Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Circulating Regalia and Lakhˇóta Survivance, c. 1900

Alternate Title
Circulating Regalia and Lakota Survivance, c. 1900
Articles » General
Emily C. Burns
Arts, vol. 8, no. 4, October 31, 2019, p. article 146

Looks at the history of two examples of regalia that traveled to France; one with a performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show in 1889 and the other worn by a performer at the Jardin d'Acclimation (a human zoo) in Paris in 1911.

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Decorative Art of the Sioux Indians

Alternate Title
Bulletin (American Museum of Natural History) ; v. 18, pt. 3
Clark Wissler
Forms part of Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 18 (p. 231-278).
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Interpretive Guide and Hands-on Activites: The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program: ᐊᐧᐃᐧᓯᐦᒋᑲᐣ = Wawisihcikan = Adornment

Alternate Title
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program
Documents & Presentations

Lesson plans for elementary and secondary school students for exhibition featuring works by Elaine Alexie, Erik Lee, and Carmen Miller. Topics include First Nations groups of central Alberta and the Boreal forest, brief survey of Indigenous art in the twentieth century, abstract art, and First Nations traditional art forms and materials.

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Mazinigwaasowin = Beadwork

Documents & Presentations
Nagaajiwanaang Genawendangig Anishinaabemowin

Colouring book with text in Ojibwe and English.

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Metis Women's Traditional Art Series

Alternate Title
Métis Hooked Rugs = Aen Kroshay aen tapee avec mi gineey
Métis Fingerweaving = En saencheur flechey
Our Shared Inheritance: Traditional Métis Beadwork
Métis Silk Embroidery = Mashnikwawchikun avec la sway di fil
Media » Film and Video
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
[Cheryl Troupe]
[Leah Dorion-Paquin]
[Penny Condon]

Four videos discuss history and techniques of finger weaving, embroidery, rug-making, and beadwork.

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Tracy Charette Fehr

Art Thesis (MA) -- University of Manitoba, 2022.

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