Displaying 101 - 150 of 165

Kamloops Wawa, Issue 200[c]

Documents & Presentations
Duployan Phonetic Alphabet (reprinted from earlier editions); What is Said of the 'Wawa' Shorthand (also reprinted); Kamloops Wawa, states that the most important part of this edition is the "Supplement of 32 pages that is the beginning of a Yearbook of Instruction for the Indians" and describes translation of the Gospel into Chinook that lead to the production of the Wawa. Canoe Creek: describes Chief Adam's advice to his people on the same day as his death on Dec. 30, 1901; Shuswap - hope of community to build a new church and mention of visits by Priest and Bishop. Shorthand vs.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 201

Documents & Presentations
The Kamloops Wawa publications are listed: full sets from 1891 to 1902; Indian Prayer Book in Chinook, English, Latin; Polyglott Prayer Book (includes above and supplements in eighth different Aboriginal languages); Chinook Vocabulary and first lesson in Chinook; The Wawa Shorthand Instructor; Chinook Bible History; Passion Tableux, of Passion Play by the Indians, fully illustrated, being the Wawa issue for September 1901.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 202

Documents & Presentations
Chinook Book of Devotions (new publication). Ad for The Yukon Catholic out of Dawson and written by Father E.M. Bunoz; Father Marchal of St. Louis Mission leaves for 6 month visit to France - describes his work in the region going back 34 years; Manual, local "Indian and well-known cowboy" died when his horse stumbled; list of marriages in district for the past year; list of dead (inserted because Aboriginal man named Charlie Chapman on list and LeJeune wanted this mentioned because the "Indians" have their own paper they can read).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 203

Documents & Presentations
"Indian Calendar" (4 pages); Lives of the Saints in Chinook, one each day from January to March 15th (16 pages); and a supplement to the Lillooet Manual of Prayers and Catechism which are transcribed questions and answers from the Indians as they were recited; Jesus and the Man Born Blind.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 204[b]

Documents & Presentations
First page discusses: contents and origins of Shushwap Catechism; building of Church at Little Shushwap Lake; death of Father Felix Guillet, Chief Leo of Halowt, and Sophy McLean; possibility of flood. March 1903; Okanagan Hymns (pages 5 to 10); Okanagan Catechism (pages 11-22); Old Shushwap Catechism (pages 23 to 28); Other Questions - Father Le Jacq's manuscript; Catechism in Shushwap by Father Gendre; Prayer for the Pope; Oremus pro Pontifice (bars of music).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 205

Documents & Presentations
Editorial on issue of how to circulate the Chinook Book of Devotions in larger printing style without the cost. LeJeune has purchased a "Diaphragm Mimeograph" to do this, printing four Wawa pages at a time. Death of Father McGuckin on April 7 in Vancouver. LeJeune writes that "Our sick Indians are always anxious and happy to recieve Holy Communion whenever they can." Clergy list of Diocese of New Westminster, New Westminster City, Vancouver, Mission City, Kamloops, Williams Lake, Stewarts Lake, St. Eugene, Cranbrook, Nelson, Sandon, Rossland, Revelstoke, Fernie, Vernon and Grand Forks.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 206

Documents & Presentations
Ads for Kamloops Wawa publications. Editorial includes story of how the Aboriginal people did not believe LeJeune when he explained that they are descendents from monkeys because they thought they were descendents from birds. Refers to an old medicine man called Eagle and another called Beaver who were called these names because they could transform into these creatures.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 207

Documents & Presentations
Order for Catechism on Sundays (English and later in Chinook shorthand); Hymn - Sighs of the Soul (English and later in Chinook shorthand); Indian Calendar for 1904; Christian Calendar; Almanac for 1904; Things to be Remembered; How a Good Catholic Spends His Day; How to Spend Sunday.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 208

Documents & Presentations
Sad Accident - wagon accident on road to Kamloops on Christmas Eve; Wreck of the Clallum - steamboat tragedy near Victoria on Jan. 8, 1904; story of a fire in Chicago. LeJeune reminds readers to always be ready "to appear before God and be judged." New Church for Shushwap - editor describes the community, expected dimensions of the church; brief news on the Fathers' movements in the region; number of Aboriginal people who received Holy Communion over Christmas and New Year's holidays; Death Notices at Kamloops; Marriages at Kamloops.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 210

Documents & Presentations
The first 15 pages are in French: describes the district that the Wawa generally serves. Discusses important literacy work of the paper and use of languages in the issues. How the Indians Built a New Church; New Ecclesiastical Province - British Columbia (environs of the church in BC and brief history of its Bishops); Procession du T. S. Sacrament, Juin 1901.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 211

Documents & Presentations
Except for some advertisements and headings in English, the entire issue describes the 1904 Delegation to Europe in Chinook shorthand. All headings in English are of place name locations from the groups farewell/departure in B.C. eastward across Canada to Ottawa and Montreal and then to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Brussells and Liege.

Historical note:

Photoengravings of "Rome - S. Peter Place and the Vatican" (p.6); and "Jerusalem - St. Stephan's Gate" (p. 33).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 212

Documents & Presentations
Discusses continuation of 1904 Delegation to Europe journey (from Issue 211) in Chinook shorthand. Location and date headings provided in English. Departure from Liege and travel to other locations in France (September), then Italy (early October) including Rome and the Vatican. Indian Calendar for 1905 (p. 11).

Historical note:

Photoengravings of "A View from Rome" (p.6); and "London- Westminster Abbey" (p. 65).
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue 215

Documents & Presentations
Entire issue is handwritten in French. It appears to be a travel journal from Father LeJeune with selected excerpts from July to September 1905. Middle section of this edition is missing. Describes meetings with other clergy and Aboriginal people. Met someone the Indians call "the Prophet," Spuzzum Dick, near Spence's Bridge and describes complaints to the Prophet received about the Minister. The Prophet said there were many ways to the sky [heaven?].
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Kamloops Wawa, Issue No. Unknown

Documents & Presentations
Entire issue in Chinook shorthand. Contains what appears to be a letter from E.F. Holt of New Westminster, BC (pages 6-7). After his second letter the heading "Nature's Cure" appears.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 118[c] and 119

Documents & Presentations
Calendar; Archbishop Tache; President Carnot; Father Soullier at St. Mary's Mission (pages 134-143); Clergy of the Diocese of New Westminster (pages 143-145). Names of clergy for the following diocese: New Westminster, Vancouver, Mission City, Kamloops, William's Lake, Stewart's Lake, Okanagan Mission, and St. Eugene Mission. Our Itinerary (dates and list of places): New Westminster, North Bend and Spuzzum, Kamloops, Shushwap, Lytton, Bonaparte, Clinton, Quichema, Otter Valley, Coldwater, Mameit Lake, North Thom[p]son, Deadman's Creek, Hallowt.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 120[a]

Documents & Presentations
Informs readers in delay in regular arrival of September issue due to problems with photo engraving. Editor outlines new format including archived pages of the Kamloops Wawa, Chinook-English vocabulary, Royal Mass and religious music, prayers in Chinook shorthand, Thompson and Shushwap.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 120[b]

Documents & Presentations
Front and inside cover are the same as for Issue 118[a]. Includes reproduction from Issue 1 of the Wawa. Bishop Durieu's Bible History: History of the Old Testament from the Creation to The Virtues of Abraham (pages 152-155). Bishop Durieu's Via Crucius; Prayers in Thompson; Offering of the Mass; Royal Mass in Plain Chant; Condensed Chinook Vocabulary. Advertisements for Chinook publications and Catholic books and items.

Historical note:

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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 121

Documents & Presentations
Our Monthly Budget; News from here and there; Condensed Chinook Vocabulary - purely Chinook words and Chinook words borrowed from English; Chinook and French vocabulary; Vocabulaire Chinook-Francais; French and Chinook method; Version Chinook; Chinook Bible History, from Abraham's Hospitality to Joseph in Prison (pages 171-174); Okanagan Prayers (pages 175-178); The Rosary; Night Prayers; Precepts of the Church; Seven Capitol Sins; Night Offering; Prayers for Communion.
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Kamloops Wawa, Issues 122

Documents & Presentations
Catholic event and 'visits' in November; St. Cecelia, Virgin and Martyr; reproduction of the first edition 2 May 1891 (pages 185 to 187); Condensed Chinook Vocabulary (same as in Issue 121). Pages of music: Royal Mass in Plain-Chant; Requiem in Plain-Chant. Bishop Durieu's Bible History: Old Testament continued from Joseph's Greatness to Joseph's Silver Cup (pages 194-195).

Historical note:

Page 182 includes illustration of Father Louis Souiller, Superior General of the O.M.I.
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Kamloops Wawa, Supplement to Issue 159

Documents & Presentations
Chinook Marseillaise; Marseillaise du whisky; music notation in detail with Chinook shorthand subscript/lyrics; Indian Calendar for Nov. to Dec. 1897; Indian Calendar 1898; Indian Temperance Regulations.
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Law Changed: Bands Can Tax Members

Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 16, no. 3, July 1998, p. 1,3

Bill C-36 to become law June 1998; provides option for First Nations to set their own on-reserve tax regimes. Kamloops Indian Band intends to set a 7 per cent tax on-reserve through an agreement with Revenue Canada.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.1.

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[Life at the residential school in Kamloops, B.C., 1962]

Alternate Title
CBC Television Special ; December 25, 1962
Life at a Residential School
[Eyes of Children: Christmas at a Residential School]
Media » Film and Video
George Robertson
Documentary filmed at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, British Columbia. Includes synopsis. Duration 29:24.
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Melq'ilwiye: Coming Together, Intersections of Identity, Culture, and Health for Urban Aboriginal Youth

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalie Clark
Patrick Walton
Julie Drolet
Tara Tribute
Georgia Jules ... [et al.]
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 45, no. 2, Broadening the Dialogue, 2013, pp. 36-57
Looks at how urban Aboriginal youth in Kamloops identify their health needs within a culturally centred model of health and wellness.
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The Native Training Institute: A Place of Holistic Learning and Health

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lee Brown
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 29, no. 1, 2006, pp. 102-116
Discusses the history, curriculum (including the philosophy of healing/learning) and founding principles of the Institute and illustrates its effectiveness through case studies of students.
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Pathways to Service Delivery: A First Nations' Guide to Developing and Re-negotiating Municipal Service Agreements

Documents & Presentations
[URBAN Systems
Beyond Design]
Includes four case studies: Tk’emlups te Secwepemc and the City of Kamloops; Tsleil Waututh Nation and the District of North Vancouver; : Musqueam and the City of Vancouver; : Cowichan Tribes and the City of Duncan; and Fort Nelson First Nation and Northern Rockies Regional Municipality.
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Reconciliation Pole

Alternate Title
The Front: Reconciliation Pole
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Hart
BC Studies, no. 211, Autumn, 2021, pp. 5-11
Looks at a Reconciliation Pole at University of British Columbia campus as a source of healing in regards to May 27, 2021 announcement of the discovery of 215 buried Indigenous children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.
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Remains of Children of Kamloops Residential School Discovered

Alternate Title
THIS SPACE HERE: Remains of Children of Kamloops Residential School Discovered.
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
BC Studies, no. 210, Summer, 2021, pp. 7-10
Press release regarding the confirmation of buried Indigenous students near the Kamloops Indian Residential School. Includes a brief background of the school.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Opening Prayer by Elder Mary Thomas and Opening Remarks by Commissioner Mary Sillett

Documents & Presentations
The file contains an opening prayer by Elder Mary Thomas and opening remarks by Commissioner Mary Sillett from the sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at the Chief Louis Complex, Kamloops, British Columbia. Following the opening prayer Commissioner Sillett discusses the mandate, goals, and composition of the Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Agnes Snow, Canoe Creek Indian Band

Documents & Presentations
Agnes Snow

Presentation focusing on residential schools and government policy. Snow states that because the federal government wanted to assimilate Aboriginal peoples, they have lost their languages, traditions and values. Family violence, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, unemployment and poor physical and mental health are problematic on her First Nation, and she calls on the Commission to ensure that her First Nation continues to receive government funding to combat these social problems. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Joyce Manuel, Lisa Allgaier, and Bob Manuel, Neskonlith Indian Band

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Neskonlith Indian Band by Chief Joyce Manuel, Lisa Allgaier, and Bob Manuel. Chief Manuel gives a demographic overview of the Band, discusses culture and the importance of health and education to self-determination and land management. Lisa Allgaier, the Band's social worker, discusses social issues and the need for First Nations' jurisdiction over service delivery, as well as funding and band membership concerns.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Richard Lebouradais, Whispering Pines First Nations Government

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Richard Lebourdais

Presentation focusing on Aboriginal self-government. Chief makes a number of recommendations relating to self-government, including that the federal government financially assist First Nations in developing First Nations governments, and that the governments also recognize and uphold the 'pre-Treaty' agreements that are in place and that are presently being negotiated. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Dennis Cleaver and Cliff Dezell

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Prince George, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation by Dennis Cleaver and Cliff Dezell of the Prince George Regional Hospital on the topic of educational opportunities in the health care system with potential of employment for the Aboriginal Community.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Mayor Clifford G. Branchflower

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Mayor Clifford G. Branchflower, City of Kamloops. Mayor Branchflower discusses his views on Aboriginal self-government, how he sees the need for a flexible approach, and the history of his municipalities relationship with the Kamloops Indian Band. Following the presentation Commissioner Mary Sillett discusses some of the issues raised with Mayor Branchflower and Moderator Bob Manuel.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Secwepemc re Social Development

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of Secwepemc re Social Development by Charlene Belleau, Ralph Phillips, and Bob Manuel. The presenters discuss social development as a necessary precondition of land claims and self-governance. They discuss the need to address the social damages inflicted by residential schools and foster homes, dealing with drug and alcohol abuse. Commissioner Sillett discusses some of the issues raised with the presenters.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of All Nations Trust Company

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of All Nations Trust Company by Ruth Williams and Larry Peeters. Williams, President of All Nations Trust, discusses the history of the company and the philosophy behind it. Williams makes mention of their involvement with financing Aboriginal housing and small businesses. Following the presentation Commissioner Mary Sillett, Moderator Bob Manuel and the two presenters discuss some of the issues raised in the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of Central Interior First Nations Community Futures, Arthur Manuel and Geri Collins

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of Central Interior First Nations Community Futures, Arthur Manuel and Geri Collins. Manuel discusses the overall economic and business situation for First Nations people in the British Columbia interior, and makes a variety of recommendations to the Commission to improve it. Following the presentation Commissioner Mary Sillett discusses some of hte issues raised with Manuel and Collins.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of Interior Indian Friendship Centre, Ruth Williams

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of the Interior Indian Friendship Society by Executive Director Ruth Williams. Williams discusses the organizational structure of the Friendship Centre, its funding, the demographic situation in Kamloops, and some of the issues facing urban Aboriginal populations. Williams also makes a series of recommendations to the Commission with respect to Friendship Centres and urban Aboriginal concerns generally in the economic, social, and cultural spheres. Following the presentation Commissioner Mary Sillett discusses some of the issues raised with Williams.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of Secwepemc re Economic Development

Alternate Title
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Willie Alphonse
Bob Manuel
Lana Jones
The file contains a presentation on behalf of Secwepemc re Economic Development. Presenters Willie Alphonse, Bob Manuel and Lana Jones discuss the need for economic development in Secwepemc communities, problems with decreased funding and assistance levels, demographic data, and entrepreneurship.
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