Trafficking of Aboriginal Women and Girls in Canada

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Policy Research Series (Institute on Governance)
Documents & Presentations
Anette Sikka
Aboriginal Policy Research

Discusses the exploitive circumstances of recruitment and how these methods fall within the definition of "trafficking in persons" under Canadian criminal law.

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Traill Papers

Documents & Presentations
Willie Traill
Papers of Willie Traill. Includes accounts of bison hunting during the nineteenth century, observations on Dakota culture, and the fur trade. Much of the account seems to take place in Minnesota and North Dakota as well as Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
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Training Aboriginal Health Care Workers

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Malcolm King
Anne-Marie Hodes
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 163, no. 3, August 8, 2000, p. 259
Discussion of health professional training programs and the Universities of Manitoba and Alberta.
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Transcending Jurisdictions: Developing Partnerships For Health in Manitoba First Nation Communities

Alternate Title
Circumpolar Voices
Partnerships For Health in Manitoba
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rachel Eni
Wanda Phillips-Beck
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 70, no. 4, 2011, pp. 434-439
Describes the Manitoba First Nation Strengthening Families Maternal Child Health Project which involved national, regional and community-level activities.
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Transforming Cultural Trauma into Resilience

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Martin Brokenleg
Reclaiming Children and Youth, vol. 21, no. 3, Fall, 2012, pp. 9-13
Discusses the Circle of Courage resilience model for positive development and intergenerational trauma.
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Trauma-informed: The Trauma Toolkit

Documents & Presentations
Mary Jo Bolton
Shannon Buck
Edward A. Conners
Kate Kiernan
Cheryl Matthews ... [et al.]
"A Resource for Service Organizations and Providers to Deliver Services That are Trauma-Informed." 2nd edition.
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Treaties and Tuberculosis: First Nations People in Late 19th-Century Western Canada, a Political and Economic Transformation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J.W. Daschuk
Paul Hackett
Scott Macneil
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, vol. 23, no. 2, Fall, 2006, pp. 307-330
Discusses the sudden ecological, economic, and political changes in the Canadian west that caused an explosion of tuberculosis infections among First Nations communities.
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Treaties in Manitoba

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)
Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians
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Treatment/Healing for Sexual Offending Behaviour among Aboriginal Men: Setting Direction Based on Client Characteristics

Alternate Title
Treatment/Healing for Sexual Offending Behavior Among Aboriginal Men
Articles » General
Lawrence A. Ellerby
FORUM on Corrections Research, vol. 14, no. 3, Focusing on Aboriginal Issues, September 2002, pp. 32-36
Evaluation of assessment and treatment services in Manitoba which are administered by the Native Clan Organization’s Forensic Behavioral Management Clinic (FBMC).
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Treaty 3 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians at the Northwest Angle on the Lake of the Woods with Adhesions

Alternate Title
Treaty No. 3 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians at the Northwest Angle on the Lake of the Woods with Adhesions
Treaty No. Three Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians at the Northwest Angle on the Lake of the Woods with Adhesions
Documents & Presentations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Concluded in 1873 between the Crown and Saulteaux / Salteaux of the Ojibway/Ojibwa/Anishnabek. Crown text of Treaty including 1871 Order-in-Council; 1873 adhesion of the Métis of Rainy River and Lake; 1874 adhesion of Lac Seul First Nations.
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Treaty 6

Alternate Title
Treaty No. 6
Treaty No. Six
Treaty Six
Web Sites » Organizations
Bob Beal
Brief overview of Treaty Six negotiations between Lieutenant-Governor Alexander Morris and Chiefs Mistawasis and Ahtahkakoop.
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Treaty Lands: Imaging a Conditional Landscape

E-Books » Chapters
Tim Schouten
Discusses the art works created as part of the author's The Treaty Lands Project, focusing on the research conducted for the The Treaty 3 Suite (Outside Promises). Forward and part IX from: Papers of the Rupert's Land Colloquium 2008: The Centre for Rupert's Land Studies at The University of Winnipeg: May 14 to 16, 2008, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta edited by Margaret Anne Lindsay and Mallory Allyson Richard; foreword by Jennifer S. H. Brown.
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Treaty No. 4 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Cree and Saulteaux Tribes of Indians at the Qu'Appelle and Fort Ellice

Alternate Title
Treaty Four Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Cree and Saulteaux Tribes of Indians at the Qu'Appelle and Fort Ellice
Documents & Presentations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Crown's text of Treaty No. 4 concluded in 1874 between the Crown and Cree, Saulteaux, Assiniboine and other Indigenous peoples. Also includes Orders in Council for the Commission and Approval of Treaty No, 4.
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty Five (1875)

Documents & Presentations
Kenneth S. Coates
William R. Morrison

Provides historical context of Treaty-making and argues that acceptance of the Treaty 5 locked both parities into a permanent relationship and set the context for subsequent actions.
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty Four (1874)

Documents & Presentations
John Leonard Taylor
Presents historical context of Treaty-making and argues that the meaning of Treaty 4 cannot be derived from the Crown's text alone; and Treaties must be flexible to last forever.
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Treaty Research Report: Treaty Three (1873)

Documents & Presentations
Wayne E. Daugherty
Provides historical context and negotiation overview. Argues that Treaty 3 became the definitive Treaty and that all the subsequent "numbered treaties" in Canada were patterned after it.
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Trend Setting in Manitoba: The Challenge of Designing the First Nations Maternal Child Health Strengthening Families Program in Manitoba

Articles » General
Rachel Eni
Tara Prakash
Sacha Senécal
Canadian Issues, Journeys of a Generation: Broadening the Aboriginal Well-Being Policy Research Agenda, Winter, 2009, pp. 25-30
Looks at designing a specific health care program that balances main stream design and research while maintaining Aboriginal cultural integrity. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll to page 25.
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The Trial of Ambroise Lepine

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. M. Bumstead
The Beaver, vol. 77, no. 2, April/May 1997, pp. 9-?
Describes the events leading to the arrest and conviction of a participant of the 1869-70 uprising.
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A Trip Into the Saskatchewan Country - Samuel Bray. - Article. - [189-].

Articles » General
Samuel Bray
W. Goode
[Canadian Magazine], vol. 13, [May-October] [1899], pp. 26-34
Reprint of an article by Samuel Bray, surveyor, describing his experiences travelling in northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the autumn of 1894. Included is an illustration of Cree writing.
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Trouble at Red River

Alternate Title
Unit 2: The Development of Western Canada
New Territories Join Canada
Flashback Canada
E-Books » Chapters
J. Bradley Cruxton
W. Doug Wilson

Recommended for Grade 10 Social Studies. 

Chapter 8 from Flashback Canada by J. Bradley Cruxton and W. Doug Wilson.

Can be used in conjunction with Spy Mission: The Trouble at Red River


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True Bear Stories

Archival » Archival Items
Reginald Bird Beatty
This chapter of Reginald Beatty's diary relates to his bear hunting experiences with Robert Bear, an excellent hunter and a friend of Beatty's. Their hunting routes included Fairford House and Stoney Creek district. Item found within folder 'Reginald Bird Beatty Papers.'

Historical note:

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[The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Recommendations and a Return to the Original Intent of the Treaty Relationship]

Alternate Title
McKercher Lecture Series
Wunusweh Lecture in Aboriginal Law ; 2017
Media » Film and Video
Derek Nepinak
Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs speaks about his background, challenges faced by community chiefs and First Nations political organizations, and the how the land plays a central role in attempts at reconciliation Duration: 59:54.
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Truth Respect and Recognition: Addressing Barriers to Indigenous Maternity Care

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janet Smylie
Wanda Phillips-Beck
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 191, no. 8, February 25, 2019, pp. E209-E215

In response to the study “Prenatal Care among Mothers Involved with Child Protection Services in Manitoba.” Authors note several biases in the study including: failure to discuss negative stereotypes resulting in differential care, and a disregard of resurgent community-led models of care.

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Tuberculosis among Northern Manitoba First Nations, 2008–2012: Program Performance On- and Off-Reserve

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
C. Andrew Basham
Brenda Elias
Anne Fanning
Pamela Orr
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 110, no. 6, December 2019, pp. 688-696
Retrospective review of Tuberculosis (TB) Program performance in northern Manitoba. Information on 149 people diagnosed with TB and 3560 of their contacts was extracted from the Manitoba TB Registry and analyzed. Results indicate that program performance is dependent on residence on or off reserve and that action is needed to address multiple program performance factors.
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Tuberculosis Transmission in the Indigenous Peoples of the Canadian Prairies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Smit Patel
Catherine Paulsen
Courtney Heffernan
Duncan Saunders
Meenu Sharma ...
Malcolm King
Vernon Hoeppner ...
Kathleen McMuffin ...
Ambikaipakan Senthilselvan ... [et al.]
Plos One, vol. 12, no. 11, 11 14, 2017, p. [?]
Examines tuberculosis transmission in the Canadian prairies to inform a national policy to deal with the disease.
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The Turtle Lodge: Sustainable Self-Determination in Practice

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laura Cameron
Dave Courchene
Sabina Ijaz
Ian Mauro
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 1, March 2019, pp. 13-21
Examines how the Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness in Sagkeeng First Nation, Manitoba teaches a flexible, community-based process of responsibility-based self-determination discourse; stresses respectful and reciprocal relationships, community well-being, earth guardianship, and cultural resurgence.
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Twilight Dancers

Alternate Title
CBC Short Docs
Media » Film and Video
Theola Ross
Paola Marino
Comments on a group of Indigenous teenagers who use square dancing to help heal from the trauma of a suicide epidemic and bullying in their remote community. Duration: 16:31.
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Two Paths One Direction: Parks Canada and Aboriginal Peoples Working Together

Articles » General
Steve Langdon
Rob Prosper
Nathalie Gagnon
George Wright Forum, The, vol. 27, no. 2, 2010, p. 222–233
Examines the unique legal and constitutional relationship with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples and Parks Canada including the legislative policy and corporate changes that have occurred over the last 30 years.
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Two Provisional Governments in Manitoba, Containing and Interesting Discussion of the Riel Rebellion, With an Appendix Embodying the Four Bills of Rights Verbatim

Articles » General
George Bryce
Transactions of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, no. 38, Series 1, January 9, 1890, p. [?]
Examines events leading to the formation of two provisional governments: the Assiniboine Council in 1868 and the other by Riel in 1869.
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