for Homeless and Low-Income Urban Aboriginal People Living with HIV/AIDS

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Research Highlight. Socio-economic Series; 04-019
Documents & Presentations
[Policy and Research Division]
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Summary of study which conducted survey of service providers and facilities in select Canadian cities, and five individuals with the disease. Found that existing facilities were under-utilized and more culturally relevant options were needed. Originally published in 2004, revised in 2010.
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“I feel safe just coming here because there are other Native brothers and sisters”: Findings from a Community-based Evaluation of the Niiwin Wendaanimak Four Winds Wellness Program

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Firestone
Jessica Syrette
Tessa Jourdain
Vivian Recollet
Janet Smylie
Canadian Journal of Public Health , vol. 110, no. 4, August 2019, pp. 404-413

Study evaluates community services available to homeless and at risk Indigenous people in Toronto. Found that the collaborative services model currently in place used inclusive and harm reduction models to create a non-judgmental space; identified program strengths, challenges, and gaps and makes policy recommendations.

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“I would prefer to have my healthcare provided over a cup of tea any day”: Recommendations by Urban Métis Women to Improve Access to Health and Social Services in Toronto for the Métis Community

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Renée Monchalin
Janet Smylie
Cheryllee Bourgeois
Michelle Firestone
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 3, September 2019, pp. 217-225
Reports on recommendations made by urban Métis women for improving access to health and social services in Toronto. Recommendations include: Métis presence, holistic interior design, Métis specific or informed service space, welcoming reception/front desk, and culturally informed service providers.
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IBM Starts IT Camps for Aboriginal Youth

Articles » General
Vanessa Ho
Computerworld, vol. 39, no. 31, August 1, 2005, p. 12
Discusses IBM youth camps that hope to see youth pursue computer related careers.
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Idle No More a Unique, Unprecedented Moment in History

Articles » General
Barb Nahwegahbow
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 12, March 2013, p. 16

Comments on an informative meeting that looked at Aboriginal resistance over the past 150 years and a short history of the Indian Act.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.16.

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Implementing the Settlement Agreement

Alternate Title
Assessing the Indian Residential Schools Litigation and Settlement Processes, Session 5
Media » Film and Video
Caroline Clark
Delia Opekokew
David Paterson
Kathleen Mahoney
Session Five from public conference Assessing the Indian Residential Schools Litigation and Settlement Processes held Friday, January 18, 2013 at the University of Toronto. Speaks to challenges faced as government representatives in the implementation process. Duration: 1:10:08.
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Indigenizing Research Practices: Two Indigenous Researchers Share Their Experiences of Incorporating Indigenous Culture into Research.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anita C. Benoit
Doe O’Brien-Teengs
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-based HIV/AIDS Research , vol. 8, Winter, 2016, pp. 3-20
Authors explore the use of Indigenous methodologies, Community-Based Research and the integration of the Sharing Circle, weekend retreats and the incorporation of cultural and ceremonial activities into their research activities.
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Indigenous Communities and Social Enterprise in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ushnish Sengupta
Marcelo Vieta
J. J. McMurtry
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 104-123
Looks at Indigenous social enterprise in its current state and historical context, gender leadership, and the importance of culture as an element in the “quadruple bottom line”. Also provides three case studies: Membertou Band, Osoyoos Indian Band, and Native Canadian Centre of Toronto.
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Indigenous Homelessness in Toronto

Alternate Title
2019 Oxford Global Challenge
Indigenous Homelessness in Toronto: Mapping the System
Map the System
Documents & Presentations
Yulika Yoshida-Montezuma
Ashley Mah
Argie Gingoyon
Kahiye Warsame
Harsh Naik
Looks at the problem landscape of contributing factors, the solutions landscape at the various levels of government, gaps and levers of change, and areas for future focus Related infographic: Indigenous Homelessness in Toronto: Mapping the System.
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Indigenous Planning and Municipal Governance: Lessons from the Transformative Frontier

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Noelle Bouvier
Ryan Walker
Canadian Public Administration, vol. 61, no. 1, March 2018, pp. 130-134
Reviews six pieces of literature which demonstrate how local governments are collaborating with the Indigenous community in the areas of land use and strategic planning initiatives, cross-cultural relations offices, advisory committees, urban design and new reserves.
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Inuktitut in Ontario: Best Practices Research Report

Documents & Presentations
Janet Tamalik McGrath
Includes overview of Inuit in Ontario and the importance of the language, discussion of challenges in language retention, and analysis of practices in Ottawa, Toronto and other regions as identified through a literature search, consultations and one-on-one interviews.
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Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul. Part Five

Media » Film and Video
Joseph Boyden
John Ralston Saul
Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul discuss their books from the Extraordinary Canadians series. "October 12, 2010, Toronto Reference Library." Duration: 6:38.
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Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul. Part Four

Media » Film and Video
Joseph Boyden
John Ralston Saul
Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul discuss their books from the Extraordinary Canadians series. "October 12, 2010, Toronto Reference Library." Duration: 9:57.
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Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul. Part One

Media » Film and Video
Joseph Boyden
John Ralston Saul
Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul discuss their books from the Extraordinary Canadians series. "October 12, 2010, Toronto Reference Library." Duration: 9:31.
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Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul. Part Six

Media » Film and Video
Joseph Boyden
John Ralston Saul
Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul discuss their books from the Extraordinary Canadians series. "October 12, 2010, Toronto Reference Library." Duration: 4:55.
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Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul. Part Three

Media » Film and Video
Joseph Boyden
John Ralston Saul
Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul discuss their books from the Extraordinary Canadians series. "October 12, 2010, Toronto Reference Library." Duration: 9:39.
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Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul. Part Two

Media » Film and Video
Joseph Boyden
John Ralston Saul
Joseph Boyden and John Ralston Saul discuss their books from the Extraordinary Canadians series. "October 12, 2010, Toronto Reference Library." Duration: 9:57.
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Kakīyaw Pē-itohtēwak - "Everybody Comes"

Documents & Presentations
Florence Kanhai
Discusses the evolution of Aboriginal engagement and programming at St. Mary's Community School located in North Battleford, Saskatchewan.
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Keynote on the Settlement Agreement

Alternate Title
Assessing the Indian Residential Schools Litigation and Settlement Processes, Session 4
Media » Film and Video
Frank Iacobucci
Session Four from public conference Assessing the Indian Residential Schools Litigation and Settlement Processes held Friday, January 18, 2013 at the University of Toronto. Keynote speaker talks about handling the settlement. Duration: 55.29.
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