Displaying 451 - 500 of 797

Native Minorities and Ethnic Conflict in Canada

Articles » General
Jean Leonard Elliott.
Current History, vol. 66, no. 392, 1974, pp. 177-181
This article places the issue of the James Bay Project for the development of hydroelectric power into a historical and political perspective and discusses its effects upon the Aboriginals of Quebec.
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Native Narratives: The Representation of Native Americans in Public Broadcasting

Alternate Title
American Archive of Public Broadcasting
Web Sites » Organizations
Library of Congress
GBH Archiv
Sally Smith

Looks at radio and television coverage of key events or issues in both non-Native American-produced and Native American-created programs found in the American Archive of Public Broadcasting collection. Divided into five sections: (Mis)Representations of Native Americans; Termination, Relocation, and Restoration; The American Indian Movement; Native Americans in Contemporary News Media; and Visual Sovereignty: Native-Created Public Media.

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[Native Voices in the City]

Alternate Title
[Chicago American Indian Oral History Pilot Project]
[Chicago American Indian Oral History Pilot Project]

Unpublished transcript of excerpts from interviews with 23 Indian residents of Chicago. 

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Navajo Women in the City: Lessons from a Quarter-Century of Relocation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ann Metcalf
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1/2, Spring-Summer, 1982, pp. 71-89
An examination on the effects of Navajo women moving to urban settings in the mid-twentieth century by looking at the rationale for the relocations, comparing field-work research and formulating new research strategies for the future.
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Negotiating Identities: Inuit Tuberculosis Evacuees in the 1940s-1950s

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ebba Olofsson
Tara L. Holton
Imaapik "Jacob" Partridge
Études/Inuit/Studies, vol. 32, no. 2, Franz Boas et les Inuit / Franz Boas and the Inuit, 2008, pp. 127-149
Examines how relocation affected the identity of Inuit and other Indigenous people.
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Nineteenth Century Canada: Indigenous Place of Dis-ease

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nancy Hudson-Rodd
Health & Place, vol. 4, no. 1, March 1998, pp. 55-66
Examines the process of the loss of traditional Aboriginal lands and the impact on the people's overall well being.
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No Easy Answers

Alternate Title
E-Brief (C.D. Howe Institute)
Education Skills and Labour Market Policy
Policy Brief (Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy)
Documents & Presentations
John Richrds
E-Brief (C.D. Howe Institute)
Summarizes Community Well-Being Index information from the 2016 Census, argues for more policy attention on the issue of low employment, and provides disaggregated data each of the four sub-indices (income, employment, housing, and education). Related material:Policy Brief from Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
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Nomadising Sami Collections

Documents & Presentations
Eva Silvén
Discusses three national museums in Stockholm with different but interconnected collections. Paper from Conference Current Issues in European Cultural Studies organized by the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden, 2011.
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Northern Communities: The Prospects for Empowerment

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication (Boreal Institute for Northern Studies) ; no. 25
Ken Coates
Lynda Lange
John D. O'Neil
Harald W. Finkler
William E. Rees ... [et al.]
Occasional Publication (Boreal Institute for Northern Studies)
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Northern Dene Bibliography

Documents & Presentations
Ed Labenski
Sources are divided by two areas, "Chipewyan" (Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, North West Territories) and British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon and Northwest Territories, grouped together. Each area is then divided into a social and cultural section and a language section. Bibliography includes citations from the Hearne Bibliography. The article is current as of 1998.
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Not Wanted in the Boundary: The Expulsion of the Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Band from Riding Mountain National Park

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Sandlos
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 89, no. 2, June 2008, pp. 189-221
Examines the eviction of the Keeseekowenin Ojibway Band from a small reserve within the Riding Mountain National Park boundary in response to local economic development, tourism, and federal administrative priorities.
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Nunavut Interprovincial Migration by Place of Origin and Destination, 1999 to 2018 (3 tables)

Alternate Title
Nunavut Interprovincial In-Migration by Place of Origin, Annual, July 1 to June 30, 1999 to 2018
Nunavut Interprovincial Net Migration by Place Destination, Annual, July 1 to June 30, 1999 to 2018
Nunavut Interprovincial Out-Migration by Destination, Annual, July 1 to June 30, 1999 to 2018
Data » Tables
Nunavut Bureau of Statistics
Source: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) table #051-0045.
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Nutritional Problems of Native Canadian Mothers and Children

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael E. K. Moffatt
Canadian Family Physician, vol. 35, February 1989, pp. 377-382
Contends that resources are needed to educate and counsel First Nations people on nutrition in a culturally appropriate manner.
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The Occupation of Alcatraz Island: Roots of American Indian Activism

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Troy Johnson
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 10, no. 2, Autumn, 1994, pp. 63-79
Asserts that one of the most overlooked and important acts of activism was the occupations of Alcatraz Island (1964, 1969-70), which was for the participants, an expression of patriotism and self-determination.
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Of What a House Can Do: Notes on Houses as Agents in Social Change and Religious Transformation in the Contemporary Inuit Community of Qikiqtarjuaq

Alternate Title
INALCO 2009, Proceedings of the 15th Inuit Studies Conference, Orality (Paris, 2006)
Orality in the 21st Century: Inuit Discourse and Practices. Proceedings of the 15th Inuit Studies Conference
Documents & Presentations
Anja Nicole Stuckenberger
Comments on the combination of materiality and spiritual essence of Inuit objects and the integration of Western models of living into tradition Inuit ways. Paper from Orality in the 21st Century: Inuit Discourse and Practices. Proceedings of the 15th Inuit Studies Conference edited by B. Collingnon and M. Therrien.
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Old Bella Bella, Genesis and Exodus

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Philip M. Hobler
Urban History Review, vol. 28, no. 2, March 2000, pp. 6-18
Overview of the three phases in the 66 year history of Heiltsuk coastal village, known as Qelc, Old Town, or Old Bella Bella.
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Ordinary and Extraordinary Trauma: Race, Indigeneity, and Hurricane Katrina in Tunica-Biloxi History

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brian Klopotek
Brenda Lintinger
John Barbry
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, Special Issue: Indigenous Locations Post-Katrina: Beyond Invisibility and Disaster, 2008, pp. 55-77
Describes how some individuals, of theTunica-Biloxi tribe, came to terms with their feelings of grief and rage after hurricane Katrina.
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