Alternate Title
Two-year Community-Randomized Controlled ...
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Herenia P. Lawrence
Darlene Binguis
Jan Douglas
Lynda McKeown
Bonita Switzer
et al.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, vol. 36, no. 6, 2008, pp. 503-516
Study conducted in 20 communities in the Sioux Lookout Zone (Ontario) found treatment administered at least twice per year helped prevent early childhood caries and reduced oral health inequities between young Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.
[2001 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Thunder Bay, Ontario (City)]
Data » Tables
Statistics Canada
Statistical table.
2006 Aboriginal Population Profile for Thunder Bay [Ontario]
Alternate Title
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities ; no. 1
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities: Ontario
2006 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Thunder Bay, Ontario
Article (Statistics Canada)
Marie-France Germain
Rosalinda Costa
Karen Kelly-Scott
2006 [Census] Aboriginal Population Profile: Thunder Bay, Ontario (City)
Data » Tables
Statistics Canada
Statistical table.
Aabiziingwashi: Two Worlds Colliding with Jonathan Rudin and Amy Smoke
Media » Film and Video
Jonathan Rudin
Amy Smoke
Jorge Barrera
[Jesse Wente]
Panelists discuss Tasha Hubbard's documentary about the notorious "starlight tours", which involved Saskatoon police officers transporting Aboriginal men to the outskirts of the city and abandoning them during sub-zero temperatures.
Duration: 50:54.
[Aboriginal Education: Solutions for the Future]
Alternate Title
Your Voice
Media » Film and Video
Cheryl Jackson
Bentley Cheechoo
Lynnita Jo Guillet
Ron Kanutski
Guests who are invested in the future of education are interviewed.
Part 1 Aboriginal Education: The Past and Present.
Duration: 28:01.
Aboriginal Over-Representation in the Criminal Justice System: A Tale of Nine Cities
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carol La Prairie
Canadian Journal of Criminology, vol. 44, no. 2, April 2002, pp. 181-208
Analyzes whether certain cities contribute to the problem of over-representation and explores whether regional variations exist.
After the Healing: Safeguarding Northern Nishnawbe First Nations High School Education
Alternate Title
Commentary (Northern Policy Institute) ; no. 16
Documents & Presentations
Paul W. Bennett
Focuses on addressing the needs of students making the transition from small, often isolated reserves, to schools in Thunder Bay, Sioux Lookout, and other towns and cities.
"Assisting Our Own": Urban Migration, Self-Governance, and Native Women's Organizing in Thunder Bay, Ontario, 1972 - 1989
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nancy Janovicek
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 3/4, Urban American Indian Womens Activism, June 1, 2003, pp. 548-565
Discussion of the Anishinabequek organization that provided services for women and children in an atmosphere that emphasized cultural retention and Indigenous pride.
Breaking Free, Breaking Through: An Arts-Based Research Project to Examine Violence against Aboriginal Women
Documents & Presentations
Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
Ontario Native Womens' Association (ONWA)
Project to identify protective factors which led women to leave abusive relationships and stay away permanently. Research involved women from five Ontario cities: Fort Frances, Hamilton, Ottawa, Timmins and Thunder Bay.
Broken Trust: Indigenous People and the Thunder Bay Police Service
Documents & Presentations
Gerry McNeilly
Inquiry conducted in response to allegations that the Thunder Bay Police Service had not conducted thorough investigations into more than 30 suspicious deaths. Examined 37 investigations, selected both randomly and based on specific criteria, involving sudden deaths going back to 2009. Found that systemic racism exists in the police service at an institutional level. Includes 44 recommendations.
Changing Attitudes, Touching Hearts
Articles » General
Nicola Burns
Windspeaker, vol. 20, no. 7, November 2002, p. 15
Relates how a cultural awareness workshop for staff initiated by chaplain Leonard Bananish has changed attitudes about Aboriginal inmates of the Thunder Bay district jail.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.8.
[City of Thunder Bay 2019 Report Responding to the Seven Youth Inquest]
Documents & Presentations
City of Thunder Bay
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
2017 Report.
2018 Report
The Culture of Strengths Makes Them Feel Valued and Competent: Aboriginal Children, Child Welfare, and a School Strengths Intervention
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Keith Brownlee
Edward Rawana
Julia MacArthur
Michelle Probizanski
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 5, no. 1, 2010, pp. 106-113
Discusses the implementation of a culturally sensitive strengths-based intervention approach within an elementary school, and looks at its value to Aboriginal children from the child welfare system.
Decolonizing Municipal Policing: Indigenous Discrimination and Institutional Approaches
Graduate Research Projects & Papers
Terran Morris
Focuses on the Thunder Bay and Nishnawbe Aski police services.
Political Science Internship Paper (M.A.)--University of Windsor.
"Expectations of Grease & Provisions": The Circulation and Regulation of Fur Trade Foodstuffs
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leslie Ritchie
Eighteenth-Century Life, vol. 23, no. 2, May 1999, pp. 124-142
Discussion of class and race with regard to provision of foodstuffs in the North-West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company.
Failing Canada's First Nations Children
Alternate Title
Media » Film and Video
Hannah James
Shawnda Mamakwa
Documentary about children being forced to leave their reserves in order to attend high school. Follows a student from Kingfisher Lake First Nation to Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Between 2000 and 2011 seven students from remote First Nations have been found dead in Thunder Bay.
Duration: 33:11.
Fallen Feathers in Thunder Bay: How Canada's Newspapers Implicate Indigenous Youth
Chelsea Brianne Gabriele
Social Work Thesis (M.S.W.)--McMaster University, 2018.
First Nation Affiliation Among Registered Indians Residing in Select Urban Areas
Stewart Clatworthy
Uses data from the 1996 Census of Canada for six cities: Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton.
First Nations Youth Inquest: 2017 Report Card on Recommendations
Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Legal Services]
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
Grading Formula
First Nations Youth Inquest: 2017 Report Card on Recommendations [Detailed]
Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Legal Services]
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
Grading Formula
First Nations Youth Inquest: 2018 Progress Update on the Recommendations
Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Legal Services]
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
Grading Scheme
First Nations Youth Inquest: 2018 Report Card on Recommendations [Detailed]
Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Legal Services]
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
Grading Scheme
First Nations Youth Inquest: 2019 Progress of Implementing the Recommendations
Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Legal Services]
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
Grading Scheme
First Nations Youth Inquest: 2019 Report Card on Recommendations [Detailed]
Documents & Presentations
[Aboriginal Legal Services]
Inquest investigated the deaths of seven youths who had relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario to complete their high school education.
Grading Scheme
[Government of Canada 2018 Update on Response to Recommendations of the Chief Coroner of Ontario's Recommendations from Inquest into Deaths of Seven First Nations Youths]
Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Services Canada
Primary focus of recommendations was education. The seven youths had relocated to Thunder Bay from their home communities in order to complete high school.
[Government of Canada 2019 Update on Response to Recommendations of the Chief Coroner of Ontario's Recommendations from Inquest into Deaths of Seven First Nations Youths]
Documents & Presentations
[Indigenous Services Canada]
Primary focus of recommendations was education, both on and off-reserve. The youths had relocated from their home communities to Thunder Bay in order to complete high school.
Grand Chief Stan Beardy
Web Sites » Organizations
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
Profile of Stan Beardy who was born and raised at Bearskin Lake, and is now Grand Chief of the Nishnawbe Aski First Nation.
Indigenous Feminist Theory and Embodied Settler Colonialism
Alternate Title
Indigenous Feminist Gikendaasowin (Knowledge)
E-Books » Chapters
Chapter from Indigenous Feminist Gikendaasowin (Knowledge) by Tricia McGuire-Adams. Focuses on the use of stories and knowledge from Indigenous Elders to both heal and disrupt embodied settler colonialism for Indigenous women.
Indigenous Nurses Entry Program - Lakehead University
Alternate Title
Native Nurses Entry Program - Lakehead University
Web Sites » Organizations
Describes program providing skills and academic preparation for a four year nursing degree; criteria for entrance and support service information included. Previously called the Native Nurses Entry Program
Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youths: Jethro Anderson, Reggie Bushie, Robyn Harper, Kyle Morriseau, Paul Panacheese,Curran Strang and Jordan Wabasse: Implementation Status Report of the Thunder Bay Police Service
Documents & Presentations
Thunder Bay Police Service
The youths had relocated from remote communities to Thunder Bay in order to attend high school.
2018 Report
2019 Report
Interaction Without Integration: The Experience of Successful First Nations Students in Canadian Post-Secondary Education
Michael D. DeGagné
Education Administration Thesis (Ph.D.)--Michigan State University, 2002.
“It’s a lot of work, and I’m still doing it”: Indigenous Perceptions of Help after Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
K. Amanda Maranzan
Roseanna Hudson
Rosemary Scofich
Melody McGregor
Rachel Seguin
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 1, A Barrier-free Health System for Indigenous Communities, August 27, 2018, pp. 140-156
Researchers used talking circles, interviews and survey to learn from participants about types of spiritual, physical, and emotional practices which helped them with the healing process.
Mapping Geographies of Canadian Colonial Occupation: Pathway Analysis of Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Annita Hetoevėhotohke'e Lucchesi
Gender, Place & Culture, vol. 26, no. 6, 2019, pp. 868-887
Uses life course analysis of four women to explore linkages between relationships to the land, colonialism and intergenerational violence, and argues that rather than putting themselves at risk as is popularly perceived, they find themselves subjected to circumstances created and maintained by the Canadian state which make them vulnerable to perpetrators of violence.
Moving Beyond the Expected: Representation and Presence in a Contemporary Native Arts Museum
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Paul Rangel
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 27, no. 1, Spring, 2012, pp. 31-46
Describes how a museum, dedicated solely to Native art, also encourages Indigenous knowledge, perspectives, aesthetics and dissemination of Indigenous culture.
National Revival or National Burden: A Critical Examination of Discourses on Indigenous Birth, Population Growth and Demography
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard Togman
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020, pp. 42-53
An overview of the predominant narrative of high Indigenous fertility rates. Contrasts the systematic response to that narrative in Canada to views held within Indigenous cultures.
NHS Aboriginal Population Profile: Thunder Bay, CY [City], Ontario, 2011
Alternate Title
National Household Survey Aboriginal Population Profile: Thunder Bay, CY [City], Ontario, 2011
Data » Tables
Statistics Canada
Statistical table.
No Place to Go: Women's Activism, Family Violence and the Mixed Social Economy, Northwestern Ontario and the Kootenays B.C., 1965--1989
Nancy Elizabeth Ann Janovicek
History Thesis (Ph.D.)--Simon Fraser University, 2002.
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council & Dennis Franklin
Cromarty High School’s First Annual Joint Report on the
Status & Implementation of Jury Recommendations from
the Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youth [2017]
Documents & Presentations
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council
Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School
The youths had relocated from remote communities to Thunder Bay in order to attend high school.
2018 Report.
2019 Report
Northwestern Lake Superior Jesuit Diary Project: Diary of the Mission of the Immaculate Conception, Volume I, 1848-49
Book Reviews
Ed Hedican
Anthropologica, vol. 47, no. 2, 2005, pp. 314-315
Review of a compilation of Jesuit diaries from a mission situated in the Thunder Bay (Fort William) region, which has been published on CD-ROM.
Ontario's Responses to Jury Recommendations Seven First Nations Youth Inquest 2016-26 (Jethro Anderson, Reggie Bushie, Robyn Harper, Kyle Morrisseau, Paul Panacheese, Curran Strang & Jordan Wabasse) [2017]
Documents & Presentations
[Government of Ontario]
Inquest looked into the deaths of youths had relocated from remote communities to Thunder Bay in order to attend high school.
2018 Report
2019 Report
Our Health Counts Thunder Bay Factsheets
Web Sites » Organizations
[Michael Rotondi]
[Stephanie McConkey]
[Michelle Firestone]
[Ramanpreet Brar]
[M. Hardy}
... []
Survey conducted using Respondent-Driven Sampling resulted in 601 adult and 229 child surveys being completed. In addition to health questions respondents were asked about other topics such as culture, identity, housing, discrimination, and access to justice.
Perceptions of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia among Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario: Thunder Bay Community Report
Documents & Presentations
Kristen Jacklin
Wayne Warry
Devin Dietrich
Outlines findings from interviews, focus groups, and participant observations involving 30 individuals as well as relevant information from academic literature. Goal was to gain understanding of local community's perceptions concerning symptoms and meaning of the disease, practices relating to detection, treatment and care, and healthy aging.
Presencing Settler Colonialism: White Settler Girls’ Engagement with Colonial Violence
Stephanie-Danielle Claude
Social Studies Thesis (PhD) -- University of Ottawa, 2021.
Racism Experiences of Urban Indigenous Women in Ontario, Canada: “We All Have That Story That Will Break Your Heart”
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anita C Benoit
Jasmine Cotnam
Doe O'Brien-Teengs
Saara Green
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, June 18, 2019
Mixed methods research study explores how Indigenous women in two Canadian urban centers experience racism. Findings indicate that participants experience racism in ways that can be classified as individual, collective or institutional, and cultural and rage from historical events to contemporary manifestations.
Request for Direction: Article 12 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement: Fort William Indian Hospital (Sanatorium) School: Executive Summary
Documents & Presentations
Edward G. Sadowski
Supplies primary material to support the former students' argument that they should be included in the agreement.
Rights Before We Talk Reconciliation: Reporting on Indigenous Issues in Canada
Alternate Title
Clissold Lecture ; 2018
Media » Film and Video
Tanya Talaga
Toronto Star journalist and author of Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death and Hard Truths, Tanya Talaga, talks about how she came to write the book about the deaths of seven First Nations high school students, the story of Chanie Wenjack, who died while running away from a residential school and what these stories say about Canadian society and history.
Duration: 1:13:35.
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 49: Oak Room, Ramada Inn, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Documents & Presentations
RCAP 49 contains files from the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples in the Oak Room, Ramada Inn, Thunder Bay, Ontario. This sitting of the Commission contains presentations relating to land claims, self-government, alcohol and drug abuse issues, education and tourism. Each presentation can be viewed individually on this site.
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Closing Remarks by the Commissioners
Documents & Presentations
File contains closing remarks by Mary Sillett and Paul Chartrand, Commissioners.
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Individual Presentation by Alice Sabourin
Documents & Presentations
File contains an individual presentation by Alice Sabourin who is completing her Master's degree in social work. She relates problems she has experienced with discrimination within the educational community, both as an Aboriginal person and as a woman. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.